๐„๐—๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐†๐„ | Y.JH. [โœ“]

By ujibab_factory

286K 11.3K 3.5K

๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ / ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ข๐˜ถ ! He was living as a forced killer by night and an ordinary student by day... More

#01: The week before [01]
#02: The week before [02]
#03: To the Present
#05: Jeonghan-sunbaenim!
#06: Protect you
#07: Investigation
#08: The 'junior' officer
#09: Meeting with Wonwoo
#10: Behind his eyes
#11: Why presents if you have everything?
#12: Directions
#13: The odd drive
#14: Who is it?!
#15: Love letter
#16: Cha Ella,
#17: Accusations
#18: Search party
#19: The final straw
#20: Questions, killings, and a little bit of sweetness
#21: Their end [01]
#22: Their end [02] + Unexpected reunion
#23: Their end [03]
#24: The 'thank you' gift
#25: When the angel becomes violent
#26: When the angel becomes soft
#27: Just a short journey
#28: Red flower hairpin
#29: Is it really instinct?
#30: The old hag
#31: Pick-up
#32: Bumper ride
#33: Up and Down
#34: Catch up
#35: Ferris wheel
#36: Capture
#37: That days with you
#38: Unexpected confession
#39: What do they deserve?
#40: Break connections
#41: Full of you
#42: Final goodbyes?
#43: Regret it a lot
#44: Captive
#45: The real weak fool
#46: Painfully peaceful
#47: I can feel it, I can feel you
Finale: Much love, much pain
- ending note ; some extra facts!
- Birthday chapter: 10/04/21
- Alternate ending? : 10/04/22

#04: Cafeteria chat

10.9K 427 233
By ujibab_factory


"So Mingyu, why did you decide to sit beside us in the 1st period?" I asked, earning a big nudge from Inha.

"Why do you always ask questions? That's the reason why you're bad at making friends." Inha murmured.

"Ha, it's not like you're the first who approached me back from middle school." I also murmured.


It's already lunchtime and Mingyu is already sitting with us. We're just having a friendly chat—

Yes, that's what I at least describe it.

"That's enough ladies, I'm alright answering Hayoon's question," Mingyu spoke, making me raise my eyebrow.

"I mean it's not really hard to answer, I think you two seem different from other girls." He replied.

I started to laugh sarcastically while they just looked at me in pure confusion. Don't get me wrong, I'm just tired of those 'you're different from other girls.' pick-up lines.

"Huh, I bet you're no different from those other boys. So what are you actually? Are you a rich heir? Do your parents own a company? What?—"

"Stop that! Do you want me to smack you again?" Inha threatened.

"I mean who knows..."

Mingyu started to laugh because of the sight in front of him causing us to imitate, despite the glares in front of us. I kept receiving them way back from 1st period, they really don't seem to stop.

"So Mingyu, what did you bring for lunch?" Inha asked while I placed my lunch at the table.

"Oh, I barely eat lunch these days. Breakfast is already enough for me." Mingyu responded.

I and Inha gave him an unbelievable look while it rubbed me completely the wrong way.

"Here, take my lunch. I'm really not a fan of Kimchi, here." I said, pushing my lunch box over in his direction.

"What? Why?" He asked, giving me a surprised expression.

"As I said, I'm really not a fan of Kimchi." I lied again.

"What do you mean you're not a fan of Kimchi? You always—" I caught Inha off by lightly stepping at her foot causing her to stop mid-sentence.

"Ouch! What was that for?!—"

"Go eat, you don't want the food to go to waste, do you?" I spoke looking at Mingyu.

"O-Oh okay, thanks." He said, picking up the chopsticks and proceeding to eat.

"You're welcome."

I was just sitting there, silent and arms crossed. I can't really believe it, it's my first time giving up my lunch to someone else. 5 minutes later, I suddenly felt liquid splashed from my head and very cold water started to drip.

"Oh my God, Hayoon!" Inha exclaimed.

Someone, someone so sinister and evil, just poured cold water over me. I quickly looked over behind me and it was not other than Ella. The rudest girl that you ever meet, just the worst.

"Oops, I just accidentally poured cold water over you." She bent down to my ear and whispered. "Are you going to run away and cry?"

I shot her an angry glare but I was able to quickly calm myself down.

"Sigh, I think that's unnecessary for me to do. But I think you should continue to cry over your dad's feet and buy yourself a new bag. What do you think about that?" I spat back.

I clearly saw that her eyes started to twitch by themselves which made me obviously laugh. She quickly stormed her way out to somewhere else and Mingyu was first to check up.

"Are you alright? Do you have spare clothes or something?" He got up and started to ask me hundreds of questions.

"I'm alright, don't worry too much about me. I have some clothes in my locker, I'll get some and change in the bathroom."

"Do you need any of my help?" Inha asked with concern in her tone.

"Don't worry, I know what to do if she decides to come back and spit some nonsense again. I'll get going." I gave them both a reassuring smile as I left.

I finally walked out of the cafeteria and walked my way to my locker. I got some extra clothes inside and went to the bathroom to change. I went to an empty stall and proceeded to change my clothes and folded my wet clothes to carry back home. I checked myself in the mirror and headed out.

"It's been a while to see you, punk." A husky voice spoke making me hide behind a wall.

Who's that?

"Yeah, we've never seen you for a while. Got some.. money in there?" Another unfamiliar voice said.

The scene quickly made me shiver as I remembered my similar experience with bullying. I peeked out for a little and it was three guys cornering another boy. The boy has really long, average blonde hair that ends on his ears. But it didn't make me ignore one of the more recognizable seniors.

"Kai..." I murmured.

Kim Jong-in, better known as Kai, is the only biggest jerk in school. The only guy on the whole entire campus that you don't want to mess with.

I was quickly pulled out from my thoughts when Kai lifted his fist in the air coming for a punch, making me join the fight and try to stop them.


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