Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

53.6K 2.4K 1K

Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
24: Furioso Mafioso
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
29: His Truth
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

6: More Information

1.2K 61 13
By emmanesiadior

Trying to upload a chapter a day for y'all 

Enjoy ❤ and let me know what you think!

"You sure you want to do this? I'll let you back out now if you want."

Jordan shook his head. "I'm good. I haven't given up the life just yet, lemme work my magic."

"Aight." Devonte chuckled. "Do what you gotta do playa."

The brothers did their little handshake before Jordan exited the car and walked into the already bumping party. Devonte pulled off and drove a few blocks over to a quiet little street. He parked up outside a house he'd rented so that in case something went down at the party Jordan was infiltrating, he and his crew wouldn't be too far behind.

Tonight they were making strategically planned moves and this plan in particular might've been their best bet. Sworn members of gangs were threatened not to rat at all cost (no matter who or what for, it was forbidden and people who went against this code paid the ultimate price) so Devonte knew even if he found one of the guys he was looking for, he probably wouldn't talk - maybe on his deathbed but what good would that be, especially if that man happened to be the leader? The leader was to die slowly and in as much pain as possible. Because of this, Devonte thought it would be best to go for the next best thing; girlfriends.

The men he'd killed days ago all had women in their life. He wasn't sure if they'd even got to the party under the circumstances but if they did it would hopefully work out perfectly. They'd be vulnerable, less of a guard up - that's where Jordan would come in. The youngest Wilson boy had been blessed with his late father's gift of sweet talking (Devonte had it too but he would rarely let it show). Jordan could get any girl he wanted and he knew it. It could be a simple single lady to a married cougar looking for one night of ecstasy - he'd seen it all and he wasn't one bit ashamed of his gift.

While Von went inside the house and handled other means of business with his crew, Jordan was weaving his way through the party and greeting certain people as he made his way through. When he reached his friends, he decided to chill for a while so he wouldn't look suspicious but he wasn't going to drink tonight since he'd need a clear head in order to fulfill his mission. His eyes continuously scanned through the many people that were in attendance until forty minutes later he finally saw one of the women he was looking for. He smirked and tapped one of his friends.

"Who's shawty over there in the red?"

Quan looked at where Jordan was pointing and chuckled. "She's taken man."

"Not what I asked. You know I don't care if she's got a man or not, if they want me but they're in a relationship then I won't make the move unless they do."

"You wild as fuck." Quan mused. "Angelica I think her name is, she's a junior at New York."

"Angelica..mmhmm. Excuse me then while I pay miss Angelica a visit."

With that, Jordan stood to his feet and dusted off his outfit. He then started walking through the crowded living room area, going straight towards where the girl stood against the wall with a red solo cup in hand. When he approached her, she slowly looked up from staring at the ground blankly and Jordan flashed an inviting smile to help make her feel comfortable.

"Excuse me miss, I hope I am not disturbing you. I just saw you from across the room and had to come over and introduce myself. It would be a shame to let such beauty go unnoticed."

He flashed an even wider smile that made her weak at the knees. Angelica was feeling some type of way because she hadn't heard from her "boyfriend" in days but then here comes this very attractive and flattering stranger.

"Oh um no, you're not disturbing. And uh thank you."

"So does a beautiful woman such as yourself have a name?" He subtly smirked knowing that he was definitely getting somewhere.


"Angelica." Jordan repeated. "Sexy."

A comfortable silence fell upon the two of them as they stood there staring at each other - that was up until Jordan broke it.

"I may be getting a little ahead of myself, but would you like to get something to eat with me? I was going to head out anyway with some of my boys. You can bring some people if it'll make you feel more comfortable, this party just isn't really my vibe tonight."

The words rolled off his tongue with ease. Of course it was all made up but he said it so smoothly that anyone would believe him, even a lie detector test.

"It's not really my vibe right now either." Angelica admitted with a low chuckle. "Why not? Let me go find my girls though, I'm sure they want to leave as well."

"Cool. I'll grab my guys and meet you the front in ten."

_ _ _

Jordan Wilson

When we met back up outside, the group of us headed down the street to Waffle House. Luckily for us there were only a few people inside which made finding a table that much easier. We ordered our food and chilled, getting to know each other more. I made sure to pay for Angelica and put a lot of my attention on her in hopes to coax some information out of her; that way I wouldn't have to use force. It would be a shame if it came to that because she is in fact a very pretty girl.

By the time we went to leave, we were all going our separate ways. I hadn't gotten much information out of Angelica so I invited her to stay with me and we could go do something fun. She agreed. In reality it was all a plot so I could get her back to the house and the crew could get answers out of her. I'd be going against the grain in this situation though because from the few hours I've spent with her, I've realised that she's very naive and innocent and clearly got caught up with the wrong guy, so I'm going to make sure no real harm comes to her. Devonte will probably have some shit to say about it but I could care less.

"So you're an only child?" She asked as we started walking the few blocks back to the house.

"No, I have an older brother. You?"

"The one and only." She giggled. "My parents never really wanted a big family, so after they had me they both underwent surgery so that having more kids wasn't possible. I've always wanted a younger sibling though."

Now I can see where some of that naivety would come from. She's an only child, one that probably had a sheltered life and was protected from any little thing. Probably had parents who guarded her as much as they possibly could. I can see college life being her out, her way of finally being free from being sheltered from the big, wide world around us.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

That question came outta nowhere.

"No. I have hoes, not a girlfriend though."

"Typical." She laughed. "But why not though? I mean you seem like a cool guy, someone who has their shit together and will treat a girl right."

"I just haven't found what I'm looking for I guess, plus I am very careful with females and who I associate myself with in general."

"Why's that?"

Right before I could answer I felt a presence behind us. I frowned and swiftly pulled the glock from the waistband of my pants, right as Angelica let out a shriek. The gun was smacked out of my hands which made me even more pissed until I saw who was standing there. I glared at him hard, only for him to bust out laughing.

"Yo what the fuck Von?!"

"Pipe down lil nigga. You were taking your God damn time so I took shit into my own hands. I want answers and I want them now, I don't give a fuck anymore."

Then I noticed Angelica's lifeless looking body in being placed into the backseat of one of the cars that had just pulled up. Her chest was slowly rising and falling, letting me know she'd clearly been sedated. There was also a blindfold over her eyes and her hands had been bound together behind her back.

"Von I did this mission for you, now I want you to promise me something."

He raised his eyes brows. "Now you know I can't agree to that without knowing what you want first."

"Devonte she's innocent, I know she is. She may have information you want but I'm not about to let you beat or torture it out of her."

"Oh don't give me that boohoo bullshit."

"It ain't bullshit, she's innocent and I'm fucking telling you this!" I said, raising my voice a little. "She got caught up with the wrong dude Von. I know it. Please, just don't hurt her. Promise me. You know I wouldn't ask if I thought otherwise."

"Fuck whatever. I'm not about to argue with you. If she gives me the information I want then I'll spare her, if not then she's piranha food."


"Nah that's my compromise so you better hope she has some good shit, now get in the car."

I sighed and got in the backseat with her unconscious self. We went straight back to the house where everything was already set up like an interrogation room, except a lot scarier to the average person. A whole forty minutes went by before Angelica began to stir and then freak out since the blindfold was still on and her hands were bound, along with her feet. She screamed before tears started rolling down her cheeks from underneath the blindfold.

"Bro just hurry up and get this shit over with, you putting her through more than she needs to."

"J-Jordan?" She choked out, beginning to sob.

Devonte looked at me and shook his head before motioning to the boys to take off the blindfold. As expected she looked around but when she saw me standing next to my brother, her eyes went wide and she froze. She didn't know who Von was but she was staring directly at me in disbelief, like I was a traitor, like I'd led her into a trap - which I guess I kinda did but I won't let anything happen to her.

"We're gonna take these ropes off you, okay? But I'm warning you, one wrong move by you and I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes."


"Shut up Jordan!"

These are the moments I hate because you can never get through to him. He's just so cold and ruthless all the time because of the way his mom and our dad brought him up. He's been in and around the game for so long that he's just used to being this way. Granted he'll show emotion sometimes, which is a vary rare occurrence, he's generally always blank with his expressions and short with his words.

Angelica sat completely still once the ropes were off her. I could tell she was scared and didn't know what to do or who to trust at this point. I knew she'd taken Von's words seriously however.

"Do you know who I am?" Devonte asked, folding his arms and staring down at her.

She gulped and shook her head.

"No? Well your boyfriend did."

I watched her eyes sparkle with fear and her chest began to heave up and down as the tears welled up in her eyes. The look on her eyes alarmed me when Von mentioned boyfriend. It was like she dreaded it, like she was scared of the word. Of him.

"Von wait, please."

He turned to me. "Man what?"

"Let me talk to her real quick."

"What? No-"

"Let me talk to her and then y'all can do what you want."

He chuckled but nodded his head. "Aight."

He and his boys walked out of the room and I took a seat by Angelica who slightly moved away from me. Damn. I guess I deserved that though.

"Listen to me. He doesn't have a problem with you, it's your boyfriend he has a problem with because dude crossed him. They won't hurt you, I won't let them, I promise. Just answer their questions and it'll be okay. And I'm sorry for having to put you into this but I'm certain if one of the others grabbed you then you wouldn't be in such a nice position right now."

She stared at the ground for a minute or so before finally deciding to speak.

"Greg isn't my boyfriend."

My eyebrows knitted together. "What?"

"We were but I broke things off with him a whole year ago but then he threatened me. Threatened my family, my friends. He forced me to stay with him, to do things to him. Everyone thinks we are together when we're not, he forced me into everything!" She broke down completely, sobbing hard.


"Wait here."

I practically ran out of the room and into the hall where Von and the boys were standing. They went to walk back into the room but I immediately pushed them back.

"You can't hurt her. Von promise me that. You can get your answers and do what you have to do with that information, just don't hurt her."

"And why shouldn't I hurt her?"

"He abused her."

Just as I'd expected, his expression changed. One thing we did not tolerate was a man beating on a woman. If anyone in Devonte's camp was caught or exposed about beating on a woman, they were dealt with accordingly - most of the times that being their hands broken or fingers chopped off. It goes the same for a woman beating on a man, though it's very rare in our life, pretty much nonexistent. Von sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"You're sure?"

"The look in her eyes Von. She's not lying. What good is her lying anyway? Either way you'd get answers from her and monitor her movements sometime after. She has no reason to lie."

He nodded. "Alright. We'll take it easy then, but it's gonna have to be you and me questioning her. She trusts you and is more likely to speak up to you than she is to me. The boys can wait out here." 


Questions + Responses:

Jordan and Angelica in MM

Her name is pronounced An-gel-lee-kah 

Jordan is an opposite to his brother, though they share similarities..

I think our boy might a have a lil crush 🤣 he made sure she wasn't going to get hurt by any means necessary lol

Y'all think Devonte got the information he was looking for?

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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