Please the god

By laynejodi

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Esme Wood is a sassy, loudmouth wench to most people but to her few friends, she's the one that always has yo... More

Author's Note
Main Characters
Chapter 1 - The Creation of Esme
Chapter 2A - Once they were the Coopers.
Chapter 2B - Once they were the Coopers.
Chapter 3A -Welcome to Aurora coven
Chapter 3B - Welcome to Aurora coven
Chapter 4-Home?
Chapter 5A Two types of friends: a werewolf and...
Chapter 5B - ...a mystic.
Chapter 6 -Cole age 12
Chapter 7 - Blaze's escape
Chapter 8 - Esme likes a boy
Chapter 9 - Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
Chapter 10A - Call me Esme Wood
Chapter 10B - Call me Esme Wood
Chapter 11A - The Emergence of Esme Wood
Chapter 11B - The Emergence of Esme Wood
Chapter 12 - My root and his troubles Part 1
Chapter 13 - My root and his troubles Part 2
Chapter 14 - The mutt comes calling.
Chapter 15 - Cole's Resolution
Secondary Characters
Chapter 17 - Blaze's Homecoming
Chapter 18 - Two very different banes... collide.
Chapter 19 - Can't deny this feeling: Cole and Blaze
Chapter 20 - Can't deny this pull: Esme and Cole
Chapter 21 - Can't deny this need: Esme and Blaze
Chapter 22 - Come to Jesus meeting
Chapter 23 - We are family
Chapter 24 - Coven vs. Coven Begins
Chapter 25 - Coven vs. Coven Continues
Chapter 26 - Coven vs. Coven Ends
Prophecy Fulfilled - 1
Author's Notes
Chapter 27 - Prophecy Fulfilled 2
Chapter 28 - Amends and Retribution Part One
Chapter 29 - Amends and Retribution Part Two.
Chapter 30-Amends and Retribution Part Three.
Chapter 31-Esme and Cole... again.

Chapter 16 - A Drastic move?

241 17 7
By laynejodi

Indiana Evans as Isadora Izzy Crane


Izzy POV

"I don't understand you, Isadora. Why would you make such a request?"

I sit up and face High Priest Micah in his office with all the bravado a seventeen-year-old can muster. As a witch, I know the only way we can leave a coven is by death or ex-communication. But ever since I observed Esme's request to leave our coven voluntarily, I did some research. A witch can a coven by sending a request to the Ruling Council and must have a coven take them if the request is granted. One out of two isn't bad. I sent my request in; I just have to convince my friend if I can join her coven. I picture her definite four-letter word response to my request and it makes me smile.

"This is not funny, Izzy." High Priest Micah reprimands me.

"Apologies, sir. You were saying?"

"Why you would make a request to leave this coven, your family. Speaking of family, are your parents aware?"

"Yes. They are aware, and they wished me well."

Yeah sure Izzy, after you cried, bribed, and threatened them. What can I say, I learned from the best–Esme, my new coven leader, I hope and pray?

"I still can't believe you want to vacate this coven. Your whole family belongs to this coven," he says.

"Sir, you guys always say that children must grow up sometime, right? Besides, I'm off to college in a year and I plan to move into town, anyway. And it's geographically better for me to belong to a coven close to my home, right?"

"Cut out the sarcasm, Izzy. This is serious. Once you're out of this coven, that's it. You leave the coven immediately. Do you have a place to stay right now?"

"Yes, sir. An apartment in town. I'll be here to see my family and finish high school. And before you say it, I know. I won't take part in any of the coven activities or gatherings."

"As a sorcerer, you are a great asset to the coven. You and your brother," he continues, still trying his best to persuade me to stay. That ship sailed a long time ago, I tell myself.

I wish I could tell him why I am adamant about leaving, but I can't. As a clairvoyant, sometimes I see things in their entirety other times I don't. What I know for a fact is that I need to leave this coven and join Esme's ASAP. For both our sakes. I don't know who I can trust here anymore, and I can't tell Esme why either. Days like this, I wish I'm plain human.

"Micah, good day."

I jump up, kneel, and bow at the sudden appearance of El Dargon in the office.

"Blessed be El Dargon," he replies, kneels, and bows.

"Blessed be El Dargon," I greet him too.

El Dargon arrives in his ceremonial robe, which means they got my request and they have approved me to leave Aurora coven. Elementals only dress in their ceremonial robes when they're about to perform a ritual. He stands in front of us, legs slightly apart, hands crossed behind him.


We both get up and face him.

"Isadora Crane, is it?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you're right. We got your request, and we have approved it;" he tells us.

"El Dargon, sir. I sent a denial affidavit when I learned of her request. I thought it would carry some weight," High Priest Micah says.

"It didn't. Now I would like to speak with Isadora alone."

High Priest Micah leaves, and El Dargon waves his hand. The room cools slightly.

"We don't want anyone listening to our conversation now, do we? Tell me, Esme didn't know what she was delivering to the Ruling Council when you gave her your request, did she?" He asks.

"No sir, she didn't," I confirm.

"I didn't believe so. She's made it clear she doesn't want a member in her coven. How do you plan to convince her to accept you?"

"Honestly, sir. I have no idea."

"You know that if she turns you down that means you're without the protection of a coven. You will be an open season for every power-hungry witch out there. The least that can happen is they leave you powerless, and the worst is kill you. Are you prepared for that option?"

"Yes sir," I sigh.

"And you're a clairvoyant? Given the opportunity, they will eat you alive," he warns.

"I'll like to see them try."

He stares at me for a minute and I know he's reading me. I stand up straight because I want him to read that I have nothing to hide.

"I see what you see. Unfortunately, I cannot help you. All I can do is continue to pray for protection. Even though Esme is a self-proclaimed loner who despite that has a few trusted friends, and I think you may be one. She will never admit it, but she'll do anything for those that she loves, and I believe you're one of them. So, play on that love, if you want her to accept you in her coven-"

"-Should you be telling me that, sir?"

He smiles. "Yes. You need to be with her. I see what you see and unfortunately, I can't do anything about it, but you in her coven will help a little. Esme really knows how to pick them."

"Pick them?"

"Friends and enemies alike," he shakes his head. "Now let's get Micah back in here for your ex-communication."

"When you say ex-communication, it makes me think twice," I shudder.

"Don't worry it sounds worse than it is, ask Esme," he grins.

He's kind of cute when he smiles, I tell myself.

"Thank you, Isadora," he grins wider.

Shit! Time to get High priest Micah. I rush out the door to find my soon to be ex-coven leader.

Blaze POV

I will argue to the death with anyone that driving with the top down is better than shifting and racing with the wind. My right hand on the wheel, my left on the outside of my car door, I tap to the music egging me on. I put my foot on the pedal and drive down the open road.

It's been sixteen years since I wandered into this region of the country. I am citified now like they say since I drove away from Eden, Colorado where I was born and raised until dad moved back to the coven in Eagle South Dakota. I shake my head and do what I always do when I think about my family. I talk to my mom.

Mom, this is my last job, I promise. Once I give my report, I'm done. No more missions. Thanks for always watching over me. I pat my heart to seal the promise.

My phone rings and I smile when I see the name on the caller ID.

"Hi, Uncle Conner. You guys miss me already?" I laugh.

"Just checking to see how far you are from your destination," he replies.

"According to my GPS, I'm about one hundred miles from Crimson River Pack."

"And how far is that from your dad's."

"Maybe another five hours, but I bet I can make it in three and a half," I laugh.

"Slow down, pup. If anything happens to you Grandma Ilya will kill you."

"Let's not tell her then."

"Be safe and don't forget to call. Talk later?"

"Sure. Bye, Uncle Conner."

In the last ten years, I have been a frequent visitor to their home. After my third visit in the first year, Alpha Brogan got off his high horse and allowed me free rein to come and go as I please in his pack. I learned from Uncle Conner that my grandma had met with the Alpha and told him on no certain terms is she going to lose me as she lost my mother. So, either he allows me to visit whenever I want, or she and her family will leave the pack. A few years later, I was invited to go on runs with the pack. When they saw my wolf, Shadow, I became one of them.

I make it to Crimson River Pack about forty-five minutes later. I follow the directions, pass several homes spaced apart, and I arrive at a huge coliseum-like building. Damn! These werecats sure know how to live large. I step out of the car and immediately three bulky werecats surround my car.

"Freeze! Wolf. Who are you here to see?" Bellows the meanest looking one of them. Mean but gorgeous.

"Three warrior werecats for little old me? I'm honored. Anyway, I'm here to see Roman. Roman Sarris? I believe he's expecting me," I tell them.

"Follow me," says the mean, gorgeous, hulky hybrid–I sense lion and tiger blood. I follow and I skip to walk beside him. We go through a set of double doors and straight into what looks like a large recreation center. There are werecats everywhere, some scantily dressed, and some naked.

"Damn! In my next life, I want to come back as a werecat. All these naked bodies. So, what's your name?" I tell my guard.

"Not interested," he snaps.

"Oh, I'm hurt. Here I thought with your werecat flexibility and my werewolf hunger we could rock each other's world. Not to mention the things my witch side can conjure up for maximum pleasure," I leer at him.

"I have a girlfriend-"

"-The more the merrier. I'm an equal gender pleaser, you know."

He ignores me; I smile. We reach a closed door. He knocks, opens the door and gestures for me to walk in. I walk in and seated opposite each other across a desk are my employers; Roman Sarris and High Lord Rafe Klyne.

"Roman," I yell.

"Blaze, you son of a gun," he jumps up and hugs me. I hug him back.

"You look good, man. I guess a posh position will do that to a man," I tease him.

"You're still a comedian, I see," he replies.

"Good afternoon High Lord," his eyebrows scrunch together, "I mean Rafe."

I have worked for these men for about eight years now and I still find it hard to call High Lord Rafe by his first name only, even though he insists on it. There's something about the man that screams 'mess with me and I'll fuck you up'. I don't want to be fucked up, at least not that way.

"Doing well, Blaze. Good to see you in one piece."

"So, who's pack is this? Not yours, High - I mean Rafe?"

"This pack belongs to Alpha Salim, one of Roman's mates," he grins.

"Roman, you have mates. The one who swore he would never mate? I think the world's ending. I need to sit down," I jest.

"Funny! Just because I have two mates doesn't mean I am mated. There's a big difference," he scowls.

"And the kicker is his second mate; El Dargon," Rafe adds.

"Shit! I think I've just gone down the rabbit hole. An Elemental? One of the big bad is your other mate? Roman, I don't know whether to congratulate you or pray for you, my friend."

"Anyway, what do you have for us," Rafe asks, all serious.

I met these two men about eight years ago in New Orleans. I had picked Roman's pocket and tried to pick Rafe's when he caught me. A brawl between Roman and I resulted in a few scratches and Rafe treating me to dinner. They followed me to my car, which was where I was living the two years, I had left home. Rafe made me an offer I couldn't refuse; I either work for him or he reports me to the Ruling Council, and I get punished. It was a no brainer. I became his employee. Only after I earned my GED, as he insisted.

Initially, I worked at his office in New Orleans, but I got bored in an office setting. Then Roman took me under his wings and taught me to be a 'cleaner' for Klyne corporation. As the company's only two 'cleaners', Roman and I go undercover to do whatever is needed to keep Klyne Corporation running smoothly. On rare occasions when the peaceful way is not workable, Roman and I have done things that will make a grown man pee in his pants. I guess the layman's word is mercenary.

Now I sit down and update them on my last mission. Why my last mission? Rafe says things are changing in the paranormal world and we may not need our skills as much as we used to.

"-Colt Feingold is no more. His wife is now in charge, just as we hoped. They are ready to negotiate and the company employees are being taken care of. I think we can acquire it for pennies on the dollar now."

"No, we will help Amanda Feingold rebuild, and once done, if she wants to sell then we'll buy at a reasonable rate," Rafe says.

I nod my head. Rafe doesn't hesitate to cut off a leader's head when needed, but he never goes for the jugular financially, especially if there are casualties involved. The man is a walking contradiction.

"I'm off to see my family before I head back to New Orleans," I tell them.

"You'll still think about the job offer, right?" Roman asks.

"It'll be on my mind on the almost five-hour drive to Eagle, South Dakota."

"Your family lives in Eagle, South Dakota? That's near our pack," Rafe injects.

"Your pack? I thought vampires have clans, not packs, or did I miss something?"

"To be technical, it's my mate's pack, Alpha Darric Grey. Are you related to a Lars Crane?" Rafe asks.

"Yes, he's my brother. Do you know him?"

"I met him briefly. He's, how shall I put this, a friend of a friend."

"Small world," I murmur.

"And it's getting smaller, believe me," Roman scoffs.

"I'm out. I wonder if I'll run into that werecat that brought me to your office," I wink at Roman.

"Still a hound dog, I see," Roman shakes his head.

"Woof! Woof! It's the wolf in me. Bye, guys."

I walk out the same way I came. I didn't run into the gorgeous man, but I ran into a blonde woman. Too bad I can't stay. I have a princess waiting for me.

Izzy's POV

"Esme I absolutely love that new skin glowing cream I bought last month. My skin looks marvelous, I fell in love with myself." I run my hand softly up and down my arms and twirl around in the middle of her store.

"Izzy, you're nuts," she laughs.

"Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong? Is it your family? School? Coven What?" She rushes past her counter and walks to meet me in the center of her store.

"I'm fine. Are you alone?"

"No, but I can clear the store in a minute," she reassures me.

"Let's make it five, I don't want anyone to get hurt," I tease her. "I'll meet you in the backroom."

I walk to her backroom slash break room slash nap room. I sit on the sofa bed couch and go over again how to convince this friend of mine to accept me into her coven. A few minutes later, Esme walks in and sits beside me on the couch.

"Okay, what's up, Izzy? You got me scared, I was tempted to read your mind." She raises her hand to stop my tirade. "No. I didn't. Only in life or death situations. So, fess up!"

"Here's the thing, I left the coven. I was ex-communicated a few hours ago."

"You did WHAT?"

"Relax. You know how I see things, sometimes clearly, sometimes muddled. I saw things that showed me I must leave the coven now and join another one."

"Which coven are you joining? I hope it's close so we can still see each other. I guess I must meet your coven leader for permission to go in and out of their vicinity. And your parents? Lars? School? I bet your mom is shitting bricks right now."

"They'll be fine. I won't be far from home. I'll still be around for our family dinners. You won't need permission from my new coven leader, trust me. I already have an apartment in town close to my new coven," I whisper.

I sink deeper into the couch and wait for it to sink in. And it did.


She jumps, pacing up and down, muttering to herself.

"Esme, you know me. I wouldn't just up and leave the coven I grew up in if it wasn't important for me to do so," I whisper. "I know you like your one-woman coven, but I am without a coven right now. I'm prey for witches who would love my powers. And you know my powers are neutral and offensive. What will happen to me when witches with defensive powers come at me?"

"But Izzy, I know nothing about being a leader. The responsibility is too much. What if I can't-"

"-protect me? I'm fine as long as you accept me and I'm under your coven's protective shield. And El Dargon says the sooner you do so, the better."

"El Dargon? He performed the ritual?" she growls.

"Yes. Why?" I ask, curious why she's pissed off again.

"Nothing. What about High Priest Micah? Is he okay with this? I told him when I asked permission for you and Becca to perform my 'awning' that I wasn't planning on adding you to my coven. He will think I lied, damn it!"

"He's fine. I told him I wanted out;" I reassure her.

"Okay, here's the deal. I will accept you. I don't know what to do with a member, so we're treading uncharted waters here. Oh shit! It just occurred to me-"

"-What?" I ask worriedly.

"When you meet your bane and marry and have children, that means all of you will be members of my coven? Crap!" She sits back on the sofa, leans her head back, her right arm over her face, muttering.

"Come on, let's perform my initiation. I have my robe with me," I get up and pull her up.

"You came prepared. Honestly, Izzy Crane, if I didn't like you so much, I'll throw you to the wolves," she mutters.

"Aww! Esme Wood likes me, she really likes me." I dance away from her towards the basement door where we will perform my initiation. I try to open the door and a charge runs through me and I fall back, screaming.

"The first lesson in my coven, everyone and everything is protected," she warns from behind me. I turn to look at her and she is in her robe. How? She walks to the door and opens it. I see a red haze circle her hand as she turns the knob.

"Are you sure you want to join my coven, Isadora Crane?" She chides.

I ask myself the same question. Maybe I read my visions wrong. I might be the one who needs protection from whatever is coming and not Esme. No turning back now.

"Yes, I do, High Priestess Esme," I reply and bow in greeting.

I put on my robe. We enter her sanctuary and perform my initiation.


That was intense. And I feel empowered. I leave her home and make my way to my new apartment to sign the lease. In my pocket is a protective pouch from Esme until I move in and she consecrates an altar for me. I say a silent thank you to El Dargon. He's right, Esme's a marshmallow with those she likes. Thank the Sun god.

After my initiation, Esme says as a member of her coven, I need to learn portion making. Once perfected she will endow me with the power to teleport. I tell her I don't want powers. She shot me down.

"As a member of Phoenix coven, you also need to learn to protect yourself. And the first way is to teleport. In other words, skedaddle when in trouble," she laughs.

After signing the lease, I get in my secondhand car and drive to my ex-coven to have dinner with my family. I foresee an argument from Lars, a guilt trip from my mom, and support from my dad. Days like this, I miss Blaze. At least now I can meet him wherever for our impromptu meetings, alone.

My cell phone rings and I answer.

"Hey Princess, guess who's coming home?"

"BLAZE!" I scream into my phone. "When?"

"Tomorrow. I must find somewhere to stay when I get into town. Sorry, princess, but I won't stay at the coven."

"No worries. I just moved out of the coven. You can stay at my new place. Minimal furniture for now, though. I'll text you the address. I miss you so much, Blaze. I miss my knight."

"I miss you too, Princess. And your knight is on his way. Don't tell the family. I want to surprise them, okay? See you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too."

I was grinning from ear to ear when I hung up the phone. Blaze is coming home. My brother is coming home. Things will be better now, right?

Author's Notes: Izzy, what are you afraid of? What have you seen?

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