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"can we talk?" his voice hesitant but worried, as he paused in his steps when his eyes met hers.

she froze the same way he did, eyes on him with a blank look on his face. yura didn't want to face him, she wasn't ready to be reminded of it again. because what he said, it stuck onto her.

"..m-my shift ends in half an hour." she stumbled over her words, not knowing why she told him.

he nodded, a small sense of relief in his chest. "i'll wait. can i get a glass of water?" he told, then turning to his friends behind him. "what do you guys want?"

the two skimmed over the menu, one turning to yura first. "oh, it's you." the one she remembered as jaemin said with a smile, greeting her lightly. "i'll get the same as last time."

"no, you'll get four shots only." jeno ordered sternly, assuring the health of his friend.

"fine, eomma." he mocked.

the last one can't seem to decide, skimming over the chalkboard menu a few times. after a few seconds, he sighed, rolling his eyes. "just give me whatever." he told.

ten came in, approaching them. "i can help with that," he said, gathering the attention of the three customers. "do you prefer sweet or bitter or bland?"

renjun shrugged. "sweet, i guess."

he nodded. "alright."

yura turned to her friend. "what will you give him?" she asked, looking for the price to put.

"the crushed delight." he answered, referring to one of their soda drinks.

she nodded, putting in the price and turning to the three. "that'll be nine thousand won, please."

as jeno paid for the drinks, the other two walked around in curiosity, jaemin being it he wasn't able to last time as it was busy, and renjun being the first time here. they walked around to find a table when the familiar voice of renjun's mother tongue caught his ears.

he turned around, finding a bickering pair of a girl who looked like she was in the middle of a breakdown and an older boy who looked like he was scared of what she could do.

"excuse me," he said in chinese, making the two turn to him in surprise.

they gasped dramatically, simultaneously. "a chinese!" then they raised their arms at the same time, eyes widened at him.

"renjun, what are you- oh jun hyung?" jaemin spoke, seeing the familiar face.

junhui snapped his fingers, pointing a shaking finger at the boy. "j-j-ji-jim-jimin-"

"it's jaemin, hyung." he gave an amused smile.

"ah yes, that was what i was about to say." he brushed it off like it wasn't anything. "what are you doing here?"

"um jeno dragged me here." he explained shortly, then looked around. "is this place good?"

"yes, of course, yes, the best, best place." shuhua stuck two thumbs up, gaze intense as she tried to convince the boy of her subtle promotion. "wait, who's he again?"

jun turned to her. "he's jisu's boyfriend."

"ah, damn, i wanted to get her number, to be honest." she admitted defeatedly.

"shut up, you have a crush on a guy ten-" he felt his mouth shut as she slapped her hand on it, face reddened.

"sHUT UP GIRLS ARE CUTE." she exclaimed.

the three settled in a table not far from the counter, and after ten placed each of their drinks on the table, they enjoyed their drinks silently.

"so why are we here again?" renjun asked, turning to jeno specifically. jaemin shrugged beside him, turning to the latter as well.

when he avoided their eyes, jaemin scoffed.

"he wanted to apologize to a girl he made mad." he mocked, making him glare harshly at him.

renjun furrowed his brows. "who's the girl?"

jeno sighed. "she went to my college and we met again a few weeks ago."

"do you like her?" jaemin asked bluntly, wanting to know where this is leading.

"she's a good friend, that's why i'm apologizing." he explained, then ranted about the few nights they met.

his friends nodded in understanding. "why even try to help her?"

"her boyfriend's cheating," he started, making the boys pause and nod in understanding, "and she doesn't believe that."

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