Markhyuck Oneshots

By Purple_Mani

99.7K 1.4K 496

70% smut Started: 06.08.19 Published: 08.08.19 Finished: 06.08.21 Highest Ranking (16.05.20) #1 - nctship (2... More

What Happens In the Dorms...Stays in the Dorms
Seven Minutes in Heaven
One More Day - Pt. 1
Maybe a Whole Eternity - Pt. 2
More Than That
Let's Play a Game
My Baby Don't Like It
Virgins - Part 1
Virgins - Part 2
Happy Family
Midnight Text
Slowly but Surely
I've Been Naughty.
Three's a Crowd
Like Water, Like Sand, They...
"Come Be My Teacher"
"Come By My Teacher" - Part 2
thank you everyone!
Pretty in Pink Part 2 - "Sweet in Lace"
i miss u - part 1
i miss u even when you're here - part 2
here to scream once more hehe
tease me, praise me, fuck me

Pretty in Pink

2.7K 39 29
By Purple_Mani

Trigger: homophobia, internalized homophobia, transphobic themes, close-minded behaviour, bullying, abuse, low self esteem, borderline depressive and suicidal thoughts.....damn, I'm so sorry

Donghyuck had always admired the pink, sexy lingerine that women were allowed to wear. But from a young enough age, he was thoroughly made aware that he was a boy and this was only for women. But, he couldn't hold himself back from being jealous when his sister started wearing bras and he couldn't and when he would literally pass by stores and yearn to just admire the underwear on display.

He lived his early years trying to suppress that desire to feel comfortable, even desirable, maybe.

It was senior year of high school when he gave in.

His temptations never ceased so he decided to just buy one set of lingerie to appease his thoughts. Before he realized it, he was walking from the store with three different lingerie sets and extra items dangling in bags from his hands.

He felt happy, free...
But he couldn't flush the guilt that crept through his veins. The disgust within himself. He wasnt a girl, he shouldn't have such desires.

Tonight wasn't the first time Hyuck had clad himself in such feminine lingerine though. He had worn it once after falling to temptation at sixteen but as he saw himself, he stripped the pieces of fabric from his body and burned them.

It's been two years since then.

And now that his eyes traced his body, all its curves and the plump softness of the padded lace and fabric patterns over his honey skin, he felt so confident.

Almost confident enough to snap and picture and send it to Mark, but he couldn't. All he could do was promise Mark a surprise after school the next day.

He couldn't deny his sexiness though. His eyes continued to outline himself, dreaming up how Mark would react to his adventurous fashion choices.

Could he possibly make Mark speechless? He let out a shaky, breathless laugh to that; he'd never been able to Mark speechless before. It would be so hot if he could

Would Mark attack him with kisses and love bites open the revelation of his undergarments? That would be sexy.

Every scenario excited him even more. The prospect of him being rendered to at Mark's mercy after driving up the wall in sexual arousal was the height of Donghyuck's wet dreams. The few times they'd had sex before were amazing for Donghyuck but he doubted that he had the same impact as Mark. Mark was more experienced, where as Donghyuck was an virgin virgin before they got together. Like, a proper virgin. No sex, no handjobs, no blowjobs, no hickeys, two peck kisses when he was twelve.

So, he longed to feel tempting in the eyes of his boyfriend. Mark claimed he already was, but Donghyuck believed partners told little white lies all the time for the sake of the other person. Its not that big of a deal.

Eyes fuzzing over as his pupils travelled over his skin again, escaping his thoughts. He just noticed the hard outline in the small panties and his pointer fingers scraping at his tight hole.

Fuck. He didn't realized how he had turned himself on.

It wasn't long before he was lying on his bed with a lubed up hand and two fingers deep in his asshole.

It wasn't the most filling feeling but it would suffice for the time being. His bent, weak and inexperienced fingers scissored inside of him, soliciting two low whines and Mark's name to slip from his lips. "Fuck Mark." He wanted Mark to be here, bottomed out inside of him.

The thought only excited him more as he sped up his movements, his other hand wandered around the soft lace on his nipple, teasing the budding flesh. "More please, baby more."

In his writhing and the addition of another finger, hitting dead unto his prostate, his head snapped to the left as his eyes widened instinctively. He let out a growl this time, he's never heard himself growl before.

He saw the pleasure, the excitement and most of all how disheveled and out of breath he appeared through his mirror. He looked sexy, he felt sexy. Donghyuck with three of his own fingers deep into his heat in a full pink lingerie set with a rapidly rising chest was a sight to behold.


The long hours of school seemed to only drag on as Donghyuck was almost bursting at the seems with anticipation for his visit to his boyfriend's house. He only had approximately two more hours until he was skipping on the long path to his Markets house.

Donghyuck wasn't always this city at school, in fact this is a rare occasion. It was definitely more often that he was being teased and jeered for being gay and being alone to cry in the bathroom than being dismissive of the crude looks and casual homophobia. Of course, they would take his nonchalance as I sign to increase their brutality.

You see, both Mark and Donghyuck attended a private all-boys Catholic highschool. Up until the prior year, Donghyuck was under the belief that he was the only boy at school his school that was attracted to other boys. Technically, he never confirmed or denied it when the rumour came out but everyone had already made up in their minds that they were going to make this boy's life a living hell. So much for purgatory.

It was only when Mark transferred for his last year in high school that someone else had been openly gay at their school. Donghyuck knew that some of the boys that bullied him had to be gay, come on...look at the statistics.

Donghyuck assumed that Mark only ever approached him because he was the only other gay boy but after finally talking about their pasts, Mark revealed he never assumed his sexuality off rumours but just followed him around because he liked to hear him sing. They finally started dating in Mark's final term.

Their relationship blossomed more that Mark had graduated and they could be affectionate rather than the confines of a strict school of homophobes. Only problem was that he was living and working a good while away, two towns over from their school and where Donghyuck lived. So, the time together was limited to some days a week and a few hours before Donghyuck had to head back home but the time was great. Donghyuck loved spending time with Mark. He loved him, he longed to say.

Finally, he walked to his locker for his final session of the day. He felt his lingerie tickle his skin under his clothes and it made him giggle at the surprises he had in store for his boyfriend.

He wore a set, had the set he wore yesterday and another clean set nicely folded or placed in the safety of his locker.


That was an unfamiliar word to him once he step foot on this school ground. He should've known. Obviously, they would ruin what could be the best days of his relationship. Obviously, they couldn't mind their own fucking business. Obviously, they would do everything to tear Donghyuck down. Obviously, they wouldn't just let him enjoy one day, just be happy for one. fucking. day.

It wasn't a surprise to him when they ordered into this privacy and scattered the contents of his locker after figuring out what it was.

It wasn't a surprise when they kicked, tore, ripped and destroyed his newly bought items.

It wasn't a surprise when they stomped on him, kicked at him, punched him and left him bruised.

It wasn't a surprise when they called him name and taunted him with slurs and every sick and twisted nickname they could imagine.

It shouldn't have been a surprise. He was supposed to be used to it.

So, why did it fucking get him every time? Why did it rip into his confidence and destroy every layer he's slowly built up brick by brick.


Why did he continue to try for himself?

What was the point?



He wants to see Mark, to feel restored in his embrace.

Abandoning the rest of the school day, with nothing but the remains of his school uniform and a tattered school bag, he treked to Mark's house. Too far away.

He felt swollen, everywhere.

His head pounded.

He felt like falling and giving up.

But, he kept walking. He wanted to see the boy he loved so much, the boy he wanted so much to share everything with.

When Mark opened the door, Donghyuck's heart leaped.

His Markie

But, Mark's first reaction was confusion, anger, worry. Donghyuck couldn't really place them all. He was finally starting to fade away. His body was giving up.

At least he was in Mark's arms.


When Donghyuck came to, he was lying on Mark's bed with a warm towel resting on his head and a solemn young adult sitting on the bed, simply staring at him.

He smiled at him.

Mark's hand travelled over his lips and cupped his cheeks. Donghyuck partially registered bandages on his skin and new clothes on his body but Mark took his attention.

It was obvious he was holding back some emotion, anger Donghyuck guessed based off his next words that were oddly soft and pliable. "Hyuckie, who the fuck did this to you?"

He couldn't bring himself to answer, he knew Mark knew, Mark just wanted confirmation. He looked around the room for Mark's clock, 9:05 pm. A bit of panic set in, his mother would either be really worried or really angry by this time.

Mark read his mind, "I already called her." His tone is guarded. He's furious, Donghyuck knows.

He clutches weakly at his wrist as Mark moves to stand. "Please don't do anything Mark. They're rich and powerful. We don't have that behind us." His voice didn't fail him. Yes, it was soft and raspy but strong enough to soften Mark's exterior.

"Get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow baby."

And then he's falling deep into the comfort of Mark's bed and the warmth of the boy behind him.

Until tomorrow.


It took two days of intense care and forceful cuddles to nurse Donghyuck back into shape. He didn't mind the time from school and the constant babying from Mark and his watchful, caring eyes on him 24/7 but it wasn't lost in his mind that his intent for being here was lost.

Donghyuck, even though he was back to walking, had a lazy limp in his right leg and no lingerie left to show off to Mark. Two had been destroyed by the boys at his school and the one he wore was soiled beyond repair.

He didn't want it to cross his mind but it hurt to spend his hard earned money and still be rewarded with the same words he's heard for years. He was legally an adult so why were people still telling him what he should and shouldn't wear, what was and was not for him.

Donghyuck's head laid carefully on Mark's chest as his fingers wrapped in his brown curls and their legs tangled together. Their breathing synced and the environment was quiet, calm, serene but his mind was at war. It wasn't long before he started to wet Mark's shirt with a few stray tears.

Mark grabbed his boyfriend up, immediately engulfing him in a warm hug. His hand ran up and down his back to sooth the boy as he whispered sweet promises in his ear, begging him to open up.

Finally Donghyuck spoke, withdrawing himself from the crook of Mark's neck, looking at the older boy with dry tear stains. His right hand shifted, wandering on Mark's lower body. His voice is cute, way too innocent for the situation. "I came here to get fucked, not for you to take care of me."

Mark deadpanned.

His boyfriend never failed to stun him. He broke into a smile before allowing their lips to meet. He smiled again, into the kiss and spoke onto Donghyuck's lips. "Baby, if you wanted me to fuck you, all you needed to do was ask."

Their boys meet as their lips reconnected and they readjusted so that Mark hovered over Donghyuck. His lips journeyed eastward, settling at the dip before Donghyuck's collarbone. Mark nipped at the skin incessantly before cooling it over with the flat of his tongue.

It was the moans that fell from Donghyuck's swollen lips that propelled Mark further, harder and more purposeful until a trail was marked in red and purple bruises. Nggg

"Stop, stop please, Mark"

His airy demands could easily be mistaken for mere pleas for more if Mark hadn't always made a note to be completely keen when handling Donghyuck. He unattached from his collar after placing a lasting kiss and their eyes met and Donghyuck went shy.

"I- well you see, umm..., I originally- when I was on my way." With each stutter and mistake, Donghyuck's voice grew softer, losing confidence.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Mark reassured, dropping to Donghyuck's side and pulling him flush against himself as they embraced.

"I bought something a few days ago." He admitted quietly, not quite meeting Mark's eye.

"The lingerie set?" Mark reached around to settle his hands in the meat of Donghyuck's ass.

"How did you know?" His eyes snapped up to see the unmistakeable smirk on his boyfriend's face.

"I had to change your clothes when you just came. Of course I saw it." His hand started to massage his ass.

Shit. That never crossed his mind.

"I planned to wear that for you but they messed it up."

"Fuck." Mark's eyes darkened significantly, he squeezed his eyes shut to recover. "Donghyuck, do you even understand how fucking sexy you are just telling me something like that?" He faced him square on, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's tiny waist.

He didn't give Donghyuck time to answer before smashing their lips in a lot more urgency than a few minutes before but Donghyuck was pulling back again.

Mark groaned at the contact lost. "I want to you to fuck me while I'm wearing it. I'll have to buy another one later."

Mark, guided by desire, nodded lazily at his boyfriend's words and dived in for another kiss but was met with the palm of Donghyuck's hand. "So, no sex today. Okay?" He talks down since Mark is not seeming to understand the situation.

Mark placed a knowing kiss on Donghyuck's forehead anyway. "Baby, open that draw over there. I got you something."

Obviously when he opened the draw, it was nothing but a pink lace set for Donghyuck to wear laying flat on the wood. Donghyuck squealed in literal happiness because he didn't have the money to buy another one. Mark explained that he saw the tattered one and made it his duty to buy one to surprise his good little boy.

Donghyuck made sure to give Mark a good show as he stripped from his house clothes into the tight fitting garter belt, mesh stockings, panties and small little triangular bra. He kept eye contact with Mark as his pupils progressively diabetes further and further until it was obvious that nothing else could reach his attention.

Donghyuck did a sexy little hip swinging walk to his boyfriend before removing Mark's hand from the hardening buldge in his shorts and situating himself on his lap.

Immediately, their lips met again and both Mark's hands squeezed at Donghyuck's plump ass. It was a battle of vigour as Donghyuck rocked his hips forward, and their cocks met in sweet electricity. It was a mix of both of their minds that filled Mark's room that day.

As Mark's lips began to travel downwards once again, Donghyuck took his opportunity to fiddle with the waistband of Mark's shirts before successfully inserting his hand into the heat of fabric to skin.

"You like how I look, don't you baby? I dressed up all for you...tell me how much you like it." Donghyuck's mouth ran on autopilot, a confidence he never ever so easily seeped from body.

"Fuck yes , baby, I do. I do alot." Mark's hips bucked upward, chasing friction in Donghyuck's hand since his hand only rested on his cock.

"Are you sure baby? Mark me. Fuck me. Make me yours." He refused to move his hand on Mark's dick. But, he did remove it to lift Mark's eyes to him. "Destroy me. Okay?"

Mark had never felt such a strong sexual connection in his life. He had the sexiest boy ever in his life and more importantly in the lingerie he had bought, sitting on his throbbing dick ready to enter his tight little pink hole. Nothing would stopping him from getting the fucking most from it. "Oh, I will"


It was getting too long :(
I really hope there aren't too many typos, I've been writing this for too long.
Date: August 12

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