By RoseKookAdaptations

181K 7.4K 557

This is only an adaptation. Credits to the authors : Bludoki and Mrskwonjiyong. Foreword We were both just c... More



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By RoseKookAdaptations

His lips parted… unable to speak and produce a sound he just looked at his friend with an unreadable expression on his face…

He blinked his eyes for a couple of times before looking away and ahead the sea… felt a sudden stung in his eyes but can’t understand what he’s feeling right now…

“I’ve known the Parks back then… I have seen her before together with her sister… but I guess it’s her first time to see me in your wedding… and to think I was the one who played that one song…”

His friend curved another bitter smile…

“I never thought she would be the one whom you’ll marry...-“ “Why are you telling me these things…?”
He cut him off… his hand were slowly forming into a fist because of the sudden annoyance that hit him…

Taehyung felt a change in ‘his’ voice… turned to his friend before he continued. “I don’t know… maybe I’m still hoping for a chance to be with her…”
His eyes widen… gritted in his teeth to suppress his forming anger… thinking why he should be…?


“Soojin-ah… don’t go too far…!”

She yelled as she ran after the little girl… sure her niece is a fast runner… she’s already tired just right after a couple of minutes of running and playing around but it seemed that her niece doesn’t really know how to feel tired.

The two guys were far by now… she continuously ran towards her niece. She came to a stop when she saw Soojin talking to a man…

She made her way towards the two and called her niece once again… Soojin looked back at her, smiling… she ran towards her aunt and extended her hands to show her something.

“Omma… that man gave me this…”

The little girl showed her a beautiful handmade craft made from seashells… “Oh… it’s beautiful…”
She muttered… and before she could speak more… her niece quickly dragged her towards the man.


“Mister… my omma said it’s beautiful…”

Her niece tugged the man’s pants and slowly the man turned around with wondering eyes… and as soon as he saw ‘her’, his face turned into a warm and happy one.

“Oh… I’m glad you liked it…”

The man spoke in a low manly voice… he’s tall and a bit tanned… has a big frame and she’s a bit surprised to know that a man like him could make such handcraft.

She turned to her niece and scooped her up to her arms “Baby… did you already say thank you to him…?”
The little girl quickly smiled and turned to the man “Thank you mister…!”
She said with full glee as she curiously examined the handcraft…

The man chuckled in his low voice watching the little girl… he then turned to ‘her’ and flash her again another smile…
“You have a very adorable daughter…” He stated…

“Oh… she’s my niece…”

He just nodded and another smile crept on his lips as he looked down…. Feeling the forming silence… she cleared her throat…

“Uhmmm… I think we should go now… they’re probably looking for us by now… thanks again…”

Show bowed a bit to him and he did the same…

He sighed as he watched her turning her back on him… waved when the little girl waved goodbye to him… he shook his head a bit as he turned around and walk the opposite way… he smiled to himself… almost got lost because of the beauty he just saw right now.


“You can’t…”

He mumbled… looking blank on the sand as his throat just worked on its own. “She’s my wife…”
He continued…his knuckles were all white by now because of his hard gritting… his friend noticed his uneasiness… wondering why he’s acting that way… he gasped as a thought came to him.

“Do you love her…?”

Jungkook then quickly snapped back after hearing that word… he was astounded… how did his friend think of that way… he looked at him but unable to let out his voice once again… he could have just answer him instantly... but he can't... doesn't even know what to answer...

“What about Tzuyu…?”

His friend threw him another painful question… painful for he could feel his head breaking from too much thinking… and more painful on what he feels inside his chest.

And just he was about to explode… she then came together with her niece on her arms…

Somehow, he felt a little peace inside of him seeing her smile… even if it’s not darted to him but instead to his friend… she even barely look at him… but even so… he felt the calmness that replaced the one anxiety inside of him.

His friend quickly turned to his wife… now that ‘he’ already knows his friend’s true feeling towards his wife… it made it more painful to him watching them together… as if something’s telling him to take her away from this place… lock her again to that sad mansion… choosing to see her in pain and loneliness rather than seeing her happy with his friend… call him selfish and evil but that what he truly feels right now.

And as if his voice finally able to let out from its cage he managed to speak. “Let’s go home…”
He looked directly at her, telling her with full authority… ignoring the presence of the other two… he looked at her with a blank expression.

“Uncle Jungkook look a man gave me this…! It’s beautiful neh…?!”

He just let out a slight smile towards the little girl before turning his back and walk towards his car… his friend just watch him and could really feel something behind his actions.

She was a bit surprised to the way he’s acting… earlier he wasn’t like that… but what’s with the sudden mood…?

Her head hanged low… felt a little disappointed for she would like to stay a little bit more… while the little oblivious to what’s happening… to absorbed on her handcraft…

Taehyung tapped her shoulder… she quickly looked up to see his warm smile… thinking it was the first time he smiled that way towards her.

“There’s still a next time…”

He said and she just nodded… he petted Soojin’s head and smiled goodbye to the child…

He sighed watching her leaving… he shouldn’t have told her husband those words… for maybe she would stay longer with him…

Jungkook just watched them inside his car…. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he felt a little impatient of her just bidding goodbye… thinking as if they won’t see each other when class resumes…

“You really took your time eh…”

He instantly said as soon as she got inside… “Sorry…”
He flinched a bit hearing that word again…

He didn’t reply… just focusing himself on the road… silence filled the car as the little girl fell asleep on Rosé’s arms… his mind filled with his friend’s words which made him gripped on the steering wheel tighter…

She glanced at him and could see his jaws clenching tightly… her forehead creased with worry thinking if she did something wrong…? Or if something bad happened earlier that made him pissed…

Soon they arrived at the mansion… just then he felt the relief for maybe he finally took her back to her cage… he told the maids to take Soojin to the guestroom and let the child sleep there…

He looked at Rosé as if telling her to follow him… she felt her heart raced because of nervousness… had the hint of what he’s planning to do… but thinking that it’s still early… she hoped that what she’s thinking wrongly…

He went to their bedroom… trailing her behind him… she closed the door and waited for his next move…

With his back facing her… he ran his fingers to his hair… closed his eyes shut in confusion… she just stood there in front the closed door… watching his back and playing with her fingers as she felt uneasy with his odd actions…

He turned around and quickly marched towards her… her eyes widen a bit as she saw his angry expression painted on his face… he pinned her to the door gripping on both of her shoulders… her hands immediately went to his chest.

“What’s between you and Taehyung…?”

He said in a angry voice… she really felt scared by him now… and to think that

he’s thinking of that thing again made her uneasy… why did he think of it once again…?

“We- we’re… j-just friends…”

Her voice trembled making her stuttered… and as if he wasn’t satisfied with her answer… he gripped on her shoulders tight… his breathing got heavy…

“I told you I won’t let you cheat on me…”

He said in a very angry tone… “Jungkook… it-…it hurts…”
Her hands were still resting on his chest but she never pushed him for she doesn’t want to make things worse…

He then released her roughly… pushing her to the side a bit but she was able to balance and not fall down.

He went to their bed and slumped himself down on the floor beside it… bending his legs and running his fingers again to his hair as he rest his head on the edge of the bed, closing his eyes shut… doesn’t care if she could see his pathetic state right now… he just want to release all of these confusions inside his head.

Rosé gripped on her shoulders… but forgot the pain when she saw his state... felt a little skip inside her again… she didn’t think twice as her feet dragged her to him… she walked slowly… watching him as he was like feeling in pain… she slowly kneeled down before him…her hand trembling, reaching for him.

“Jungkook… are you okay…?”

She asked him in full worry… touched his knee to gain his attention…

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at her for a while… before a sudden push inside of him made him do his next moves…

He pulled her hands which made her crash down to him… held her face with his other hand as he quickly covered her lips with his…

He let go of her hand only to pull her waist towards him… her hands quickly held on to his shoulders to push him a bit… totally shocked by his sudden action… but he

didn’t let go… pulled her body more to him… he kissed her hungrily while directly looking at her eyes…


She moaned in his mouth… felt his hand slowly trailing down to her dress and lifting it up to her legs… he held onto her waist and lifted her up a bit to his lap still with their lips locked with each other… spreading her legs to rest himself between them.

He pulled out from the kiss first… pecking on her lips once in a while undoing his pants… she just rest on his lap, straddling him… not really knowing what he’s thinking… he lifted his hips as he pulled down his pants a bit along with his boxers…

She blushed upon seeing his member in daylight… looked away and gasped as he lifted her up once again… setting aside her underwear he lowered her hips to meet his aching member…


She unconsciously hugged him tight closing her eyes as tears started to form… screamed in pain for she was still dry and tight… her hands reached for her mouth to let herself bite her fingers…

He didn’t move yet… letting her to adjust… he hugged her body… he then heard her soft sobs on his shoulder… his brows slowly meet and decided to just stop doing his deed… he held her waist and was about to pull himself out when one of her hands suddenly stopped his arm… as if she knew what he was planning to do

“Just do it…”

She said in a weak voice… thinking if this would help him to ease his pain she’s ready to do her part as his wife… seeing him in his state a while ago made her in pain too…

She released his arm to wrap her arms again to his neck… she did the first move making him know that it’s okay to do it… she moved her hips up and the down again to meet his flesh…


She let out another painful moan once again… she moved her hips again… spreading her legs wider hoping it would ease the pain… while he stayed seated on the floor thinking why she’s doing it even if she’s in pain…

“Stop this…”

He told her as he held onto her hips… her painful moans didn’t aroused him anymore like he used to feel… it felt like it’s bringing in more pain to him.

She pulled from her hug… pushed herself to meet his face… she looked at him with tears in her eyes… he quickly wiped off the tears that’s been rolling on her cheeks…


He said under his breath… her brows twitched… hearing his voice like this made her cry more… why does it feel so different…? Why is he acting this way…? Why making her stop wherein the first place this is what she is to him…?

She opened her mouth only to close it again… with his flesh still throbbing inside of her she just looked down, unable to speak…

“Why are you doing this…? If you’re in pain why doing this…?! You really are stupid…!”

He yelled at her… such an awkward atmosphere surrounded them… she didn’t speak… just continued to sob… sure he wanted her again… but it bothers him hearing her in pain… totally opposite to what he should feel…

He unconsciously hugged her… letting her cry on his shoulder he patted her back… ignoring the fact that their bodies were still connected under her dress…

I… call me stupid… but I’m your wife… thinking that this is the last thing… I could do for you…. if this would help you release your stress… I’m ready to bear the pain…

She said between her sobs… he just felt his heart sunk by what she just said… his lips parted as he breathes heavily…

He didn’t speak anymore… with his other hand he held her back…. While the other held her hip to support his thrusts…

“Uhh… mmmm… nghhh…”

She buried her lips onto his shoulder as they began to move… she felt herself getting wet which helped him to slide in and out of her…


He grunted… holding on both of her hips to sliding her to his lap…

Her painful moans got replaced by her soft moans… letting him guide every of her moves… still with his mind full of confusions… the words of his friend… his pace went faster and faster…

“I’m not… uhh… cheating on… you….”

She managed to say between his powerful thrusts…. He didn’t answer back for he already knows it… he just held her tight and continued to finish what they had started

Hitting his back onto their bed… rubbing his bare bottom on the carpeted floor… she continued to ride him…

“I… uhhh….!”

She threw her head back and bit on her lower lip as she felt herself finally releasing… before she slumped back on to his chest…

He held onto her waist and thrust a couple fast one… and finally reaching his edge… he leaned down… squeezing her body between his and his legs… grunting her name as he spilled his seeds inside of her…
Moving his hips a few more times to empty himself before sitting up again… They both panted...resting her head on his chest and his now limp member inside
of her they both took the time to rest… supporting her back to keep her in place.

The day’s still very young… he looked at the window… could see the some rays of the sun making its way inside their room… he listened to her breathing until it got even… there he decided to pull himself out and fixed themselves…

He scooped her up and put her to their bed… tucked her down to their thick blanket and brushed away some her hairs away from her now sweaty forehead…

‘Do you love her…?’

He bit his lower lip as the thought brushed his mind once again… his palm made its way towards his forehead as his face scrunched in confusion… looking down at his wife as his heart beats wild again…

“I may not deserve you… but I won’t let anyone to take you away from me… loath me… hate me… call me selfish… but I won’t let you ever to walk away from me…”

He mumbled… as a tear escaped his eye… not answering his thought but just let out what’s been bothering him…for she said it herself… she’s his wife… bound by their vows and no one could separate them… telling to her face that she’ll forever stay with him and his bitter life… she should endure more pain that comes with it… taking advantage of her pure heart only for it to be broken by his wicked self…

He won’t let her have her own happiness… leaving him rot by himself… he would cage her down… if that will take her to stay with him forever…

He stood up and just like he used to do… he left her alone in the room… running away yet again from his true feeling he’s scared to admit…

I… call me stupid… but I’m your wife… thinking that this is the last thing… I could do for you….

if this would help you release your stress… I’m ready to bear the pain…

I may not deserve you… but I won’t let anyone to take you away from me…

loath me… hate me… call me selfish… but I won’t let you ever to walk away from me…

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