twenty nine

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jeno's eyes widened as the blonde boy shook the girl off his arm, as if moving her to his instead. chan had both minho and yura hugging each of his arm when he spotted the boy, so to ease a burden, he pushed so yura was now latching onto jeno instead.

"again, thanks so much for helping," chan sighed, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. "i wouldn't have known what to do if i was alone."

yura frowned, turning to him while her arm was wrapped around jeno's. "why don't you take me home?"

the older boy sighed. "for the last time, yura, i don't live in your apartment. i only guard there."

she pouted, but nodded in response, resting her head on jeno's shoulder as her eyes began to close. the boy reddened at the sudden contact, eyes widening as he turned to the girl.

his shock didn't go unnoticed, and chan gave an amused chuckle. "well, i'll be off dropping minho," he excused himself, waving at the pair while the half asleep boy was on his arm. "bye! see you, yura."

she nodded at him, yawning while she still rested on jeno's shoulder.

"where's your apartment?" jeno asked, turning to look down at her, but found himself looking away nervously when he realized the small gap between both of their faces.

she shook her head, pouting. her reddish short hair was a mess, and she huffed out a few locks that got in her lips. "i don't want to go home," she whispered hoarsely, "everything there reminds me of him.."

although it was much lower than a whisper, jeno still caught it. he sighed, ruffling her hair gently.

he placed a hand on her waist to help her straighten her posture, and they walked side by side. "then where do you want to go?"

she shrugged, not really paying attention to him.

he cleared his throat. "is it okay if i bring you to my place?" he asked, flushing at his own question.

she grinned sweetly, looking up at him. "of course, i trust you, jennie." she teased.

he scoffed, ignoring the flustered feeling in his chest. "what's with the nickname." he mumbled, making her laugh.

"you better like it though, jennie," she grinned innocently, "i spent hours with my two drunk braincells coming up with that."

he sighed, then turned to her. "whatever helps you sleep at night, yura."

the walk to his place wasn't long, it was quicker than she expected. he lived in an apartment building, same as her, but in a different one, on the opposite direction from the convenience store.

the two went up the elevator, earning some looks, but he only gave a sheepish smile to everyone who wonders. his apartment was about a similar size to hers, only with a bit less furniture and more stock of food.

he dropped her on his couch, gently of course, and helped her get comfortable in a sitting position. "wait here," he told, to which she only smiled.

he headed to grab a bottle of water for her, and maybe a blanket in case she falls asleep. when he returned, she was making herself at home, but wasn't drunk enough to not be aware of the situation around her.

"here, drink up," he ordered, sitting on the table to face her, and smiled as she gulped the water. sighing, he turned to her. "why did you drink, yura?"

she rolled her eyes, face red from all the alcohol. "i remembered something i don't want to remember." she breathed out truthfully, pouting at him.

his eyes softened. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

she frowned, shaking her head, as she plopped against the couch. "you know, my parents forgot about me."

he stayed quiet, but sat next to her on the couch and began to set the blanket on top of both their laps. she mumbled a quiet thank you.

"what do you mean?" he asked gently, afraid to hurt the fragile state of her.

she shrugged. "i honestly don't know myself," she admitted, "it was about a year after i started college. they never called, they never wished me a happy birthday, they never visited."

"and when i went home for the holidays, their house turned out to be sold already. and they blocked my number." she told, not even processing her words herself.

it was a bit worrying to see her so composed while telling him, especially when she's drunk. aren't drunk people supposed to get emotional? or cry all night? at least that's what his experience with jaemin tells him.

sighing, her body slid weakly until her head was on his lap. "i miss them."

he frowned, pity in his eyes. "..what are they like?"

she paused. "my mom likes to sing." she began, a smile started to grow on her face. "she plays piano, and she likes to paint, although she's bad at it."

by that time, his fingers unconciously made way to play with her hair, as he hummed in confirmation that he was listening.

"my dad's really smart," she told, chuckling a bit, "i think he knows how to speak, like, three languages fluently. but he used to work at a company, i don't know where though."

"i have a little sister as well," she grinned by now, "she's three, and she likes to sing because our mom always sings to her."

he chuckled, turning to look down to her. "they sound like good people."

she nodded vigorously. "they are."

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