The crannel family

By michaelhoyez

42.4K 626 111

Cross overs of several anime characters to make a collage that would look like they are blood related to bell... More

Farm life
Meet the family
The new world
The start of a familia
Adventurer regestration and trouble in the upper floors
Floor boss
Misfortunate reuniuon
Aiuther says thank you
Uncle ban and cousin soul
Anniversary present and level up
Hello readers!!!
The letter and the cousions reunion
sorry everyone
new member
the forced family reunion
crannel family status update
bar fight
conversation with the overseer
dungeon crawling
new status update
the meeting of the Gods at Babel
war game
converting to a new Familia
a push in the right direction
Tales of your mother
back in action
a favor
grand Smith and his Apprentice
Familia home invasion
the marksman's apprentice

the drunk scheming goddess

1.1K 23 10
By michaelhoyez

Soul came back to the tavern that night dressed up in a green vest, white button-down shirt, and green tie. Doing his best to match the other employees uniform color scheme attire. Mama Mia: "I like your style kid it matches the rest of the uniforms here." She said giving him a look over. Soul: "thanks I was hoping that you might like it." Mamma Mia: "0h trying to impress me eh? sorry kid you're too young for me." she said teasingly soul: "ha ha very funny now can I get to playing the piano now?" he said in a annoyed tone. Mamma Mia: "sure bring in as many customers as you did before she said with a grin. Like before Soul began to play and a flock of people instantly came in. However there was still a tables left that was reserved. In came the leaders of one of the strongest Familias and their goddess Loki: "what!! she saw hestia's  little rabbit down in the 18th floor and on top of that he took down a floor boss by himself!" she said aloud Tiana: "yeah and you should have seen  Lefiya's reaction when she saw him in the 18th floor. Loki: "Why what happened?" Tiana: "she walked in on him beating!" Riveria: please don't talk about that at the table. we're going to be eating and I don't want that on my mind." she said thinking about the headache Lefiya gave her when coming back to the surface. Finn: "so you're saying that white haired kid who defeated the Minotaur on the fifth floor defeated a floor boss alone? interesting." Gareth: "indeed." he said stroking his beard, Loki: "urrrrg! I want him! I want him! I want him! I want him!" Soul overheard everything. soul: "hey are you talking about my cousin bell?"he said interested about the story they were talking about. especially the part where the girl walked in on him bathing. the whole table looked at him AIS was the first to speak. Ais: "do you know the secret of his strength if so can you tell me?" soul: "yes and no I do know about his strength, but it is a family Secret. Loki saw this as an opportunity. if one of these rabbits were as strong as her Familia says than she wanted one for herself. Loki : "Hey kid are you in a Familia already? if not why don't you join mine?" she said with a grin on her face. soul: "sorry but I already joined one my cousins." Loki's thoughts: 'dammit why does she get the good ones.' she thought. Too drunk to even think about the members in her own Familia and their accomplishments. Soul return to playing the piano. After a couple of drinks Loki begin to attempt to grope the waitresses as always, and as always she was hit over the head by one of the waitresses or by one of her own members. Loki: "oh why do bad things always keep happening to me how come nothing good ever happens to me I want something good for a change." she looked at Finn while wobbling side to side. Loki: "hey Finn I need you to do something for me. I want a war game for that rabbit kid Bell the one you guys keep talking about. with our strength and our numbers there's no way they can win." she said with a smug look on her face. Finn: "we shouldn't do that it would ruin our image as one of the strongest familia's in orario." Loki: "I don't care I want that rabbit for myself according to y'all he's strong as hell!" she said with the alcohol speaking for her. Finn sighed. Finn: "very well if you can tell me this once you're sober then I'll issue a war game if not then forget it." Loki: "kay!" She said with Glee. Soul heard this and smiled. Souls thoughts: 'man this is an interesting City and from what I just heard Bell has a lot on his hands.'

Once Soul had a bathroom break he went to call Bell on hiscommunicator. Soul: "so Hey cuz you'll never guess what I heard in the pub today!" Bell: "what is it?" he said n a annoyed tone. Soul: "Loki Familia was here and they were planning on going to a war game against you." Bell: "what? what for?" soul: "apparently they want you." Bell thought about the current events that happened in the dungeon and realized why of all the things that would seem impossible for a ordinary level one adventurer he managed to pull off with ease as it were as if he was doing it his whole life. And all of Loki Familia had witnessed this leading them to tell their goddess about it. his only thoughts were not of the war game but how pissed his dad would be when he told them and asked for help. He had to inform them early right now so his siblings can get a feel for the dungeon. Archer was a good of a fighter as his father as well as his uncle. And as for his sister's they were as good at Magic as they were close to their mom where kuro had a decent amount of fighting skills which is why he wanted his siblings to be here in orario early before the war game even was announced so they can get in some experience. As for soul who couldn't hold a weapon for the life of him Bell had to figure a way for him to somehow manage to fight a opponent without feeling uncomfortable holding a weapon then he got an idea. The reason soul felt uncomfortable holding a weapon was because he's more comfortable holding an instrument. Bell began to work on a grimoire specially made for soul. Bell sure he might not like it but it was a way to solve a problem that he knew could be fixed and with that he began to make a call to two people his mom and his aunt Elaine. He decided to call his mom on the communicator instead of anybody else because he knew that she could soften up his dad when it came to an argument. And as for Elaine she owed him a favor for the anniversary present and he was willing to cash it in.

Bell called his mom first. Yue: "hello Belle is there something you need?" she said although already having an idea of what the answer was. Bell: "soul overheard Loki Familia one of the strongest Familia's in orario talk about having a war game to get me to be a part of her Familia. I was hoping if you could get everybody in the family to come and join the Familia to help me and my goddess along with soul of course." Yue was secretly wishing for this to happen. she wanted an excuse to go see Bell. She then hung up to speak to her husband about the situation. Once she explained everything Hajime couldn't help but feel pissed at the Gods for always causing trouble for their family and a little bit mad at Bell for not being cautious.

Bell then called Elaine. Elaine: "hey Bell is everything all right!? did Soul get into trouble or something!?" she asked worriedly from Soul just being there only for a short time. Bell: "no no soul is just fine. However when I said I wanted a favor when I made you that present for Ban I kind of want it right now. If you can. Could you please come to orario soul overheard that Loki Familia is planning a war game against us just to get me to be apart of their Familia." Elaine was worried when she heard this. Soul her own child was about to be attacked by a large Familia which had high rank adventurers. she immediately went to go tell her husband about the event that was to come and started preparing to head to orario.

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