Killer Love

Von tishurrr

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All it takes is one knock on your door. Cassidy has always been able to overcome everything thrown in her pat... Mehr



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Von tishurrr

"Do I really have to speak to them again?" Cassidy groaned.

Wyatt smiled. It was exactly the reaction he thought she would have had.

"I know you don't like them. But they're working on the case too."

"They're infuriating. I don't like the way they question me."

Wyatt didn't like it either, but he couldn't go against the Agents. They were higher than him in the ordering structure. He had to follow their word.

"Do you want to get a cup of coffee before we start?"

"I would love one. I saw a Starbucks a couple blocks away."

She looked at him with such pleading eyes, he found himself agreeing even though Adam had just brewed a pot of coffee in the break room.

"Great. We could both use the fresh air," she added as they walked out the station.

He honestly could use the fresh air. Last night was spent at the crime scene and then going over all the evidence that had been found. It was safe to say the Family Killer was behind the attack. The pattern was the same. The cause of death was even the same.

"Do you usually work all night?" Cassidy asked him as they walked.

"I try not to make it a habit, but it's been happening a lot recently. How did you know?" he asked.

He was sure he hadn't mentioned it.

"Adam. He mentioned it when he called this morning."

Of course the kid had said something. If there ever was a leak, Wyatt knew where to look. It wasn't that Adam leaked confidential data all the time, it was just that sometimes he didn't know what not to say.

"I'm sure coming to the station multiple times isn't helping with work," he stated as they walked.

"It isn't. But Lisa, my boss, has been okay with it so far, once I finish any orders we have for the day," Cassidy answered smiling.

"Orders?" he asked.

They had done some research on where she worked but it was all basic things. Cassidy wasn't their suspect. There was no need to go into her private life further.

"We take cake orders. It's actually what I learnt at school. I did some pastries as well, but cakes are what I love doing. I convinced Lisa recently to start taking more orders because I have the free time. I don't think she'd like it if the orders get backed up though," she answered with a chuckle.

"I'll have to come by and try some of your cake then."

Wyatt looked across at her and smiled. She grinned back and then turned away.

"How did you hurt your hand?" he asked.

The bandage on her hand was one of the first things he had noticed when she walked into the station. Well technically that would be a lie. The first thing he had noticed was her smile. But that was besides the point. Her bandaged arm had pulled his attention to it and he had wanted to question her about it since he noticed it.

"Some kid ran into me in the street yesterday. I guess something he was wearing cut me. It's not that bad honestly," Cassidy answered, flexing her fingers to show him that her hand was fine.

He nodded. Must have just been a sharp object on someone's clothes. Fashion these days always puzzled him. Why does one need spikes on their clothing?

"How long have you been a detective?" Cassidy asked.

Wyatt looked across at her. He didn't expect the conversation to get personal.

"You don't have to answer. I'm just curious," she added, noticing his gaze.

"It's been about six years since I joined the force and three since I made detective," he answered.

Six years on the force? Sometimes he couldn't believe he had been here so long. It felt like just the other day when he was graduating from the Academy and starting as a rookie. He sure had climbed the ladder since then.

"Did you always want to be a police officer?" Cassidy questioned.

He laughed.

"It was one of the choices. I had five growing up. Policeman, firefighter, doctor, judge or lawyer. Policeman seemed like the best one."

"Are you sure? Doctor and lawyer don't sound too bad either," she replied with a chuckle.

"I just wanted to do something where I help people. Did you always want to bake?"

He looked at her in that moment and saw the smile drop from her face. Her shoulders tensed as well.

"No baking wasn't always the dream."

"What was?" he asked, softly.

The change in her was obvious. Her smile wasn't as bright, and she wasn't as relaxed as she had been a minute ago. She looked defensive, as though this was information she was supposed to protect.

"To be honest, I can't remember," she answered, brushing it aside as she continued to talk. "Baking was just something I stumbled upon with Martha. I was good at it and I enjoyed it, so I figured why not make a career out of it."

Wyatt noticed the change in her tone when she spoke about Martha. The love was clear even to his ears. Cassidy's smile had also returned to her face as she talked about the woman.

"Martha is your adoptive mother, right?" he asked.

She spared him a glance before looking back at the street.

"She is. Her and Leon, her husband, adopted me almost a year after the fire. They were patient with me and loved me as much as they could. I honestly don't know where I would be without them. Maybe I would have turned out like Rose," she mused softly.

"I'm sure that wouldn't have been the case. Plus, we don't know what your sister is like as yet. We haven't actually met her."

They fell into silence, neither sure what to say. He had been hoping to avoid Rose in this conversation. They were already going to talk about her back at the station, there was no need to talk about her now as well.

Luckily, the Starbucks sign came into view. Meaningless conversation was avoided as they ordered their drinks and collected them.

"Are Agents Field and Jones always that hostile?" Cassidy asked as they walked back.

Wyatt sipped his drink before answering.

"I can't say. This is the first time I've worked with either agent. I think everyone is on edge right now. We weren't able to stop another murder and we still don't have a suspect in custody," he answered truthfully.

To be honest, the stress of the situation was getting to him as well. He had been so sure they would have caught the killer before someone else was harmed. But he was wrong. Another family had been victim to the killer's heinous crimes.

"The murder last night must have cleared Carl Hunt of all suspicions," Cassidy assumed.

Wyatt nodded.

"He couldn't have committed the crimes if he was behind bars. Agent Field is working on his release. We have no more reason to hold him."

Silence filled the void again as they walked back to the station. Agent Jones was waiting for them in the reception area. His face was red, and his veins looked as though they would pop at any second. Rage was clearly written across his forehead.

"We're supposed to have an interview. Where have you been?" he shouted.

Wyatt tried his best not to roll his eyes. Every chance he got; Agent Jones liked to show off his power. To show he could order Wyatt around.

"We were getting coffee. Is that a problem?" Cassidy rebutted.

Wyatt glanced across at her and could see the fierce look in her eyes. She wasn't going to be backing down.

Agent Jones glared at her but must have noticed the conviction in her eyes, because he broke contact and turned away from them.

"Let's get this interview undergo," he grumbled before he walked away.

Cassidy smirked at his retreating back.

"You should shout back at him. Take him down a peg or too," she suggested.

Wyatt laughed.

"I'll think about that."

Yeah, that wouldn't be something he would do. He was sure if he did, Agent Jones would report him to Chief and then he would get an earful. And an earful from Chief was never a good thing.

"Let's get to the interrogation room," he said to Cassidy, leading the way.

"We're in there again? You guys are really making me feel like I'm a suspect."

He laughed at her tone.

Agent Jones joined his partner in the room and waited for Cassidy to be seated.

"Let's get this over with," Cassidy stated.

She looked more confident than the last time she had been interviewed by the agents.

"I'm sure you're aware there was another murder last night," Agent Field began.

"Yes, I received a call from Detective Wyatt," Cassidy answered.

"Are you also aware that the family that was killed ordered a cake from your bakery?"

"Yes, I've been told as such."

"And you don't find it weird?" Agent Field asked.

Wyatt couldn't see where they were going with this questioning. Did they think Cassidy had something to do with the murders last night?

It was so frustrating that they never shared their information with him. He had no idea what suspects they were looking at or even any theories they had. They were keeping it all under wraps.

"I do cake orders for a lot of people. I think this is the first time someone was murdered," Cassidy answered.

Cassidy's expression showed that the line of questioning also confused her.

"Where were you last night?" Agent Field asked.

So, they did think Cassidy was a suspect. Interesting. He could have corrected them had they consulted him on this theory.

"Wait, why are you asking me that? You don't think-. No, you can't possible think I had anything to do with the murders," Cassidy protested.

"Where were you last night?" Agent Jones repeated, his tone harsh.

"At home. I got home from the bakery late and had some wine and watched television," she answered.

From where Wyatt was standing, he noticed her hand that was below the table was tapping her thigh constantly. Was she nervous about something? Both agents couldn't see her hands so they couldn't see the nervous tick.

"Is there anyone that can vouch for that?" Agent Field asked.

"Is there any reasoning behind this line of questioning?" Wyatt cut in. "Why are we suspecting Cassidy at the moment?"

"Once Miss Monte gives a clear answer, we can exclude her from our list of suspects," Agent Field answered, not bothering to even look up at Wyatt. Her gaze was solely focused on Cassidy.

"Can anyone vouch for you being at home?" she asked again.

"Um...The thing is..."

Cassidy's fumbling had Wyatt's interest piqued as well. Was she hiding something?

"I, uh, wasn't alone. I was with-"

Whatever she had been about to say was cut short by the knock on the door. Adam poked his head in.

This guy sure knew how to make an entrance. How did he always come in during the important parts?

"What?" Agent Jones growled.

The anger was radiating off him. Wyatt could understand his rage.

Cassidy was just about to name who she was with last night. Even he had been curious about who it was.

"The fingerprint results are back," Adam said walking into the room.

His gaze was jumping between Wyatt and Cassidy.

Wyatt was surprised the results had come back so fast. He expected to wait at least a day.

"That was quick," he said.

"They had the fingerprints on record, so it wasn't difficult."

"On record? That's interesting. Whose fingerprints is it?"

Wyatt noticed the way Adam's eyes jumped to Cassidy again. Did the results say Rose was the killer? Had they finally found conclusive evidence? He would also hesitate to mention that to Cassidy, knowing her belief in her sister's innocence.

"The thing is...Umm...It's..."

"Spit it out Adam," Wyatt exclaimed, growing impatient.

"The fingerprints are Cassidy's," Adam blurted.

Wyatt's eyes widened in shock. That was not what he was expecting to hear.


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