A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grin...

By eekhoorntje112

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After a long life of questions and sorrow, (Y/N) finally gets the chance to find out who her parents are. Tog... More

Chapter 1 ➛Golden Advice
Chapter 2 ➛Broken Pieces
Chapter 3 ➛Ties of Family
Chapter 4 ➛The Price of Trust
Chapter 5 ➛The Quiet World
Chapter 6 ➛Take Me Back
Chapter 7 ➛Hope For The Hopeless
Chapter 8 ➛Forgotten Memories
Chapter 9 ➛True Colours
Chapter 10 ➛Colourless
Chapter 11 ➛Rewritten Stories
Chapter 13 ➛The Heart Remembers
Chapter 14 ➛Tremble
Chapter 15 ➛Childish Fears
Chapter 16 ➛Piece of My Heart
Chapter 17➛All of Me
Chapter 18 ➛One More Day
Chapter 19 ➛Desire
Chapter 20 ➛Shadows of Doubt
Chapter 21 ➛Ghosts From the Past
Chapter 22 ➛Back In The Days
Chapter 23 ➛ Childhood Stranger

Chapter 12 ➛Bad Dreams

877 38 8
By eekhoorntje112

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

He might not be certain how to raise a child, but he did know you needed him right now and he would not let you fall. He would not let you slip through his fingers as Naomie had.

Night had fallen once they finally left Nurmengard, heading for the Ministry disguised by magic. They didn't have a solid plan, but Grindelwald didn't need it. He'd go with his instincts in this case. Besides, there was no time to come up with a plan.

A knot had formed in his stomach, which he chose to ignore. However, the flashbacks that returned every so often of Naomie's death he was unable to unsee. They were branded in his memory and resurfacing now.

You were her daughter. His daughter. You might be the last thing on this earth related to her, besides the wicked bitch.

His mind was set on what he wanted. And that woman would not keep it from him. Not if he could help it.

They were striding through the woods, leaving the grounds as to disapparate and enter the Ministry unseen. It had not been the first time he had done so. He had been in disguise, working for them. Living amongst them.

A grin came to his lips at their foolishness. Even Lillian had been too blind to see, and the look on her face when he visited him that one time. The astonishment and disbelief. It had been sweet. Sweeter than anything.

He was walking up front, ahead of everyone else. And as he passed through the protective charms, he spun around and watched the men that accompanied him halt and wait in anticipation.

''You are all aware of the plan?'' It wasn't a solid plan. And if things would go wrong, there was no backup plan. This was a race against time.

''Listen to me carefully, they probably expect us to come so be prepared for a fight, don't act suspicious. If you do and the Ministry doesn't kill you, I will,'' he warned them dangerously.

They watched him stoically but the anxiety in their eyes was obvious. He watched them one by one until his face transfigurated and he took on the form of a regular day-to-day person.

Then he turned and without another word he disapparated, having only one goal in mind and determined to get back what belonged to him.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

At first, it was only pain that pierced the numbness of my mind, but slowly my sight and hearing returned to me too. There were mutters. Soft but urgent mutters from behind me. They were muffled, and there was no way I was able to make out what they were saying.

My body was sore and every time I moved I felt a fresh wave of pain overwhelming my exhausted body. Suddenly voices were raised and there was the sound of a loud slap.

I felt alarmed but was unable to act on it. Then the voices died away and there was the dying sound of clacking heels. Then the heavy metal door behind me opened and there were soft footsteps.

Fortunately, I didn't recognize them, which meant it was not Lillian. And as I raised my head to look up at their face I saw someone I had never met before.

It was a man with broad shoulders and a stern face. However, as he looked at me, was it...sympathy, I saw in his eyes?

Our gazes locked momentarily before he kneeled, knowing the trouble I had with looking up from where I was seated and the pain I was experiencing from Lillian's torture.

''What has she done to you,'' he said as he examined my face, his eyes resting on the big gash on my cheek. ''She's crazy,'' he muttered as he shook his head.

I watched him suspiciously as my eyes prickled and he sighed as he leaned back as we kept eye contact. ''Stop playing nice,'' I whispered dangerously as I glared at him and waited for his expression to harden. It didn't.

''Just so you're aware. I do not approve of the methods the Ministry is using. I do not think you're dangerous,'' he said as he watched me with a soft, curious gaze.

''You know nothing about me,'' I growled as I balled my fists, and endured the searing pain in my body. His lips curled up into a grin. ''Whatever you might believe, not everyone within the ministry is an arse,'' he said as he took a small step closer to me.

He shook his head as he watched the wound. ''She's cruel. Everyone knows it,'' he said as he slightly tilted his head to the side, softly touching the red, irritated skin on his cheek. ''She treats everyone like trash. Yet, no one dares to deny her.''

My suspicion about this man didn't lessen, I still thought it was some trick. ''You're only a child,'' he mumbled to himself as he looked into my eyes.

My eyes flared with anger as I stared back at him. ''I'm not. If you're really such a Mr.Nice Guy, then let me go,'' I said to him as I slowly felt a little energy returning to me.

He sighed and looked into my eyes intently. ''I might. But, I would like something in return,'' he said softly as his gaze remained trained on me. I looked at him tiredly and waited for him to continue. ''If you give me the location of Grindelwald's lair, you shall go free,'' he said. He said it quickly, daring a curt glance at the door.

I looked at him and we had a short moment of eye contact before I opened my mouth and I croaked, ''Burn in hell.''

I swallowed loudly as he straightened, looking down at me and taking his wand. ''Just tell me. Please. I don't want to do this,'' he whispered as he looked down at me sadly. ''Or I don't tell you and you won't do it?'' I tried with a glare as we locked eyes.

But then he looked away and his wand pointed at me, and the pain started all over again.

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

The Ministry was crowded for some reason. Something was happening. It made him uncomfortable, but he had only one task in mind and nothing could distract him from it.

He and his companions dispersed immediately as not to draw attention to themselves. Grindelwald went down to where they were keeping you, while the rest were keeping an eye on the situation.

He was striding through the corridors, ignoring the glances people gave him. He was confident that he would be marching out with you by his side.

He took an elevator with several other people, blending in, keeping a straight face as it brought him to where he needed to be.

Adrenaline was raging inside of him, but he managed to keep a normal expression and posture. He was used to this, to the hiding amongst normal, ignorant people. But now the stakes were higher he found himself having trouble not to stand out.

When the elevator stopped at the floor he needed to be on, it was empty and he was grateful for that. However, the anger he was feeling at your kidnapping had started bubbling up now, and whoever was in that room with you, would pay for it.

As he rushed through the hall, he switched glances between both sides, watching the doors pass.

Until suddenly, he was standing in front of it. The room in which they held you captive.

His brow furrowed in anger as he tried the handle and found it locked.

He took his wand and blasted it open with a single spell. A man stood in the room, his wand out, pointed at you.

Grindelwald strode into the room, locking eyes with the man. He disarmed him quickly before he glanced at you and found you slumped over in exhaustion and pain, the blood dripping down your chin.

And as his gaze returned to the man, he watched him furiously as he stepped closer to him until their noses almost touched and he looked into his eyes with hatred as he trailed a hand down the man's cheek and to his throat, softly squeezing as his fingers found the crevices of his neck.

''Never touch her again,'' he growled as he pulled the man up from his feet, holding him up in the air for several seconds, watching him claw at his hand and trying to pry his fingers off. But however hard the man tried, he didn't succeed. His fist was like iron, and there was no escape. Instead of letting go, Grindelwald squeezed a little harder with every passing second.

Until his anger spiked and he threw him onto the ground with such force that there must've been some broken bones. However, Grindelwald wasn't done yet. He took his wand and made the man suffer until he was begging him to stop. And as he did, he watched him in disgust and burning rage, before he raised his wand once more and whispered, ''This happens when you take something that doesn't belong to you.''

And then he cursed the man to bleed from severe cuts all over his body, making him suffer before he died.

It was only then that he turned to you and found you looking up at him, tears in your eyes.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was looking at him. He had just done that in front of my eyes. He had just almost killed a man in front of my eyes.

However, I was too tired and sore to do anything so all I did was look. Then he snapped out of our intense eye contact and he broke the chains around my legs and wrists. And as I tried to push myself up from the chair, my legs wobbled unsteadily, and before I knew it I was heading for the ground.

But I never hit it, because his arms found their way around my shoulders and he was heaving me up into his arms, holding me tightly against him as he scanned the room and headed for the door.

And for a moment when I was in his arms, I felt safe. I felt like there was someone to protect me. Like he'd protect me.

My eyes closed momentarily, or it felt momentary because as I opened them again we were standing in front of a wall of Aurors, blocking our path.

Lillian was standing in the middle, taking a few steps forward toward us. Her mouth was moving, but I didn't hear anything.

Then there were flashes of light and people started falling to the ground. Lillian spun around in annoyance as her minions struck the ground, petrified.

Then we were suddenly moving again, heading for Lillian. And there was one sentence that did pierce the silence. ''If you touch her again, I will kill you most painfully. I will make you suffer, no matter what your mother wanted. You are not to touch her again. Ever.'' Then there was a flash of bright light and we were rushing through the corridors, suddenly several people at our sides.

And as they ran for their escape, people stared at them, muttering Grindelwald's name under their breath as they stepped back in fear of what they saw. However, there was one boy taking steps forward as he saw men chasing them and noticed that one had almost caught up with them. Taking out his wand, he blended in with the crowd, and aimed for the Auror and petrified him.

At that moment Grindelwald had turned, watching him with a subtle grin. And as he locked eyes with the young boy, he nodded subtly at him, as he made for his escape.

It had been a wild ride, and in the end, I had blacked out and did not know of anything that had happened after the Ministry. And the last thing I had seen, was his face, flashing in the bright light of spells, looking at me with soft, kind and sympathetic eyes before I lost vision, hearing and complete knowledge of the situation.

After we arrived back at Nurmengard, he took me to the infirmary to have the nurse check on my wounds and if there was any damage that could not be seen by the naked eye.

It was only after several hours that I woke up, sore, confused and scared. But as I recognized the room, I relaxed into the pillow and held my head as I fought the overwhelming headache and searing pain in my cheek.

''It took you some time,'' a voice came. I looked around, immediately feeling my fear spike again. But then Grindelwald came into view and stood at the foot of my bed.

I looked up at him, supporting my body with my elbows. There was a silence in which we just looked at each other. ''You saved me,'' I whispered as my tears started to burn and my throat constricted. He looked at me stoically before he nodded curtly. ''Indeed I did. The Ministry is no match for me,'' he said as he joined his hands behind his back.

''So..Alyx...She...She told...You know?'' I watched him anxiously as he looked down at me and took a breath, building up tension until he nodded curtly and said, ''I do.''

I blinked and as we looked at each other, I felt relief. I hadn't known what he might do when he'd find out. And doing nothing at all had been one of the better scenarios.

Then he suddenly started walking around the bed towards me and my heartbeat sped up, not knowing what he was going to do. But he stopped next to me and extended a hand, gently tracing down my face as he studied me.

''I knew all along,'' he said as he paused on my chin. ''You look like her,'' he said, as he retreated his hand again, watching me with a stoic gaze. However, before he could fully withdraw, I took his hand and pulled him towards me as I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

His shock was obvious and I sensed it immediately, and because of it he didn't hug me back and I didn't blame him. I didn't expect him to. But it felt good. To me, at least. And as I buried my face in his shoulder I whispered, ''Thank you.''

And it was only then that I retreated and he straightened, clearing his throat and looking down at me, giving me a subtle nod before he made his way out of the infirmary. 

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