twenty eight

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it was sunday, the most boring day of the week. although it was the weekend, and it'll probably be such a heaven for most people, yura, as an extrovert, would prefer going out with someone. she already dressed up, but she was contemplating who to bring.

ten was probably busy with his café, so is wonwoo. shuhua told her she's going offline for a week because of a project. junhui barely checks his phone, and jae's busy with training. she thought of the three new regulars at the café, but she shook the thought, considering she wasn't that close with them other than jeno, and she hung out with him yesterday.

brightening with an idea, she scrolled on her phone to look for jisu's contact. as she was about to click to call her, an unknown number flashed on her screen.

she furrowed her brows, about to pick up when the number suddenly disappeared, signifying the person hung up before she could pick up the call. "weird."

exiting the contacts, she decided to inspect her call histories, reading the number.

the number that called her was familiar.

all too familiar.

"no way." she breathed, almost dropping her phone. sighing, she shook her head, trying to rid of all her dumb thoughts, before walking out her room.

as the elevator stopped in the lobby, she exited the lift and began walking out the door with a dazed look on her face. minho, noticing her strange look, couldn't help but stand up and hold her shoulder.

she jumped at the sudden contact, then relaxed when she saw it was only him. "oh, minho, what's up?"

"no, what's up with you?" he asked back, eyes thinning suspiciously at her. "you look dazed."

she shook her head assuringly, a weak smile on her face. "nah, just zoning out."

although unconvinced, he still nodded and let her go.

but after pondering a while, she bit her lip and turned to him. "hey, minho, is chan around?"

the guard nodded. "uh, yeah, he's in the security room, why?"

she shrugged. "wanna go for chicken and beer later?"

he raised an eyebrow. "your treat?"

yura rolled her eyes. "fine."



"another round, please!" chan called out, raising his glass while the other two cheered excitedly.

it was almost one in the morning, and the three had been occupying the small bar since ten. glass after glass after glass of various alcohol, including soju and beer, they were drunk out of their minds.

"fUck i hit my elbow." yura whined, holding her arm with a pout on her lips, frowning.

minho laughed at her, poking her cheek annoyingly while the girl only glared at him.

"y'all are such lightweights." chan sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"shut up! old man." she mocked, grinning teasingly at him, making him glare at her.

"yah, i'm only one year older than you." he told, flicking her forehead lightly, causing her to dramatically fall back to her chair.

"yeah!" minho laughed, snorting. "old man!"

"you're the same age as me, you punk!" he scolded, flicking his forehead also, causing him to fall back the same way. "give me your phone, i'm calling han."

the boy pouted, giving his phone to the older one. "i miss hannie!" he whined, making the girl next to him wince at his voice.

"shut up! your voice is too loud." she slurred, slapping his cheek lightly, making him glare at her.

chan sighed, bringing the phone to his ear. "hey, han, it's chan. yeah, minho's here, don't worry." he said, glancing at the boy in the corner of his eye. "he's drunk right now, can i drop him off at yours?"

yura giggled drunkenly, pinching the drunk boy's cheek in awe. minho groaned, slapping her hand away with a whine. "i have a boyfriend!"

her laughs shortened and she looked at him with a pout. "i used to have one too." she sighed, frowning.

"stop it, yuyu, that ass doesn't deserve you!" minho scolded with a light glare.

yura laughed. "yuyu?"

"ah, okay, sure sure." chan talked to the phone, nodding reflexively. "alright, thanks."

as he closed minho's phone and gave it back to him, he turned to the girl with a confused expression. "how about you? anyone to contact?"

yura tapped her chin, then opened her mouth to mention ten, but the ringing from her phone cut her off. she took out her phone, squinting to read the blurry words.

chan sighed, pulling the phone from her. "here, i'll do it." then he pressed the call button and brought it up to his ear.

"yura? are you awake?"

the voice was unfamiliar to chan, but he shook it off. "hello, i'm chan, yura's friend."

"..oh, is yura there?"

"yeah, she's here. drunk, but here."

"she's drunk?" his voice was puzzled, as if the fact was unexpected.

"yeah," he sighed, glancing at her, "you're her friend, right?"


"can you pick her up?" chan asked, voice hesitant. "i have to drop off our other friend, and we're walking, so.."

"uh, i guess. where are you?"

chan began telling him about their whereabouts, and with a thank you, he hung up the phone. sighing, he turned to the two, who were giggling at each other.

"now we wait."

don't need your love ° jenoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora