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"you're tired."

"OH JESUS F- jisu, you scared me." he sighed, holding a hand to his chest to calm his racing heart. he breathed out, turning away from the papers on his table to face her.

the girl chuckled, bumping her shoulder with his teasingly. her smile made her eye scrunch thinly, and she pointed a finger at him.

"you're tired." she restated once more.

jun sighed. "jisu, i'm fine."

jisu glared at him lightly, unconvinced. "eyebags, dirty socks, messy hair, the same clothes as you wore yesterday. you've been studying all night." she inspected, making him a bit insecure of his appearance.

he pursed his lips. "i'm fine." he mumbled with a small pout.

she rolled her eyes, approaching him quickly. once next to his desk, she closed his books and grabbed the papers, along with his backpack which was filled with documents. "i'm restricting this until you get at least full five hours of sleep."

"jisu no! my assignments!" junhui wailed dramatically, reaching his hands out to reach for them.

she shushed him, the look on her eyes dark, and she slapped the light switch, turning it off. "sleep, oppa, you're tired. the eyebags on your face says so."

he sighed, running a hand down his face as his eyes began to close. "fine." and then, childishly, he hopped and plopped his body onto his bed, diving face first into his pillow.

jisu chuckled, slowly closing the door. "good night."

choi jisu, or julia whichever you prefer, was always like this. she was a caring one that everyone around her loved, she was considerate to the point she'll burden herself for the sake of others. on one side, jun was grateful to have a step sister like her, but at the other, he was sometimes annoyed at how people treated her just because she's kind to everyone.

he wanted to teach her to fight back, maybe punch a guy or two. that'd be cool.

as soon as his face hits the pillow, he was off to dreamland. surprisingly, the five hours passed by like a breeze, even managing to squeeze in an hour and a half adding into it. it was the calmest sleep he's had in a while, and he has jisu to thank for it.

when he woke up, it was between noon and evening, and he finally felt the hunger that's been bothering him since last night. yawning, he climbed out of bed and walked downstairs.

jisu was dressed up, in a white blouse and jeans, hair half up, with make up. he glanced at her, still half asleep. "hmm, where are you going?"

"oh, you're awake." she smiled at him, putting on her heels. "i'm going to meet my boyfriend. your files are in my room."

"oh, uh, jimin-"

"jaemin, oppa." she chuckled, rolling her eyes lightly. "we've been dating four months and you've known him even before, how can you still not remember his name?"

he gave a sheepish grin. "well have fun."

she smiled at him, waving cheerfully. "i will!"




yeh shuhua was walking. she just finished her cram school lessons and she was heading for the café to have a quick break. as her destination was in the other direction, she had to walk pass her university, which surprisingly, still has some students around.

she hummed while her feet swung along the steps, and she gripped her folders between her armpits. she had one earphone in her ear while the other hung loosely, for the sole purpose that she could still hear the outside around her.

then she passed an alleyway, and for some reason, it gave her a bit of chills.

"hey, isn't she the one from business?" a gruff voice sounded, but she kept walking, trying to ignore them.

"oh, the rich one? damn, she got a nice ass."

by this point, she was uncomfortable, biting her lip. reflexively, her steps became much faster than before, but still walking, not to the point it'll alarm the people talking behind her.

"hey, girl! you with the tall heels!"

she stopped in her steps, eyes shaking already. but despite so, she cleared her throat, turning around to be polite. maybe she shouldn't judge people based on their looks, maybe they're nice.


"yeah, you," they started to walk towards her, making her step a few steps back in caution. "can i get your number?"

she bit her lip. "uh, no. i'm sorry."

"oh come on, girl. you're hot, let me get some." he smirked, his friends cackling from behind him.

she shook her head, stepping back and ready to turn around. "i said no, i'm not interested."

he started to snark, looking at her in distaste. "just give me your number, you bitch-"

"oh, hey shuhua!" a sudden voice interrupted his sentence, making them turn to the source.

jae park in all his mighty chicken body was, surprisingly, her savior. he waved quickly, approaching her hurriedly and slung an arm around her shoulder. "you're going to ten's, right? great let's go!"

without giving time for a reply, he walked her away, rushing a bit so the guys won't approach them anymore.

when they were out of an earshot, jae lowered his head to whisper. "are you okay?" he asked, concern in his voice. "i had to hurry up and get you outta there cause there's no way i'm winning a fight with them with my chicken arms."

shuhua looked down, letting out a breath as she somehow felt the arm around her shoulder warmer than usual. "yeah. i'm fine." she replied, somehow breathless.

she was grateful for the dark night sky that he wasn't able to see the red in her face.

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