Multiple Mates (Complete)

By ArdenTownsend

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On the night of Meredith 16th birthday she shifted. When she came back from her birthday pack run and shifted... More

Reviews and Comments
Part 1 ✔️
Chapter Two- Double Mark ✔️
Chapter Three- The Doctor ✔️
Chapter Four- the mating ✔️
CHATER FIVE- the gift ✔️
CHAPTER SIX- pampering and celebration ✔️
CHAPTER SEVEN- Rogue and Travel ✔️
CHAPTER EIGHT- legend story ✔️
CHAPTER NINE- The mole ✔️
CHAPTER ELEVEN- Fighting werebears ✔️
CHAPTER TWELVE- the final goodbye ✔️
Author's note after chapter 12 ✔️
Part Two ✔️
CHAPTER THIRTEEN- the journals ✔️
CHAPTER FOURTEEN- the battle begins ✔️
CHAPTER FIFTEEN- saving the injured ✔️
CHAPTER SIXTEEN the fallen memorial ✔️
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- their arrivals✔️
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN- the pups debut✔️
Part 3 ✔️
CHAPTER NINETEEN- the elemental returns ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY Fighting the Fire ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE- house arrangements ✔️
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO royalty returns ✔️
Part 4 ✔️
Part 5 ✔️
Author's note after chapter 30 ✔️
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE- the trial ✔️
Chapter Thirty-two: votings ✔️
THIRTY-THREE- the honeymoon ✔️
Author's note ✔️
The Pups✔️
Characters and Cast ✔️
Fyi ✔️

CHAPTER TEN- the trial ✔️

1K 44 10
By ArdenTownsend

The next morning I woke up in my bed. I looked at the clock and stated, "that cannot be right." I got up and opened up the curtains and sunlight streamed into the room. It was 11:32am. I walked over to the bed and made it. Then noticed a note...


Good morning our love. We noticed you seemed very tired this morning. You did not even stir when we got up. We tucked one pillows next to you and you looked so cute when you sniffed them and snuggled into them.

We went and got the girls up and dressed. They are coming with us to the pack house for breakfast. Then will spend the day playing with their friends.

When you wake up you are to stay in bed and rest. We will arrange for a meal to be brought to you. Just link your sisters.

We will be in meetings today but we better not here your out of bed unless it is to go to the bathroom. You are to rest.

We love you.

Brett and Bryan

I felt well rested. I don't know why I had to rest in bed. I link my sisters and say, "I am awake, but am getting ready to climb into the shower to freshen up."

They answered, "after your shower climb back into bed. We will be there with your meal and things to do soon."

"Give me an hour so I can take a leisurely shower and blow dry my hair."

"See you then."

I felt like a new wolf after I finished my shower. I then climbed back into bed wearing shorts and a tank top. I could feel the pup moving around. Just then my sisters, Anna and Izzy came in. They were pushing a trolly cart and it was filled with several of my favorite foods. Behind them carrying a bag was Sophia. Plus Tabitha was carrying a box. I started to get up. "Nope you are to lay down and rest. Today will be a girl's day." They dished out a plate of  food for me and pulled out a can of Coke Zero.  They gave it to me and made them each a plate and joined me on the bed.  After our meal they dumped out the bag. It was filled with nail polish, some card games, magazines.

The first thing we did was paint our finger and toe nails. Once the nails were dried we looked at J-14 magazines and talked about the hot guys that were in them. We made sure our links were opened so our mates could here. This of course earned me and Sophia a growl which got us girls all laughing when we brought that up. We decided to play card games when there was a knock on my door and my mom and mother-in-law came in.  They were carrying bags of snacks and more drinks.we talked them into staying. We did their nails. We then dig into the snack foods and from the box pull out movies. They were all the Disney movies.  We grabbed all the snacks and decided to go to the theater room. Someone messaged my mates and Brett showed up to carry me down and then left to go back to the meeting. As he walked out the door he said, "don't worry about supper tonight. We ordered enough Chinese food for all of us." Later that day my dad came in carrying Serena, father-in-law came in carrying Selena, brothers, mate, and third in command showed up and were carrying bags of Chinese food.  They set it up on the kitchen island buffets style. This time Bryan carried me to the table while Brett dishes out my plate. We all ate. The guys refused to talk about their day. We talked about the New Orleans trip and the pups taking their first steps. After dinner everyone but me cleaned up. They all headed home. I sat on the floor playing with girls and my mates joined us after they saw our guest out.  Brett carries me upstairs and filled the bath with water. He undressed me and set me in. "You rest here and I will go help Bryan get the girls ready for bed."

It was about 8:30pm when my brother sent a mind link out, "10:30am we want ALL PACK MEMBERS to meet at the amphitheater for an important pack meeting. Only ones exempt are the members on patrol and after the meeting you will be relieved and meet with us in the packhorse theater room. Good night."

The next morning I got the girls ready. I put them in the stroller and we took off toward the amphitheater. Many pack members joined me and we all were talking but looking nervous.  We get there and promptly at 10:30 I see dad, Issac, my mate's and 5 of the 7 werewolf council walk out. It was then I knew what was happening.

Alpha Issac spoke up, "I am sorry for the last minute announcement about this pack meeting, but a couple days ago we discovered our pack had a few traitors.  You all know werewolf justice is swift. Once we discovered and had proof of all known traitors they were apprehended. Then the werewolf council was called. Once the call is made they have 24 hours to appear. We got 5 of our 7 whom could show up today."

One of the councilman stood up, "Don't bother with the introductions. Have your third in command bring the accused forward." Everyone turns to see 5 girls and Mr Egret (the school history teacher) being lead to the front in cuffs. They are all sat down in chairs.

Alpha Issac says, "we call forth our first witness, Meredith."

I gasp in surprise, but I stand up and walk to the front. My mom is now sitting with the girls. I get up to the front and sit down. One of the councilmen stand up and hands me a stone. "Hold onto this stone while we ask questions. On the third question we want you to lie. All the rest answer honestly. Do you understand?"


She says, "I want you to say your name, your rank and age."

"My name is now Meredith Timberwood, Beta's mate/alpha's daughter, and I am 14 years old."

As soon as I said 14 the stone heated up and burnt my hand. I dropped the stone and it was red hot. Then the stone went back to its regular off white color. The councilman bent down and held up the stone, "this is the truth stone. Many of you have heard the saying liar, liar pants on fire. If you lie this stone heats up and  burns the hand, but will not leave a burn mark.  This is where that saying came from and how we know if anyone lies." She hands the stone back to me and goes and sits down.

Alpha Issac say, "Meri, in your own words I want you to tell me what you noticed concerning these wolves. Please include the time frame and where you were."

"It was about a month before you took over as Alpha. I had noticed Candy, Bambi, Barbie, and Sam either in the gym or the training grounds questioning the warriors. I never saw Amy or Mr. Egret in either place. What I noticed was the questioning they did seemed inappropriate and noticed our breaches to the pack were happening based on what I was hearing them talk about. They would ask questions like when do you work and where will you be running patrol." I was looking and notice several warriors and trainees were looking down. "I  did tell dad. I mean Elder Alpha Woods about what I suspected, but was brushed off. He said based on reports he got from the school he did not feel they were smart enough to do it. He thought maybe jealousy was what caused me to say this stuff." I stopped at that point.

Alpha Issac then said, "I know this isn't easy. Now tell them what you said to me a few days ago. Plus what you said to Elder Woods. I then shared my idea about the camera and microphone last being placed in those locations to observe what was going on. Plus the fake conversation I had with dad.

"Thank you. You may go back to your seat and leave the stone on the seat. I now call up Elder Alpha Ezra Woods." Several pack members could be hear murmurings as he walked up and I returned to my seat.

"Please take the stone. Please state your name, rank and false age."

"I am Elder Alpha Ezra Woods of the Silver Beam Pack. I am 15 years old." I opened up my hand and tossed the stone between my palms until it cooled off.

"Dad, can you please tell us why you did not follow up with what Meri reported to you when you were Alpha. Also report what you did yesterday."

"When Meri told me about her thinking those girls were up to something I did follow up. I just did not inform her I followed up. I contacted the school to get their school records. Plus I sent a couple of the warriors to observe them. I got written reports from Thomas Egret who claimed the girls- Candy, Bambi, and Sam were failing all classes and acted like bitches in heat. It wasn't until yesterday when my daughter, Meri mentioned they were straight 'A' students and refused the honor roll spots that I went back over my records. The monthly reports from Mr Egret this year reported those three girls as flunking. I contacted and had each of the  girl's teachers bring me reports on them. They all three were listed as straight 'A' students but had a reputation as being promiscuous. I knew that Mr Egret or Amy were the guilty ones. He signed off each of them and she delivered each report. We arrested both of them, but after questioning them I had a feeling one was innocent and being set up as the fall guy. Just with the trial being today I had not been able to confirm it." He then hands the papers to the council as evidence.

"Thank you Elder Woods. You may return to your seat. " then the councilman looked at Issac, "Alpha Issac please call your next witness."

"I next call up my third in command, Xavier." Xavier motioned a warrior to take his spot by the prisoners. He then walked up. He picked the stone up off the chair and sat down. "I already established your name and rank. Just give me an age."

"I am 5 years old." He dropped the stone. "Damn that is hot."

"Xavier, watch your mouth."

"I am sorry." Then he bends down and picks up the stone.

"Xavier, please explain how you got involved with these girls on trial."

When the Elder was Alpha he asked me to remind the warriors about loose lips sinks ships. I also chased away and stopped all but mates and their children watching practice, but we had Candy, Bambi, Sam, Barbie who would drag different members into the woods when training was done. I caught 2 different troops." He looked around and saw all the children listening and did air quotes,  " 'TALKING' with them and discussing the patrol schedule. That is when the next day those two warriors were brought up to the front. Their punishment was shifting into a wolf and having to where a muzzle for one month. The only time it was removed was at meal times. They could then transform back to humans at that time only. When meals were over transformed back.

The second encounter was the day that Meri asked me to get someone to follow them incognito. I followed them from the building and on the way grabbed a bottle of scent begone. I walked out of the  gym and was leaving the building when I ran into two she-wolves warriors, Marie and Meaghan. I linked them what I wanted them to do and dropped the scent begone along with a bottle of perfume into their bag.

The last contact was this morning when I went to arrest the three girls. The Betas came with me. They all resisted arrested except Amy. She was confused and scared. We brought them to the dungeons and charges of treason was told to them. They were told by Alpha Issac if they cooperated he would suggest leniency of life in prison and if they did not cooperate it would be suggestion of death penalty. Three of the girls broke down into tears and the fourth girl, Candy spit in his face.  Once again Amy was still sitting down and confused."

He turned toward the council, "Alpha looked at Candy and said, after the trial while council decides your penalty for treason. You will be chained to the block and whipped with a silver whip 5 times.  She started struggling and screamed, "he will see your mate and pup die just to watch you suffer. Then spit at him again." He said "for those two remarks and that other spit it now will be 20 whips." After that she has not said another word to us.

That is all I can tell you."

Alpha then said, "thank you. You may return to your duty." He stood up. He set the rock back on the chair and returned to the prisoners.

Issac then called up Marie and Meghan. They shared what they saw. Plus Meghan played the video and it was placed into evidence.

One of the council members stood up. "We have enough evidence against the girls. We do need evidence for Mr Egret and Amy."

Just then Mr Striker stood up, "May I please approach the council? I arrived late and did not have time to talk to Alpha Issac. My name is Principle Marcus Striker and I have proof of Mr Egret's guilt and Amy's innocence."

"Go ahead and approach. Then sit down," said one of the councilman.

"When the Alpha approaches me earlier this week about getting a copy of those girls transcripts I knew they were fake, but had no proof. I was positive the last three years they were on honor roll, but the records in my office did not show it. I had the computer room send backups to a secure location just incase records ever had to be destroyed. This is a tape of before the records got altered.  Here is the records of the back up. These records show nothing altered, but the hidden cameras backup shows Mr Egret altering the computer and the cameras.  He set it up that his student helper, Amy to look guilty. I wrote down every time the two videos showed alternate realities. I would like to request Amy be released."

The council said, "thank you for your testimony. Please leave the two videos here.  We will look at them."

Alpha Issac looks at the 5 prisoners in chains. "Would any of you like to make a statement on your behalf?"

Barbie and Sam speak up, " yes."

Candy looks at them and says, "keep your mouth shut or I promise you that your family will be killed."

"Bring Barbie up to the witness chair," she picks up the stone. "State your name, rank and false age."

"My name is Barbara Jean Grass. MaybeRogue/maybe pack member/ Student. 25." She drops the stone when it heats up." She bends down and picks the stone up when it cools down.

"I am known as Barbie. What you all don't know is Amy is my real sister. We came from the Dark Raven Pack. Our dad died when my sister was 7 and I was 10. The Alpha made my mom do a force mate with his Beta. The Beta would come to my room at night. He said if I told anyone he would come after my sister. When I was 11 I ran away and brought my sister with me. We ran into Candy at the border. She was 12 and meeting Mitchell and Stephen there. Mitchell and Stephen took me. They promised to leave my sister alone. Candy got us into the foster program. Basically said she would help me keep Amy safe as long as I helped her gather information for her mate.' Many people gasped, "Mitchell was her mate. I been collecting information for the past 6 years I did what she ordered me to do to keep my sister safe."

Candy jumped up, "I am going to kill you. Your sister will be dead before the next full moon." She then starts doing a cackeling laughter.

Sam stands up to talk, but Candy's cackling scares her. She shakes her head and whispers, "I have nothing to add." She goes back to stand with the other prisoners.

The council says, "take Candy outside and hook her to the pole." Two warriors step forward and takes her outside.

One of the council says, "we recall Sam back up."

She stands and walks to the front. She sites down and is handed the stone. She whispers, "my name is Sam, student and 22." The stone burns her hand. She has tears roll down her face.

"We want you to tell us why you decided not to talk in front of Candy."

"If you check records you will see Mr. Egret transferred here six years ago from the Dark Raven Pack. He had my mom and I transfer too. What you don't know is I gave birth to twin pups at age 12. He is the father. He hid the pups at Michell's pack. Since then I have given birth to two more pups. I was told by Alpha Mitchell and Luna Candy if I did not get information they would kill my pups. Their dad said if I told he would do to the pups what he did to me."

Everyone seems shocked by her statement.

The council stands up and says we have heard enough. Before we head to recess to decide these prisoners fate please release Amy. Please make sure this arrest it totally wiped clean of her record. As compensation she will be given a full scholarship to pay for her schooling and books at Werewolf University in Alaska. The pack will be in charge of paying for her room and meals."

Amy has the cuffs removed and runs to her foster parents arms.  "Take all other prisoners to the dungeon after they and the pack witness the 20 lashes from the Alpha.  Then for contempt of court Candy will be forced into wolf and have a silver muzzle and collar applied to her. Court is in recess while the council reviews all the evidence and decides on the final penalty. DISMISS."

The council then is shown to the committee room where they could deliberate. Brett and Bryan go and grab Candy and check she is securely strapped to the pole.  Alpha Issac says, "parents who do not wish to have young pups witness this send your pups to the pup center. In 30 minutes the punishment will be given and all other pack members will witness this. In the future if we have any more loose lips the punishment will be collared and muzzles in the middle of town square for one week. This is the last time I want to see any pack member collared and muzzled. Be back in 25 minutes now."

In 25 minutes Alpha Issac lashes her 25 times. Then all the prisoners were sent to the dungeon. He looked at his third in command and says, "once she is in the dungeon give her a 1/4 sachet of rose petals to take if she request it, but only if requested. He then turns and walks to his office and slams the door. The pack members all return to their duties in a subdued manner. 

Brett and Bryan along with a few other members go and relieve the members who are on patrol. Those members head to the theater room where they all have to watch what happened on video.

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