Blood Ties- BTS X Hogwarts AU

By Kate111205

19K 949 880

It is the start of a new year at Hogwarts. Jeon Jungkook just wants to skate through his first year without... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Merry Christmas! 🎄
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
New book- 'Aftermath'
Thank you for 5k reads! 💜

Chapter Nine

547 33 9
By Kate111205

It was a good thing that Jungkook was still happy about Jimin getting into the Slytherin Quidditch team, because when he arrived at Potions 20 minutes late, he was given one of the biggest scoldings in his life. Even though Taehyun, Tae, and Hobi had tried to explain that Jungkook was indeed feeling a bit sick, and had to go see Madam Pomfrey, Snape had taken 10 points from Ravenclaw, then proceeded to glare at the boys. When Jungkook had finally arrived, he was berated for being late. Jungkook was rather hurt by the words Snape used against him. That's saying a lot, seeing as his own parents were really adept at dishing out insults as well.

So it was natural that Jungkook was in a bad mood when the Ravenclaws met up with the Hufflepuffs outside on the fields for their flying lessons. He was happy that Jimin joined the Slytherin team, but flying high above the ground on a flimsy stick, where a gust of wind could probably knock anyone off the broom, and where he could get splatted on the floor like a broken egg just wasn't his idea of fun. Then again, he had never flown before...

Hobi was trying to show anyone that was interested what his mother had sent him the night before. "She has already gotten used to Owl Post! I'm so proud of her! Look! Look!" and he thrust the object into Jungkook's face. Normally he would have been interested, but today? He was kind of annoyed, to say the least.

"Oh come ON Kookie! Lighten up! We're learning how to fly, AND we're learning together! Kookie!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Hobi sighed. "Well, I just wanted to share what my mother gave me..." he muttered sadly.

Jungkook was the one who sighed now. "Oh, alright! What is it?"

Hoseok's face brightened immediately. "Look! She sent me this!" And he pulled out a small pin. It looked like pure gold, and Jungkook could see it meant a lot to the other boy.

"This was my grandmother's..." Suddenly, Hobi's voice took on a somber tone. "I remember her wearing it back when she was still alive... I haven't seen it in a while, and maybe even forgot about it... but my mother was cleaning, and she found it and sent it to me because she thought I would like having it as a kind of reminder of my grandmother." He stopped for a few moments. Then his face brightened slightly. "But I'm sure she would have liked you, Kookie! I'm sure she would have loved all of.. THIS." He gestured around. "I miss her... but I think she is happy right now. I think she is happy that I'M happy...."

Jungkook nodded slightly, smiling at the other boy. He couldn't feel mad or annoyed anymore when Hobi was so hopeful and happy. "Of course she is happy Hobi!" He slung his arm around the other boy.

"Alright! Everyone listen up!" Madam Hooch called loudly, interrupting them. "I do not want ANY messing around today, alright? Be good!"

All of them nodded, having heard what had occurred yesterday, and not wanting to repeat the sorry tale of the Gryffindor/Slytherin flying lesson.

"Please go and choose a broomstick, and line up in a row. Quickly!" They all hurried to do as Madam Hooch said. "Now, put the broomstick on the floor, and hold your hand over it. Now, with as much confidence as you can summon, say UP!"

All around Jungkook, choruses of "UP! UP! UP!" could be heard. Most of the broomsticks stayed stubbornly on the ground.

Jungkook sighed. At least he wouldn't be the only one to fail miserably at flying. He took a deep breath. "UP!" he shouted, as confidently as he could.

The broomstick sprang into his outstretched hand. Jungkook's eyes widened. He looked around at the others. Only Taehyung's broomstick had left the ground.

Hobi's eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration as he willed his broomstick to leave the ground. It didn't.

Taehyun frowned in concentration as the broomstick didn't seem to be responding to his desires. He didn't like to be bad at things. "UP!" The broomstick stubbornly stayed put.

Terry had given up already. "Yeah, I don't think I want to learn how to fly anymore..."

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other. They shared a smile.

Madam Hooch sighed. "Well then... if you haven't succeeded in this... Anyway, please pick up your broomsticks manually I suppose. Alright! I want you to get into groups please!"

And so they did. Madam Hooch went over basic flying skills and techniques, and warned them not to be reckless, or she would have their hides. Well, she didn't EXACTLY say that... but it was close enough.

Jungkook gave a thumbs up to Hobi, who was now shaking in apparent fear. "You'll be fine!"

Hobi gave a shaky smile in return.

"Now, all try to rise! On my whistle! ONE! TWO! THRE-"

She was cut off by the sound of Hoseok's yelps. His broomstick had risen before Madam Hooch's whistle rang out, and suddenly Hobi was twenty feet above them, and rising.

"Get down here now!" shouted Madam Hooch. "Come down!"

"I-I can't!" came Hobi's quavering voice. "It won't let me!"

"What DO YOU MEAN IT won't let you? COME DOWN!"

It was no use. Hobi suddenly slid off his broom, and fell. He hit the floor with a sickening thud, and all was quiet. The broomstick did a few more spirals, then landed neatly on the ground, as if-as if someone had gently laid it on the ground.

Madam Hooch bustled over to Hoseok's side. "I can't believe this! Two times in two days! Now," and she turned menacingly to the gathered Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, "I DO NOT WANT ANY TROUBLE! Do you understand me? I must bring this poor boy up to the infirmary, and I do not want any fooling around or reckless playing! Do NOT get on those broomsticks! Whoever does... will be expelled. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes Madam Hooch!"

"But- Madam Hooch... Will Hobi be alright?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"Yes, of course he will be. Now be good!"

She scooped up a groaning Hoseok, and bustled off.

There was silence. Then Jungkook heard something. Was it-laughter? He turned towards the noise, and there was Minguk, laughing. He was holding his wand, and twirling it round and round and round. He was clutching his broomstick in his other hand. Jungkook suddenly knew. MINGUK had done something to Hobi's broom.

Minguk glided over to them on his broomstick. Jungkook glared at his older brother. Many of the first years shrank back. Either they had heard of Minguk's reputation, or they had suffered directly at his hands. Minguk kept laughing. He flew over on his broomstick, lazily swaying back and forth while grinning at the assembled Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

"That mudblood got what he deserved! If only he had fallen from a greater height..." Minguk looked disappointed. "How are the flying lessons going? Learn anything new besides the fact that some people just can't seem to do anything right? Like that boy who just got taken to the infirmary for instance? Hmm? Itsy Bitsy Kookie! How are you? We haven't talked in a while!" Minguk grinned at his fuming brother.

"Minguk! Yo-you made Hobi's broom malfunction on purpose!"

"Whaaaat? Oh Kookie! Why would you ever say that about your own brother? It breaks my heart! I would NEVER do anything as horrible as making a- oh, but never mind that! And I see you've even got a pet name for your filthy Mudblood! Ha! Hobi... Soooo amusing!" He flew in a circle lazily, grinning.

"MINGUK! DON'T-YOU-DARE-CALL-HOBI-A-MUDBLOOD!" Jungkook couldn't contain himself any longer. He grabbed his broomstick.

Beside him, Taehyung was doing the same thing. They both were grabbed from behind by Taehyun and Terry.

"What are you doing?" Taehyun hissed. "You're going to get yourself expelled! That's just what he wants! Don't get yourselves in trouble!"

Jungkook and Taehyung shared glances. But- Minguk had insulted Hobi! But- Taehyun was right as well.

Minguk kept circling them. "What?" he taunted. "You're too scared to come after me? Or-I got it! You really don't care about that so-called "friend" of yours do you? Oh my! How sad he would be if he heard you didn't even TRY to stand up for him! Oh well! Oh?" Minguk suddenly veered towards the floor. What is this?" For he had picked up a shining golden object off the floor. "A pin?"

At this, Jungkook and Taehyung both jumped on their broomsticks, zooming towards Minguk, who's eyes widened slightly. He quickly regained his composure however, and laughed as he zoomed away on his broomstick. "You want this? Come and get it!"

"What are you doing? Come down! You're GOING TO GET EXPELLED!" Padma Patil shrieked.

"And we wouldn't want that, would we boys?" Minguk smiled at the looks of fury on Taehyung's and Jungkook's faces. "Because that would be soooooo sad!"


"Give what back? This?" And Minguk threw the golden pin. It flew through the air. Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged glances, and nodded. They both dived for the pin.

Jungkook heard someone shrieking in the background. He couldn't really tell. All he felt was the thrill of rushing downwards with the wind against his face. So THIS was flying! His eyes scanned for the golden object, and he spotted it.

"THEY'RE GOING TO CRASH!" Lisa Turpin shrieked. Indeed, it seemed that the two boys were going to crash into one another, when Taehyung pulled out of the dive spectacularly. He hovered on his broomstick. Jungkook kept going, as if on a head on collision with the ground.

Everyone collectively gasped. Then Jungkook leveled off, clutching something in his hand. It was a small golden pin. He smiled triumphantly, turning to Minguk, but he was already gone.

There were more gasps. Jungkook turned, and his heart sank. Professors Flitwick and Sprout were making their way towards them.

"Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook!" Professor Flitwick called. "Please come here now!"

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged glances. They were in SO MUCH trouble.

The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs could only stand mutely as they watched the two dejected boys shuffle slowly away.

They entered the Great Hall, and separated. Jungkook followed his Head of House, while Taehyung went off with Professor Sprout.

"Jungkook..." Flitwick said in his squeaky voice.

"Professor Flitwick! I- I'm so sorry! I-"

"That was some nice bit of flying you did there!"


Professor Flitwick kept trotting quickly. "Come along, come along!" He stopped outside of the Transfiguration classroom.

"Minerva! Minerva! I'm quite sorry, but can I borrow Roger Davies for a bit?"

Professor McGonnagal nodded slightly, and a few moments later Davies came out.

"Davies! I think I've found you the perfect Seeker!"

Jungkook looked perplexedly from one to another. Was he going to be expelled or not?

"Him? Well, he's got the right build... Is he any good?" Roger asked.

"Yes! You should have seen him before! Pulling out of a dive so spectacularly! AND he caught such a small object so quickly and accurately! Why, with him on the team, we will positively crush the others!"

"Alright Professor Flitwick!"

"And YOU!" Jungkook started. He had been sure that Professor Flitwick had forgotten him. "You are lucky that you're so good at flying! The gall! The nerve to pull stunts like that! Nearly stopped my heart I say. Well! You are free to go!"

Jungkook was confused. "Am I-am I expelled Professor Flitwick?"

"What? Good heavens, no! Haven't you been listening? You're on the Quidditch team! You will be our Seeker!" And with that, he walked off, muttering something under his breath about being scared half to death by his students.

Jungkook let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He wasn't expelled! He was- Wait. He was-he was on the QUIDDITCH TEAM?!?

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