Magnus Bane's sister

By ncis_4ever

67K 1.7K 36

Magnus the high warlock of Brooklyn has a very good hidden secret. A secret no one ever was able to reveal. T... More



5.5K 124 1
By ncis_4ever

Elisa's pov:
„A thank you would off been way more appreciated as your staring. After all I just safed you from that demon." I tell them matter of factly while walking closer towards them. The three shadowhunters still look at me in complete astonishment and even slight fright. Smirking inside of me for that. Of course they are frightened of me, they seemingly know already enough stories of what had happened to beings who tried to target me.
„Of Course! Thank you for your assistance." the till now silent and dark haired boy says. He had also stepped in front of the other two as if he wants to protect them. Tilting my head a little to the side to concentrate some more on the dark haired on. With a small frown I realize that he is one of the Lightwood offsprings. He however doesn't act at all like his arrogant father. His intentions also only is to keep his sister and his parabatai safe, honorable if I am honest.
„May i know what this demon has done to you mister Lightwood?" I ask him. Their eyes once more widen in wonder from where I even know who they are.
„He fed on two humans in the club. Drained them until their whole energy was gone and they died." he answers after clearing his throat to sound stronger. Nodding approvingly at his answer, that is enough reason for them to end him. He surely hadn't done this for the first time either. So without much care I curl my hand a little to set the demon on fire. When there wasn't anything left other than grey ashes I look back at Clarissa, she after all is the true reason I got here.
„Clarissa, you need to accompany me now. I made a promise to your mother so please just follow along." I state. Trying to sound as friendly as possible since the girl looks rather pale.
„May i know why she has to come with you? She is a mundane and therefore falls into our duty." the stubborn blond shadowhunter reasons. This however only costs me a simple shrug of my shoulders.
„Jace! Stop it!" I hear alec instruct sternly. Well, at least one of them has some brain cells in them. No one interferes with my plans and definitely no shadowhunter!
„I apologize for my parabatai. He doesn't mean to interfere with anything, he simply worry's for the mundane." alec try's to smoothen out the situation a little.
„I understand, but she is no mundane and as I already stated, I promised her mother to protect her. She just got kidnapped by one of her enemies. An enemy you still believe to be dead." I answer with only slightly hidden annoyance. Shadowhunters often think they are superior to everyone else around them. They think that since the have partly angel blood flowing in them that they are better than the rest. Which to put it simply is not true at all.
„What do you mean? My mother is at our apartment! She didn't get kidnapped! I don't even know what is going on here!" Clarissa stammers out her hands squeezing each other with panic at my words.
„Your Mother sadly isn't back at your shared apartment. She got kidnapped and she made me promise to make sure that you stay safe. I understand that this all is a lot at once for you, but you need to trust me right now. We need to leave this place before they track you down to here." I explain her. Her eyes tear up and she takes my hands in hers.
„Please tell me that this only is a sick joke! Please! I am begging you!" she whimpers out, the first tears already running down her cheeks.
„I can't tell you that Clarissa! But I promise you that I will explain everything when we get somewhere safe! We need to leave!" I lay even more urgency in my voice. The moment I hear hurried running I sigh out in exasperation. Of course they are now here! Why couldn't she just follow along with what I said!?
„We get company!" I say towards alec who's eyes widen and right away pulls out his bow and quiver. The other two following his move by getting their weapons ready as well. I quickly put a spell on the door, to at least by us a little time. Afterwards I open a portal back to an empty bookstore. Not knowing if it would be wise to open one right back to my home.
„I suggest you come along." I say to the still fight ready shadowhunters. To my surprise they follow my instructions and jump through the portal. Me following with a slightly struggling Clarissa by my arm. The second we all stand in the middle of the book store I shut the portal since we all can hear them break open the door.
„Just in Time i would say!" the Lightwood Girl whispers with a sigh.
„The hell! How did we get here? What is wrong with you people!?" Clarissa shouts out completely losing it now. Which isn't good sine my patient is running thin now as well.
„Listen! And listen carefully Fray! You are not what you think you are! You aren't an ordinary girl! Your mother also wasn't! She has kept a whole other world hidden from you to keep you safe! So stop nagging around since right now the only reason you still are alive is because I promised your mother to help you out and keep you safe!" I nearly shout into her face since her screaming and bullshit annoys me beyond believes!
„Jace, Izzy keep an eye on the mundane. I would like to talk with Elisa if that's alright with her?" the Lightwood boy instructs his fellow shadowhunters. With a nod I agree to talk with him, so we step a little away from the other three.
„Back at the club you said something about an enemy that we still think is dead. Who did you mean by that and what has that enemy to do with the girl and her mother?" he asks me straight to the point. At least that he has alone with his father.
„Valentine. Other than your precious Clave has always said, he never died. He only staged his dead to hide to form out a new plan on how to end all the downworlders. He knew that you guys were getting this close on getting him arrested, so he vanished so to say." I explain. Knowing that he won't believe me but that's not my problem. His angry scowl simply makes me shrug my shoulders, knew he didn't believe me.
„Hey, I simply stated the truth! If you don't want to believe the truth that's not my problem at all. But maybe you guys should start to think why so many downworlders have left the city in the last few days and weeks." I tell him before walking towards a still distraught Clarissa. At least she has quieted down a little.
„We should leave to my safe place." I say and open another portal.
„What happens with the other three?" Clarissa asks frightened since it was obvious that I only meant the two of us.
„They will find their way home, don't worry! We are only a corner around their home anyway." I reassure her with a tight smile.
„Wait!" alec shouts after me in slight panic. Turning around once again, I simply lift one eyebrow to get him to say what he meant to say.
„How can I contact you?" he asks me with slight desperation but also still unsure if my prior statement was true or not.
„Ask your mother!" I answer with slight distaste. After that I take Clarissa's hand in mine and walk through the portal. Now back at my own place I feel like I finally can relax a little again. With a small wave I close the portal behind us again and show towards a seat on the loveseat.
„Can you please explain now what's going on?" she asks me hopeful so I Of course nod and start to explain everything to her.

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