The Purest Touch

By drippy_gay

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Jungkook, who is living in his adoptive father's legacy of running Korea's most dangerous Mafia with his brot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Not a Chapter//Read it!!!

Chapter Four

299 12 10
By drippy_gay

"Is everything ready?" Jungkook's words sounded rushed and tired, he couldn't sleep last night in fear of what was happening to Jimin. "Yes, the protection crew is on standby at the funeral place if needed, and will come as soon as notified." Suga spoke swiftly trying to avoid the gnawing feeling in his stomach.

 Jungkook and Suga made their way to the car parking garage at exactly 7:30 pm on the dot. When they arrived they were met with only two cars in the parking lot, their's and who they assumed to be the people who held Jimin and Tae captive. They removed themselves from the car and stood at the trunk, Jungkook had a gun on him, which he has never done before. He obviously knows how to shoot a gun, however he's never killed or shot at anyone, following in his dad's footsteps of being the purest of the impure. Today he might change that all for Jimin.

The guy in the driver seat began to open his door and walk around to the back where Jungkook assumed he'd bring Jimin out. He was correct. Jimin stood blind folded and he had a tank top and shorts on, as opposed to his black suit with a blue undershirt that he wore to the funeral. Jungkook gritted his teeth when his eyes wandered to where hickies decorated his collarbones. Suga noticed them too and took a step in front of Jungkook before speaking, "What do you want from us?" The guy just laughed at his words. 

"I don't want anything from you, just to inform you that you'll never be safe from us, and we will always be able to find and hurt your loved ones. You can have him back, but trust me he's damaged goods now." As soon as he was done speaking a man got out of the car and wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and walked him halfway to Jungkook. Jungkook didn't miss how Jimin froze when the man wrapped his arm around his waist.

"I'm sure by now you know who I am, Alex, head of the drug cartel and the man holding Jimin is my right hand man Rm." The man finished talking as Rm let go off Jimin's waist. He immediately began limping to where Suga and Jungkook stood. Jungkook grabbed him and held him as much as he could before he winced. He bent down in Jimin's ear and asked him what happened before Jimin just whimpered out a pathetic, "r-raped me."

 Jungkook's whole body tensed and before he knew what he was doing he pulled his gun out and had it pointed to Rm's head. "You raped him?" Jungkook spit out through gritted teeth. Suga looked back to see Jungkook holding the gun and gasped. "Jungkook put the gun down, this isn't the place." Suga tried to reason with Jungkook but knew he failed when they heard Rm chuckle and began to speak, "I wouldn't call it rape, he definity enjoyed it." Before he could get another word out Jungkook shot him. All that was heard was the gunshot and then Rm hitting the ground.

Alex stood there looking unphased and unhurt at the fact that his right hand man laid on the ground dead in front of him. "Well I saw that coming, he never knows when to shut up." Suga and Jungkook looked dumb founded as to why Alex wasn't retaliating. "Anyways I shall be going, remember Kook, I'm always one step ahead of you." Before Alex had the chance to step back into the car Suga began to speak, " We aren't done, you still have Tae." Alex looked at him before closing the car door again. "Do you want to tell them Jimin or should I?" Alex spoke through a smirk and it made Suga grow angry, "Tell me what?" He spit out the words through gritted teeth. Jimin looked away from Suga and down at the floor. 

"Tae decided that he wanted to stay with us, he doesn't want to be a servant to Suga's needs and he knows that he'll be safer here." Alex spoke calmly. Suga gritted his teeth once again and snapped, "Bullshit, he's mine I want him back." Suga was trying so hard not to let his sadness show through but he was slowly failing. Little did he know Tae was in the back seat of the car with Alex's dad.

Tae watched the scene fall apart in front of him, and he knew he should go back, if anything for Jimin. He was so tired of being Suga's sex slave but Jimin was his bestfriend and he needed to protect him now more than ever. He slowly made his way out of the car, Alex's dad following after. He made his way out from behind Alex and so did Alex's dad.

 Tae whispered in Alex's ear, "I can go back now." Alex gave him what looked like an 'are you sure' look and he just nodded. Tae made his way to the other side but instead of finding Suga he found Jimin and hugged him. Tae heard every scream Jimin let out last night and he so badly wanted to hurt whoever was paining him. He was going to stay with Alex and get intel on him for Jimin, Jimin knew this and agreed even though he didn't like the idea. Jimin was happy to see he changed his mind and hugged him back.

"I see he changed his mind, but for Jimin, not you." Alex snickered at the angry shock filled expression on Suga's face. Before Suga could speak Alex spoke up again, "This is Alexander, my actual right hand man. My father, also Jungkook's father." Jungkook snapped his head up from looking at Jimin and stared between Alex and Alexander for a moment. 

"He's not my father Ty is my father and you are not my brother Suga is." Jungkook snapped and tried to steady his breathing before shooting three people on the same day. "I am your father Jungkook, I worked for Ty's mafia crew and with Jimin's mom Julia, running drugs to the cartel for him." Jimin's head also snapped up at the mention of his now dead mom's name. "So you're the one that took the drugs and had my mom indebted to Ty's mafia. You're also the one that killed Will, his right hand man." Jimin sounded beyond furious as he spoke and everyone looked towards him mouths dropping agape at the new found information that no one but Jimin seemed to have. Except Alex and his dad of course.

"Yes, I took the drugs from Julia and lied saying she never gave them to me, which in the end had her indebted to Ty, and when Will found out me and Laura made a plan and I killed him. Then Ty's people burned our apartment complex down when we were on the way back from the hospital after Jungkook was born. Laura died but I escaped and ran away to the Russian cartel where I spent the rest of my secret life with Alex's mother and then we had Alex. Then we ran it together as Rm as my cover, but now that I've killed Ty and Julia with the help of Alex, I don't have to hide anymore." Jimin's anger only rose as Alexander spoke, he was finally standing in front of the man who had caused his family all this pain and had his mom killed.

Without thinking, Jimin grabs Jungkook's gun and points it towards Alexander and Alex points his gun at Jimin. "Stop!" Jungkook yelled trying to have Jimin back down even though he knew it was pointless, part of him wanted Jimin to pull the trigger, but the other part knew that it would change Jimin forever and he couldn't let that happen. Jungkook slowly grabbed the gun from Jimin and took his spot with the gun pointed to Alexander's head and Alex's gun pointed to his temple now.

"You took everything from me and still have the audacity to claim to be my father." Jungkook snapped at him, having all the urge to pull the trigger. "You hurt the one person that i've wanted to be with in a really long time to the point he hates me." Jungkook's words were coming out laced with anger and hurt and it was very obvious how angry he was when he started to push on the trigger. Before he could push it all the way down he froze at Jimin's words, "Jungkook don't. It's okay, please you don't have to do this, it's okay." Alex chuckled at Jimin before lowering his gun, "We both know he doesn't have balls to actually shoot him, after all he is his father. It's the bo-" Before he could get the last word out Jungkook shot him and then Alexander.

Jimin stood frozen and scared, he didn't know Jungkook was capable of killing people, considering he's never done it before. He just killed three people and Jimin is scared to even look at him now. Jungkook called Jin to clean up the mess and then he made his way back into the car. Suga, Tae, and Jimin follow in step. It's 9 pm when they finally make it back to the house and Jungkook asks Jimin to join him in his bedroom, Jimin despite being shaken up at the moment agrees and follows him. Leaving Suga and Tae to stand awkwardly around each other.

Jimin and Jungkook make it to his bedroom and Jungkook suggests a shower for Jimin and he just nods going into Jungkook's bathroom that's attached to his room. Jungkook set a pair of boxers and shirt in the bathroom with a towel for Jimin and left and sat on the bed and waited for him.

Jimin's thoughts were racing in the shower, he knew Jungkook had never killed anyone and because of him he just killed three people. Although that scared Jimin it kind of made him happy that Jungkook wanted to protect him. Thoughts raced through Jimin's mind as he finally stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Making his way out of the bathroom his eyes fell on Jungkook.

He comes back after his shower, his soft skin radiating off and making my skin tingle. Jimin gets blushy seeing me stare at him. He's so beautiful. His soft hair wet with warm water, dripping down his face. I stand up and look at him, his eyes finding mine very quickly. He stares a bit too long, but I don't mind. His arm reaches up to my face and slowly rubs my cheek. I grab his hips and pull them a bit closer. I can see the small marks RM left on him when his shirt rises a bit. I don't show my hurt because Jimin would notice and he'd get upset.

 RM took his virginity and I wanted to take it. Hopefully he lets me do these things so i can show him the love he deserves. I run my hand against his hips and he flinches, probably bruises. I make a mental note to have j-hope grab some aloe or medication. I grip his hipbone and I get down on my knees, seeing his bruising. I kiss it very gently.

"Can I make this time count please?" I ask in a soft caring voice. He mumbles something. I ask again, nicer, softer. He says yes, putting his hands in front of his face, covering his blush. I lift him up under his thighs and he wraps his legs around my waist. I then lay him on the bed. His boxers have a tint in them as I grind myself against him, slowly, not to hurt him or make him feel pressured. I kiss along his neck and lick his collar bones. I kiss his nose and look into his eyes.

"I think I've fallen for you, Cookie" he says in a heartbeat. I close my eyes and embrace him. I held him for a little longer than I expected. His dick brushing against mine. I roll over so he's on top, straddling me. He touches my face again softly, I'm sure he's looking for worry. I smile at him and he does the same back. He gets up completely and gets between my legs, his breath hitting against my pants, he unzips it and unbuttons it. I stare at him while he slowly comes back up and straddles me. I lean myself up against the wall and he smiles. I smile back at him and wrap my arms around him. I kiss him, longingly. He kisses back without a doubt. I silently throw my arms into the air with happiness. Before furthering on, I removed his shirt and boxers, with his permission and then I gently move my arm down to his ass and grab it, making him gasp.

I find my way to his hole, gently putting my finger inside. The water helps lube it up a bit but not enough. The lube is on the dresser, so I pop the cap and spread it everywhere on my fingers. I put my first one in, until the knuckle. I move my second finger in as well. It's tight so I have to make sure Jimin is okay. Three go in, I think he's ready.

"Are you ready, baby boy," I asked in his ear, softly biting it as well. He nodded softly which then provoked me to remove my clothing then lubing my dick up a bit, smiling and licking his earlobe. He nods, blushing even more, he slowly leans down onto my cock, feeling every inch, he leans backwards, and moans slightly. I push it inside him more, my hips moving up inside him. I grab around his chest and he moves himself fast, up and down, repeatedly. I gasp loudly and moan, ringing throughout the room, he moans as loud as he can, his lungs screaming from pleasure. I grab his head and kiss him, my tongue finding his and circling around it. He kisses me back and puts his hands on both sides of my face. He rides me so fucking good.

"Fuck baby" i say in a very wobbly tone. My high coming up to greet me, I make Jimin stop and I move him under me. I put myself back inside him. He covers around his chest, where his hickeys are. I frown at the thought of RM doing those things to him but I want him to feel the ultimate pleasure. Madness runs into my mind as i fuck into jimin as hard as i can. Jimin screams in pleasure as I feel myself hit his spot.

"I'm close," Jimin says and I slam my hips into him. The hot wet cum splatters onto his stomach as he cums, tightening around my dick as i cum into him as well. Once we both come down from our highs, we cuddle a bit, my dick still inside him, slowly I pull out and the cum oozes out. I kiss him. We break the kiss and just stare before I suggest we take a shower.

After Jungkook carried him to the shower and washed both Jimin and himself off and then they went back to Jungkook's bed and slipped under the covers. "Jimin, there's something I need to talk to you about." Jungkook spoke softly as he held Jimin close to his chest. Jimin hummed in response urging him to continue. "A lot of stuff happened today Jimin. You've been brought to much pain because of me and I don't want it to happen anymore." Jimin felt Jungkook sigh and lifted his head to see tears welling in Jungkook's eyes.

 "Kookie, please don't say what I think you're going to say." Jimin's voice wavered at the thought of what Jungkook is fixing to say. "Jimin, sweetheart, as you know since day one I took a liking to you. I know it's cliche and weird, but it happened and I tried so hard to make you comfortable here, and I know I didn't do a good job. I know you hate me, or did, or I don't know, but I really tried to come to terms with my feelings and they always came back to wanting you. However I think it's only fair to set you free, you deserve to be free, you've lost enough because of me and people tied to me and I don't want to take your freedom as well." By the time Jungkook stopped talking, tears had fallen onto his cheeks and Jimin was silently crying himself.

Jimin wiped Jungkook's tears away as Jungkook wiped his away. He got onto Jungkook's lap and started to stare at him. "I know that I've held a hatred for you for quite some time, and I know I act as if I'm uncomfortable, and it took me quite some time to adjust. However I do know that I care for you more than I had hoped for. I tried so hard not to fall but I did and I can't stop. My mom is dead. My dad is dead. I almost lost Tae.

 I can't lose you. It's only been a month and yet I've grown so fond of you. I know you feel like you've taken a lot from me, because that's what I said, but honestly it wasn't your fault, you followed your legacy. You killed people for me and I know you've never done that before. I appreciate every little thing, I don't want to leave, however I'd like to stay as something that's not a servant, not that you allowed me to actually be one." Jimin chuckled at the last part, earning a grin from Jungkook who Jimin was wiping away tears for once again.

"Jimin if you're absolutely sure you don't want to leave then i'd like you to stay, but in my bedroom, with me as mine." Jimin smiled at Jungkook's words but his nerves all of sudden rose when he remembered that J-Hope would notice. "But what about J-Hope?" Jungkook told Jimin not to worry about it, that he could handle it, "I just want to be with you, nothing else matters." Jimin hugged Jungkook tight before getting off his lap and then cuddling until they fell asleep for the night. 

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