Saving the world (Five Hargre...

By Avengergirl99

38.2K 512 163

This story is about family and about stick together, no matter what. And that real love never really disappea... More

1. The family
2. Bad news
3. A family reunion
4. Accuse and thunder
5. Apologize and the funeral
6. The fight in the diner
7. The truth and flashback
8. The prosthetic eye.
9. Delores
11. Attack at the Academy
12. As long as you live
13. Number 5
14. The day that wasn't
15. The day that was
16. The Red Dragon
17. Changes and the dance
18. How to save the world
19. Saving the world
Book 2 is out!

10. Better than you

1.3K 20 12
By Avengergirl99

"Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination"


Five let out a softly grunts as Maddie was stitching up the wound on his arm.

She then grabbed a child band-aid from a box labeled Billy and The Choo-Choo before placing it over his wound carefully "Thank you" he said "You're welcome" she said "Where have you learn how to stich up a wound?" he asked as he grabbed a clean button shirt before he grabbed another clean umbrella suit.

"Freddy taught me, he used to work as EMT" Maddie said "Used to? What happen?" Five asked "Let's just say that no matter how hard you try, sometimes you can't save everybody. Freddy experienced that and after, he couldn't go back to his work. So he quit and now he have spend the last two years working as a tracker" she said "Tracker?" Five asked "He is really good in finding people" she replied "How?" he asked "A lot have happen while you were gone. And I'm going to tell you everything" she said "I can't wait, but first let's save the world. So we should go" he said "Where are we going?" she asked "To get more information out of that doctor" Five said before he walked over to the window and opened it before he put the stuff he needs in the bag.

Five put Delores in the bag before he zip it up and he put the bag on his back before he walked over to open the window.

The two then crawled out of the window and down the fire escape as they heard a voice coming from down the alley and they looked down from the ladder that let to the alley to spot Klaus in the dumpster bin.

Klaus was in the dumpster complaining about something while talking to Ben.

"Damn it, where's Dad stuff?" Klaus asked as he was going through the dumpster.

Maddie put one foot on one of the bars on the ladder that lead to the ground with Five behind her.

"Can we go see a movie or something? Or the ocean?" Ben asked "Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever...priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!" Klaus said.

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me" Five said before he stopped in the middle of the ladder "I don't care" he said in a sarcastically voice "Hey" Klaus said with a laugh as both Maddie and Five jumped down from the ladder "You two know that there are easier ways out of the house" Klaus said "This one involved the least amount of talking" Five said "Or so we thought" Maddie said. "Hey, hey, hey, so...You need any more company today?" Klaus asked as he moved over to the edge of the dumpster bin "I could...uh...clear my schedule" he said before taking a sip of his liqour from his bottle.

"Looks like you've got your hands full" Five said "Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever I'm just..." Klaus said but then he felled backwards into the dumpster bin making a clattering sound.

"I just misplaced something. That's all" he said as he grabbed around for things "Oh! Found it" he said before stood up and sighed as he lifted up a half-eaten donut "Thanks God" he said before he let out a sigh and Maddie and Five glanced at Klaus as he took a bite of it "Delicious" he said with a gulp.

"I'm done funding your drug habit" Five said "I get it, you two want to be alone. I get that, you want some alone time so you guys can share a sweet moment, admit your feeling for each other, then hold hands, then kiss. Finally becoming a couple" Klaus said which cause Five and Maddie to glanced at each other.

"And then you guys are going to have se--" "NO!" both Maddie and Five said out, cutting Klaus off "We don't have feelings for each other" Five said "No, we don't" she said "Are you two still playing that trick that if you keep refusing, it will go away. But it wouldn't. Not a love like that" Klaus said as he pointed on both of them and the two rolled their eyes "Just shut up about it" Five said.

"Why? You two are so adorable. The heart and the head" Klaus said before he looked at Five "When are you gonna do it?" he asked "What?" Five asked "You know" Klaus said "No I don't" Five said "Ah, I get it. You are taking it slowly, I get that, but you better do it soon" Klaus said "I have no idea what you are talking about" Five lied, even so he knew exactly what Klaus was talking about.

"When you are going to finally do the 'M' word, I want to be the one that officiates the ceremony" Klaus said "We don't have time for your weirdly, high and drunk behavior" Five said and he turned around before he started walking towards the van "Come on! You don't...Maybe I just wanna hang out with my siblings. Not you" Klaus said as he took a quick look at Ben.

"'Mi hermano! Mi hermana' I love you two. Even if you two can't love yourself or each other" Klaus said and spit out the donut "Love you too, brother" Maddie said, giving Klaus a smile, "Remember to use protection if you guys are gonna do it, or don't 'cause I also really want to see a little mix of you two running around" Klaus said "STOP IT, KLAUS!" Maddie shouted "Not yet!" Klaus shouted back and Maddie stopped before she turned around to look at him "When will you stop then?" she asked "When you two are together" he replied "We don't have feelings for each other that way" Maddie said as she rolled her eyes before she turned around "Yeah, right" Klaus said sarcastic while she got into the van.

"Where is Freddy?" Five asked as he started the van's engine "He told me that he would meet us later" Maddie said and Five nodded before he drove away.


Freddy walked downstairs and he was about to walk towards the front door when Luther called his name. Freddy ignored him and continued walking towards the door.

"FREDDY" Luther shouted and Freddy stopped before he rolled his eyes while he turned around to look at Luther.

"What space-boy?" Freddy asked "We need to talk" Luther said "Okay. About what?" Freddy asked "Dad's death. Look I know that last time we discussed this it didn't go that well. I don't want to accuse you or Maddie for anything but..." Luther said "But what?" Freddy asked.

"Everyone knows that you and Maddie hated him the most. Most Maddie. But you hated him for what he did to you, the things he did to Maddie and the things he did to you. I mean you aren't even family. Is his fault that you don't know who you are or where you are from" Luther said "So what" Freddy said.

"Think about all those experiments he did to you, or all those experiments he did on Maddie, he made her dangerous. Listen, maybe you covered for Maddie when she killed dad or maybe she ask you to do it, or you did it yourself and if it's true but you are afraid of betraying Maddie, or is afraid what Maddie will say or do to you and it's..." but Luther got cut off when Freddy grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down a little bit so he was in eye level with him.

"Listen here, buddy. Yes I hated him and so did Maddie. He took my memories. He experimented on me. Try to made me his own little superpet. We all hated him, he took our childhood, our choices. He try to break us. But now he is dead, so he is never going to that to anyone ever again" Freddy said before he let go of Luther.

"None of us killed that bloody asshole. Maddie are living her own life and so do I, a life that Reginald can't ruin. He don't have the power over us anymore. He is gone, so is time for you to grow the hell up and live that life you want" he said.

"I'm number one, Freddy. I'm the leader of this family" Luther said and Freddy let out a small laugh "You just keep thinking that big boy. Numbers have nothing to do with who the leader of this family is and in our case it has nothing to do who is better. And beside everyone know that both Maddie and Five are better than you, and they will always be better than you. Every member of this family is better than you" Freddy said and chuckled.

"The only reason you are like this, is because you want to prove yourself to your dad, little daddy's boy. But he didn't care about you at all, just like he didn't care about the rest of us" Freddy said "You better shut your mouth" Luther said "Or what. What are you gonna do about it big guy. You just think that you are so strong, tough and better than us, but the truth is, that you are the weakest" Freddy said.

Luther lost it and threw a punch towards Freddy's face, but in one quick move, Freddy grabbed Luther's wrist holding all his strength back with his own strength. "Have you forgotten that your super strength doesn't work on me" Freddy said and as he hold the hand back, he moved it farther down causing Luther's eyes to widen as he could feel how strong Freddy was.

"What? You really think that control elements and being a shape-shifter was the only abilities I had, but then you have just proved that you don't know that much" Freddy said "You are only saying this because Maddie tell you to do this" Luther said and Freddy let out a small chuckled before he grabbed Luther by the collar and pushed him against the wall with all his strength, making Luther hit the wall so hard that he grunted and there came a little crack in the wall where Luther's head had hit the wall.

"Do you really want to start a fight you can't win. Remember, that I have kicked your ass every single time and I can easy to do again. This also prove that I'm better than you, so now you listen and you listen very good. You think that Maddie is controlling me, that she is in charge of me, but you are wrong. I'm taking my one decision and my own choices. No one can't control me or tell me what to do, not Maddie, not Five, not Klaus, not Diego, not Allison, not Vanya or anyone else and especially not you, so if no one is controlling me then neither do you, alright Monkey-man" Freddy said and Luther's eyes widened "Yeah, I know your secret and why you always are wearing that overcoat. And guess what, Maddie knows too. So you better be very careful for what you say or accuses us for" Freddy said before he let go of Luther and turned around "I hope that one day you choke on all that shit you talk" Freddy as he walked away, leaving Luther looking like a fool.


Five and Maddie arrived at the lab and parked the van on the other side of the street before they watched as doctor Lance walked into the lab.

"Then all we shall do is wait" Maddie said and Five sighed.

He then turned his head to the bag in the back "Oh, shit" he said and opened the bag "Hey" he said and pulled up a bottle of whisky before he pulled up Delores and put her next to him "Sorry, you were in there for so long, Delores" he said before he look out of the windshield "No, I'm not drunk. I'm working" he said.

He then looked at Delores again "Yes, it's about the eye thing. This is the place it was made. Or...will be made. We just have to wait" Five said before he let out a sigh.

"You okay?" Maddie asked "I'm fine" he answered "No, you are not. What are you scared about?" she asked "What if we can't stop it, and the world ends and everyone dies, even you. I can't handle losing you again" he before he let out a quiet sob.

"Hey" she said before she grabbed his hand "Is not going to end. We'll make sure of that and then you can live a normal life for once" she said "Yeah, with you" he said with a smile which cause her to smile.


Freddy was walking down the street as he could feel that someone was following him. But he just smiled before he turned around a corner and walked into the bar called 'The Golden Fish'

"Hey Freddy" the bartender said with a smile and everyone looked up and cheered as Freddy walked into the bar.

After Maddie and Freddy was kicked out of the house, they used to come here and everyone treated them like their younger siblings. They were the reason Maddie and Freddy got their house and everyone in the bar cared about them.

Freddy smiled as he walked over to the counter and took a seat "Is on the house" the bartender said and gave Freddy a glass of vodka "Thanks Jax" he said and took a sip of his glass "So where is Maddie, your partner in crime? Is she coming later?" Jax asked "Good news, Five came back" Freddy said "That's wonderful, let's cheer on it" Jax said before both him and Freddy lifted up their glass and cheered before they both took a sip.

"I wanted to give them some space, so here I am" Freddy said "You are always such a thoughtful, kindhearted and good young man. I hope Maddie knows how lucky she is to have a best friend like you" Jax said and Freddy let out a small smile.

Freddy then pulled out a picture from his inner pocket before he looked at it.

When I am by myself
Looking at photos and videos
That we took
I've been keeping them for so long

The picture showed a young woman with her arm around Freddy's shoulder while Freddy was kissing the woman on the cheek as they were both smiling while holding hands with their other hand.

Living life without you just feels so wrong

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful"

I want you to be here with me
I know it sounds crazy
I miss your laugh and I miss everything
We used to be

"I am Freddy"


Freddy looked at the picture while he was trying to hold back his tears.

"Us against the world"

"Us against the world"

And even if it is just for a while
Then God please, give us the time
I can't deal with the reality
There's nothing left that I can do
'Cause my heart is just missing you

"I miss her too" Jax said in a sad voice and Freddy looked up at him "We know that she is not coming back. But she will always be with us" Jax said and Freddy let out a small but sad smile while he nodded sadly before he looked back at the picture and sighed.

It's your smile that I miss from you

"You got such a good heart Fred, don't ever forget that"

After have looking at it for a few minutes, he put the picture back in his inner pocket and grabbed the glass to take another sip.

But as Freddy took another sip from his glass, he saw a man and a woman who were dress like agents entering the bar.

The man and the woman spotted Freddy and they walked over to him before standing on each side of him.

"What do you guys want?" Freddy asked "Will you help us?" they asked "It depends on who is asking" Freddy said "We're from the FBI" the man said "What department are you from?" Freddy asked "It's classified" the woman said "Do you guys have your badges on you?" Freddy asked "Yeah" the man said "Can I see it?" Freddy asked "Why?" the woman asked "Cause everyone can say that they are from the FBI, so just to be sure, can I see your badges?" Freddy asked "Is classified" the man said "Really, well tell me does it look something like this" Freddy said before he pulled up his badge and showed it to them causing their eyes to widened a little bit.

"Yeah" Freddy said before he put the badge back in his pocket "I don't like people lying to me" he said "Listen, we are looking for a kid, actually two kids, a young boy name Five and his girlfriend. The boy look like he is around the age of 16 maybe. He have black hair and green eyes, he look like a little schoolboy, we don't know much about the girl, other that she is the same age at the boy. So have you seen them?" the man asked and Freddy knew now that those were the two that were shooting at him, Maddie and Five at the mall, it was those agents that were chasing Five.

"They don't sound familiar to me" he said calm.

"Okay, that's enough, we know who you are" the woman said and Freddy looked at her, not showing or feeling the sight of fear. He would not give either Maddie or Five up, he would die before he would let anyone hurt them.

"Where is your friends?" the woman asked "I don't know who you are talking about" Freddy said but then the woman grabbed his left wrist and turned his arm around to realved the umbrella tattoo.

"You have the same tattoo as Five and his girlfriend" the man said "What a coincidence" Freddy said "Where is he?" the woman asked "Who?" Freddy asked "The boy name Five and his girlfriend, where are they? If you tell us where they are, we promise to let you go" the woman said and Freddy smiled a bit "Even if I gave them up, which I will never do, you would never have a chance against them. For you didn't do a great job last time, you got your ass kicked" Freddy said "We almost got you" the man said and Freddy let out a small laugh "Believe me, if we wanted to kill you, we would have done it already" Freddy said "Just tell us where they are?" the man asked "I would never give them up, I would rather die. So why don't you guy just go home, unless you are not done playing the cat after the mouse" Freddy said, still calm "Okay, that's enough" the woman said before she grabbed Freddy by his collar and pulled him closer.

But as she did that, everyone in the bar got up and pulled out their guns before they pointed them at the man and the woman.

"If you haven't noticed, this is not a very good place to start a fight, and by the way you both know that I can easy take you out" Freddy said before he stared at the woman with a killer look.

"I think is best you two leaves" Jax said with his gun pointed right at the woman's head "He is right, we will find them another way" the man said.

After a few seconds the woman let go of Freddy and the two left.

As soon as the two have left, the others put their guns away and sat down before acting like nothing happened.

"You okay?" Jax asked as Freddy was fixing his collar "Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you for having my back" Freddy said "What you got friends for. Who were those two anyway?" Jax asked "Someone dangerous, so I better warn Maddie and Five" Freddy said "Be careful and tell Maddie to be careful as well" Jax said "You know us" Freddy said "Yeah, that is why I tell you to be careful" Jax said and Freddy smiled before he left the bar.


Five and Maddie was sitting sitting in the van waiting.

Maddie looked down at her fingers before she let out a sigh "Something wrong?" Five asked "I'm just thinking" she said "About what?" he asked "The apocalypse. Do you think I'm the cause? That is my fault that the world is ending?" she asked and Five looked at her.

With you, I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall

"No, of course not, why would you think that?" he asked "Well, because my powers are strong and powerful, and they can be dangerous if I lose control" Maddie said "Yes they are powerful, but you are not the reason the world will end" he said "How can you know that? How can you not know that I'm a monster. I have killed people" she said.

With you, I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge

"The only reason you are killing people is to defend yourself and to protect the people you care about" he said "I don't want to use my power for evil" she said "Which is why you're the perfect person for your power. You use your powers to help the people in need and protect the people you care about. I know that you would never take advance of them and you would never hurt someone on purpose unless if you have to or to protect the people you love" he said.

So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes

"How can you not know that I'm dangerous?" she asked and he grabbed her hand causing her to look at him.

Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole

"Because when I look at you, I see nothing dangerous or evil. I see goodness, strength, intelligent and beauty" he said "Do you really think so?" she asked and he nodded "Yeah, of course" he said "I guess you are right then" she said "Of course I am. You're amazing just the way you are. You make me smile every time I see you and I can't get enough of your beautiful eyes and your lovely laugh. You light up my world like nobody else, and I hope you never change" he said and she let out a small smile.

"I don't understand why you have never being scared of me?" she asked "Your powers are not dangerous, they are beautiful" he said "No they are not" she said "Yes they are, and I can show you" he said "How?" she asked.

Five thought for a second, his brows furrowing before he held his hands out and let his own powers radiate through his hands. It was a bright blue and it warbled like waves around his hands. He reached for hers "Give me your hand" he said.

She nodded before she reluctantly handed them over. Together their hands held onto each other, color dousing the van, reflecting off each other, spilling the windows and the van with bright red and blue. Maddie looked up the majesty of their powers together.

Psionic Energy and teleportation.

He held out her hand, examining her powers which contrasted his own, hers more soft and elegant than this chaos and disorganization.

"See your powers are beautiful" he said before letting go of her hand as they both powered down before the two then looked at each other.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm

"Will you promise that you will help me if I ever lost control or if I ever turn evil?" she asked "You wouldn't turn evil, I wouldn't let you" he said "But if I lose control I will turn evil" she said "I wouldn't let that happen" he said "Promise?" she asked "It wouldn't happen, you are too strong for that" he said "But if it did happen" she said "Alright, I promise that if you turn evil or lose control and you can't do it yourself. I will help you and stop you. I promise" he said and she smiled.

"But I will tell you this, I promise you that, no matter what happens, I will keep you safe and I wouldn't let anything happen to you, ever. I will protect you. We will save the world together. Just like the heart and the head we are" he said "The heart and the head" she said and he nodded before they smiled to each other as he storke his thumb down her left cheek.

Without you, I'm just a sad song

Then the door opened and Freddy jumped in before he crawled in the back.

"I got some bad news" he said "What is it Fred?" Maddie asked "Those two agents visited me at the Golden Fish" Freddy said causing Maddie and Five look at him "Do they know where we are?" Five asked "No. And I'm pretty sure they don't follow me either, unless they know how to do parkour over each roof" Freddy said "Good" Five said as he let out a sigh.

As they kept waiting, Five pulled up the fake eye while Maddie looked at some children playing while laughing.

Suddenly some dust started raining from the car causing Five to look confused "Hey Maddie, do you see this..." but as he turned he saw that both Maddie and Freddy were gone.

Five opened the door to the van before stepping out and he saw that he was back in the apocalypse.

He looked around and saw that Freddy was suspended slightly from the ground with a metal pipe right through his chest.

"NO, FREDDY" he shouted and ran over before he grabbed the pipe and tried to pull it out of Freddy's chest "Don't worry, I'm going to get it out and your going to be okay" Five said as he tried to pulled it out with his strength, but he couldn't.

"You are going to be okay" Five said, but then Freddy's head felled to the side and his heart stopped beating "NO, NOOO" Five said as he looked at Freddy's dead body where blood was pouring out of his mouth.

Five then heard something and he turned his head to see Maddie standing farther down, trying to stop the rubbles that was collapsing above her "Maddie" he said and was about to run over to her and save her, but it was like he couldn't move "MADDIE" he shouted but she couldn't hear him and he saw how more bricks started to fall on her "No" Five said before the rubbles collapsed above her "NO, NO" he shouted as he saw her being buried by the rubbles.

"Five" someone said, knocking on the window causing Five to snap back to reality.

Maddie and Five saw that Luther was standing outside the van knocking on the window "Hey. Five. Maddie" he said.

Luther then opened the door and Maddie moved a seat so she was sitting closer to Five.

"What are you..." Luther said but stopped himself when he had trouble getting into the van because he was so huge.

"Oh, my God..." Luther said as he grunted while getting into the van causing it to shake a bit.

After a few tried, he finally managed to get in "That was entertaining" Freddy said "Shut it, Freddy" Luther said before he looked at Maddie and Five "You two okay?" he asked "You shouldn't be...How did you find us?" Five asked as he narrowed his eyes at Luther.

"Um..." Luther said and nodded his head to the back of the van causing the four to turn their heads to look at the back to see Klaus.

"Hey baby" Klaus said as he was holding Delores "Hey, a little privacy, guys. We're really hitting it off back here" he said and Five grabbed something before he threw it at him, causing Klaus to let out a small scream as he hold Delores up in front of him, shielding himself with her.

"Get out! You can't be here! We're in the middle of something" Five said and Klaus looked from Maddie to Five "Not like that, Klaus" Maddie said.

Klaus dropped Delores before he scooted up to the four "Any luck finding your one-eyed man?" he asked "No" Five whispered "What's he talking about?" Luther asked "Does it matter? It's Klaus" Maddie said.

"What do you want, Luther?" Five asked "Um...So, mom may have had something to do with Dad's death. So I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It's important" Luther said "'It's important' You have no concept of what's important" Five said "Hey. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" Klaus asked and let out a laugh "It was so painful" he said "Not now Klaus" Maddie said.

"What are you still doing here?" Luther asked as he turned to Klaus "What? I...What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?" Klaus asked "We're trying to have a serious conversation" Luther said "What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?" Klaus asked "Luther's got a point, you should get out" Five said "What?" Klaus asked, looking at Five who nodded, gesturing for him to get out of the van.

"I'm sorry, Klaus, I hope you don't hate me" Maddie said and Klaus looked at her with a smile "I will never hate you" he said and he let out a sigh before he turned around, sliding the door open and stumbled out of the van "Fine" he shouted at them before he closed the door and walked away.

"What the hell are you two up to?" Luther asked "You wouldn't understand" Five said "Try me. Last I checked I'm still the leader of this family" Luther said and both Freddy and Maddie let out a small laugh.

"Well, last I checked, I'm 10 years older than you" Five said and smiled fakely "You know what your problem is?" Luther asked "Really hoping you'll tell me" Five said sarcastically "You think you're better than us. You always have. Even when we were kids. But the truth is, you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have. And you know it" Luther said.

'As long as I have Maddie, its good enough for me' Five inside his head before he looked at Luther.

"I don't think I'm better than you, Number One. I know I am" Five said "Told you" Freddy said looking at Luther before he let out a chuckled.

"I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend" Five said "Right" Luther said annoyed "Just to get back here and save you all" Five said.

"Hey, stop it both of you" Maddie said to them "Despite our appearances, we're all adults. We shall handle ourselves as such" she then turned to Luther "Luther I loathe you to an extent I'm asking you to not order us around like we're children again. You aren't playing leader now, it's different now" she said before she turned to Five "And Five, our siblings no matter how much of a dickheads they are. They should deserve some level of patience. Maybe some more than others. You came back from the future to save us all as a family. Please remember that" she said.

"Hey, bitches!" Klaus shouted and the four looked out of the driver's side window to see Klaus running across the road with things in his arms. As he ran, half of the things fell on the ground behind him while he was chased by a police officer who was blowing a whistle and yelling at him telling him to stop.

A car came to a stop and the tires screeched on the road causing Klaus to drop more things "Out of the way asshole" he said as he swerved around the car before he kept running.

"Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision" Five said as the four followed Klaus with their gazes.

"Fine, then don't come" Luther said as he walked out of the van and left.

"I think you should go with him" Five said to Maddie "What about this?" she asked "Nothing is really happening, just go, I will be fine" Five said "You're sure?" Maddie asked "Yeah. Just go" Five said, Maddie nodded before stepped out of the van and left with Freddy right behind her.

"There you will be safe" Five said as he watched Maddie walking around a corner.

"It's impossible to go through life, without causing some sort of pain"

A/N: Hope you like this chapter. Vote or comment if you did.

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