
By TransG18

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Read the stories of these human girls and their furry lovers. See how much their lives change as they discove... More

Terrance: The Bounty German Shephard
Damien: The Black Ally Cat
Isaac: The Newbie Hawk
Lance: The School President
Seth: The Mayor Lion
Jordan: The Popular Shark
Wyatt: The Gang Leader Crocodile
Prince: The Gypsy Vanner Prince
Ray: The Admirer Fox
Tobias: The Surfer Dolphin
Their Thoughts of Each Other
Second Meeting
Second Meeting Part 2
Second Meeting Part 3
Second Meeting Part 4
They Ask/Force Them To Hang Out
They Ask/Force Them To Hang Out 2
They Ask/Force Them to Hang Out 3
They Ask/Force Them To Hang Out 4
He Compliments Her
He Compliments Her 2
He Compliments Her 3
He Compliments Her 4
His Feelings For Her
He Gets Jealous Over Another Guy
He Gets Jealous Over Another Guy 2
He Gets Jealous Over Another Guy 3
He Gets Jealous Over Another Guy 4
He's Showing Signs
He's Showing Signs 2
He's Showing Signs 3
He's Showing Signs 4
He Protects Her
He Protects Her 2
He Protects Her 3
He Protects Her 4
First Kiss; Mary and Terrance
First Kiss; Patricia and Damien
First Kiss; Linda and Isaac
First Kiss; Barbara and Lance
First Kiss; Elizabeth and Seth
First Kiss; Jennifer and Jordan
First Kiss; Lisa and Wyatt
First Kiss; Carol and Prince
First Kiss; Susan and Ray
First Kiss; Coraline and Tobias
They Ask Her Out 2
They Ask Her Out 3
They Ask Her Out 4
Date Outfits
First Date; Mary and Terrance
First Date; Patricia and Damien
First Date; Linda and Isaac
First Date; Barbara and Lance

They Ask Her Out

215 2 4
By TransG18

Mary and Terrance

It's been a couple of hours since the fight between Terrance and the cobra, and since Terrance ended up in the hospital, and since our kiss together. 

Terrance was finally let out of the hospital and he was told by the doctor that he cannot be on the force until his stitches are taken out and his wounds have fully healed. Terrance was a little bummed out cause that would mean he would be seating at home doing nothing but healing, which sounds very boring to him. 

The chief asks me to escort Terrance home, to which I agreed. Terrance gave me his address and I linked it into my Google Maps. Terrance sits in the passenger seat, his car would be driven to his place by one of our fellow officers. Anyway, I drive Terrance home, which I find that he lives in the middle town of the city in an apartment building. 

When we get there, I find a parking spot and help Terrance out of my car since he was still feeling sore. We go inside the building and get greeted by the landlord of the building, who was stationed at the front desk, who also happens to be a St. Bernard Furry. He's a real sweet guy. 

Anyway, thankfully the building had an elevator so that way Terrance doesn't have to walk all the way up the stairs, which is what he preferably did instead of taking the elevator. 

We make it to the third floor, which is his, and walk down the hall to his door. His door was the fourth door on the left.

"Thanks for taking me home Mary," Terrance says.

"It was no problem at all," I assure him.

We look and smile at each other until Terrance clears his throat and speaks my name in a questioning manner, "Uh, Mary?"

"Yes?" I question him, urging him to go on.

"Uh-hum I was just wondering, would you like to go out with me sometime this week, when I'm a little more healed?" He finally asks.

"You mean like a date?" I question, feeling eager but make sure not to show it.

Terrance nods, "Yeah, a date." He confirms.

Oh my God, it's finally happening! Terrance is asking me out on a date! I've been wanting to go out with him, but I was too afraid to ask because first off we work together, and I thought that he wouldn't want to go out with a human like me because he would prefer a furry. But here he is, asking me to go on a date with him!

Making sure to remain cool, I give him my answer, "I would love to. How about on Saturday? You should be feeling a little better by then right?" I ask him.

Terrance nods in agreement, "Yeah I will be."

I nod my head, "Perfect." Then, pulling a bold move, I lean up and press a quick peck on his lips.

I was about to pull away when he wraps his arm around my waist and presses his lips on mine and gives me a long kiss.

Then he pulls away first and releases me from his grip. I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"I'll see you soon, and if there's anything you need, you give me a call," I tell him.

"I will, thanks." Terrance says as we wave 'bye' to each other.

Finally, I turn away and make my way back to the elevator. I press the open button and the elevator dings and opens the doors. I step inside and watch the doors close by themselves. But once they were closed, I leaned back against the wall and sigh in a happy blissful way.

Patricia and Damien

I'm currently standing in the kitchen cooking myself some sauteed vegetables. I am making baked chicken with vegetables for dinner tonight. But while I was cooking, I couldn't help but think about the night that Damien and I kissed. 

To remind you of what I'm talking about, I almost got jumped by a group of human men when Damien came to my rescue. He then took me back to my apartment and we talked while sitting on the couch together, then Damien tells me that he has feelings for me and he kissed me! I was shocked but I also kissed back. It was my first kiss ever! 

That's right, I've never had my first kiss. I've spent pretty much of my time studying and working throughout school. And since I was so focused on my studies I never did any of the stuff that everyone else was doing. I'm not saying that I regret not having the chance of doing all those things, besides I was never really into them anyway. 

But now that Damien has come into my life, things have been a lot different. 

And apparently, I was so distracted with my thoughts that I didn't hear the sound of the lock on the balcony door click and the door opening. 

Before I could think of anything else, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a pair of soft, furry lips land on my cheek. I let out a little shriek of surprise and almost drop the spatula in my hand. 

"Whoa! Easy there," A voice spoke, but it was a familiar voice, it was Damien's. 

I turn my head over my shoulder and see him standing behind me with a small smile on his face. 

"Oh, hi Damien," I greet him, "I didn't hear you come in."

"Must've gotten distracted by the delicious smell of your seasoned vegetables here," He teases and grabs one of the vegetables out of the pan and pops it into his mouth, not caring how hot it is. 

This cat is just so daring and bold. 

"So whatcha makin'?" He asks me, letting go of me, and sits down at the table. 

"Baked chicken and steamed vegetables," I answer, then I turn to him and ask, "would you like some? I can always cut my chicken in half and share some with you."

He shakes his head and says, "Nah, I'm good."

I nod my head in understanding and go back to stirring the vegetables. 

"In fact, as much as it kills me, I'm not really plannin' on stayin' long," He then says. 

That struck me curiously, so I turn my head to him and ask, "Why is that?"

Damien gets up from the table and walks up to me, "I only wanted to come over here and ask you something."

"Which is?" I urge him to go on as I turn the knob on the stove and shut the fire off. I have a gas stove, working with them is easier for me than working with an electric stove. 

"I wanted to come and ask you if you want to go out with me this Friday night?" He says. 

I look at him with a surprised look and he continues, "There's this club that my friends and I like to go to. It's not like those other clubs where you get drunk and stuff like that, it's a place where people can go and just have fun, loosen themselves up and dance. Most of my friends are gonna be there and I want you to be there too, so that's pretty much why I'm here," He explains to me, "so what do ya say? You wanna come?"

I turn my eyes away and try to think about it. I actually won't be at work on Friday because it's the end of the 2nd term at school. But still, I was planning on doing some school work that needs to be done before the weekend is over, but knowing Damien he'll make me go anyway 'cause he's so determined to 'make me have fun', as he claims. 

"I know you're gonna try and get out by sayin' you got work to do, but you should know by now that I'm gonna make you come anyway, but I would like to give you the chance to give me the right answer for once so will you please just say yes?" And that proves my point. 

So I sigh and shake my head, look up at Damien and into his green eyes, and give him what he wants, "Yes, Damien, I would love to go to the club with you Friday night."

Damien gives a big smile and says, "Great." Then he leans forward and pecks the same cheek he kissed earlier when he surprised me with his unexpected visit. "I'll pick you up at 7:30, you be ready by then, ya hear?"

I silently giggle and nod my head, "I will." 

"Perfect," He said then he walks back to my balcony door and was about to leave till he turns to me and winks, "See you Friday girl." Then he walks out, closing the door behind him, and leaves. 

I breathe in and sigh through my nose shaking my head again. After all that, I got dinner ready and made my plate.

Linda and Isaac

So news got out about the whole fan incident. I've been getting lots of emails from my fans saying that they were so happy to hear that I was okay. And there was another article of me and Isaac kissing, saying that I was giving a kiss to my knight in shining feathers. Which isn't really entirely false, I mean I was, and still am, grateful to Isaac for saving me and I did tell him that if there's anything that he would like in return I'd give it to him. And it turns out that what he wanted was a kiss from me. 

Not that I minded or anything. I mean, I'm attracted to Isaac and I felt a huge explosion of fireworks as we were kissing. 

However, I feel bad for Isaac. 'Cause now that the news papers have told everyone about how Isaac saved me and our kiss, he's probablt getting bugged by people all the time for juicy details and such. He shouldn't deserve that, having a bunch of crazy people getting in his space, asking questions, telling him he's a hero constantly, and not having any privacy. I should know how that's like. 

Right now I'm finishing up my show with the last video and interview I had today. 

"But thankfully Lexi didn't get hurt, right?" I ask Burt, the male turtle furry I was interviewing. 

One of his friends posted a video of his friend Lexi, who was a female porcupine furry, who was almost crushed by a falling piece of building that was being torn down due to construction, but thankfully Burt came rushing in and he saved her by pushing to the ground and protecting her ,thanks to the powerful strength of his shell. 

"Oh yeah, she didn't get hurt," Burt said, "Yeah she may have gotten a scrape or to from falling to the ground thanks to me, but other than that yeah she was totally fine after that."

"Well that's good," Then I turn to the camera and say to my audience, "let this be a lesson here folks, that there are days when lots of unexpected things can happen that could cause your death, but thankfully we always have a friend or two there to save us, and that is why we should be grateful to have them. I know I am." I glance at Isaac when I said that, who is watching the show from the sideline. 

"And as much as it kills me on the inside," I say, "we are now at the end of our show. So tune in next time on 'What The Heck!', next week. Have a good afternoon people!" I wave bye to the camera and wait for the music to end. 

"And that's a rap!" Tye shouts and the camera and the music stops. 

I get up from my chair and give Burt a handshake and thank him for being on the show, to which he replies with an 'it was awesome to be here'. Then Tye comes over and escorts Burt to the exit where he would also get his souvenir, which I give to all my guests. I figure that besides being on TV they should also get something to bring home. 

Anyway, I search around for Isaac and thankfully spot him checking over the lights. I walk over to where he's currently flapping in the air and just stand underneath him and the lights, waiting for him to finish. 

As he was working on them, he glances down and sees me. I smile at him and gesture with my head for him to come down so that I can talk to him. He smiles in return and gestures with his hand to give him 3 minutes. I tell him to go on and take his time. And after 3 minutes, as he said, he finishes his task, takes a deep breath, I don't know why though, then flaps down, lands perfectly onto the ground, and now he's standing in front of me. 

"Hey Linda," Isaac greets me. 

"Hey, Isaac," I greet him back, "did you like the show?" I ask him. 

He nods and says, "Yeah I thought it was awesome."

"Great," I said. 

Then it became quiet, which became a bit awkward. Isaac glances down and so do I, not really knowing what to say now. But thankfully Isaac does, cause he clears his throat and then says. 

"Uhm, uh, Linda, there is um something that I want to ask you."

"Yes?" I encourage him to go on. 

"Well, I was uh wondering if maybe you would like to uhm go out with me this Saturday?" He asks, "Of course if you don't want to or if you already have plans that day I completely understand!" He stammers. 

I smile at him and say, "Well, actually I don't have plans this Saturday and I would love to go out with you on Saturday."

Isaac beams with joy, "Really??"

I nod my head and hum, "Mm-hm, and I hope you wouldn't mind if I picked the restaurant, cause I know a lot of great places where we won't get bugged by the nosey press or any crazy fans of mine."

"No! No I don't mind at all!" Isaac says, sounding so cute right now. 

"Great," I said then grab a piece of paper that was on a nearby table and pulled out my favorite pen which I kept in a pocket I had inside my jacket. "So here is my address," I mutter as I write it down then finish and place my pen back in my jacket and give him the piece of paper, which he takes out of my hand, "and you can pick me up at 5:30-ish."

"Awesome!" Isaac says then folds the paper and puts it in his jean pocket, "So I'll be seeing you then!"

"Alright," I say then I see Tye waving at me, which is his way of saying that he wants to talk business. "Well I need to get going, Tye needs me right now."

"Okay, I'll see you later then," Isaac waves bye. 

"Yeah, see you later," I say back, but I bump into the camera behind me and would've tipped it over if it hadn't been for two of the crew members being there to push it back into place. I chuckle in embarrassment then wave bye to Isaac and head over to where Tye is. 

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