The Love That Bonds Us

By onigiri_oya

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Agnarr has been waiting to go to the Enchanted Forest for the past four years. But after the following tragic... More

Chapter 1 : The Enchanted Forest
Chapter 2 : Rescue and Escape
Chapter 3 : Return Of The King
Chapter 4 : Kindness of Arendelle
Chapter 5 : The First Of Many Meetings
Chapter 6 : He's Not Just Royalty
Chapter 7 : Fit For A King
Chapter 8 : The Good And The Bad
Chapter 9 : The Waltz
Chapter 10 : When Sparks Fly
Chapter 11 : What's Free Time To A King
Chapter 12 : Winter Days And Warm Fires
Chapter 13 : The Winter Festival
Chapter 14 : Can You Feel The Love
Chapter 15 : She's On His Mind
Chapter 16 : A Christmas Surprise
Chapter 17 : The Jule Bell
Chapter 18 : Presents Galore
Chapter 19 : Why Are Goodbyes So Hard
Chapter 20 : The Rock Trolls
Chapter 21 : A Cryptic Warning
Chapter 22 : Life Goes On
Chapter 24 : So This Is Love
Chapter 25 : A Kiss To Remember
Chapter 26 : The Carpenter Dream
Chapter 27 : An Ideal Bride
Chapter 28 : Woodcarver And Queen
Chapter 29 : He Is The King
Chapter 30 : She Works Through It
Chapter 31 : A Riveting Discussion
Chapter 32 : Appearances Are Everything
Chapter 33 : Queen In Training
Chapter 34 : Approval Or Disapproval
Chapter 35 : Strengthened Suspicion
Chapter 36 : The Girl Who Lied
Chapter 37 : Change Is In The Air
Chapter 38 : Giving Up
Chapter 39 : Three Surprise Guests
Chapter 40 : Love And Hate
Chapter 41 : The Angry King
Chapter 42 : The Sacrifice
Chapter 43 : When All Is Lost
Chapter 44 : Her New Adventure
Chapter 45 : An Engagement Party
Chapter 46 : A Coronan Affair
Chapter 47 : Forgiveness
Chapter 48 : The Mystery Solved
Chapter 49 : Happily Ever After

Chapter 23 : The Perfect Present

206 5 3
By onigiri_oya


I peered into the window of the shop, shielding my eyes from the hot, bright sun with one hand, while the other pressed against the glass.

I sighed. Nothing felt right. I'd been searching for ages and couldn't find a single thing that would be perfect enough to give Iduna for her Birthday.

Over the years I'd given her an assortment of different things, all of which she appeared to love. But this was her sixteenth Birthday and the gift I chose had to be something special.

I'd first considered jewellery - my father always said girls love receiving jewellery and compliments - but that seemed too classic. Iduna was more spontaneous and free than something so traditional as a ring or anything like that. She mocked my ballroom dancing just to dance something more casual, so I'd crossed that item off my mental list.

I'd then considered a little knick-knack, like those that cluttered her bedroom. I'd only been in there once, when Arianna and I joined her and Halima for Christmas that one year, but I'd instantly fallen in love with it.

It was so Iduna and it was great. Shelves had evidently been hastily and clumsily assembled on the walls to hold all the little objects and books that she owned. It was full of vibrant colours and it just had this quirky atmosphere that matched Iduna's personality perfectly.

The only problem with that idea though would be that she already had so many knick-knacks that she didn't really need any more.

So then there had always been the option of books. Iduna loved books, she would quote them all the time and always borrowed them from the Castle library, sometimes failing to bring them back. But that didn't seem right either. A book was generic and she could access them whenever she wished.

I wanted to give her something memorable.

My hand rose to rub the sweat from my forehead. I was sweltering in this heat and I entered the shop to escape it.

A bell rang above my head and immediately a head popped up behind the counter.

"King Agnarr." the little boy said, a wide grin showing off his buck-teeth, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh. I'm just passing." I said absently, looking around the shop. It was small and compact, with all sorts of different shoes sitting on wooden racks.

Did Iduna need shoes?

"Shopping for your Mrses?" the boy asked.

I looked around at him, my neck turning so fast that it cricked, "No."

He grinned his toothy grin again, "You hesitated."

"No I didn't. I'm not shopping for my Mrs ... I don't even have a Mrses!"

Another person hastily entered the room then; a woman with golden hair tied in a flimsy hairnet. She picked the boy up while saying to me, "I'm really sorry about that Your Majesty. He's a cheeky one, little Benny." she tapped the little boy's nose and hoisted him a little higher up her hip, "Is there anything I can help you with? My husband runs the shop, but he's gone out to buy some more leather."

"Oh no, thank you." I said to her, shaking my head and smiling, "I was just browsing."

Benny lowered his head to whisper something in his mother's ear, but as he wasn't very good at keeping his voice quiet, I heard exactly what he said: "He was shopping for his Mrses, Mama."

The woman frowned at him, "His Majesty isn't married yet. I don't think he's even thought about it!" then she looked at me, a strange look in her eye, "Are you courting anyone? I don't mean to pry, but little Benny is quite inquisitive. He has his sources ..." she trailed off, but I got the gist of what she was saying.

"I'm not really sure about that just yet." I told her, though to be fair, I wasn't even sure if that statement was true.

"See." the woman looked down at Benny, "The King isn't courting anyone. So why would he be shopping for his 'Mrses'?"

"He's in love with that pretty dark-haired girl whom Halima looks after." Benny said, staring at me with wide, brown eyes, "He's buying a present for her."

"Well. He really does knows things!" I chuckled good-naturedly, "That girl? Iduna? It is her birthday soon and I am buying her something. But you got one things wrong; I'm not in love with her." I could almost taste that lie.

"I'm really sorry again Your Majesty." the woman said, "I'll let you just browse and take this little one upstairs. He's causing too much trouble in the shop." she tweaked Benny's nose again and left the room with a slight, one-armed curtsey.

Benny gave a high pitched scream, which reverberated in my ears, as his mother determinedly carried his wriggling form up the stairs at the back of the shop.

I took one last sweeping look around the shop, before leaving it and making my way back to the Castle, empty-handed and disappointed.

Arianna already had her gift sorted out. She had since May and Iduna's Birthday was in July. She always made sure I knew this fact, but it was extremely unhelpful. Perhaps I had left it a little late as Iduna was turning sixteen in three days, but I didn't think I'd have found anything any easier.

The closest I had to a present was the failed surprise feast of cakes and cookies that we'd made the day before. But as Iduna had found out, I didn't think it really counted.

Arianna was reading a book in one of the living rooms when I flopped down on the sofa beside her.

"Find whatever you were looking for?" she asked, hardly looking up from her book.

I shook my head against the pillows, "Not a thing."

She sighed, folded her hands on top of the now closed book, and took in my exhausted being. "Just get her some flowers or something. I'm sure she won't mind. It's the thought that counts. It's a bit late to find anything else. We'll be holding her surprise party tomorrow to throw her off guard."

"I can't get her flowers!" I cried, "She's turning sixteen, 'Anna. Flowers are too plain and boring."

"Another fancy necklace like Christmas three years ago?"

"Too traditional."

"A book?"

"Too predictable."

"Oh come on Agnarr. Help me out here." Arianna said, "What do you want to get her? Can you not think of anything?"

I sat up and looked at her, "No. If I had thought of something I would have come home with it. But as you can see, I have returned with nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Oh dear me." she rested her head in her hands, "This is just grand!"

I rolled my eyes at her distress; I felt enough of a failure without her complaints making me feel even lower.

"What do you suppose I do now, huh?"

"You!?" I cried, incredulous, "What do you mean you? This is my own mess. Iduna'll have a gift from everyone but me. Don't worry your little silk socks off 'Anna. This doesn't affect you."

Arianna frowned, "You forget, 'Narr, that I've arranged this party. We were all supposed to get Iduna a token of our love for her on this special day. That included you." she gave a growl and threw her arms up in defeat, "Why are you so infuriating?"

I dropped back onto the sofa and rolled my eyes, wishing we had Nuru-Baako there right then. He was really the only person who could break us apart when we argued. I'm not even sure why, but he was.

The next day though, we seemed to be back on speaking terms. Arianna ran around the Gardens, finishing the decorations and she would often call to ask me what I thought; if she was doing that then I was sure she wasn't angry with me anymore.

Still, I was annoyed with myself and wandered back into the town not long after breakfast. We had a couple hours until the guests started arriving for the party and I wasn't going to waste it; at the end of the day all I could do was say I had tried.

I looked in as many shops as I could, but nothing struck me as particularly inviting.

Still nothing was right.

I was beginning to get really flustered by the time I stalked into the market place; my last hope, though I didn't think it likely I'd find whatever it was that I was looking for.

"Your Majesty?" a voice distracted me.

I turned to see a man looking at me. He was standing behind a market stall decked with all sorts of knick-knacks and bits'n'bobs.

"Hello Sir." I smiled and crossed over to him, glancing nonchalantly at the display on his stall. It reminded me of Iduna - meaning it must be the market stall she adored and constantly praised.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?" the man looked at me in concern.

I ran a hand through my hair wearily, forgetting to act formally for once, "I'm fine thank you Sir, its just, it's my friend's Birthday party today and I really don't know what to get her."

"Well, maybe I can help you with that, Your Majesty." the man offered.

"Yes please Sir." I said eagerly, "Her name is Iduna and I would like to get her something different."

The man's eyes widened in surprise, "Iduna? Well then, I know exactly what you can get her. She's a regular customer at this stall you see. My son and I see her all the time." he chuckled before directing my gaze towards these little wooden turtles with small, flat, wobbling heads sticking out of their shells. "She really likes these but never bought one because of the price. The man from Ebiza, who let's us sell them, demands rather a lot. He has to pay for importing them and everything. But I think she'd really appreciate it if you got her one."

I could hardly believe my ears. This man was practically handing me what I needed on a silver platter. Maybe it was just another knick-knack, but Iduna wanted one. Now all I had to do was pick one of these things and pay!

After scrutinising them all for way too long, I eventually chose a turtle with a purple shell, intricately painted with a yellow, blue and green flower on top.

It was perfect.

So why was there still a small nagging feeling that this wasn't what I'd been searching for?

I pressed this doubt to the back of my mind and thanked the man for his help before running back to the Castle.

"Where have you been Agnarr?" Arianna demanded when I came tearing into the courtyard.

"Sorry 'Anna." I said to her, waving the brown paper bag, "But I found something for Iduna!"

Her face brightened, "Really? Brilliant. Quick, put it with the others, Beatrice is keeping an eye on them while we're out. Frederic and Nuru-Baako are arriving, I saw their ships. Let's go!"

Soon enough I found myself standing on the wooden docks beside Arianna. The sun was beaming down at us and I pulled on my collar, uncomfortable in the heat.

The two ships, very different in colour and shape, were leisurely floating across the sparkling, blue ocean. I imagined both Frederic and Nuru-Baako standing on deck and looking out towards Arendelle, waiting for the time when they could join us once again.

"Their ships are so slow." Arianna commented, snatching the hand with my watch on and checking the time, "Gosh. We don't have much time left. Those two better hurry up otherwise they'll miss the party. Iduna'll be arriving with Halima in half an hour."

"You're worrying too much 'Anna." I told her, "Everything will be fine."

She nodded, as if trying to convince herself I was right, and held her arms around her body for comfort.

The ships certainly could have been a bit faster, but eventually they were both pulling in to either side of the dock and a wooden ramp was being lowered for both Princes to join us.

Frederic was first and Arianna was smiling like a cheshire. When he caught sight of her, he abandoned dignity and ran down the ramp to wrap his arms around her waist, lift her into the air and spin her around while she laughed in delight and held onto his shoulders.

I watched for a moment until a droll voice behind me said, "I'm not greeting you like that."

"Nuru." I said, recognising the voice easily and turning to my old friend.

"Hello Agnarr." we embraced each other. "Good to be back."

I nodded as we both pulled away, "Good to see you again too."

"Hello Nuru!" Arianna cried, barging passed me to hug the Durtoriabian.

I could then turn to Frederic, who looked breathless.

"Hello Fred. Long time no see."

"Long time in deed." he gave an infectious laugh which I couldn't help but join in with. "Oh boy, honestly, it's barely been a day since my last visit!"

A grin plastered on both out faces, we threw our arms around each other in a mutual hug of friendship and brotherhood.

"Come on you two." Arianna was then saying, "Iduna awaits a birthday surprise!"

"Why is it today though?" Nuru-Baako asked thoughtfully, as we walked briskly back to the Castle.

Arianna turned to walk backwards in order to see him as she answered, "She'll be expecting it if it was tomorrow. She always guesses these things. So we decided the day before would throw her off guard and actually surprise her."

"Ah." Nuru-Baako nodded in understanding, "That makes sense."

"She already found out about the surprise feast we were going to throw her at the party, but I don't think she's figured out that she'll be eating it a day early." I added.

"Well let's hope not. For Ari's sake." Frederic joked, which made her frown pointedly at him.

When we made it back to the Castle, we immediately went through to the grounds were the party would take place.

Streamers and balloons were strung from nearly every branch, and tables were set up around the edge of the gardens, all but one laden with the tasty treats we'd baked the day before. That last one was covered with all of Iduna's presents.

Frederic and Nuru-Baako marvelled at the decorations.

"Wow, you've done a good job Luv." Frederic told Arianna, grinning at her.

She flushed as she smiled back at him. "Thank you."

Over the last three years, their relationship had flourished. It made me wonder what was holding me back from courting Iduna; like that woman in the shoe shop had mentioned. Ever since that Trolls' vision, I'd been wondering whether I should finally admit my feelings. The girl in the pictures - there was no way she could be anyone but Iduna.

"OK." Arianna brushed her hands down the front of her dress awkwardly, "If you two wouldn't mind putting you tokens of love over there with the rest, it would be greatly appreciated. And then, Iduna'll be here."

The gardens descended into mild chaos for the next fifteen minutes while Arianna took charge to make sure everything was perfect, and guests continued to arrive - all people of whom Iduna was close too.

And then, at long last, a banging sound was heard against the Castle gates.

She was here.

A hush fell over all the guests and servants and everyone suddenly froze.

Arianna gestured wildly with her hands, whispering harshly, "Places! Places!"

We all ducked into our designated hiding spots while Arianna arranged herself and went to open the gates.

I could hear as she spoke to Iduna and Halima from behind my tree trunk. It was all just the usual small talk of saying hello's and how do you do's, before she was bringing them through to the gardens, laughing about something completely random.

I heard a gasp from Iduna when she saw all the decorations and automatically knew that was our cue to jump out of our hiding places.

A loud chorus of "Surprise!" rang out through the grounds and Iduna pressed her hands to her face in astonishment and happiness.

Arianna wrapped her in a warm hug, "Happy Early Birthday Iduna!"

Iduna couldn't find the right words to say and Frederic and I ran forwards to grab her hands and drag her into the midst of a growing crowd; all people wanting to wish her a Happy Birthday.

It turned into a glorious afternoon, full of all Iduna's favourite things. Someone had set a few swings up amongst the decorations; a band played her favourite music so we could dance; we played a huge game of Chase; we ate the snacks, letting Iduna eat the most, just like we'd promised ... by the end of the day everyone was exhausted.

But it still wasn't over. There were Iduna's presents to open yet, and everyone watched as she did so. She expressed gratitude and adoration for everything she received and a nice little pile of opened presents began building; consisting of hair ribbons, sweets, perfume, books and lots more.

From Arianna she received a little wooden flute along with a music book to start practicing. It was painted with neat rows of dots of every colour and she loved it, even attempting to play a tune. She'd often said she wanted a musical instrument, so Arianna was pleased that Iduna liked it so much.

Both Frederic and Nuru-Baako had bought her something native to their respective Kingdoms, and then she opened mine.

Her eyes lit up and she sent me such a warm smile that I felt short of breath for a moment. I supposed she liked it. What more did I want?

After that, we had one last dance in the nearing twilight. Stars twinkled down at us and the moon offered enough light that not many lanterns had to be lit amongst the trees. It was a stunning and gorgeous night - only the best for everyone's favourite girl.

I went to bed that night feeling weary but giddy with excitement, and the next day I woke rather late.

I found Arianna in the Gardens when I went looking for her. She was already taking charge as the decorations were taken down; unsurprising I suppose.

I offered to help and she sent me to clear up one of the tables underneath a blossom tree.

I headed over to that designated table and began to sweep the fallen flower heads off the white tablecloth so I could fold it.

Then I stopped and picked up a few of the flowers.

I'd had a sudden realisation.

I knew exactly what I wanted to give Iduna for her Birthday.

* * *

Hello! I'm back! My GCSE mock fortnight is done and dusted and now I'll have more time to finish this story. Hopefully my motivation will come back; unfortunately as I've taken a break I've almost kind of lost my motivation and I'm going to have to edit some of these later chapters so they aren't so cringe worthy! But I'm sure it will return as I proceed, I've enjoyed it this far, and anyway; I promised a story, so a story I will deliver! Hope you guys continue to enjoy :)

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