Love Through Time

By ishqbazz_fangirl29

30.6K 3K 694

A couple whose chemistry also involves some physics (Not kidding though). One day kuhu and mishti finds thems... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Abir 1
chapter 3
Kuhu 1
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Suggestion box

chapter 16

549 69 17
By ishqbazz_fangirl29

RECAP: abir was missing ... aarav went in search for a solution for mishti and kuhu...

kunal:i couldn't find him...

he collapsed on the floor...

mishti broke down...

mishti:where are you abir!!!

kaushal:shouldn't we inform police?

kunal looked at mishti...

mishti looked clueless...

kunal:may be we should...

after few hours,

kunal was sad...kuhu came to the room...

kunal:kuhu...not now !! already my head is aching like anything...

kuhu:i know...that's why i brought didn't eat or drank anything from the morning...

kunal looked at the glass at her hand...he did feel slightly embrassed...

kunal:i am ...i ..thought...

kuhu gave him the glass and sat beside him...

kuhu:i know that's your #sorry...

kunal took a sip from the coffee...

kunal:its nice... 

kuhu:and this  is your #thanks...

kunal smiled...

kuhu:i know this is tough for you... but dont will find him...nothing will happen to gut feeling says bro is going to be fine...

kunal nodded...

kunal:i believe too...

aarav called mishti...

aarav:what? abir is missing till now...


aarav:something is not right... know abir... there cannot be an enemy to him...there is no one to kidnap him...he will not just go somewhere leaving me here...

aarav:mishti...just take breath and know... just chill...nothing will happen to him...

mishti:i don't know can i take this lightly ?!! he is gone missing at this's been more than 36 hours ...

a thought struck aarav's mind...

aarav:i ...i think maybe ...


aarav:maybe this has to do something with noah...

mishti got terrified...

mishti:what? noah? that noah....who stabbed you...and made kuhu do all that....

aarav:yeah ...but i am not sure...

mishti:what are you saying?can you get to him ? can you check his place?

aarav:mishti...i was just may or may not be...i will check ...okay...just relax...i will get  back to you soon

he cut the call...mishti said this to kuhu and kunal...

kuhu:if its really him...even police  can't trace aarav...

kunal looked tensed...

kuhu:kunal... nothing will...

he didn't let finish her sentence...

kunal:did you saw aarav's condition when he was hurt ?! i saw...i saw that horrible look  with my own eyes...when he does something like that to come you are sure that he will not do anything to my bhai...

kuhu remained silent...

mishti:aarav said he will call

kunal:we have to wait for him to call?? one side my brother is at risk...but i have to wait for someone else  to take action...great.

mishti:kunal...we cannot find noah on our own...we need aarav's too know that...

kunal:damn it ...

he left the room ...

kuhu and mishti looked at each other...

kunal spoke to aarav about this...but aarav refused his help... kunal was so angry...

kunal:he said...he don't want me... he don't want someone to help him... he said i will be at risk..its dangerous for the family ...what the...but you know what...until now he couldn't find anything related to bhai...

he broke the flower vase near him...

mishti and kuhu was shocked...


mishti:kunal...why are you...

kuhu:he is just angry that bro is missing that's all...he is showing in a different way...just look at his condition...dont start your lecture now...

mishti:kuhu...he is out of control...

kuhu:mishti yaar shut up...oh god...if you were gone instead of bro...that would be better...#muchbetter

an idea struck mishti...she didn't care for kuhu's words...she knew...if she took all of her words to heart she will not be able to survive it...but those words rang a bell in her head...

mishti:kuhu...i think i have an idea...

kuhu:what now?

mishti:if it is really noah...he is in need of either of if i go as a bait...we may be able to save abir...maybe noah will leave him... 

kunal looked at mishti with a suprise...

kunal:but it's risky...

mishti:i am ready...

both kuhu and kunal seemed interested in the plan...

kuhu:kunal...i  think its best too... aarav will protect her...

kunal:like last time...when aarav saved you...

kuhu:kunal...its know that...he got stabbed for us...

kunal:i don't know if abir bro will agree to this...if he was here...

mishti:kunal...his first priority will be saving know that...

kunal looked convinced...

they went to meet aarav...

aarav:you guys really miss me right? wanted to meet me this soon?

kunal starred at kuhu ...

kuhu:aarav...not now...

she pointed to kunal...gestured him to notice kunal's mood...

aarav:ok chilll...what is your idea? 

kunal explained it...

aarav:this is risky...

mishti:but we have to save abir...

aarav:but having you as hostage ...i think it would not be a very good of an idea...

kuhu:but we have to do something right? we cant just sit and wait for bro forever...

aarav:i need time to think through this....

kunal:seriously? time? we don't have much time... i don't know what he will do to him...

aarav raised his eyebrows...

aarav:kunal...i know you are worried for your are desperate to search him...i get that...but you don't know in what cost you are doing that...this is bigger than you think...its not related to you and me...its related to everything...i can't take that risk that easily...i am responsible for that...

kunal couldn't answer...

mishti stepped up and went near aarav...

mishti:i know you are trying to do good... but i can't take any chances when it comes to abir... you know right he

her eyes were bawled with tears...

aarav got moved by her tears...he wiped her tears...

aarav:you know...i never speak to people...i don't know how i got attached to you me ...i want to save abir as badly you people do...but

mishti:then lets try this...please ...please... for me....

aarav nodded unconvincingly...

kuhu:so what is our plan exactly ?

aarav:i...i ...will call my guards and ask them to be in hideout... we will call noah...and ask him to take mishti instead of abir...when he comes to the place...we will catch him with our guards and save abir... 

kunal:but we have to be more careful...

aarav:says who !! kunal...if anything happens to mishti...i will hold you responsible ...dont you forget that...


aarav:mishti...come with me... i will give you some weapons...incase of an emergency...

he left the room with mishti...

kunal:am i being selfish? are not...infact this was not your was mishti's idea...whatever happens you are not responsible... 

kunal:i don't know... i pray that both of them are fine...

its 7 o clock,

they reached the destination...others were behind them in a car,aarav and mishti came out of the car...

aarav:mishti are you ready? are you sure you are doing this ?

mishti nodded...

aarav:i will be behind this sign...if you ever felt you are unsafe...just come to me...

mishti :okay...

aarav:and you know the locations of the guards?

mishti:i know...i almost memorized said them like 100 times...

aarav:okay then... stand at the spot so that guards cannot hurt you...but noah...

mishti nodded...

aarav called noah...

noah:what a suprise!! the great aarav is calling this noah...what do you have for me?...ooh your new people who are struck by wormholes... 

aarav:shut play games with people lives just for your experiments don't have the right to speak like that... 

noah:uh oh...then why did you call me?

aarav:leave abir...

noah:god...i am saying this...i didn't not kidnap abir... you kept on checking me and my places for that guy...i know that...i didn't kidnap him...

aarav:o really ? 

mishti signalled to tell him about her...

aarav:i...i have a deal for you...

noah:what deal ? 

aarav:i sent mishti alone into the forest... you take her...just leave abir...

noah:are you kidding me ? you are leaving that girl with me ...

aarav:yeah...right now abir is important for me ...not that mishti...

mishti:more!! not convincing...aarav raised his eyebrows...

aarav:and ...i was curious about your experiment too... that  girl did not do any good for me...because of her ...i was stabbed know i had  a fight with you... 

aarav looked so furious...

noah:why would i believe you now ?

aarav:noah... we were friends ... you know me ...i never get close to anyone... so i really don't care about her... 

noah:but why would you care about abir?

mishti looked at him...

aarav:i ... am grateful their family...they helped me when you stabbed me ...i want  to help them...

noah:yeah grateful...fits you...sounds good...then where is mishti?

aarav told their location...

aarav cut the call...

aarav:damn it... did well... know...i have  seen these type of love in movies...but not have seen one in real are great... i cannot imagine doing that...


she looked confused.

aarav : what ? it was guys don't have  to tell me that...wait here...i will check the guards positon. 

aarav went to check the gaurds  position.

mishti:am i in love with abir? i love abir ?!!

she replayed her memories ... all she could think was ...his smile ... 

mishti:i dont know about love...but i want to see that again...his smile...abir please come to me ...

a tear drop fell out of her eyes...

please help me improve !!! guys thank you for all your support !!! see you soon !!!!

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