First Order Princess - KyloXr...

By chirpchirpbirdie

54.9K 1.1K 374

You're the daughter of Supreme Leader Snoke. At the age of 14, a mysterious boy names Kylo Ren enters the ran... More

In a Galaxy far far away...
My Daughter
The Prodigal Daughter
THANK YOU READERS!!! (Authors note)
HERE WE GO! AN again :/
A parting gift
And Off We Go
Resting Easy
Arriving at Coruscant
Authors Note
Stake out
History Repeats Itself
Help Her
Nerf Stew
Moving Forward
General's Girl
Unexpected encounters
Authors note


1.2K 29 29
By chirpchirpbirdie

Mordecai and I have a...complicated relationship.

Upon leaving the First Order when I went AWOL, I immediately came to Coruscant. When I got there, I wandered the streets at night. Looking for trouble in an act of freedom from my father. I strutted down the darker corridors of the Underworld, when I got jumped by two guys. Two tall, broodish figures with cloaks drawn over their head, and cuffs in their hands. Searching into their minds, they planned to kidnap me and have me sold on the trafficking market.

Of course anyones natural reaction would be to run, but I decided to figure out where they were based and kill all of their people, freeing the those who were trapped.

I decided to play up the innocent card. 

"What do you want from me?!" I exclaimed, backing up a few steps in "fear".

They were silent as they backed me against a wall and bound my hands.

I fake struggled and managed to cry some alligator tears, saying "Please don't take me, please! Stop!"

Putting a gag in my mouth, they silenced me, and threw a bag over my head. I was put in some sort of vehicle and was transported for about 30 minutes.

Rough hands grabbed me from my place and dragged me around for a little bit. I heard the low murmurings of many people, crying, and muffled screams. The bag was taken off of me, the gag was removed and I was thrown into cell.

I was in some sort of dimly lit warehouse, and I could see others, maybe two dozen in cages along side me. All I could see was fear and resignment, except in one guys eyes. He was strangely calm, but I passed it off, since he would be free soon.

There were about 60 other people in the warehouse. They were either discussing, poking the victims, walking around, or inspecting the people in captivity, almost as if to gauge the prices. It seemed to be a very organized organization however. But their fatal downfall would be not taking my possessions away.

Mustering up some tears, I wailed to a passerby "What are you going to do with me? Where am I going? What's going to happen to these people?!" Behind my back I was freeing myself from the cuffs, activating my lightsaber only a little to break the metal.

He turned to me and chuckled. "You? Well you, sweetheart, since you're such a pretty one" he reached into my cage and grabbed my chin "You're coming with me. I promise to treat you nicely  if you do as I say. These other animals are going to be sold, either for their body, their services, or for their meat. Now if you're a good girl, maybe you'll gain your freedom back."

Lies. Traffickers used the allure of possible freedom in the future as a way to get their victims to be compliant. They never are set free.

"Who are you?!" I cried. By now, my hands were free, gripping my lightsaber.

"I'm Lilant Rusby. I run this show. It's a small one, but everything grows in time. I'm your master. Now get on your pretty knees" He started unbuckling his pants. "And give master what he wants..."

I unleashed my lightsaber and ran it straight through his chest.

"I get on my knees for no one, Liliant Rusby. You die here along with your little 'show' " I spat at him.

Withdrawing my weapon, he fell to the ground, dead.

There was an immediate commotion as people screamed. The workers looked towards me. Running my saber through the lock of the cage, I burst through and charged at them.

A fierce battle ensued. As I slashed  and deflected blaster beams, I almost became overwhelmed. I tripped over a pipe and fell to the ground, my saber sliding across the floor. A man was holding a blaster at me, about to fire as I reached out with one hand to choke him, and another to recall my saber. But his head was sliced off by a vibro-arbir blade, usually wielded by the PG. 

But the same unusually calm guy in the cage next to mine was using it. His olive skin was glimmering with sweat, his brown hair messy and long, with a few cuts on his face. Nodding, he turned and started fighting the other workers. Quickly getting up, I fought along side him, until bodies littered the floor.

I looted one of the men and took their communication device. The brown haired man and I freed the prisoners and escorted them out of the warehouse, with me flanking them. I handed one of the people the device and told them to call the authorities.  As I stepped out the exit, a blaster beam took a chunk out of my calf. I fell to the ground and cursed. One of the croonies had managed to survive and shot me. Another baster beam came from behind me and went straight through his skull. It came from the calm guy.

"We need to leave. I have a feeling both of us don't want to be here when help arrives." He said as he picked me up bridal style.

"Agreed" I grunted in pain.

We walked down some alleys, he found a speed-cycle, and stole it. I sat behind him, clinging on as we sped through the streets, till eventually we reached a club. Entering through the back, he carried me up a couple of floors to his what I assumed living quarters. He laid me down on the couch and started to asses my wound.

I hissed in pain as he disinfected my calf, the alcohol burning me. That was the only part I needed help with.

"Thanks, but I can handle this now" I said, sitting up.

"What the hell do you mean, you're injured-" He chuckled.

"Not for long" I replied, holding a hand over my missing chunk. Concentrating, I force-healed myself. Even though I was raised on the dark side, I learned of the Jedi and how to self heal.

I became extremely fatigued after this and laid back down with a sigh.

"You're not from around here, are you?" He smirked.

I smiled a little bit. "Nope."

"My name is Mordecai." 

"Vic" I said. 

We soon grew to be great friends and eventually lovers. Mordecai was somewhat of a, bounty hunter? Rouge? He was a criminal of sorts but he did it in the name of justice. Half of my year away was spent with him, hunting gang leaders and stuff like that. We traveled the galaxy together, forming a close bond. I remember our lazy days, playing music together, messing around. I was so in love.

But soon our love dissolved. I caught him cheating and I was enraged. We broke up, but on semi-good terms, you could say. I hated him, but didn't at the same time.


As I stood in the club, we locked eyes and he immediately ceased playing.

"Holy fuck" Mordecai said, checking me out.

I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"You know this man?" Ren asked.

I nodded.

Mordecai got up and walked to me.

"Vic, I-, wha- why are you here?" He cautiously looked at Kylo.

"First Order business" I replied.

"I thought you didn't do that anymore"

"Things change, Mor"

Kylo butted in "We have reason to believe that this club is in affiliation to the Resistance. Tell us what you know or you will be dealt with swiftly"

Mordecai peered at him. "Your new boyfriend isn't very polite, is he? My name is Mordecai."

I started to stammer and blush. "He isn't my boyfriend, we're on a-"

Ren put a blaster point blank at Mordecai's stomach.

"I would suggest you bite your tongue, when speaking to a Commander, Mordecai" He sneered.

"Woah, woah, alright! Listen I don't know anything about the resistance being here. But feel free to investigate. Now excuse me, I need to do my job" Mordecai chuckled and went back to his piano, and resumed playing.

Kylo turned to me. "We will stay here and observe all night."

"Ok" I replied.

The air was tense, and I could sense trouble approaching us for tonight.


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