Rose Thorn ❖ (Draco Malfoy...

By misstonii

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ON GOING - RE-WRITING 2024 What was it that made the girl so extraordinary? Was it because she was a Harry Po... More

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By misstonii

Edited: 18/11/2021

The students were all in the middle of exams and Camille was studying extra hard far away from the Slytherin Common Room whether it be the library, the hidden rooms of Hogwarts, the astronomy pitch or even by the Black Lake. 

     In truth, Camille wasn't striving for high grades, she just didn't want to come in contact with Draco Malfoy. She kissed him...they kissed. She didn't know how she felt about it yet. She knew Draco would get the impression that she was avoiding him because she was embarrassed by the kiss. She wasn't embarrassed. She knew that. Camille had other things on her mind, too much pressure all the time. 

      A couple nights ago Camille had dared venture into the Forbidden Forest, meeting with Sirius Black as his animagus form to not alert the dementors. She'd promised to stand by him and now her focus was on that.

      With Draco, she didn't know if she loved him or loved the fact that somebody cared about her. She even wondered if he truly did. It was hard to tell and she wasn't exactly gonna run to Cedric looking for answers to questions she felt embarrassed by.

      Camille walked through the Castle looking out for the familiar trio she so desperately needed to follow. She saw a flash of red that was Fred Weasley. She continued down the route that led to their Care of Magical Creatures class and to her fortune she found them. All three of them. 

     "What's going on?" Camille asked, watching as Hermione cried into Ron's chest, his other hand clutching his pet rat, Scabbers.

     Harry turned to her, offering a sweet smile despite the melancholic sky. "Malfoy ordered Buckbeak to be executed."

     "Oh." Camille said at first. Oh? She thought then after that she must've sounded insensitive. "That's awful."

     "Ouch!" Ron yelped, dropping Scabbers who must've just bitten him. He then began running after that stupid rat of his, Hermione calling after him. Camille chuckled at first, deciding to jog alongside Harry. 

      The three stopped still as they spotted Ron squatting before the Whomping Willow, completely oblivious as he'd caught the rat. 

      "Ron! Run!" Harry yelled out to him, eyes wide as the branches began to twist in turn in their anger of someone's trespass.

     Ron slowly looked up, his own eyes widening yet for a different reason. His finger rose, pointing to them. Not to them, behind them. "Run!"

     Camille turned to find something she so particularly wasn't afraid of. The Black Dog of Sirius Black. He ran towards them, growling as he leapt over them and Camille watched, unsure of what to do since she'd clearly fulfilled her promise of bringing them to him without even trying. Not at all. It was mere coincidence that they'd found themselves like this.

     Sirius began dragging Ron by the foot toward the Whomping Willow and Camille tried not to laugh. She knew he wouldn't hurt him but she also knew she had a role to play. She began screaming Ron's name as if she feared for his life.

      Harry and Hermione were running forward, straight into the angry temperament of the Willow. Camille didn't. The last thing she wanted to do was be thwacked by the heavy arms of the tree. She turned, running in the opposite direction, not as a coward but to find someone to help them. Professor Lupin, obviously.

      It hadn't taken Camille long to find him, for Professor Lupin was either in two places, his DADA classroom or his office. She found him in his office, sitting with his legs up examining the Marauder's Map in hand. He looked up at her as she gasped, catching her breath from sprinting. "Sirius needs you, they're in the Whomping Willow!"

      In a quick swiftness, Lupin slid past her and she followed in pursuit all the way through the Whomping Willow and the tunnel that seemingly led to the Shrieking Shack. There was shouting in a room up the stairs and Lupin turned to her. Camille nodded, "That's them, in there."

      Professor Lupin burst through the doors, Camille lingering by the doorframe, her eyes now on a transformed Sirius Black with the same scraggly hair and tatted Azkaban uniform as always. 

      "Expelliarmus!" Professor Lupin called, expelling Harry's wand from hand as he leant over Sirius. He motioned for Harry to move over who quickly obliged, his eyes scanning between Lupin and Camille. "Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

     "Well you'd know all about the madness within wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius spoke back, a lingering hint of sarcasm in his voice as he gazed upon an old dear loving friend.

     Remus lowered his wand and with a slight smirk he pulled Sirius to his feet, hugging him in the instance. 

     Sirius laughed, muttering amidst the neck of Remus, "I found him."

      "I know. I understand." Remus answered him, patting his back as they resumed to face the trio.

     Sirius turned to Camille who began to walk forward. Sirius patted her shoulder, his maddening laugh such a form of gratitude toward the girl. "Thank you, dear one, for leading me to him, for fulfilling every promise you gave me. Now, let's kill him."

     The trio were staring at her, eyes wide in disbelief. Hermione burst out, "No!"

     "You?" Harry began, Camille offering saddened eyes. He didn't understand, how could he? Of course to them she looked like the villain. "How could you?"

     "Don't you see..." Hermione continued, "He's a werewolf and she...Camille, what have you done?"

     Camille wanted to say something, anything, but she couldn't find the words. Remus proceeded to talk to Hermione, confirming her accusations. 

       Harry glared at Camille. "And you? How long have you been helping him?"

      "Before we even begun our third year." Camille answered and Remus cocked his head a little, his first time hearing this too.

      Camille refused to look at Ron, her childhood friend who probably now despised her more than anything. 

      "I did my waiting, twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius yelled back to his friend right after being scolded to wait.

      A second after Sirius had told Harry that Peter Pettigrew was responsible for the death of his parents, another being entered the room. A shadow. Professor Snape who expelled Sirius' wand from hand. His eyes were calculating, trying to understand as he switched looks between Sirius and Remus with Camille who stood in between them.

      "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle," Snape began, wand pointed at Remus. "...and now, here's the proof."

     "Brilliant, Snape. You put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual you come to the wrong conclusion. It was Camille Diggory who let me into the castle, actually." Sirius began, circling closer to Snape as Camille remained by Lupin's side. Snape's eyes were hard on Camille, disbelieving of the words that had come from Sirius' mouth. "Now if you excuse me, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend."

      Snape hardened his wand on Sirius' neck and both Remus and Camille flinched. "Give me a reason, I beg you."

     "Severus, don't" Remus begged slightly, pushing Camille behind him.

      Both Sirius and Remus began to quarrel, Snape continuing to press on before Harry stood up, expelling not only Snape's wand but knocking him unconscious. "Tell me about Peter Pettigrew."

      Camille stood there, listening to the story of Peter Pettigrew and soon their focus turned to Ron. 

     Not Ron, Scabbers. 

     Peter Pettigrew was a musty man who must've lived as a rat for so long his mannerisms had become like one.  Sirius yanked him away from Harry and soon Peter turned to Camille, his hand attempting to graze her cheek. "And much like your mother, Eden."

     Both Sirius and Remus now yanked him away from her before he could lay a finger on her skin. They were seconds away from killing him when Harry stopped them, claiming to take him to the dementors. 

      The followed the passage back toward Hogwarts. Camille stood beside Remus, watching as Sirius spoke to his god-son for the first time, properly with kindness. 

      "You did the right thing," Remus told Camille, her eyes landing on his face of approval. "Your mother would be proud of you."

     She smiled, genuinely, yet soon a sadness flickered across her face. "I miss her even though I don't remember her."

       "You may not remember her but that doesn't mean her memory is disappearing from you." Remus continued, "She's in your heart and she's in your spirit. I see it. Sirius sees it. I'm sure your father sees it."

      "He doesn't particularly like me."

     Remus tilted his head a little. "He does. He just sees Eden in you so much that it scares him. He's scared to lose you because it'd be like losing her all over again."

      Camille paused, a tear sliding down her cheek. She'd never hugged any Professor before but she couldn't refrain from hugging Lupin. He hugged her back for a long while but soon his fingers twitched. 

      "A full moon!" Hermione called out to Sirius.

      Camille pulled away from Remus, staring into his eyes which were transforming from mortal eyes to the deep black eyes of a wolf. There she stood like the dove intertwined in the grasp of a wolf. Claws were protruding from his fingers, piercing her skin a little. He wasn't trying to hurt her, the moon was forcing his transformation. 

     Sirius called her name, Ron yelling it straight after as if she didn't hear.

     There stood Remus Lupin on hind legs, fully formed as a wolf and before him stood the young girl, frozen.


A slight cliffhanger for this week's chapter but we know the story, ahaha!! See you next chapter and don't forget to vote and comment on your favourite parts!!

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