When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

603 1 0

Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Eight

12 0 0
By Hurricane_Child

The four continued to hang out, Zeek mostly staying out of the conversation even with them all knowing sign. However when Salem's phone started ringing they all fell silent, Salem looked at the caller ID and answered instantly. "Levi? No, I'm not alone... Gabe, Zeek, and Addy are with me. Wait what? Where. Levi did you-... I'll get Brax. We're on our way." Salem hung up quickly.

"What's that?" Adrian asked.

"Come on," Salem said, "We're getting Brax and my bat and pulverizing someone." Salem began walking off and they all followed.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Levi said 'A zydrate deal gone wrong with Jez, Kal and Seb.' So come on," Salem said.

Adrian looked at Salem, keeping up fine right now, "He meant that?" Salem nodded.

"Explain?" Gabe asked quietly.

"Code," Adrian said, "Someone is going after Levi and they are armed. Shawn's gunna kill me over my leg."

"He'll understand," Gabe said.

Adrian shook his head, "No I'll be walking without my crutches. He'll understand and be pissed."

"You can walk without them?"

"Hurts like a bitch and I won't walk tomorrow," Adrian said, "But yes." Adrian went into Braxton's house to get Braxton and left his crutches there. The two walked out together and Adrian was clearly swallowing his pain.

"Gabe's coming with?" Braxton asked.

"Sure hand him a knife," Salem said, "he knows what to do with one."

Braxton looked at Gabe, "You're explaining later." Braxton handed Zeek and Gabe each a knife and the group set out again. Salem knew where Levi was and the group got there quickly, Salem holding them back to process the group real quick and then they all walked up. Salem carefully pulled Levi and his friends out of the assailants arms.

"Salem?" One asked.

Salem glared at him, swinging his bat up to rest it on his shoulder, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You're still picking on kids? I thought that we taught you better than that last time."

"You know those brats?"

"Those brats are my little siblings," Salem said, "And you thought you should pick on them with your group of wannabe thugs? Grow up and get off our beat dude. Or do you need kids half your age to beat your ass again? You're even more outnumbered this time if you hadn't noticed."

The guy rolled his eyes, "You ain't gunna do shit. Besides, one of your friends can barely stand anymore." Salem's gaze darkened quickly and he sighed before taking the bat and swinging it at full force into the guy's knees. He fell quickly and grabbed his knee in pain.

Salem used his bat to tilt the guy's head back, "Now you get to match one of the guys who are about to beat your damn ass, lucky you. Or, you can apologize, and have your goons carry you off to a hospital where they might be able to fix your knee if you're lucky." Gabe was silent, he hadn't fully seen this side to Salem before. He had heard stories of course, and he knew that Salem could be aggressive. Yet this was different.

One of the goons tried to step forward to hurt Salem but Gabe reacted quickly to defend Salem. His reaction was to stab the guy in the stomach. Gabe pulled the knife off and watched the guy fall with an unchanging face and silent. "Ya kill him Gabe?" Salem asked. Gabe shrugged some. "Hit a vital?" Gabe shrugged again. "Looks like two of you have to be carried. Wanna call this off before my boyfriend aims for a vital?" The guy motioned to his friends and they carefully helped the guy and the one Gabe stabbed up. Salem kept his ablaze eyes on them the whole time as they shambled away.

Once Salem was sure they were far from view he dropped the bat to his side, "You four okay?" Salem looked at them finally and processed the cuts from knives on them. "Any of you stabbed?"

"No," Jez said, "They seemed to enjoy slices. Maybe they were just too pussy to kill someone."

"Let's get you all to Braxton's real quick so we can make sure you'll be alright," Salem said. "Braxton you wanna carry Adrian?" Adrian mouthed a please to Braxton before Braxton carefully picked him up. Adrian winced some at the movement. Salem swung his bat to rest on his shoulder, "Didn't think you'd actually stab someone Gabe."

"He went to hurt you," Gabe said simply.

Salem smiled and rolled his eyes, "the guy could die you know."


"Man, and I nearly questioned loving you," Salem joked.

Braxton chuckled some, "The shortie is a badass huh?"

"Sure," Gabe said, "I'd call it possessive and not wanting anyone to touch Salem but me. But sure. Let's say badass. No one tell Mike."

"No way dude!" Braxton said, "Micheal is gunna know and so will everyone else. Salem's gunna be so proud he's bragging."

Salem shrugged, "He's cut me up. I figured if I gave him a knife nothing bad would happen."

"Knife play?" Adrian said, distracting himself from the pain in his leg, "Damn you two kinky."

Levi chuckled, "You seem surprised Adrian. Salem's a weird mother fucker."

"Gabe's a weird mother fucker," Jez said before smiling at Gabe. "Not surprised you like knives. Still hate guns?"

Gabe shrugged, "Guns are for cowards."

"This is why I love you Gabe."

"Stop flirting," Seb said, "Serious Jez, quit leading people on."

"You're just jealous I'm flirting with someone besides you or your boyfriend Seb," Jez said.

Gabe rolled his eyes, "We get it you Jezebel."

"Oh, you remember the origin of my nickname," Jez said, "Actually not surprised you do."

Levi paused, "Isn't Jezebel the whore from Babylon?"

"Yep!" Jez said, "I went to the same church as Gabe. Used to be as devout in faith as him. But then I realized how much fun breaking the rules was."

Braxton looked at Levi, "Do you get along with anyone who isn't an anarchist?"

"Nope," Levi said, opening the door to Braxton's house for everyone. "Need an ice pack Adds?"

"Yeah," Adrian said, "And for my boyfriend to have the situation explained before he sees me." Levi walked into the kitchen and made the ice pack while Braxton set Adrian on the couch. "I'll be in my wheelchair tomorrow. Fun. You guys won't see me at all tomorrow."

"I was expecting to not see you today or tomorrow," Braxton said, "You four wanna explain what happened?"

"Well," Seb said, "Jezzy scammed one of them and they hunted down the rest of us."

Levi chuckled some, "No more competitions guys. Someone always gets hurt."

"What competition Levi!" Salem asked.

"Who could make the most money the fastest," Levi said as he handed the ice pack to Adrian. "Jez decided making guys pay to sleep with her and then drugging them was the fastest way to do so."

"I might go back and bust them up more," Salem said.

"Ah," Adrian said, "I remember the days where I was scamming pedophiles. Although not for money, it was to beat their asses."

Jez smiled at Adrian, "I like you."

"Most people tend to," Adrian said.

Zeek rolled his eyes, Most people are crazy then. Myself included.

Adrian laughed before wincing in pain, "Fair enough Zeek."

Braxton looked at Zeek, "I need to learn sign."

No, Zeek signed, Then we can't be bitches to you. Salem translated what Zeek said for everyone. Zeek glared at him.

"Fair enough," Braxton said, "I'll call Shawn. Zeek will probably have to drive you, you realize that right Adds?"

"Yeah I know," Adrian grumbled.

"You four better let Gabe and Salem look at those cuts okay?" Braxton said. Levi sighed in agreement and Braxton left the room to call Shawn and explain to him. Salem and Gabe checked over Levi and his friends to make sure that they would all be okay. Salem making sure to check the healing of Levi's self inflicted wounds too. Eventually they all were decreed to be okay and Salem and Gabe let them leave to go to Levi's house. Promising to lock the door while there. Braxton came back in, "Shawn's on his way over.... and so is Micheal. The two were hanging out."

Gabe looked down at the blood on his right hand from stabbing the person, "I'm going to go wash my hands and prepare mentally for Micheal's disappointment."

"Alright," Braxton said. Gabe walked to the bathroom to wash his hands. "Keep the knife though since you got jumped earlier! I can tell from the lip!"

"Got it!" Gabe shouted back. Micheal and Shawn got there quickly, Shawn quickly fussing over Adrian's leg. Adrian didn't bother pushing Shawn away and accepted the worry. Gabe walked back down, "Hey Mike."

"What did you do?" Micheal asked, "What happened?"

"I got jumped," Gabe said, "I'm fine. Zeek and Salem already worried for you don't bother."

"He also stabbed someone," Salem said, "And that was pretty hot."

Micheal gave Gabe a look. "He went to hurt Salem, and that's my job."

"You know what," Micheal said, "I'll just pretend that I didn't hear that and not question it."

"Smart move Mike," Gabe said. "Monday will be great I'm sure."

"I'd be more worried about your father tonight," Micheal said, "He's gunna have many questions and you better have good lies to tell him."

Gabe chuckled, "I always do Mike."

"Mike before you get mad at me, he was like this when I met him," Salem said, "We once discussed homicide in gruesome detail okay? I didn't do it this time."

"I didn't just become a sadist overnight," Gabe said, "I've always been like this and Mike knows it."

Micheal sighed, "Yeah sadly.

"How you put up with each other I'll never know," Shawn mumbled, "I can barely stand you two most days."

That's because they are dumbasses, Zeek signed. Salem translated for Zeek and Shawn just nodded in agreement some. I should drive you and Adds back.

"Yeah probably," Adrian said, "We'll see you guys Monday."

"Yeah," Salem said softly, looking around the room some.

"I know that face," Adrian said, "That the 'something bad is happening' face... Levi is safe at home since his dads are there. So are his friends. We're all here... Ryan and Maddox are at his place, and Austin should be too... Lucas is fine."

Salem shook his head softly, "No something's up with Austin."

"How can you tell?" Micheal asked.

"I'm not sure... something's wrong though."

"He could be getting beat," Braxton said.

Salem shook his head, "No I don't get like this over something like that... Do any of you know what Austin's dad does for work?"

"He's a doctor," Gabe said, "A surgeon I think. Austin doesn't talk about it much."

"That's not it," Salem mumbled, "Is his dad back in town?" Salem asked.

Micheal nodded, "I think so."

Salem gently felt his throat some, "Austin tends to wear high necked shirts... I... Austin won't be talking Monday."

"Why not?" Braxton asked.

"I think his vocal cords might be damaged," Salem mumbled, "I dunno. Weird gut feeling. We'll know when Maddox tells us later or by Monday...Not a whole lot we can do."

Braxton sighed, "We'll find out soon." Later that night, some of Salem's suspicions were confirmed.

Hell Bois

Furry: Any of u no how much a hitman costs
Witch Trials: It varies. Why?
Furry: Do u think i could hire one 2 kill Austin's dad?
Hatter: I am condoning this homicide quest
Witch Trials: What happened?
Texas: They are being dramatic guys. I got choked and my voice isn't quite working. It'll be fine. It's just like being sick.
Witch Trials: Happen earlier today?
Texas: How'd you know?
The Man: Witchy intuition. He mentioned that he thought it was happening when we were forced to hang out.
Fish: didn't think Salem would grab all of you sorry
Texas: What happened?
The Man: Long story short, Some dicks from our childhood decided to pick on Levi and his friends, so Salem crippled one's knee and Gabe stabbed the other.
Texas: Gabe did what?
Archangel: Thanks for making it so I have to delete this conversation guys.
The Man: Welc
Archangel: I hate that so much.
The Man: Good
Somft: Guys I finally got adrian to sleep if you wake him up Ill be the one charged with homicide.
The Man: Mute his phone.
Somft: I did.
The Man: Good, go to sleep guys. Tomorrow we're on our own.
Furry: tmrw im planning a homicide
The Man: Aight, have fun.

Salem sighed while looking at the conversation, quickly exiting that chat and going to his private one to Zeek.

Frankenstein: So, who's teaching Austin sign?
Mr.Mute: You or Adds. I'm not a good teacher.
Frankenstein: Bullshit, but whatever Zeek. Go to bed dude. Stop reading.
Mr.Mute: Stop daydreaming about Gabe and go to bed to actually dream about him then.
Frankenstein: I'll try Zeek. Sleep well dude.
Mr.Mute: Sleep well Batty.

Salem chuckled at the nickname from Zeek and looked around his actual bedroom. He had been choosing to stay at his house more than Braxton's. Only because he was reliant on his father continuing to beat him so that they would be able to file against him for assault. An idea that he both thought was smart, but hated. He was used to being beat at this point, it had been happening as long as he could remember, but that didn't mean he remembered them. He supposes that he's like Ryan in that way. Salem doesn't dissociate day to day, but he completely disconnects from the beatings. He doesn't remember them, the little he does know about them come from when he relooks over his injuries. Maybe due to hurting so many people, he was able to tell what caused each mark, he could figure out where it happened based on angles.

Salem was taller than his dad at this point, but that didn't mean much. Taller or not, Salem always felt tiny when compared to his father. Salem couldn't help but wonder if he made Micheal feel that way. Him and Micheal have always been a similar height, Salem just a fraction taller. Salem remembered the jokes they used to make about it.

Salem was sitting on the bench at the park, he had a coffee and was waiting. He gave kind smiles to all the kids who looked at him from the playground. He once paused to let a young boy touch the spikes on his bracelet he was wearing. Despite loving seeing the kids happily playing, Salem wasn't here to be a creeper who watches kids. When two hands covered his eyes, Salem couldn't help but smile. "Guess who?"

"Hm," Salem pretended to think, "Possibly my boyfriend the lovely Micheal?"

Micheal moved his hands before sitting by Salem, "Wrong. Your boyfriend, Micheal. I'm far from lovely Salem."

Salem rolled his eyes, "So how'd you get out?"

"Told Gabe's parents I went out to go job hunting, Gabe is entertaining Leanna."

"Nice," Salem said, "Wanna go for a walk?"

"With you?" Micheal asked, "Anytime Love." Salem stood up and took Micheal's hand. Micheal smiled softly and let Salem lead him off. Salem tossed the empty coffee cup in the trash as they walked past the trash cans. Micheal knew right where they were headed, that little hiding spot. The two spent so much time together there, Micheal remembered stumbling upon it with Salem one day. The two loved the little spot so much, they always went there. Salem seemed to relax once in the little clearing, smiling at Micheal.

Salem gently held Micheal's face, "I adore you Mike."

"I know Salem," Micheal said, "I adore you too." Salem kissed Micheal softly and quickly. Micheal smiled some. "Dork."

"What?" Salem asked, "Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend."

"Nope," Micheal said, "Not anymore."

Salem grabbed Micheal's throat and pulled Micheal closer with a tight grip, "What was that Micheal?"

"Nothing Salem," Micheal said quickly, "I was joking. I love kissing you." Salem rolled his eyes and pushed Micheal some as he brought his hand away. Micheal was careful to not fall. "Why are you so mad Say?"

Salem rolled his eyes, "Like you give a fuck."

"Baby, I do," Micheal said, gently grabbing Salem's hands, "You know I do. I love you Salem."

Salem looked at Micheal, "Some idiot decided to mess with two of my friends earlier. Ran off before I could get to him."

"Oh," Micheal said softly. He carefully moved Salem's hands to be resting on his chest. "How can I help Salem?" Salem gently grabbed the edge of Micheal's jean jacket, running his thumb across the denim and buttons. "How can I help?" Micheal repeated.

"How are your arms?"

"Bruised," Micheal said, "Been wearing the jacket to hide the bruises from Leanna and Gabe." Salem carefully took the jean jacket off of Micheal's shoulders to look at his arms. Salem gently looked at the bruises on Micheal's arm. "I'm like your little work of art huh?" Micheal said softly. Micheal knew that he should allow this, shouldn't encourage Salem to do this. But it was worth it to keep Salem's friends safe, and to be with Salem.

Salem was looking at one of the bruises before gently pressing his thumb into it. Micheal cried out quietly, from the pain and the sudden motion from Salem. Salem's lip twitched upwards some, not a smile but not disapproval at the actions. "You're so vocal when in pain Mike."

"Sorry," Micheal said, "I can't help it."

"No," Salem said, "It's nice." Salem looked up from Micheal's arm into the light hazel eyes of his lover. "I love you."

"I love you too Salem," Micheal said.

Salem carefully let go of Micheal's arm, "Mike... why do you let me do this?"

"Do what?"

"Hurt you," Salem said, "I shouldn't- I'm acting like my father. And you're letting me!"

Micheal instantly was grabbing Salem's face with both his hands, "Salem. Calm down. It's okay. I'm telling you to hurt me. I'm okay with it really."

"No," Salem said, "No you shouldn't be! You shouldn't be here telling me that beating you up makes you a work of art Micheal! That's not right! That's not healthy!"

"Why does it matter if it's healthy or right? Salem, it's fine. I'm fine really! You don't hurt me that bad."

"That bad?" Salem asked, "Micheal I've seen you cough up blood... How has Gabe not noticed? How has Shawn or Lucas not noticed? They need to help you!"

"I don't need help."

"I do," Salem said. He kissed Micheal quickly, pulling away before Micheal had the chance to kiss back. "Talk to them... I... I'm gunna go. Don't follow me, or talk to me. Just... we're done Micheal. We have to be."

"What?" Micheal said, "No! Salem you aren't leaving me!'

"Yes I am Micheal! Go home to Leanna and Gabe. Be the big brother she deserves, and leave me the hell alone!" Salem shouted at Micheal. He ran off before Micheal could even process that Salem had shouted. Salem began to run, and he ran past the park, across streets, lawns, and just sprinted to Braxton's. He ran inside and shut the door behind him, leaning back against the door with a thud. Zeek, Adrian and Braxton all looked over from the couch.

Adrian raised an eyebrow, "The fuck dude? You said you had shit to do? What are you doing back here?"

"Why were you running?" Braxton asked as well.

Salem took a few deep breaths, "Guys... I'm sticking around one of you constantly for a few days."

"Why what happened?" Adrian asked, "Someone after you?"

"No," Salem said, "Keeping someone away."

Salem sat up in his bed, and sighed. 'Out of every memory of Micheal,' Salem thought, 'It always has to be that one.' He stood up some and walked over to the desk in his room. Beyond his bed and dresser, it was about the only thing in there. Salem opened the notebook on the desk and sat down, writing down exactly what the memory was. He looked back through the notebook. If someone asked what it was, Salem would probably call it a diary for lack of a better word. It held a lot of information, mostly his own memories. He looked back at the first one he wrote down. He wrote down what Micheal had told him when Micheal begged for him back.

Rereading through the page, Salem wondered what his younger self was thinking. And why his younger self decided to start the notebook. He couldn't remember the why so much anymore. Rereading the first page was the closest insight he ever got to it. Salem looked at the final sentence written at the bottom, the four words that he told himself to get past what he did to Micheal. "I'm not a cheater," Salem mumbled.

That book was something Salem both loved and hated. It documented almost every moment of his and Micheal's relationship, mostly out of order as that was how he remembered it. Salem hated that he couldn't let go of the whole situation, and most of all he hated that he still adored Micheal just as much as he did back then. Salem hated that he had to lie to Gabe about his emotions for Micheal. But the reality of the situation is much too complex to explain. How was Salem supposed to explain to Gabe, who's the love of his life, that yes, he did love Gabe's best friend, yet would never date him.

The fact that Salem knew he would never date Micheal was something he struggled to understand as well at first, it's so complex to love someone and yet never want anything close to intimacy with them. Until Salem figured out how to explain it. He would do anything for Micheal, but most of all, the only thing Salem wanted for Micheal was for him to love someone, and feel loved. Salem didn't hold any jealousy or resentment for Adrian and Braxton for being the ones to receive Micheal's love, he knew how perfect for him they would be. Salem also knew that Gabe was his soulmate, not Micheal. That didn't change his feelings for Micheal, but it made it harder to understand at first. Salem's realized that he loves Gabe and Micheal, he just loves Gabe more. Salem sighed softly and closed the notebook, pausing at the two quiet beeps. He picked up his phone to see who is messaging him. Smiling some seeing the name Angel on his screen.

Angel: Are you still awake Salem?
Dearest Devil: Yea, was looking at an old notebook. What's up Angel?
Angel: Wanna sneak out? I can't sleep.
Dearest Devil: Sure. Want to meet somewhere?
Angel: The park. See you there. <3
Dearest Devil: See you there dear. <3.

Salem sighed softly and grabbed his phone and a pocket knife just in case. He stood for a moment looking at the notebook, before grabbing that too. After making sure that he wouldn't need anything else he carefully began sneaking out of the house. Moving silently passed his passed out drunk Father on the couch in the living room. Once outside, Salem took a breath finally. He walked calmly to the park. He didn't know why they all went there. Salem could vaguely remember playing on the playground when he was super young, before he really had met Adrian or Zeek he thinks. He can't remember. When he got there, Gabe was sitting on the bench, Salem quietly sat down next to him. Gabe grabbed Salem's hand immediately. Salem kissed Gabe's head softly.

"Salem," Gabe said quietly, "Why did.... Why did you hurt Mike? How did he hide it from us...?"

Salem sighed, "Is this really what kept you from sleeping?" Gabe nodded. "Don't ask me why I hurt Mike. I don't remember the reason really, probably a control freak thing... He never told me how he hid it. I just knew he did, once he mentioned that he wore his jean jacket to hide the bruises on his arm."

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Gabe asked softly.

Salem looked at Gabe, "You know me so well."

"So yes," Gabe said, "There is something else... Salem what is it?"

Salem sighed and gently brought Gabe's hand up to kiss it, "You know you never need to doubt my love for you right? You know that my soul belongs only to you right?"

"Of course Salem."

"I haven't been completely honest about how I view Mike," Salem said softly, "Gabe... I lied to you. I told you I had no romantic feelings for Mike... I lied because it's hard to explain the truth. I do love Mike, romantically. I will never date him, or even consider sleeping with him or anything like that."

"Because of me?" Gabe asked.

Salem shook his head no, "Not because of you Gabe. Even if we weren't together, I wouldn't date Mike... I want him happy, and loved, and safe. That's all. I don't want to be the one to supply any of that for him... but knowing that Braxton and Adrian adore him... it makes me happier than I could explain. Micheal deserves the world, just not from me. He never did. I love him but he's not the one that I love... if that makes any sense at all."

Gabe kissed Salem's nose quickly, "I know what you mean Salem... no one knows huh?"

"Nope," Salem said, "I wouldn't tell anyone but you. Maybe Mike someday far from now."

Gabe nodded some, "There's more though isn't there?"

"Even after we broke up, and he gave me a punch to the jaw, which I deserved... I kept my eye on him. Just... making sure he was okay. Making sure that nothing... happened."

"What do you mean nothing happened?" Salem carefully pulled out the notebook and showed Gabe the first page of it. "He had flashbacks before...?"

"Flashback, singular," Salem said, "He told me he needed me because he knew I was the only thing that could keep them away... I knew he just needed to focus on something. Focusing on our relationship kept them away... I figured focusing on being hurt by me cheating would work too... and it did."

"Why didn't you tell him this?" Gabe asked, "I understand why you didn't before... but his flashbacks are happening, and we can't stop them again... tell him the real reason you cheated on him."

Salem sighed, "I don't know if he'd want to hear. Besides, he knows half of the real reason. It was to get him to break up with me... it was also just to fulfill a promise he had me make."

"What promise?"

"That I would make sure he didn't remember until the time was right," Salem said. "The time's right Gabe. His life is at a crossroads, and he's at a rest stop. Now is as good of a time as ever for him to remember."

"What would you have done if now wasn't the time?" Gabe asked.

Salem shrugged some, "Gotten him to fixate on something else. I would've gotten him more involved with the process of getting the house. Then the process of moving in. I would've just kept him distracted. He chose to rest... he decided to get into real relationships that he can tell will be more than a month long, he decided to accept that he was nonbinary, and now... he has to accept his trauma. That one isn't his choice."

"You know, I thought all the looks towards our group was either to watch me or glare at the others."

"It was to watch you too," Salem said, "I just watched Micheal as well as you. I adore you so much Gabriel, more than I can explain with words."

"I know," Gabe said, resting his head on Salem's shoulder, "Believe me Salem. I know." Salem wrapped his arms around Gabe and held him. Gabe smiled softly, "I can't wait until we don't have to sneak out to see each other."

Salem smiled and kissed Gabe's soft brown hair, "Soon Gabriel. I promise." 

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