The Love That Bonds Us

By onigiri_oya

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Agnarr has been waiting to go to the Enchanted Forest for the past four years. But after the following tragic... More

Chapter 1 : The Enchanted Forest
Chapter 2 : Rescue and Escape
Chapter 3 : Return Of The King
Chapter 4 : Kindness of Arendelle
Chapter 5 : The First Of Many Meetings
Chapter 6 : He's Not Just Royalty
Chapter 7 : Fit For A King
Chapter 8 : The Good And The Bad
Chapter 9 : The Waltz
Chapter 10 : When Sparks Fly
Chapter 11 : What's Free Time To A King
Chapter 12 : Winter Days And Warm Fires
Chapter 13 : The Winter Festival
Chapter 14 : Can You Feel The Love
Chapter 15 : She's On His Mind
Chapter 16 : A Christmas Surprise
Chapter 17 : The Jule Bell
Chapter 18 : Presents Galore
Chapter 19 : Why Are Goodbyes So Hard
Chapter 20 : The Rock Trolls
Chapter 21 : A Cryptic Warning
Chapter 22 : Life Goes On
Chapter 23 : The Perfect Present
Chapter 24 : So This Is Love
Chapter 25 : A Kiss To Remember
Chapter 26 : The Carpenter Dream
Chapter 27 : An Ideal Bride
Chapter 28 : Woodcarver And Queen
Chapter 29 : He Is The King
Chapter 30 : She Works Through It
Chapter 32 : Appearances Are Everything
Chapter 33 : Queen In Training
Chapter 34 : Approval Or Disapproval
Chapter 35 : Strengthened Suspicion
Chapter 36 : The Girl Who Lied
Chapter 37 : Change Is In The Air
Chapter 38 : Giving Up
Chapter 39 : Three Surprise Guests
Chapter 40 : Love And Hate
Chapter 41 : The Angry King
Chapter 42 : The Sacrifice
Chapter 43 : When All Is Lost
Chapter 44 : Her New Adventure
Chapter 45 : An Engagement Party
Chapter 46 : A Coronan Affair
Chapter 47 : Forgiveness
Chapter 48 : The Mystery Solved
Chapter 49 : Happily Ever After

Chapter 31 : A Riveting Discussion

153 4 0
By onigiri_oya


I was just settling into my chair at my desk when the doors to my office suddenly flew open and a breathless Iduna hurtled inside.

I stood abruptly, but was so stunned by her arrival that that was as far as my initial reaction went.

She opened her mouth and her words tumbled out in an overwhelming rush, "I'm so sorry Agnarr, for everything. I just hated the situation we were in and I tried to run from it, blaming you too, in a way. But I realise now that that was silly of me and this isn't your fault. It never was. I took some time away from this place because it terrified me; all the pressure and so forth - but that's how you feel every day. I acted rashly and unreasonably and I apologise for it. I just want to talk now. I think if we do that then everything will fall into place. We can begin to understand the situation and work our way through it. Together."

My mouth opened and closed stupidly for a few moments as I struggled to take in all that she had said. In the end, I approached her and just hugged her.

"I'm so happy you came back Iduna." I told her truthfully, my mind still reeling over her jumbled words. Somehow, I managed to snatch up that she wanted to talk and said, "That's all I want to do as well - talk I mean. We'll work something out. Maybe I can convince the Council to make it a later marriage. They say a Monarch in Arendelle should marry at least within a year of being crowned, but I think I can -"

She held a finger to my lips, quietening me.

"No. You don't have to do that. And anyway, we need to make sure I can actually win them over first. Before we think of marriage."

"One step at a time." I said.

She nodded, "Exactly."

"OK." I drew back and guided her towards my wide armchair, "So what should we talk about first?"

"I say we get our fears out of the way first. That's what started this all and they're probably very similar anyway." she answered, brushing her fringe from her face. But, in her flustered state, it fell back across her eyes and she huffed, irritated. I lifted my own hand and brushed it away again.

"Calm down, this will all work out in time." I assured her, "And I think you're right about the fears and doubts we have. I'm scared of loosing you; of having to marry another Lady and condemning her to a loveless marriage; of you feeling pressured and scared; and, admittedly though it makes me sound self-centred, my reputation." I sighed, burying my face in my palms, "It's only that; if I loose it, then I won't have respect. Arendelle may loose its trade partners, our Allies. This is all very unlikely if course, but it still lingers in my mind somewhere."

"All for marrying me?" she cried.

I didn't answer that question. I hated myself for thinking it, but it was unfortunately true; that could all potentially be lost if I married a girl of lower class. Some high class people had ridiculous views. "But don't worry, I'm certain everyone will love you."

"Right." Iduna said nervously, "Well. I'm scared of loosing you too. I'm scared of rushing things and, well, marrying you! Not that I don't think we'll marry, it's just - I don't want it to happen soon. I'm also scared of all the pressures and stress and not being approved and changing who I am for people to like me ... how do you handle it all? Did you have to change anything about yourself?"

"No, I grew up with the pressures so it's all very normal for me." I explained, "And I've been moulded this way since birth, it's in my nature to be King so I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not. And as for you," I rubbed my hands up and down her arms soothingly, "you don't need to change anything. You are perfect just the way you are. Really, all I mean is for you to understand Royal etiquette; to appear a certain way, then people will respect you and you'll gain your own reputation. But appearances are something else entirely to changing who you are."

She nodded weakly.

"Are there any other fears you have?" I was almost afraid to ask, but if I didn't then I may not know the whole truth, and honesty was vital to our relationship as a whole, not just this massive hiccup in our journey.

She nodded, "I'm also scared that I'm not what you shape me up to be - what if I'm not built for being a Queen? If I can't handle this situation very well, who's to say I'll handle any other stressful situation any better?"

I smiled with as much assurance as I could, "Don't be daft. Of course you have what it takes! And I'll be here every step of the way. This is all very new to you as well; you'll soon learn to deal with the pressures."

"I suppose you're right."

I cupped her face with my hand, "Is there anything else?"

She shook her head, "No. But despite these fears, I want you to know that I'm willing to sacrifice things for you. I'll become more familiar with Royal customs, I'll be more respectful of the pressures on you as they aren't just burdens for me. It's not your fault you're expected to marry so soon. It's unfair of me to complain."

A small smile spread over my face, "You don't know how glad I am to hear that. And I'm making sacrifices for you too, by the way. Who cares about lousy reputations when all that matters is what those I care about think of me? And I'm willing to bend the rules a little bit."

A smirk entered her expression then, "With all due respect Your Majesty, you already have quite the reputation for bending the rules. Dare I even say, breaking them?"

We both laughed for a few moments, before cooling back to seriousness.

"So now we've got that off our chests, what next do we discuss?" I asked.

"I suppose we assure each other it's all going to be fine and we'll get through this because our love knows no bounds." she laughed again and I grinned too.

"Well I suppose at the end of the day that's what all this comes down too. But if you want reassurance, then I can guarantee that you'll do great in front of the council. The advisors and Royal Guards will approve. I threatened them otherwise." I winked.

Her eyes widened playfully, "You threatened them? Agnarr of Arendelle."

"They were getting on my nerves. But I don't think any of them will need to be threatened after they've met you. It really is hard to deny you don't have what it takes. Even Arianna saw it, and trust me when I tell you, it's hard to be in her good books these days."

"Ah yes. The conspiracies." she said it almost wistfully, as if she believed them too.

"Wait, are you on her side?" I asked, a frown settling on my face. The idea of Iduna not trusting me was almost too much to bare.

She widened her big eyes again, only this time with alarm, "No no, of course not. I trust you, I do. It's just ... I've considered her ideas to be true, that's all." she traced the swirling pattern of the armchairs' velvet with her slender finger.

"Ah, right. Well, we don't have to worry about that threat anymore. By getting rid of Alexamder and Gustav, I stopped the plan from being able to succeed, like the troll said it would. If they aren't here to fulfill it, then how can it be?" I said.

She smiled, "Exactly."

The tightness of my heart at the prospect of distrust from Iduna loosened as she said that, and I went on with our previous discussion, "But enough of what Arianna thinks and her crazy theories; you'll do great in front of the council. And then, like you say, everything will fall into its place, like a puzzle."

"Yes. If I prove to them that I can be a Queen, like you're convincing me I can be, you won't be married off to anyone else, which is one major weight off my shoulder." Iduna said.

"It's a weight off mine too." I shared honestly.

"So tell me how I can win their favour and their approval? What do I do? Is it all in appearances, like you said before?"

I nodded, "That's pretty much it. If you can present yourself in a certain way, then others can believe that image of you. If you appear calm, collected, regal - noble even, then the advisors and Royal Guard can believe you are too. It sounds incredibly simple actually. I think anyway."

"It does. But what do you mean by appearances? How do I present myself as all those things? Can I let any of my real self shine through?"

"Enhancing your real self will be the biggest selling point, as well as the way you present yourself. You have so many naturally brilliant qualities that you have to let them show; really, it's what will prove you belong on the throne alongside me. It's learning to enhance those qualities which is the key. Arianna can give you some tips on that, and on appearances too. I'm no good at teaching myself. And she'll also give you some tips on etiquette and courtesy. We told you the other day that you already have pretty good etiquette, but you might feel better for a few lessons. Although, certainly a few more lessons in ballroom dancing might prove very useful." I teased.

"Aih!" she cried, "And here I was thinking I'd improved in my ballroom dances!"

I laughed, "You aren't awful at them, but it's perfection that people will be looking for."

Her grin faded slightly and I stroked her arms again, "Don't worry though. You have just over a week to get down enough basics that the council approves of you, and then at least three years before we'd be expected to marry to work on anything else. But I don't really want you to change yourself, even in terms of courtesies - a hoity toity Queen is not what people want. It's keeping that balance between etiquette and a naturally good soul." I breathed in sharply at Iduna's near-blank expression. "Is this too much? Do you want me to slow down a bit?"

"That could help. All I can hear right now is," she suddenly straightened, puffing out her chest, raising her hands grandly, and putting on a fake accent, "Appearances. Enhancement. Perfection. Balance." she gave a slight giggle and slumped again, "But I get the jist of what you're saying."

"I'm glad. You can start your lessons tomorrow. I think you've heard enough about 'Queenliness' for one day."

She nodded, "Indeed. I should think I'm pretty worn out by now!"

"I'm sorry." I said. "No I mean it." I added as she rolled her eyes dismissively. "You shouldn't have to think about all this. It's not fair."

"Well, not much can be done. You're quite the man to fall in love with." she grinned at me.

"Is that a good thing?"

Her eyes gleamed as she leaned in, "The very best thing."

Her lips then pressed against mine and everything in that moment stilled; my mind went blank and I forgot everything we'd just discussed.

It was the perfect moment, just the two of us, until my sister barged into the room, uninvited.

"Oh, my eyes!" she screamed, covering her face dramatically as Iduna and I lurched away from each other in shock.

"They are melting. What did I just see! Honestly you two! Public displays of affection ... humph. You should keep it to the bedroom."

Iduna leaned back on her palms and raised an eyebrow, "No one asked you to look Ari."

"And maybe try knocking before you enter the room. You'd miss these things then." I added, before smirking, "And anyway, it's not like I haven't caught you and Fred wrapped in similar embrace; so you're not one to talk."

She flushed pink at that.

"What did you want Ari?" Iduna asked her.

My sister turned her eyes to the girl, "I just saw Halima who told me you had returned to the Castle. So I came to see whether you two had finally talked things out."

"We have indeed. Now please, leave us in peace." I said coldly.

Arianna wiggled her eyebrows, "Ah, the early lovers stage - can't keep your hands off each other." she clasped her hands and batted her long eyelashes dreamily. "Have fun lovebirds!" and with that, she left us alone.

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