Serena's Sun and Moon

By randomamourshi

101K 2K 551

Ash and Delia are on Alola after Mimey won tickets for their vacation... While they are on Alola, a familiar... More

Serena's doubts...
Serena arrives on the Kanto region!
First night fright...
Meeting Professor!
Meeting Misty!
Everyone, say Hi!
Serious talk...
Helping Professor!
Presenting... Feebas!
Working hard!
Back to "normal"!
Back to compete!
Serena's determined!
My sun? My moon?
Meeting new people!
Together as a team!
The way home!
Arriving home!
Remembering good times!
Getting back to practice!
Looking good!
Thanks for all!
Difficult decision...
Ash's turn to remember!
Welcome back!
Welcome to the team, Milotic!
My Sun is set!
A fresh restart!
Serena's first gym battle!
Serena's officially back!
It's good to be back on stage!
Taking the next step!
Are you okay?
Stories connect, history begin!
Love for everyone!
Meeting everyone!
Battle, start!
A connoisseur's knowledge!
I'm sure!
Final stages!
Bye tournament, Hi new journey!
Heading our way!
Hello, Johto!
Showmatch? More like a show!
Memories... A lot of them!
Hello Bonitaville!
Contest, here we go!
I told you I've improved!
What do you want to tell me?
Come with me...
Making a decision...
You did it!
You made it!
New horizons!
Nice to meet you!
I'm rooting for you!
Final's heat!
Come on, Dawn!
Are you joining me?
I want you to cheer for me!
It's started!
Friends connect!
The freestyle way of showcasing talent!
Me? Alone?
New goal for me!
Helping out?
Welcome to this world!
I've arrived!
Going back to Oak's!
Hello again, everyone!
Showcase time!
The plan!
I've got news to tell you!
Saying goodbye is not always easy...

Talking about love...

1K 16 9
By randomamourshi

The last battle of the day ends with a close call between two trainers.

"That was a heated battle!" said Dawn.

"It sure was!" said May.

"Let's head to the pokécenter?" asked Serena.

"Let's go!" said Iris and Sawyer, in sync.

Iris and Sawyer blush.

"I can see why they've become a couple..." said Cilan while laughing.

Iris and Sawyer blush harder.

"I think I'm going to stay in the city for a bit..." said Dawn.

"Okay!" said May.

"Be careful..." said Cilan.

"I will! Anyone want to come with me?" asked Dawn.

"I would like to, but I'm exhausted..." said May.

"Me too..." said Miette.

"I will be at the Pokécenter to take care of my pokémon.." said Serena.

"I will be at the pokécenter helping Iris to think about a strategy..." said Sawyer.

"Aww! How cute!" said May, with glittering eyes.

Iris and Sawyer blush.

"Dawn... If you don't mind me... I would like to go with you..." said Cilan, worried.

"You sure? I will probably go shopping for some things..." said Dawn.

"I'm sure!" said Cilan.

"It's fine by me..." said Dawn.

"So let's go!" said Cilan, smiling.

Miette, Serena, May, Iris and Sawyer went to the pokécenter.

Cilan and Dawn went to the city.

Cilan and Dawn are seen walking up and down the city.

"So Cilan, what have you been up to?" asked Dawn.

"I'm just visiting cities and meeting new people!" said Cilan, smiling.

"What about you?" asked Cilan.

"I'm still working to be a Top Coordinator..." said Dawn.

Cilan smiles.

"Want to eat something to talk about what we've been up to lately?" asked Cilan.

"It would be great!" said Dawn.

Cilan smiles.

They stop at a near café.

"Here is your croissant..." said Cilan while handing Dawn a croissant.

"Thanks!" said Dawn.

"So, who are you travelling with?" asked Dawn.

"I'm travelling alone right now..." said Cilan.

"Doesn't it get lonely?" asked Dawn.

"To be honest... It gets lonely sometimes..." said Cilan while looking to his croissant.

"Why don't you join someone on their journey?" asked Dawn.

"I don't know... After I left Ash and Iris I haven't really met anyone to travel with..." said Cilan.

"I've been travelling with May for quite a while now..." said Dawn.

"What do you think about travelling with Iris again?" asked Dawn.

"She is travelling with Sawyer, isn't she?" asked Cilan.

"She is..." said Dawn.

They both start to think for a bit.

"Nah..." both said at the same time.

"But hey, Ash and Iris look like they both have found some lovers... What about you, Dawn?" asked Cilan.

"I... I... I..." Dawn was stunned.

"Relax... You don't have to rush things! Things will come naturally!" said Cilan.

"Thanks Cilan..." said Dawn.

"What about you? Do you have someone already?" asked Dawn.

"I... I..." Cilan was stunned.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." said Dawn.

Cilan breathes heavily.

"Okay... I will tell you..." said Cilan, sighing.

"I was in love once... Back when I was studying to be a connoiseur... But I wasn't able to express my feelings..." said Cilan while looking down.

"Hey, don't worry... You'll eventually work things out! At the end you're Cilan! You are amazing!" said Dawn.

"Thanks..." said Cilan.

"But it looks like everyone is in love with someone else... Doesn't it?" asked Dawn.

"It actually does..." said Cilan, becoming thoughtful.

"Do you want to be in a relationship with someone?" asked Cilan.

"It depends... If I find someone interesting... I would actually like to be in one..." said Dawn, becoming thoughtful.

"What about you?" asked Dawn.

"I agree with you, actually..." said Cilan.

They both look to each other.

Both smile.

"We'll find someone!" said Dawn and Cilan, at the same time.

They go their way, sightseeing through the city.

They stop near the pokécenter's door.

Dawn looks to Cilan.

"Thanks, Cilan!" said Dawn.

"Why's that?" asked Cilan.

"You wanted to come with me to make sure I was okay, didn't you?" asked Dawn.

"I did..." said Cilan.

"That was sweet!" said Dawn, hugging Cilan.

Cilan hugs Dawn back.

"No problem!" said Cilan.

They both let go of the hug.

"See you tomorrow!" said Dawn.

"See you!" said Cilan.

While this was happening, May was seeing everything.

Dawn enters the pokécenter.

"Aww! Looks like we have a newly formed couple!" said May.

"What do you mean?" asked Dawn, blushing.

"Let's pretend that I didn't see you and Cilan have the cutest moment ever!" said May.

"Come on, May!" said Dawn, blushing.

"We're just friends!" said Dawn, still blushing.

"Oh yes... very good friends!" said May, giggling.

"May!" said Dawn, blushing.

They eventually go to sleep.

May overslept for a bit.

Dawn is trying to wake May up.

"May! Wake up!" said Dawn.

"What?" asked May, cleaning her eyes.

"Everyone is waiting for us! Get up!" said Dawn.

"I'm coming!" said May, while getting up.

"Let's go!" said Dawn.

"Give me a second! I will just dress up... I'm still on my pajamas!" said May.

"I will wait for you outside!" said Dawn.

"Okay!" said May.

Dawn leave the room.

"She's getting ready..." said Dawn.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" said Iris.

"Calm down, darling..." said Sawyer.

"You called her 'darling'?" asked Serena.

"Aww! So cute!" said Miette.

Iris and Sawyer blush.

Cilan enters the pokécenter.

"Hi Cilan!" said Iris.

"How was your night, guys?" asked Cilan, smiling.

"It was great!" said Serena.

"She's right! I slept just like a baby..." said Miette.

"Me and Iris also slept well!" said Sawyer.

"My night was great too!" said Dawn.

"Thanks for asking... What about yours?" asked Dawn.

May walks silently to Dawn's ear.

"You're curious, eh?" whispered May in Dawn's ear.

Dawn jumps in shock.

"May! You can't do that!" said Dawn, blushing.

Everyone laugh.

"My night was nice, Dawn! Thanks for asking!" said Cilan, smiling.

"Let's get going to the tournament!" said Serena.

"Let's go!" everyone said.

They head their way to where the tournament is being held.

"Everyone that passed the first phase need to go up on stage... You two can find seats by yourselves, can't you?" asked Dawn.

"Yes! Don't worry about us! Have fun!" said Serena.

"Please, take care of my Sawyer... Okay?" asked Iris.

"I think he can take care of himself..." said Serena while smiling nervously.

"I think so..." said Iris.

Iris hugs Sawyer.

"I will miss you" whispered Iris in Sawyer's ear.

"I will miss you too..." whispered Sawyer in Iris' ear.

Everyone went up the stage.

"So, let's draw the brackets for our quarter finals!" said the caster.

"Everyone look at the screen!" said the caster.

"Here they are! Our brackets!" said the caster.

Everyone is looking for themselves.

"Looks like it's me against you!" said May to Iris.

"There I am!" said Miette.

"Unfortunately I'm not against one of you..." said a saddened Miette.

"Where am I?" asked Dawn.

"Looks like it's me against you!" said Cilan.

Dawn finds herself on the brackets.

"We're going to have a lot of fun!" said Cilan, smiling.

"We sure are!" said Dawn, smiling.

"Looks like we have our second couple battle of the tournament!" whispered May on Dawn's ear.

"May!" shouted Dawn, blushing.

Everyone laughs. 

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