Adopted by the Jonas Family

Door justsochelsea

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Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... Meer

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment
Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...

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Door justsochelsea

Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Its summer now which means the school year is now over and its time for the Happiness Begins tour.

Melissa: mom... do I have to go on tour this year?
Mom: honey the whole point of doing this family tour is for everyone to be apart of it including you. Your brothers will be very busy and this is the perfect opportunity to spend so little time with them
Melissa: *sighs* I know, I really want to go on tour but-
Mom: something or someone is holding you back
Melissa: yeah...
Mom: it isn't that boy that you were having sex with is it
Melissa: mom!
Mom: is it? Cause your father forbid you from seeing this boy
Melissa: dad forbids me from seeing anybody
Mom: is it?
Melissa: I'm not saying what it is
Mom: Melissa...
Melissa: mom please
Mom: alright, but my answer is no
Melissa: but it's not fair. Why do I have to go on this tour for when the boys are gonna be touring anyways. I been on a bunch of their tours back in the day
Mom: well this tour is different
Melissa: how different?
Mom: well it's been 10 years since the boys got back together, been 10 years since there's been a real tour. And it would mean a lot to your brothers if you showed up for their first show especially when this is the first time your nieces and their wives get to be on tour with them
Melissa: if I go, do I have to go on the tour bus with you and dad
Mom: Joe and Nick said there's plenty of room on theirs for you to bunk in
Melissa: okay...
Mom: but... if you get in trouble on tour, you get sent back on our bus and daddy will deal with you
Melissa: y-yes mom

The Next Day.

Melissa went to go sneak out of the house, but her dad stopped her.

Dad: where do you think you're going?
Melissa: um... um...
Dad: are you done packing? Because we leave tomorrow
Melissa: uh...
Dad: I take that as a no, upstairs
Melissa: but dad I am finished
Dad: oh?

Melissa 'ugh!' And headed back upstairs.

Dad: that's what I thought!

Melissa huffed and texted the person she couldn't leave until all her clothes was packed.

Melissa then thought of a plan and hoped out of her window and climb down the tree carefully not to cut her self. She texted the person she was able to get out and he meant her a block away from her home and runs up to him and kiss him.

Melissa: hey Caesar
Caesar: hey... so you leave tomorrow huh
Melissa: yeah... I wish I didn't have to go. Hey I got an idea, why don't you meet us in Miami
Caesar: I don't know, your family doesn't really like me that much
Melissa: that's because they haven't gotten to know you. If it wasn't for me, you would be living with your dad and brother in gang right now. If I didn't save you and help you find your mother
Caesar: thanks for that btw, you got me to reunite with my mom. Even tho we still have some issues... thank you
Melissa: that's what girl- friends do... sorry I don't know what to call us yet
Caesar: Melissa...
Melissa: yeah Caesar?
Caesar: will you be my girlfriend?
Melissa: yes! I would love to be your girlfriend *kiss him*
Caesar: *kiss back* because of you, you made me a better person. I'm so glad to have you in my life
Melissa: *smiles*  I'm so glad I made you happy

Melissa came back smiling happy ear to ear. She went to the front of her house and opened the door and close and leaned against the door smiling happy.

???: had fun?

Melissa jumped when she heard a voice from the coach and it was her dad with the belt in his hand.

Melissa: *gulp* dad
Dad: I hope it was worth it, sneaking out, like I don't have cameras in the house
Melissa: we have cameras now? Since when?
Dad: we installed last week ever since what happened at your school, we wanted to make sure you were safe. Me and your mother wanted to keep our family safe
Melissa: you didn't tell me?
Dad: we did tell you Melissa, but it seems as tho you forgot because your heads been in the cloud lately, why is that?
Melissa: dad...
Dad: Melissa... Paula...
Melissa: okay! No need for the full name dad
Dad: where did you go?
Melissa: to the diner
Dad: with who?
Melissa: dad, why would you assume I'm with someone. I don't take anybody to our special spot but you and my mom
Dad: Melissa... I know.
Melissa: know what?
Dad: that you been sneaking around to see that boy
Melissa: who gave you that idea, mom?
Dad: no, but she said you've been acting suspicious and I've been seeing it to and I knew you were hiding something
Melissa: dad...
Dad: Melissa is it true?
Melissa: *lies* no, I went to say goodbye to Harley
Dad: if I call Harley and ask her if you were with her this whole time, when she really wasn't, you realize you're gonna be in big trouble with me right

Melissa: yes sir

Paul gets up to grab the house phone and Melissa slowly text  Harley a message while having her phone in her pocket.

Dad: hey Michael, it's Paul here, is your daughter at home by any chance? She just came into the house, can you ask her where's she's been?... thanks Michael... oh really? Thank you, that's all the confirmation I needed. Yeah everything fine, your daughter did nothing wrong, this is about my daughter. Alright bye *hangs up*
Melissa: well?
Paul: well he said she's been with you this whole time, you're off the hook for now
Melissa: *sighs* in relief* thanks dad
Paul: you sneak out of the house again, your butt will be burning with my belt, you understand me?
Melissa: yes sir
Paul: now go finished packing

Melissa sighed in relief knowing she got past that with Papa J before she headed upstairs.

Melissa's POV
My family and I made it to Miami the next day, and we were staying at the hotel with the rest of the family. I was hanging with Nick, Pri and Frankie, since Joe kind of still mad at me that I lied to him about the friends with benefit thing so we have been avoiding each other.

I've been texting Harley and Dylan in our group chat when my phone been confiscated from my hand.

Melissa: *whines* Nicky! Pleaseeee....
Nick: Melissa... you have been on the phone since we got here, time to put it away
Melissa: *baby talk* I don't wanna *pouts*
Nick: then the phone goes in my bag, and you won't get it back until the end of tour
Melissa: *hugs him, baby talk* pleaseeee... Nicky. I will die without my phone. I promise to pay attention more
Nick: good, say hi to Sophie and Joe, who just walked in, they will be bringing you to the venue
Melissa: why can't you?
Nick: my car is already full with Pri and her friends, whatever going on with you and Joe work it out

I pouted at him and he gave me look and went to put my phone in his bag and I grabbed that hand and said.

Melissa: okay! Okay! Can I have my phone back
Nick: go greet Joe and Sophie

I sigh pouting and went over to Joe and Sophie who were talking to Pri.

Melissa: hi Sophie *hugs her*
Sophie: hi Mel, *hugs back and takes a look at her* is it me or is something different about you
Melissa: what do you mean?
Sophie: you look mature
Melissa: I do? I still act the same
Sophie: and you look like you lost tons of weight, have you been eating, your not anorexia are you?
Melissa: I'm fine Sophie, nothing changed about me since the last you saw me
Sophie: good, let's keep it that way
Melissa: *looks at her brother* hi Joe
Joe: *not looking at her, and at his phone* hey
Melissa: uh... okay... 

I noticed Pri and Sophie exchanged looks and Sophie said.

Sophie: Joe, your sister saying hi to you, greet her
Joe: I did greet her Soph
Sophie: what are you doing on your phone?
Joe: twitter, fans are so excited about the show tonight
Sophie: well we are with your family and you're supposed to be socializing with them
Joe: fine...
Melissa: it's fine Sophie, no matter what he says, he still gonna stay mad at me
Pri: what are you two fighting about anyways?
Melissa/Joe: where not fighting!
Sophie: then why are you two avoiding each other
Joe: why should I trust anything that comes from her mouth, all she's gonna do is lie to my face anyways
Melissa: that's not fair Joe, plus I had to lie, I couldn't tell the people the truth, you know how that would made me look to the public
Nick: what is she talking about Joe?
Joe: *ignores him* I don't care about you lying to the fans. I care that you lied to me. You never lie to me like that before, you have always been honest with me
Melissa: like you're are any better. I bet there's tons of secrets you never told me, and you don't see me get mad at you for it
Joe: cause I never lied to you Melissa
Melissa: *scoff* yeah right, your lying to me right now. Look Joe, I'm sorry I lied to you, but you have to understand, that I'm not gonna always come to you guys when I have an issue. Do you guys come to me when you have an issue?
Joe: I guess not
Melissa: okay then, then understand why I don't come to you about this
Joe: Melissa, I'm always going to look after you because I'm your older brother, it's what I do
Melissa: *smiles* you still love me?
Joe: *roll eyes* of course
Melissa: *smiles and hugs him* I love you Joe
Joe: I love you too *hugs back*
Nick: I'm glad you two works things out. What was the issue to begin with? I'm still confused.
Joe: trust me Nick, you do not want to know
Nick: will I eventually know?
Melissa: when I'm ready, you'll know *smiles*
Nick: okay...
Sophie: *gasp* nooo... pleaseeee tell me it's not what I think it is
Melissa: *nods head* yes
Sophie: but your so young
Melissa: I know
Nick: what is it?
Sophie: trust me Nick, Joe's right, you do not what to know
Nick: I hate you guys
Joe: we better head down to the venue
Melissa: okay

Joe, Sophie and I said goodbye to Pri and Nick and told them will meet them their, before heading down to the uber Joe order for us to go in and I texted Caesar and told him I was on my way.

When Joe, Sophie and I arrived, Joe was already on live stream on our way their to the venue. I texted Caesar that I arrived and I told Joe and Sophie that I would meet them inside.

Joe: you have your badge?
Melissa: yup, right here
Joe: alright you can't go in without it. If you have trouble getting in call us
Melissa: I will, bye

Both Joe and Sophie went in and I met Caesar around the corner and hugged him, I made sure no fans or paps were watching us and kissed him.

Melissa: you came
Caesar: you know I wouldn't miss it
Melissa: oh I almost forgot. Here's your exclusive ticket and backstage pass. I stole one in the boys merchandise area. They had no idea I took any
Caesar: how am I gonna get past your family? Your dad and Joe already met me, and they don't like me very much
Melissa: that's because they haven't met the real you yet. Plus your not a gang member anymore, and your doing well in school and your away from your dad and brother. My dad will love that you're doing better
Caesar: and I have you to thank *kiss cheek*
Melissa: *smiles*

I got a text from Joe saying the family are on their way here.

Melissa: shoot the family are arriving soon
Caesar: I guess that's my cue to go
Melissa: here's some money for food and buy some merchandise. You'll score big with my brothers if you wore their merch
Caesar: alright...
Melissa: you look nervous, don't be. They will love you once they get to know the real you. I gotta go, kiss?

Caesar kissed me one more time before I left him and went into the building after showing my badge.

When the family arrived, I hung out with my nieces for a bit after saying hi to everyone and meeting people I never met before.

???: uh this man says he's with a family member?

We all looked towards the door and I froze when I saw Caesar with the security guard looking nervous. Uhh... did he forget to call me?! What the hell is he thinking!!!

Joe: what the hell is he doing here?!
Paul: Joesph, chill. No he's not
Melissa: dad! *I put my niece Valentina down and went over them* he's my *mumbles* boyfriend
Melissa: you can go, he's with me
Security: alright, you stay out of trouble

Caesar rolled his eyes and security guard left and I give him a glare and said.

Melissa: you were suppose to call me first
Caesar: sorry we didn't really have way we were gonna do this. I didn't know if I was supposed to meet your family before or after the show
Melissa: after the show, that way my family was gonna be in a good mood! I don't want the boys to be upset before they go on stage tonight
Caesar: sorry

I sigh and said.

Melissa: its okay, the cats out of the bag now. Everyone, this is my boyfriend Caesar. Caesar, this is my family
Caesar: h-hi
Dad: Melissa... we need to talk to you in the other room. Now...
Melissa: uh... okay. I'll be right back

I kiss him on the cheek and followed Dad, Mom, Frankie, Joe, Nick and Kevin into the other room.

Outside with everyone:

Caesar stood their awkward at the other family members, and Alena walked up to him.

Alena: are you really Auntie Melly boyfriend
Caesar: uh...
Dani: Alena...
Alena: I was just asking mommy
Dani: sorry, about that. I'm Melissa's sister in law, Dani. Kevin is my husband, her eldest brother
Caesar: oh hi uh-
Dani: it's alright we are a hugging family *hugs him* that's Sophie, Melissa sister in law, Joe is her wife and Melissa other brother and that's Priyanka, Melissa other sister in law who is Nick
Caesar: does the youngest have a wife
Dani: oh no he's far too young for a wife right now. He just graduated from college recently
Caesar: oh

With the family in the other room, Melissa sat on the couch awkwardly waiting for her family member to speak up.

Melissa: can someone say anything, something?

They all glared at her and she immediately shut up and and look down. A couple of minute of silence and Melissa couldn't take it anymore and stood up and said.

Melissa: look I'm sorry I lied to all of you. But I didn't know how else to tell you guys
Kevin: uh... you could have told us you were inviting him over Melissa
Melissa: oh so I was so suppose to say. Hi guys I'm inviting over my boyfriend to come to the show tonight, who I known for a while now and forgot to tell you guys about. You guys would never accept that. Well I know two people that won't accept that
Mom: two people?
Melissa: only dad and Joe knows
Mom: and you didn't tell me?
Melissa: I told dad not to tell you, I wanted to tell you when it was right
Joe: well now would be the perfect time to tell all of us since we are all here together
Melissa: but this is suppose to be about you guys not me
Nick: well you made it about you the minute you invited him to the show and didn't tell us. What did you think we weren't gonna find out?
Melissa: I was gonna tell you guys after the show. I didn't want to tell you guys now because I knew you guys would act like this
Dad: is that the boy that you been sneaking out with
Melissa: dad...
Dad: Melissa...
Melissa: *sighs and looks down* y-yes...
Dad: unbelievable, you lied to me
Melissa: I knew how you felt about him dad, what was I supposed to do!
Dad: respect my wishes when I told you to stop hanging out with him!
Melissa: but he's changed dad, he really is, that's why he moved in with his mom
Dad: if he changed then why did you cut school for him so you can have sex with him!
Boys/Mom except Joe: WHAT?!

Well I was dead, thanks dad.

Melissa: that was my decision dad not him!
Dad: you would never have made that decision if it wasn't for him. You're your mother daughter all over again
Melissa: I am nothing like my mother
Dad: your repeating her history, lying to us, sneaking around to see a boy that you didn't want us to meet
Melissa: you were gonna meet him today but this was not how I wanted it to go down
Dad: this is not what your mother wanted for you
Melissa: there he goes bringing my mom into this, this is exactly why I didn't want to introduce you to him, because I knew you think this way about him. You think he's another version of my dad and that I will end up just like mom. I am nothing like my parents you and mama j raised me better than that. Just because I'm not that perfect daughter you expect me to be doesn't mean I'm gonna end up like my mom because I made some bad choices
Dad: *sighs* honey, I'm not expecting you to be perfect. Not even my own kids are perfect
Boys: hey!
Dad: it's the truth, I just want to make sure you're on the right path and not letting a boy make decisions for you. I know you're nothing like your mother, because you're strong independent women
Melissa: *smiles* thanks daddy *hugs him* I'm sorry I lied to you guys. I didn't know how else to tell you
Kevin: we should be the one to apologize. You were gonna talk to us but you were afraid about how we would react
Melissa: thanks Kev *hugs him*
Nick: now... about the sex talk...
Melissa: uh... group hug!

Melissa said skipping Nick question and pulls her brothers into the hug as her parents joined them.

So the family brought Caesar in and got to know him a bit more, they may not approve of him but they trust Melissa and they know she will make the right decisions.

It was almost show time and the boys were ready to go on. Melissa smiled as she watch Caesar dance with her nieces, until Caesar pulled her in to join her.

Just then Frankie came up to her and said.

Frankie: can we talk?
Melissa nods and told Caesar she will be right back.

Melissa: what's up?
Frankie: I never really got to talk about how I felt about Caesar
Melissa: oh yeah, I guess I didn't realize how much quiet you been. I'm sorry I didn't tell you
Frankie: you and I tell each other every thing. I understand hiding this from Joe, Nick and Kevin, but me? The most understanding one of them all
Melissa: if it helps, mom didn't know at all and she's more understanding then any of you guys.I was afraid if I told you, you would black mail me to tell them
Frankie: I guess your right, I would have done that, you know me too well
Melissa: I love you Frankie
Frankie: love you too kid

The both hugged and Frankie kissed her forehead.

Dad: *comes over* you two, the shows about to start, say goodbye to the boys then we got to start heading out to the front
Melissa: okay

We did little family prayer before wishing the boys good luck on stage and the family, Caesar and I headed towards the stage. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hold his hands because fans will know we are together. But they will question who he is since he's not a family member.

Melissa: hey, do you want the public to know about us? The fans can be pretty vicious about who they want me to date
Caesar: if I can handle your family, I can handle the fan base too *grabs hand*
Melissa: you're amazing you know that
Caesar: indeed I am

They stand with the rest of the family and Priyanka said to Caesar.

Priyanka: hey Caesar, is this your first Jonas Brothers concert
Caesar: yeah I guess, never heard of them until I came here. They're pretty popular at school
Melissa: although that's not a problem to me, because I'm very visible to the public
Priyanka: the fans love you Melissa
Melissa: not as much as they love you girls. Most says that I don't deserve to be in the family because I'm not related to them by blood
Priyanka: that's because they don't know you like we do
Melissa: well I do stand out then most of you guys. I'm the only black girl in the family, beside my mom step-father but we really see him anymore
Priyanka: have the boys ever took you to premieres and stuff?
Melissa: Just when the projects are about them, other stuff my dad wanted me to have a private life away from the public eye. I wasn't even allowed in the 3D movie because nobody knew of my existence yet. Even Frankie gets noticed more than I do. The only girls that really knowledge me are some of the boys black fans
Priyanka: have you talked to your brothers about it
Melissa: no I don't want the boys to think that I'm doing this for fame
Caesar: Im sure they would understand if you tell them how you feel. They won't know what's wrong with you if you don't tell them anything
Melissa: its just hard to talk to my brothers you know, they don't understand
Priyanka: do you want me to talk to them?
Melissa: nah it's okay. I don't want to make things worst
Priyanka: alright

Just then the lights dim on stage and fans started screaming loud, I wish I had the girls headphones right now. I gave Caesar a hug when I saw him get startled by the screaming girls.

The girls around them screamed because he wasn't used to the screaming like I was. and the boys came out from the top of the stage singing "Rollercoaster" from their new album Happiness Begins.

I took out my phone and went on instagram live and started filming the intro.

Sophie, Pri, Dani and I were jamming out to Strangers together, it was all of our favorite songs that we agreed on was the best on the album.

During Hesistate, Caesar had his arm around me. Another one of my favorite songs that Joe made for Sophie. I even gave him the inspiration to help him with this one. I told him, "I know Nick normally use to write songs and now you guys have to co write together, why not write a song about Sophie."

One of my favorite songs from the boys old albums was Can't Have You and Alena requested it, okay... I told her to put it on the poster for me...

Then before they played Comeback, Kevin did his speech thanking the fans for sticking with them for so long.

Mandy Mega Mix is what I called it was also my favorite part of the set list because it had GOT ME GOING CRAZY in it!

Burning Up and Sucker played and Caesar was really enjoying it, and I was so happy to have him share this moment with me and my family, and I can't wait for what our future holds next together.

Chapter End Notes
Okay... one part is Melissa's 15th birthday party, and that will be the end of Book 1!

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