United In Betrayal

By RoseBernards

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He was the perfect husband until he tasted the forbidden fruit. How many lies does he need to tell in order t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's apology
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Pictures to help your imagination
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

87 3 0
By RoseBernards

She wrapped her hands around him while he watched in disgust.

"I'm sorry darling. I went to the hospital for registration, from there, i stopped by the market to buy some things. I didn't know that traffic will be heavy or I would have cone home straight from the hospital." She whined, feigning fatigue.

"And I should believe you? Amarachi I asked you to make my lunch but no, you carried your lazy bones out. You won't do anything because you don't know how to do anything outside going on twitter to say rubbish. And if you know what's good for you, go and untag me from that nonsense you tweeted. Animal." He turned and began to move up the stairs.

"Michael how can you be talking to me like this? What happened? I thought you......."

"Save your strength Amara. If I were you, I'll go upstairs before I change my mind. You're lucky Ebere calmed me before you returned, I swear to God, you would have left this house before you drove into this compound. One more thing, you see the two cars outside, they're mine and I don't recall giving you access to any of them, just in case of next time. Do I make myself clear?"

"No Michael. What is wrong with you? So what if Ebere didn't calm you down? You'll beat me up? I'm not Claire and what is this thing going on in this house? Ebere isn't an employee yet she's in this house, as what? Listen Michael, I'm your wife and you'll carry me along in whatever that happens in this house."

To her surprise, Michael broke into a hearty laugh, gradually coming down the stairs.

"You're who's wife? Do you have the qualities of a wife? You can't cook, you don't even look like a wife material, the only thing you know is the act of seduction and I'll give you a plus on that. But to be a wife, you'll have to be like Claire, your sister. And hey, let me burst your bubbles, you're in same status as Ebere in this house. You're not the only one carrying my baby after all."

His words sank in and her eyes widened in shock. She stared from Ebere to Michael and when she couldn't take it anymore, she attacked Ebere, throwing her off guard and dealing her blows. But Michael was fast to separate the two and give Amara an ear deafening slap.

"I don't want to hit you Amara so keep yourself in check. Ebere, where did you transfer your things to?"

Ebere couldn't speak. Tears welled her eyes and she was afraid that if she let them out, her boss/baby papa would hit her.

"Follow me." He said when she didn't respond.

Amara watched from the floor where she had fallen. Her dreams had been shattered and she was loosing already, just two days after the divorce that was supposed to bring them together.
How couldn't she see it? He was a dog, he wasn't created for one woman. He had used her against her sister but she was sure that her own will be worse. She had Ebere in the house, then, the fair model outside the house. She was doomed for life. She cried.

"Good morning madam." Chika greeted. "Breakfast is served."

"Good morning Chika. What's for breakfast?"

"Moi moi, made with fresh tomatoes and smoked fish." Chika replied excitedly.

"Hmmmm. When did you wake up?"

"Very early madam. You mentioned having a meeting today so I decided to help you be as early as possible."

"Thank you dear. I'll be down in five minutes."

Chika nodded with a smile and left the room.

Claire stood up and went into her bathroom. She cane out after a minute or two and just when she was about going downstairs, her phone rang.

"Yes, Claire Peters on the line........ Oh, madam, I'm sorry but we don't have new orders right now. If you can send me the list of the things you need, I can arrange for them...... Yes, ...... Yes... Thank you."

She dropped the call and made a mental note to send for new deliveries for her plaza, then, she'll travel to Abuja in two weeks for a meeting with jiji personnels. They were lacking a lot of things people needed and she hated it when someone orders for something and gets something else in return. They would deal with this but at the meantime, she'll go downstairs and enjoy her breakfast.

Michael Njama was ready to leave for work but he had not set eyes on Amara that morning.
Maybe she slept in her former room because he had shared his bed with Ebere the previous night. She had left the room that morning to prepare breakfast before the employees start coming.

He was about leaving the room with his briefcase when a knock sounded on his door.


Ebere opened the door and stepped in quietly.

"Breakfast is ready Sir."

He ran his eyes over her. She was wearing a loose gown but her melons were very obvious. He was sure she wasn't wearing a bra. His dick nodded in excitement and he buried a smile.

"I don't like the kind of clothes you were. Don't you know what it means to be sexy?"

"I.....I d..do sir."

"So? I need you to stop wearing this rags. I'll write you a cheque, change your wardrobe and be clean inside out. For now, I need an appetizer before that breakfast. You were too stiff last night."

Ebere looked at him, confusion drawing imaginary lines on her face.

"Strip." He ordered.

She woke up with a start. Her neck ached. She looked around and was alarmed when she realised she had passed the night on the couch. There was nobody in the sitting room. She picked her bag from the previous day and began to go upstairs, fighting hard to forget the incident of the previous day. They would talk about it and he'll apologize. Maybe he was drunk. But, is Ebere really pregnant? Only one way to find out and that will be when Michael must have left the house and if truly the pig was pregnant, she'll throw her out of the house.

She heard the doorbell ring followed by voices of the two new girls and she quickened her steps. They won't see her in those clothes. She was the boss of the house so she doesn't want them to disrespect her in any way.

She rounded the last corner and she heard it loud and clear.
Moans and grunts filled the corridor.
She checked her time and it was 7;31am. What was going on? She reached the last door which was her supposed room with Michael and tears began to drop from her eyes.

"Tell me how much you want to cum bitch! Say my name whore." She heard Michael's voice.

She heard Ebere saying all sorts of rubbish and she sank to the floor.
This was not happening to her, this was not happening.
She got up and tried to open the door but it was locked from inside so she began to pound her fist on the door.

"Michael you're a dog. You're a bastard. Open the door. Ebere I'll deal with you. I'll kill you."

But instead, she got Michael's grunting as a response.
She lowered herself on the floor and cried her heart out.

Claire was about driving out of her compound when she noticed a black venza packed just where she was supposed to reverse outside.
She got out and went to the car. She knocked on the driver's side and to her surprise, the door opened and a gentleman stepped out.

"Hi. I'm Enatel."

"I know someone she made friends with recently, we can indulge her and she will help us." Phil said.

"That is very good, you should reach her as soon as possible. Enatel must be there now."

"I already did that Kelvin. Sent her a DM last night."

"Okay. I really wish i'm there to see what her reaction would be."

"Don't worry. I'll get everything on camera for you."

"Phillip, you know why i'm supporting you on this right?"

He heaved a sigh.
"Yes i do. And i'm grateful."

"Okay Mr Enatel. You know you're blocking the entrance to my compound right?"

"Yes i know but i just had to get your attention. If I'd parked somewhere there, you would have just gone out straight."

"Pathetic. Men. And you think blocking my gate is the best way to gain my attention? Psst. How do you even know where I live? Have we met before?"

"I followed you home yesterday, you'll have to forgive me for......."

"This is what I call the height of shamelessness."

"You say what?" Enatel asked.

"You heard right. Look, get out of my entrance before I......."

"Hey. You don't talk to a man like that." Enatel interrupted, getting pissed.

"A man who follows a woman around? Just get out please."

"That's enough. Who do you think you are? What have you got that other ladies out there do not have? Listen, I won't stand here and watch you insult me. I'm only doing this for Phillip who's critically sick and is requesting to see you. You ain't up to the standa......"

"Where's he?" She toned down.

She didn't see him smile. Her heart was now doing terrible somersaults.

"Where's he? Where's Phil?" She panicked.

"Why not take your car back inside. I'll drive us to divine mercy. That's where he is."

She heard a knob click and she quickly stood up. Michael came out fully dressed, followed by Ebere who was tying the knot on the waist of her gown.

"Pack my breakfast hmm? I'll eat in the office. I'll like to have noodles and milk for lunch. You know how you cooked it yesterday? Dress nicely while coming you get?"

"Yes sir."

"And you better not address me as sir outside this house. Hurry up, I'm late already." He eyed Amara and quickly turned to leave.

"Michael please, let's talk." Amara pleaded while Ebere stole out to go do her boss' bidding.

"Talk about what?" He turned to her.

"If there's anyway I've offended you, please forgive me. Remember how much we love each other, don't make the enemies laugh at us."

"You've wronged me Amara, yes, you have. Domestic chore should be every woman's specialty. You don't want to work so why should I waste my time with you? Let me be with people who will do my biddings and not someone who thinks of bedmatics alone. Have a nice day." He turned and left the house.

Amara watched him.
She wont be defeated easily. Lunch right? She's so going to that office.

She had woken up that morning feeling excited but she couldn't place her hand on the reason for her mood. When Chika had announced breakfast, she was tempted to ask if there was a celebration but she thought against it.
Now, with the news of Phil's illness, she was tempted to doubt the superstitious beliefs that said that when you're too excited early in the morning, your day will be filled with good news.
What happened to Phil? They were just together some days ago. Was it an accident? Or just an ailment?

The screeching of tyres brought her out of her thoughts and she looked up. A silver sienna had overtaken them and stopped right in front of their car, blocking their way.

Enatel cursed as four armed men came out of the car.
They made their way to Enatel's car and threw the doors open.
To her surprise, they grabbed her and put a blindfold over her eyes.

"Don't hurt me please." She cried but none of them responded.
She was pushed gently into the car and they drove off, raising dusts behind them.

The first thing he did as soon as he got to the office was to chat up his object of fantasy.

"Hi pretty face." He sent her.

It wasn't long before she replied and he wondered if she was ever offline.

"Hi Mike."

"Looks like someone has been checking out my profile "

"Lol. Don't be flattered. How's it going?"

"Boring without you. Where are you?"

"Oh! Somewhere in mainland. Preparing a surprise for a friend."

"Wow. Good or bad surprise!?"

"Lol. It's a good one. Its her birthday today and she doesn't even know."

"Wow. Wish I'm in her shoes right now. Should I come?"

"Uhm..... I'll check and let you know."

"Hmmm. Is your boyfriend coming?"

"Lol. Brb."

"I'll be waiting my darling."

He began to think of the best gift to give this friend of hers. He needs to leave an impression.

"You can come. I'll text you the address and time."

"Thanks baby."

He quickly sent her his number and logged out. He would work till four, then he'll go home and dress for the party.

Phil watched as they brought her down from the car. He kept giving them signs to take it easy with her.
He led them to one of his guest room where Chantal was waiting.
The men tied her to a chair and they all left the room while she kept pleading to be released.

"I just pray she doesn't sprain her arm the way she was tied " Phil said as soon as they were back in the parlour where workers were decorating.

"I think one of the men and I would go and stay with her. We'll untie her and make sure she's comfortable but we won't allow her remove the blindfold." Chantal suggested.

"Yes. That's good. Get to it immediately." Phil said, worry and concern forming lines on his forehead.

"Uhm. Don't worry, it takes time for someone who went through hell to loosen up to people. Just give her time." Chantal advised.

He gave her a nod but instead of going away, she stayed back.

"I invited someone here. Before you get mad, I invited him for a reason. I want him to see how happy Claire can be without him. I want.... "

"Wait. You invited Michael?"

"Yes Phil but.... ..."

"Ask him not to come here or else, I'll punch liquor outta his nose. Why will he come to my house? Wait, are you both........"

"No please. He wants me and he's trying to impress me. All I want to do is to teach Claire's sister a lesson and then show the scum bag how happy Claire is without him."

He looked at her before heaving a sigh.

"He shouldn't cross my path because I've been wanting to punch him. Go already and untie my woman. I don't want her to sprain her arms."

"Alright. See you later."

She walked out while he went about, supervising the decoration.

Two days ago, Kelvin had called to ask him what he'll be giving Claire for her 27th birthday. He had ransacked his brain but got nothing. It was just the day before that he watched a movie where a girl's friend threw a surprise party for her. He had told Enatel and Kelvin about it and they gave their support immediately. Now, they were here and all he prayed for was for it to be successful.

Sleep had not crossed his eye the previous night as he kept on thinking of what her reaction would be. Angry, happy, she might even slap him.
He shook his head, put his hands in his pocket and started walking round. Today would be good, he prophesied.

Chantal watched Claire closely. She was a pretty woman. Why would Michael treat her the way he treated her? She was hardworking and easy going, she was every man's wish for a wife so what is wrong with Michael? Or Amara self? Her own blood sister? Her only relation? What on earth would make a sister hate her own and break her home?
She heaved a sigh.

"Please don't hurt me. I know you're here and you're hearing me. Name your price and I'll give you anything you want but don't hurt me please."

The thug looked at Chantal and when she said nothing, he spoke calmly.

"Calm down ma. If you cooperate with us, you'll leave here in one piece. Just calm down and tell us if you need anything, except removing the blindfold."

Claire nodded and laid back on the bed. It wasn't long before she slept off.

He checked the time again and hissed. It was still past one.
He quickly grafted a message and sent it to Ebere. She need not stress. He would be home for lunch.

Amara watched her rival pack up Michael's lunch. She tip toed back to the sitting room and waited. Ebere came out shortly and made for the stairs.

"Hey." She called out and Ebere turned to her.
"Michael called........"

"Yes. He......."

"Shut up. You don't talk when I'm talking. And we've not yet talked about the bastard you're carrying." Amara barked.

"Mr Michael is the father of my baby so don't refer to it as a bast@rd." Ebere said firmly and Amara smiled.

"He said you should go pick up a letter from his room. He said he left it just where you had dropped your dress this morning." Amara lied.

"Okay. Thank you."

She began to go upstairs and Amara followed. They got to the room and Ebere turned to ask Amara why she was following her.

"It's my room too. That you've been using it in my absence doesn't give you a right to it. Go and pick up the letter and get out. I want to have my siesta."

Ebere entered the room without saying a word while Amara looked on. As soon as she saw Ebere walk to the bed, she closed the door with a bang and locked it with the spare key she had.

"Let's see if I won't be the one he'll introduce to his employees as his new wife. Bitch."

She put the key in her pocket and went downstairs, throwing orders at Ifunanya and Chioma on what to do before she returns.

Chantal left the room quietly and started searching for Phil. Guests were already arriving and they all looked like first class citizens. She made a mental note to start dressing up as soon as she gets back to the room.
She rounded a corner and saw Phil addressing a group of people on uniform.
She went to them and stood beside him.

"........ .just supervise the banquet. I don't need any issues. "
They nodded and dispersed before he turned to her.

"How's she? Has she eaten anything yet?"

"No. She's been sleeping."

"Oh! Okay. Any problem?"

"Yes. People are already coming and I'm thinking if I should get her ready."

"Will she allow you?"

"I'll try. You don't expect her to come out first dressed in that. We ordered two gowns for her remember? She'll come out in one and then dress properly with the second one." Chantal said.

"Oh! Its just that I'm having a strange feeling about all this."

"Think positively Phil. Don't let negative thoughts ruin today. It has been going very well since morning so just calm down."


"Your friend hasn't shown up yet?"

"He will be here shortly with a host of others."

"I'll go get our birthday girl ready and please, don't be pessimistic about all this."

He nodded and she walked away.

He walked into the house and the first person he met was Chioma.

"Good afternoon sir."

"Yes? How's it going? Hope you girls are already getting familiar with everything?"

"Yes sir."

He left her and started going upstairs, wondering where his two baby mamas were.
He got to his room and to his surprise, it was locked.

Ebere heard the door handle turn and she sprang up from the bed.

"Amara enough of this silly joke of yours. Open this door right now."

The door opened immediately and Michael walked in.

"Good afternoon sir.' She greeted.

"Fine afternoon. What is going on here?" He asked, dropping his briefcase on the sofa.

Ebere explained all that transpired between she and Amara.

To her surprise, Michael broke into a hearty laugh.
"Don't mind her. Going there and not seeing me is punishment for her alone. Go and freshen up and come back here so you'll keep me company before I go for a friend's party."

She nodded and quietly left the room.

She stepped out of the elevator into the hall and the secretaries stared at her.

She stopped in front of Michael's secretary and he gave her a warm smile.

"Good day madam, how can we help you.?"

"I'm here to see Mr Michael." She said, looking around the hall.

"Do you have an appointment?" The secretary asked calmly.

"Excuse me? Did you just ask me that?" She barked angrily, drawing the attention of the other secretaries.

"I'm sorry ma but I asked because......"

"Shut up. Shut that gutter you call a mouth before I have your job. Do I need an appointment to see my husband?"

At the mention of that, the other girls stood up to look at her clearly.

"Uhm..... I'm sorry ma but my boss never mentioned getting remarried and......."

"Get in there and tell him I'm here."

"But ma, he just left for his house now."

"Can I go home now?" Claire asked as she felt a tap on her leg.

Chantal stifled a laugh before using a bandana to cover mouth so Claire won't recognize her voice.

"We'll like to change your outfit. We have a uniform which all our employees wear. We want to put one on you right now."

"Oh please. Don't do this to me. Tell me anything you want and I'll give you but I can't serve as an employee."

"Like my colleague said before, cooperate with us and you'll leave here once your time is up. Stand up and take off your clothes please."

"You're a woman like me so please, don't do this to me." Claire pleaded.

"Should we get rough with you?" Chantal asked in a fake thug accent.

"No please. No. I'll do whatever you say."


She stood up and Chantal could see the tears running down her neck.

"He cuddled her as she slept in his arms after their love making.
She was everything Amara was not.
She was submissive, with good culinary skills, pretty and very gentle. But his Claire was the best. He wondered where she was at that time. He closed his eyes, ready to surrender to nature when the door barged open and Amara stormed in.

He watched her face squeeze into a tight frown when she saw Ebere in his arms and he smiled.

"Let's do this again. Step out, close my door and knock. Then wait till I ask you to come in."

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