
By EllieKay394

15.7K 352 139

What happens after Lindsey gets possessed by Darkness? The balance between good and evil is at stake. How fa... More



1.7K 29 1
By EllieKay394


That's how long I've been trapped inside my own head. Watching someone else living my life through my own eyes. A life, by the way, I would not be living if I was the one in control right now.

But no, the wonderful menace that is in control is the one and only Darkness.

I've been watching her evil plan come to life through my own eyes. Heard her thoughts in my own head.

She doesn't really talk to me. Not that I want her to talk to me, but it gets pretty lonely in here.

The best times for me is when she decides to watch Ninjago and see what they're up to.

After the fight against the Overlord, a lot of the city was ruined. The people used this as an opportunity to reflect on their past and build for their future.

A man named Cyrus Borge became greatly known. He is an incredible inventor and led the people to change Ninjago City into New Ninjago City. It become the center of great technological advancement. He was the perfect person to start this change considering his own technological achievements. One of the best being the robotic legs he built so he could walk.

Oh yeah, he was born paralyzed from the waist down.

The building for these achievements was Borge Industries. An enormous skyscraper that was built in the exact location of where Garamtron once stood. I think they did it as a way to show any evil forces that they would always rise and triumph over evil.

They invented everything from hovering cars, to robotic street patrol. They also invented amazing defense systems once the ninja told them that darkness was still at large.

Oh yeah, the ninja.

Once darkness controlled my body to fly away on my elemental dragon, the ninja looked tirelessly for me. But so far no luck.

Darkness has a hidden base on the outskirts of Ninago, underneath the Lost City of Ouroboros. The snake now live beneath Ninjago city, so it's completely unoccupied. She doesn't leave very often. Only the spy on the city. And she's never spotted! Here's why. She can form her dark clouds around her and completely disappear. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but it never fails her.

One time she was bold enough to watch the ninja directly and I saw my brother for the first time in months. I was so happy to see him, but also sad that he couldn't see me. But I think on some level he could feel that I was near by because he stopped talking to the others very suddenly and turned to look behind him, but obviously saw nothing.

It's a twin thing.

I feel like I failed him. He said he believed in me, that I could contain the darkness, but I couldn't. But not only that, I feel like I wasn't there for him as much as I could've been during the final battle. He had to fight our dad! But I was so busy switching from Lindsey to Devourer venom Lindsey, that I wasn't there for him as much as I could've been. I just wish I was more helpful to him.

I've been trying this whole time to gain the control back, but no such luck. She's immensely strong! I know the First Spinjitzu Master was strong, but the fact that he was able to overthrow her, shows me once again how strong he truly was.


Let's talk about what Darkness has been working on this entire time.

For the first few weeks she was using her dark energy and the essence of evil remaining from the Final Battle to try and recreate the Overlord.

It was a slow process that was proving ineffective. She would be able to get the basic composition, but never the full thing.

Then finally a few months ago, this happens.

"No use!" She screams suddenly, "even if I manage to bring my son back, he won't be the same. And I need his memories intact in order for him to help see my vision through."

She thinks for a few seconds before laughing evilly, "I need to get his ashes."

"You said that already." I deadpan

She groans, "yes, I know! But I've just had a wonderful idea of something else I must retrieve as well."

She wouldn't say what she meant by that no matter how long I pestered her thoughts. She finally shut me out. I couldn't see anything through my eyes and I couldn't hear or see any of her thoughts. She does this to me whenever I truly annoy her. But you know what? She annoys me!

I lost all concept of time as usual when I could finally see again. The fog opens up and see that she's flying on her dragon. My dragon? I don't know. It gets all very confusing.

It's pitch black outside. But it always seems that way with her.

She's flying towards New Ninjago City. The clocktower says it's midnight. The streets are empty.

The only source of light is the glow from the clocktower and the moon. All the lights in the city are off except for one buildings. Borge Industries. But that's not unusual. Someone is always there burning the midnight oil.

She circles the dragon up the building to the 100th floor, Borge's office. He's inside working on one of his newest creations. His robot assistant, Pixal, is the only other person there.

One of the windows was open, so darkness carefully lands the dragon on the ledge and makes it disappear. Then enters the office silently.

"Leave them alone!"

They had their backs to me. But Pixal being a robot and all, her security system starting alerting her.

"My security processors are alerting me of a break in." Says the mechanical voice, while darkness walks over to the desk and sits in top of it.

"Do you know how close?" Asks the inventor

"Closer than you think, sweetheart."

The 2 jump and turn to face her. Pixal is getting ready to call for back up security forces if needed.

"Who is that?" Asks Mr. Borge, "Pixal, scan her."

Pixal's eyes turn from green to blue and these beams of light shoot out of them as she slowly moves her gaze on her from top to bottom.

"Scan complete." The robot announces, "my systems are telling me that this is Lindsey Garmadon."

"No it's not!... I mean, yes it is. But no it's not!"

Cyrus Borge gasps, "she is the darkness!"

The whole time this was happening, darkness didn't do anything to stop it, or even try. Instead she just sat on the desk, smiling amusedly.

"She's quit an impressive machine, Mr. Borge." She says, cocking an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" He demands, "if you're looking for trouble than I should warn you that we have a splendid defense system and the Ninja are only a call away should we need them."

"No, no, let's not get the ninja involved. I have no use for them at this moment."

"Then why have you come?" Asks Pixal suspiciously

"Your skyscraper is as impressive as your assistant. But tell me, did any bumps occur during construction?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I mean, you did build on top of the remains of my child."

"Yes, we did it as a warning to any enemy that may come our way. We will always rebuild." Borge says proudly

"Indeed. But seeing as I am darkness, I am connected to all evil sources. And lately I've been feeling something drawing me closer. I've just figured out it was to this place."

The 2 glare at her, "you already said we built on the ashes of the Overlord, so that shouldn't be surprising to you." The robot assistant explains

"Because if he was truly gone than this drive wouldn't be happening. You see, I think a part of my son survived when that brat beat him and now you have him."

"Don't call my brother a brat!"

"That's preposterous!" He exclaims, "we do not have the Overlord here."

"The Golden Ninja defeated him!"

Darkness stared at them, eyebrow still raised. Clearly waiting for them to admit to something, "nothing? Don't want to admit to anything?"

"No because there's nothing to admit!"

Darkness shakes her head and sighs, "fine, have it your way then."

And with that darkness uses her powers to disappear. And by disappear I mean went inside the darkness in the room.

Yes that's one of her powers. She can not only create those evil cloud things and turn things evil like Garmatron, she can go inside any dark space as her ultimate stealth mode. This is how she goes about spying on the city or ninja without ever being noticed.

Inside the dark is a weird thing to experience. Everything around you is black, like silhouettes. You can see people or building or whatever else, but it's all black forms. You can also hear everything like normal. But no one can see you or hear you.

Darkness walks around Borge's office in the dark, looking for something. Sensing any evil source she can.

"Where did she go?" Borge asks

"My processors are still picking up on her dark energy. She is still close by."

Darkness continues searching around the office.

"What exactly are you hoping to find?"

"I know something here remains of the Overlord."

"Yeah, you said they built the building on his ashes." I deadpan

"Not only that."

"Whatever you say."

She suddenly goes over to one of the computers.

"This!" She says triumphantly

"Well bless my stars, the Overlord became a computer." I deadpan

"You are quite the obnoxious one, sweetheart."

"Thank you!"

Darkness puts her hand on the computers and the screen starts flashing.

"What's going on with the system?!"

The screen stops flashing and lands on a purple screen. Then 2 eyes open up, huge yellow and red ones.

Darkness makes herself visible again, "Overlord." She whispers evilly

"Darkness! It worked. You have returned."

Hearing the 2 voices wheezing and screech together was a terrible combination. Both very annoying, but I'd still say darkness was worse because of how high pitch she is.

"Yes, and now we must start the next phase of the plan."

"What will you have me do, Darkness?"

"Unfortunately, you no longer have a body because of that Golden Brat,"

"Stop calling my brother a brat!"

"So we will have to figure out how to get that back... and I think I know just the way."

She turns to Cyrus and Pixal.

"So not only did you both lie to me, you also have him stuck inside your system?" She asks stiffly

Borge sighs, "his body may be destroyed, but he himself was trapped in the Digiverse."

"And you were trying to figure out a way to destroy him before he could free himself? Delete his code?"

Neither of them say anything.

"Well, I will be willing to put this behind us considering I need you for the next part of my plan."

"Whatever it is that you need, I won't do it." The inventor says stubbornly

"You'll come around. And actually I have something that will help convince you now."

"What is it?" He asks nervously

Darkness smiles, "Overlord," she turns back to the screen, "you're in their system. Would you be able to do something to jumble with the processors?"

"Certainly." He laughs

The screen goes black, but suddenly a bolt of energy runs from the computer to all the other inventions in the office, including Pixal.

Suddenly, the Overlord's eyes appear on all the screens all over the office. Pixal stood frozen.

"Pixal?" Borge asks, "what have you done?"

"The Overlord has rebooted your system with him in charge." Darkness says simply

"My creations!"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure it's terrible, but we don't have time for this right now. I need you listen up. I need a new army, thanks to those pesky ninja. And you're going to make it for me."

"Why would I do that?!" He demands

"Because I'm in control of your system now. The Overlord does my bidding. So either you make me my army or he deletes all of your work."

He gasps, but doesn't say anything.

"Dude, Blackmail is a low blow."

"So what's it gonna be?"

"I won't help you!"

Darkness looks down and shakes her head, "wrong answer." Then she looks at the computer screen, "Overlord."

The Overlord laughs evilly. Another burst of electricity goes into Pixal and her eyes turn bright red. She snaps her head to the side and stares at Cyrus Borge.


She walks slowly towards the inventor. Her hand shoots out and grabs his coat, then she yanks him up into the air.

"Woah, she's freakishly strong!"

"She's a robot, sweetheart. She's built that way!" Darkness' voice was super condescending

Borge was dangling above his artificial legs, grabbing at Pixal's hands.

"Pixal, stop!"

But she didn't respond.

"Want to change your answer?"

"I won't help you!" He says again

"Have it your way than. Pixal."

The robot walks towards the open window.

"Oh my gosh! Stop! This is too far!"

Pixal's face remains expressionless as she holds her creator outside the window on the 100th floor.


"Stop it, Darkness!"

"You're out of options, Cyrus. What do you say now?"

Mr. Borge struggles in the air for a second, but stops. If he even managed to get free, he would fall and be no better off... actually, he might be slightly better off agreeing considering the other option ends up with him dead.

He sighs in defeat, "alright, I'll do it." He says helplessly

"Excellent choice!"

Pixal remains emotionless as she pulls Cyrus back inside the office and puts him back in his chair, rather forcefully actually.

Darkness was practically giddy. The Overlord was laughing quietly.

"Well then Mr. Borge, you get started on that right away. I have other business to attend to in order for my plan to commence, but I'll go ahead and leave Overlord with you to keep an eye on you." Then she turns to the computer again, "just while I figure out how to get your body back, okay?"

"Of course Darkness." He says obediently

"Wonderful!" She exclaims, "oh, and you can go ahead and turn the robot back to normal. He's going to be needing her help."

The electric pulse jolts Pixal one more time and her eyes go back to green, "what is happening, Mr. Borge?" She asks, looking rather puzzled.

But no one answers her because they only watch Darkness walk back to the window. She jumps out, forming the dragon to catch her midair, "I'll be seeing you all soon. And remember Cyrus, I'm watching you."

And with that she flies away.

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