Flight of the Night (How To T...

By Wolfmoon22

14K 484 52

Deep in the heart of Berk two Night Furies are born to two very proud parents. However their lives aren't wha... More

Night Furies
New Life and New Skills
Dangers Lurking All Around
Horrific Truth
Flying Lessons with Night Furies
Memories Awakening
Wolf Friends
Lost Innocence
Proven Innocent
Heart Of A Wolf
Queen's Orders
Beginnings Of Battle
Never Ending Battle
Help But Is It Too Late?
Closer Than Friends
Land Hunting
Dragons Over Wolves
Decesions Adding Up
Losing a Friend
Splitting Up
Grief Weighing Hard
Familes Torn
Taking Everything Away
She's Gone

Wolf Blood Flows

342 15 0
By Wolfmoon22

Stormchaser followed Storm Wind as fast as she could. The smell of blood hit her immediately as soon as she neared their camp. She pushed herself in and saw Storm Wind dart toward a she-wolf who laid on the ground, blood oozing from everywhere on her body. Her eyes were closed and blood even dripped from them.

"Twilight Night," whimpered Storm Wind as he darted toward her and shoved his nose into her neck, trying to find her pulse. When he didn't he took a step back and shook the blood from his nose. "No Twilight Night!"

He suddenly looked over her back to her stomach and saw a small gray and black flecked pup pressed against her mother's stomach. Storm Wind let out a moan of grief as he stared at the once gray and black flecked furball nestled at her mother's stomach.

"That's Fern," breathed Dark Night as he skidded to a halt at his brother's side. "And Twilight Night. I'm so sorry!"

Storm Wind lowered his head with tears showing in his eyes. He lowered his head down and pressed it against his mate's soaked pelt with blood. He liked some of the blood from his mate's eyes and muzzle and a moan rose up.

Murmurs of sympathy rose up and Stormchaser felt her heart ache. She had let Iceshard go and he had turned around and killed a mother and her pup of the North Star Pack.

"What happened," asked Russet Feather as she looked around madly.

A black she-wolf with long fur, clumped with blood limped from the nursery. "That wretched dragon attack," she spat as four pups pressed against her, their eyes wild in terror.

"We should have killed him when we had the chance," muttered Badger Mask as his claws worked on the ground.

Pebble Skip darted forward and pressed his nose against his mate's cheek affectionately. "Are you alright Dragon Tears?"

Dragon Tears looked at her paws. "It takes more than that to take me down," she murmured as she puffed out her chest in pride. She turned her head and looked at Twilight Night. "She fought until her last breath to protect Fern. However he fought dirty, without honor."

Storm Wind pressed down and tried to groom his mate's pelt. "Please come back to me," he begged hollowly.

"What's wrong with Maba," asked Wind as he shivered against Dragon Tears. "Why isn't she getting up."

Dragon Tears opened her mouth to say something but Stormchaser padded forward and looked to Wind. "I'll tell him," she offered gently. "It is my fault after all."

Storm Wind bolted upward and bared his teeth in a snarl. "Stay away from my son!"

"It's my fault," snapped Stormchaser as she flicked her tail. "Besides I'll be more gentle than you will be."

Storm Wind looked like he wanted to argue but instead he sighed heavily. "Fine! Just get out of here!"

Stormchaser nodded and padded over to Wind. "Come with me Wind." When Wind held back she smiled warmly, her teeth showing. "I promise I won't hurt you. I have some things to tell you about er your Maba."

Wind brightened a bit and padded after Stormchaser. Stormchaser placed her body in front of Twilight Night so that Wind couldn't see his mother. She led him to a small bracken overhang and sat down, looking down on the young wolf.

"What happened to Maba," he asked as he looked around madly and she lifted her tail to block his vision.

"She's gone on a trip," Stormchaser explained as she stretched out a paw and motioned it toward the sky. "She's taken a trip to the stars."

"To the stars," pipped up Wind as his ears flicked upward. "Wow! When is she coming back?"

Stormchaser shook her head gravely. "She's not little one," breathed Stormchaser as she licked Wind between the ears. "I'm sorry."

"Why," cried Wind as he took a leap back. "Why isn't she coming back?"

Stormchaser couldn't break this news gently anymore. "She's dead Wind."

"Dead," echoed Wind as his eyes filled with tears. "H-How?"

Stormchaser turned her head to the side. "I let the dragon go that killed your mother. It was my fault."

Wind shook his head and took a step back. "No. No."

"Wind," began Stormchaser but he was already running. He darted toward the nursery before he climbed the tree beside it, using his small legs to bolt up the tree.

Stormchaser began forward but Russet Feather blocked her path. "I'll try and coax him down. I understand his grief." She pushed forward and left Stormchaser hollow hearted and feeling terrible.

Darkflight padded toward her and looked to his sister. "You made the right decision for our kind, not their kind."

Stormchaser watched as Dream Berry darted around, trying to help those who were injured. Cold was helping her, flocking around the injured Fangs and pressing moss into their bleeding wounds. The older wolves were even helping as they stumbled around. Those who didn't have life threatening injuries clustered around Twilight Night and Fern.

Stormchaser was about to take a step forward but Darkflight leaped in front of her. "What are you doing," he snapped as his hackles rose a bit. "They don't want you there!"

Stormchaser narrowed her eyes. "I don't care! I want them to know how sorry I am for their loss." Darkflight tried to push her back but Stormchaser pushed back and barged past her brother and padded up to Storm Wind.

"Storm Wind I'm so sorry," breathed Stormchaser as she lowered her head into her shoulders as she stared at Twilight Night's battered and bloody body.

Storm Wind spun on her, rage showing in her eyes and his teeth bared in a snarl. "Get away from me! Get away from my pack!"

Stormchaser was a bit taken back. "But I-"

"I don't want to hear excuses," snapped Storm Wind and the pack turned to look at him and whimpered a bit in fear. "Now leave here and don't ever come back or we won't hesitate to kill you!"

Stormchaser frowned before Darkflight darted forward and pushed against his sister and steered her toward the entrance of the camp. "Go Stormchaser. There's nothing more for us here."

Stormchaser's jaw gaped open before she looked to Wind who was still up in the tree. "I'm so sorry Wind!"

She turned and darted forward with Darkflight following. They bounded through the forest and Stormchaser hung her head. "I'm sorry Darkflight. Coming here was just a mistake!"


Swiftstream continued pacing with her head lowered into her shoulders as she growled. Skypacer sat beside her, her head turning almost completely around like an owl. "I'm sure they're fine," breathed Skypacer as she looked to her friend.

"But what if they're not," complained Swiftstream as she turned on her friend with her ears sticking up. "They haven't come back yet and I kept hearing howling!"

Skypacer took a few steps forward and butted her head against her friend's shoulder. "Have faith in your young. They have the heart and spirit of a Night Fury. They are cunning and resourceful. They know how to keep themselves out of trouble."

Swiftstream gulped before she heard the bustling of bushes. She lowered down and snarled with her spikes standing on end. Skypacer lowered forward and bared her own teeth.

Suddenly Stormchaser leaped out with Darkflight following. Swiftstream let out a breath of relief and surged forward, nearly tackling them to the ground. "Oh thank the maker that you're alright," she gasped as she licked Stormchaser and Darkflight madly.

"We're fine mom," assured Stormchaser as she pushed her mother away.

"Yeah we're not dead," pointed out Darkflight as he thumped his paw against his sister's shoulder in amusement. "At least not yet."

"I was worried sick," murmured Stormchaser as she pressed her nose against Darkflight's cheek and took in his scent.

"I'm sorry but we had some things to take care of," confessed Darkflight as he shuffled his paws a bit. "But we're home now and very tired."

Swiftstream stepped aside and waved her tail. "Go on in. I'll be in in a heartbeat."

Darkflight nodded and he strode in with Stormchaser following. Swiftstream smiled and looked to Skypacer. "I suppose I was worried for nothing."

Skypacer shook her head. "Mothers will worry. That's normal. However have faith in your young. One day they will rule the world."

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