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it was late at night. her apartment was completely dark, no lights except the bright screen of her laptop. it was blinding, and her vision hurts to be honest, but she works well at night rather than at noon.

she was in the living room of her apartment, not wanting to disturb her boyfriend sleeping in the bedroom. a blanket over her head, yura was scrolling on her laptop, looking for job positions as a multimedia or graphic designer.

"haneul enterprises? why would they need a graphic designer?" she mumbled to herself, furrowing his eyes suspiciously at the screen.

sighing, she scrolled over it. seeing the next offer, she scrunched her face in cringe. "pornroom? ugh, no thanks." she hissed, scrolling over it without applying. it wasn't the porn that disturbs her, she doesn't judge in that context, it's the fact she'd probably have to edit people's bodies that made her uncomfortable.

"starship advertising? sure." she mumbled, entering her resume into the offer after a small amount of time researching the company.

she spent about an hour in the website, signing to offer a place in every company that interested her, which wasn't that much to be honest.

"baby, why are you up?" his hoarse voice called, and she spotted him walking out of their bedroom tiredly, half naked as he always was when sleeping.

she gave an assuring smile, rubbing her eyes. "i'm just looking for a job." she told, cursing herself when she felt her heartbeat accelerate at the sight of his cute figure.

"at this time at morning?" he asked, glancing to the clock that said it was one thirty am.

she chuckled forcibly. "i work better at night."

he walked up to her, taking a seat behind her so she was sitting between his legs. he hugged her from behind, snuggling into her back cutely. "mhm.."

she bit her lip, heart beating faster by the second. she knows he still has the ability to make her heart race, and she wants it to stop.

finding herself unfocused because of his touch, she closed the laptop, placing it on the desk in front of them. she shifted in her position, turning around so that she would face him.

with tired eyes, he smiled at her, the smile that still makes her heart race all over again.

"i love you," she whispered, knowing he heard her, "you know that."

her tone was genuine, sincere, but she had a lump in her throat that told her otherwise. admittedly, she was testing him, testing if he'd still reply her the same, maybe, just maybe.

he smiled at her, and again, her heart raced.

"i love you too."

and his tone was genuine.

maybe i was mistaken. maybe it wasn't him in the bedroom. maybe it was just one time, a mistake.

maybe i was wrong.

yura felt like she wanted to cry. but instead, she smiled, and she pulled him into a deep kiss.




"finally, i've been working nonstop for 48 hours straight, now it's break time." renjun sighed, plopping onto the couch in tiresome breaths. interning at woollim advertisements was tiring, they gave him work that interns weren't even supposed to do. but he heard of this beforehand, they only accept the ones able to take on the pressure.

jeno scoffed. "damn, no need to flex that hard on me." he spoke, a mocking and bitter undertone in his voice. "where's jaemin?"

his friend shrugged, biting into a chip. "he had to shoot this one baby named jameson or something. a british family i think."

he nodded in understanding, switching the tv on in boredom.

just a moment of silence after the conversation, the door creaked open. "sorry i'm late, jameson was being a bitch." he told, taking off his shoes before entering the house and sitting on the couch.

jeno chuckled, sitting on the floor. "do you call all babies bitches or is jameson a special case?"

jaemin scoffed. "jameson is an extra bitch. that kid had the nerve to laugh at my hair and call me a smurf, like bitch, i'm a god."

"stop calling little kids bitches, jaemin, it's not healthy." renjun rolled his eyes. "how's jisu?"

jaemin grinned at the mention of his girlfriend. "she's great, thanks. how's donghyuck?"

the boy scoffed. "we broke up."

jeno and jaemin both turned to the boy in surprise. they were an it couple, the love hate relationship was lowkey cute. they really thought they were gonna last.

"reolli?" jeno asked in surprise.

he nodded. "he got hots for that frat dude, um, mark i think his name is." he told lightly, as if he wasn't affected by it.

"damn, sorry man." the blue haired boy told, tapping his shoulder in comfort.

"nah it's fine, i got bored of him like a month ago anyway." he assured, rolling his eyes carelessly.

jeno coughed. "but hey, you swing both ways so there's double the fish in your sea." he tried to assure, making the boy chuckle in amusement.

"yeah i guess."

silence overcame the air around them, and the three focused on the tv instead, occasionally crunching on a chip or two. they watched the screen intently, focusing on the plot of the show.

"jeno, you still don't have any gigs?" jaemin suddenly asked, turning to the boy on the floor.

he shrugged. "nah."

"wanna work in my studio? they're short of some editors behind the scenes." he offered.

jeno shrugged again, lightly pouting. "yeah, why not?"

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