The Unbreakable (Ghost #3)

By Grimmy27

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After an eventful year, Lia and Blake go back to college, eager to get away from everything. But they're not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Bonus Chapter - Christmas Pt. 1
Bonus Chapter - Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 43

3.6K 137 26
By Grimmy27


I stay in the hallway of Caroline's private clinic as the guys go one by one to get tested for drugs. I know for a fact that my Cakey has never used anything, so I'm not really worried. But not every team member is like him. Who's to say they are as clean as my Cakey?

As I sit in the waiting room, I go over the news from Gunner's club. Ever since Blake and I moved out of the clubhouse, I've been in constant contact with my brothers and the guys from the club about Patrick's whereabouts. My 'fans' have been tremendously helpful with this. We got new information every damn day and thanks to that, Adrian could make a map of areas where Patrick was frequently seen. He's roaming around the neighborhood where Blake and I used to live.

Unfortunately, every time he's spotted, he quickly disappeared.

"Hey Lia, sorry I'm late but I had to talk to the dean." I hear Coach Jones pant as he sits in the chair beside me.

"No problem. The guys are being good. We're almost done actually." I shrug.

"Thanks for arranging this. I seriously didn't want to make it public, but I had no trusted places to do this."

"Like I said, no problem. Any issue with the team is my issue because it directly affects my man, so I don't mind helping out. Did you talk to Evan? I tried to pull some strings and visit him, but the officer in charge is being pretty stubborn about him having no contact with anyone." I implore. I've tried to see Evan and talk to him to see if this whole situation will get the team in trouble, but I couldn't even get anywhere near him. There's apparently a new officer working at the station and he's... overly ambitious and extremely stern. I don't know who he is but, as usual, I already took measures to find out more about him.

Now I'm just waiting for any info on him that Adrian is going to get for me. Oh boy, I'm using my brothers so much.

"I didn't see him, much less talk to him. I heard he's being charged with drug possession, drug dealing and an assault."


"He supposedly got in a fight with his customer." Coach emphasizes the word with distaste. Damn you, Evan!

"Fuck, that's serious."

"Yeah. – Coach sighs – If someone on the team is using, we can be fucking suspended from the championships. I sure hope the guys are clean."

"Me too."

"Hey, babe." Blake comes out of Caroline's office and immediately sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey. How's it going in there?"

"Quite smoothly, actually. I thought they'd be more worried about getting tested, but everyone's pretty calm."

"Good. I'll go talk to the doctor if you don't mind." Coach responds then gets up from his seat and walks to Caroline's office.

"How is it really going?" I turn to my Cakey, giving him an imploring look.

"Not good. The guys heard about Evan's situation and are kinda pissed at him for getting in trouble. This shit affects us all."

"I know. I just hope it ends well." I sigh, leaning my head on Blake's shoulder tiredly.

"I heard one weird thing from Dave, though." I can hear the confusion in his voice, so I turn to face him.


"Yeah. He said he was called by the cops for questioning. But the cop sounded... strange. I don't know the details cause we couldn't really talk with all the ruckus in there, but apparently everyone on the team, you included, will be taken to the station for interrogation because the cop in charge suspects that the team is a fucking drug ring in disguise. Can you believe that? A national college football team a drug ring! That's insane!"

"Who the hell is that guy? He's stirring shit for no reason!" I exclaim angrily. There's something that doesn't add up here. I can fucking feel it.

"I don't know, kitten, but it's not like we can avoid it." Blake retorts calmly then kisses my head.

Just as my Cakey told me, I'm summoned to the station for questioning two days later. What I found weird was that I was called alone, even though I live with Blake and we could easily come together and get it over with.

I park the car in the lot then walk inside the station, looking for the officer in charge of Evan's case.

But when I ask the clerk at the front desk about this, he says there's no one of the name Evan here.

And that's when I realize the whole thing is a fucking trap.


I quickly get out and run to my car, but before I can reach it I'm thrown to the ground by two bodies, hitting my head against the concrete. I feel dizzy for a moment, but I fight it as I struggle against the guys.

"Fuck she's wild!" One of them grunts when I manage to kick him in the nuts.

"Hold her down, idiot!" The other yells before shooting me with a taser.

Then everything goes black.

I wake up with a terrible ache in my body, as if I was beaten up with a fucking bat or something. I take a moment to let my eyes adjust to the bright light coming through the window then glance around the room I'm in.

It's my and Blake's bedroom. In our old apartment. What the hell?

My anger intensifies when I see I'm fucking naked! I'm literally lying naked on the bed, tied up to the bedposts! What is this shit?!

With all the strength I can muster, I try to get out of the bounds on my wrists, but my effort is fruitless. The only thing I manage to achieve is make the rope break the skin on my arms and make them bleed. Fuck!

It's not hard to see what's going on.

Those two guys that knocked me down are working for someone. Most likely that son of a bitch Patrick. Shit, shit, shit!!!

This is fucked up!

I lie on the bed, panting in fury as I try to come to terms with what happened. I can't afford to panic, it would only make it worse for me if I did. I concentrate on the pain I feel, trying to check what's wrong. My whole fucking body is bruised, so someone beat me up while I was unconscious. I can't feel one of my arms, so either the shoulder's dislocated or I severed the nerve. My ankle's twisted, cause my foot is at a weird angle and there's swelling around the joint, and my back is clearly bleeding. I can feel the wetness underneath me. I can feel the sting of the cuts on it and I can only hope they're not deep enough to make me bleed to death here.

It's not as bad as I thought, but I can't be sure if there's no internal damage. I feel pain all over, so who's to say I'm not in way worse state that I think.

After what feels like hours, I hear the door of the bedroom open and two people I thought I'd never see again come in.

"You!" I snarl at the douchebag and his sidekick, cursing myself mentally for not thinking about adding him to this fucking equation.

"Me. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out. I thought you were smarter than this." Blondie's father smirks smugly, chuckling at me. "I got to admit, you're way hotter than Michael said." He openly ogles my body and I wish I could gouge his eyes out. Fucking perv, just like his son.

"How are you feeling, doll?" I feel chills run through my body at Patrick's voice. The same voice that's been giving me nightmares for years!

"How do you fucking think?! You beat me up!" I snarl at them, tugging at my restraints.

"That was me actually. – Blondie's father mocks – I had to pay you back for having my son killed. I couldn't wait for you get what you deserve, bitch!" He sneers at me then gets out of the room, leaving only me and Patrick.

"I have missed you so much, doll." He pants as he undresses. I already know what he's about to do, but it does nothing to calm me down. I can't even get away!!!


"I will fucking kill you!"

"So feisty, my doll. And here I thought I taught you some discipline." He gets in between my outstretched legs, hovering over my body and staring at it lewdly. I try my hardest to not lose my cool, knowing that if I panic or show any fear, it'll only make it worse.

"Discipline? You call beating me up discipline?" I decide to drag this out until I can get myself free. I need him to keep talking.

"Yes, I did let Mark beat you up, but only as a token of gratitude for his help. You see, if it weren't for him, I'd never be able to get you all alone. You were always with someone and I couldn't get close."

It's not hard for me to connect the dots. Mark, Michael's father, is a cop. He moved out of Walford and changed jobs after the whole fiasco with Michelle and Ranger. Supposedly, he went to New York, but there's no proof of that.

He was the one that let this shithead out. He was helping him from the beginning!

"Aah, that cute concentrated look on your face tells me you figured it all out. Yes, Mark is the one that released me and gave me your files. He helped me find you. He's also the one who told that officer to come see you and warn you about me."

"What did you do to me?" I spit at him, trying to wriggle out from beneath him, but with no success.

"You covered my marks! – Patrick suddenly yells – You covered the proof that you're mine! I own this body, I've owned this from the moment I fucked you in that alley. And you have no right to do anything I don't approve of!"

"Are you fucking delusional?! I'M NOT YOURS!!!" I yell in his face, but all it gets me is a hard punch in the jaw.

"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!" He screams, punching me after every word.

Dark spots fill my vision after a particularly hard hit to my temple and I'm struggling to stay awake.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my doll." He suddenly apologizes, kissing my bruised cheek, making me gag. "You shouldn't have fought me. I know you can't remember, cause you were pretty drugged up, but you hurt me while I was tying you up. I had to teach you a lesson. But I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be so strong, not after what I've done to you. You truly are unbreakable. Being raped as brutally as you were would destroy anyone, but here you are, still fighting me, still struggling, still not giving in. You're the only one that managed to get this far and not break." He leans in disgustingly close to my face, putting his hand on my throat and choking me threateningly as his other hand gropes different parts of my body.

"And that makes me want to break you even more." He sneers gleefully, licking the blood off my face.

The scumbag puts his free hand on my mouth, muffling my screams as he positions himself between my bare thighs.

"How I fucking missed this." He sighs dreamily when his dick touches my entrance, ignoring my desperate cries as he slowly pushes in.

"Fuck it, I wanna hear your screams." He leans down, letting go of my face and throat.

A chance!

I turn my face in his direction, slowly enough to not alert him of my move.

Just as he thrusts against me, I bite deeply into his neck.

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