Mafia's Principessa

By shyannemb

295 3 0

All Bella Rossi wants is three things... To be free To be safe And to survive. When she's finally able to es... More

Fallen Angel
Luca Luciano
Given Fruit
One time
The Consequence


9 0 0
By shyannemb

Sometimes I laugh at myself for the time I believed Luca was an angel boy. He was captivating, and his aura demanded attention, respect. Yet it was evident now at the table, bathed in complete silence as Luca claimed the seat beside me, that there was nothing forgiving in his nature, but instead he was devilish and calculating. The look on Victoria's face was priceless. The Ricchi's looked as if they'd all combust any minute, and even Enzo had committed to staring Luca down. Meanwhile, I'd earned a spot as the person Serena Ricchi  and Mia wanted dead by the end of the night.My father and  brother didn't know where to look and poor Sara looked as pale as the salad plate. The tension was suffocating, and I knew that with the hot heads sitting at this table, it would only take one word from the wrong person and this would all go to Mafia hell.

"I know this may be an awful time," Emma said leaning over to whisper in my ear. "But when the hell did you and Luca become a thing and what the hell happened to your cheek." she said  just as I went to grab my glass from the table. I couldn't contain the laugh that spilled out of me, and still I  ignored the raised eyebrows as I whispered back to her.

"There is no thing and Mia."she rolled her eyes , glaring at my fuming sister.

"So this is an entanglement."

"Exactly." I said giving her a wry grin. She shook her head in disbelief her attention redirecting itself to Serena who looked like she couldn't hide her hatred if she wanted to.

"I swear some people have no manners."Emma mumbled under her breath not so discretely, Serena was dying for the bait and narrowed her eyes in our direction.

"Says the party whore with a New York gutter slut as a friend." she spat. Part of me wanted to rush the table and bust her in the lip for obvious reasons, but the other part of me, the more rational side saw the opportunity that Serena Ricchi had presented for me to kill to birds with one stone. Nobody wants their son to marry a slut, right?

"Now, Now Serena, are you sure you aren't just mad I fucked Luca first." I grinned, reveling in the shock on everyone's face.Mia's eyes were filling with furious tears, and her friend couldn't help but pass her a pitiful look.

"Victoria you told us she was a virgin." Marianne scoffed and the mask slipped off Victoria's face in the blink of an eye. The show was over.

"Please Marianne, don't pretend your children are so  fucking chaste."she rolled her eyes and Marianne went red in the face.

"Don't worry mother, I don't mind breaking a wild mare." Enzo said his eyes practically undressing me, and that was when it all went to hell. In a second Luca was on his feet, along with Dante pulling me and Emma behind them, his gun focused on Enzo chest. The room was quick to react, because before my heart could finish skipping, everyone had a hand on a gun. Meanwhile Victoria was at the head of the table looking like someone had given her spoiled milk. Her guards stepped through the door and she waved them forward, both of them turning their guns in our direction.

"Pulling guns on the Don, Victoria?" A man whose name I didn't know but was obviously in our side.

"Paolo, I don't tolerate disrespect in my house. Don or not. Only you would follow a boy so blindly." She said her voice even.

"Angelo is rolling in his grave. You've made the Rossi family into a fucking joke." He spat back.

"That's enough. Mamma, there's no need to go so far." My excuse of a father stepped in, unbothered in the slightest his mother had a gun pointed at his 'niece'.

Luca looked down at me, the look in his eyes incredulous, unbelieving. True to my agreement with Victoria even Emma had no idea Michele was my father, but Luca had been there from the beginning. I couldn't hide from him what he already knew. His eyes hardened once more and I looked away unable to accept the anger he felt for me.

"I didn't peg you for an idiot." Luca said meeting my father's eyes.

Before my father could respond and surely with nothing nice, Victoria cut in.

"Mind your business boy."

"Know your place strega." He challenged and before any more insults could be hurled.

"Victoria just send your guard dogs away." I said and she ignored me their guns still aimed.

"Sit Bella before I have you sent to meet your sorry excuse of a mother." She suggestively offered, and the audacity she has sent me into a burning rage.

"I really didn't want to have to do this." I sighed stepping from behind Luca and pulling the glock Victoria forced upon me after I did my first round of training from the holster at my thigh, cleverly hidden behind my dress. I don't like holding guns, I don't particularly like anything that reminds me of that night, but with the company I keep, it seems I have no choice but to be exposed to it all the time.

It was no surprise at all that Emma was carrying one as well, especially since she has a habit of getting into sticky situations.

"You're going to kill your own granddaughter?" I questioned Victoria a warning look in her eyes.

"Mother, they're children and he's the Don."

"This is my house Michele, I won't stand for it. That trash has been ruining us for too long."

"You ruined us" I screamed fed up with her bullshit. "You sent my mother away pregnant, lied to your son about our existence, let her die, and now your still lying and blaming me."

"What is she talking about?" My father looked from me to his mother. "We never met Gio's wfe."

"That's because Gio didn't have a wife, you did." I turned to him, tears streaming down my face at the look of realisation on his. Victoria moved quickly but, I was quicker. She drew her gun aiming it at me and I turned.

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