Tough Times (Choni)

By briisk_333

72.5K 1.2K 986

Toni and Cheryl have been together for a while until Toni finds out something she wasn't supposed to. Toni an... More

I Want You
Together Again
Pure Anger
Let's make a deal
Fuck You
Its Over
Free or not free?
Talking it out
New Story
Coming Out
Are U Cheating On Me
Issue(please read)
I Can't Believe She Did It Again
Next Update
I've Been Thinking
Best Day
Too Hard
Hang Out
The Start
Let's Settle This
My Heart
I Love Them
The News
Believe Me
Baby Shower
She's Here!
Moving On

Oh My God

1.1K 18 34
By briisk_333

March 21, 2017

Cheryl's P.O.V
I looked away from the girl to look at Toni and asked "Do you know this girl TT". Toni sighed and said "Sadly I do". The girl behind us opened her mouth and said "Now Toni that's no way to talk to your girlfriend now is it". I stood up from Toni's lap going up to the girl and said "Listen here you sad excuse of a human being, I don't know who the hell you are, but you sure aren't Toni's girlfriend. Stay the hell away from my girlfriend or I will raise hell upon your life".

She covered her mouth with her hand and pretended to yawn. She then said "Honey, I'm not here for you. I don't know if it was obvious or not, but I'm here for Toni. So Toni, why didn't you respond to my text the other day". I looked at Toni with an eyebrow raised and my arms crossed. Toni glanced at me and then looked at the girl in front of me.

"Listen Christine-" "Wait hold the fuck up, is this the bitch who texted your phone the other day" I asked Toni. Toni sighed and said "Yes Cheryl it is. Christine is my EX girlfriend though okay". I turned to this so called "Christine" chic and glared at her. "My God you really have a staring problem don't you" the bitch in front of me said. I looked her up and down and then realized that her hair was red like mine.

Christine Reynolds-Just turned 17

The bell had rang, but while everyone else rushed to get to class, the gang and I stayed where we were. I turned slowly to Toni and said "Toni didn't you tell me that I was the first redhead you ever dated". She nodded her head and said "Yeah babe you are". "Then why the fuck does ChRisTInE's hair look like it's red".

Toni rubbed her forehead and said "Baby you really are the first redhead I have ever dated. Christine must've died her hair or something after we broke up". "Um excuse me but this here is my natural fucking hair color, and you know that Toni" Christine said. Then Sweetpea spoke up saying "Actually, when you were with Toni, your hair wasn't that color" and Jughead finished his sentence saying "Therefore you had to have dyed your hair red".

I was getting irritated by now, so I went up to Christine and pulled her back by her hair, to see her roots and her eyebrows. It looked like she was an actual redhead, so I let go of her hair, pushing her away from me in the process. "What the fuck is wrong with you" Christine said. I rolled my eyes saying "Shut up your voice is annoying me". Then I picked up my bag that was next to Toni, and started to make my way to class.

I heard Toni coming after me saying "Wait babe, where are you going". I continued walking and said "I'm obviously going to my class Toni". I heard her run up to me and she grabbed me by my arm and turned me around saying "What happened, why are you acting like this". "I have no idea what you're talking about. I would like it if you would let go of me though" I ended off with a fake smile.

"See now I know something definitely is wrong, because that's one of your fake smiles. Please tell me what's wrong babe. Was it because of anything that Christine said". I shook my head chuckling and then said "No Toni, it's the fact that you fucking lied to me about me being the first redhead you ever dated. It may not seem like a big deal to you or anyone else, but it is to me. I felt really special when you told me that, but to find out that it was all a fucking lie, I don't even know what to believe what comes out your damn mouth anymore".

She stood there silent and then opened her mouth to speak, but Heather came and said "Toni I think you should go back to the lounge, cause Hope and the Christine girl are yelling, and I think they'll start fighting each other at any moment now". Toni nodded and turned back to me to speak but I cut her off before she got the chance saying " Now unhand me, I don't want to talk to you right now". "But ba-" "I said to fucking unhand me Toni". She let out a deep sigh and let me go, and I turned around and made my way to my class.

Toni's P.O.V
I just watched Cheryl walk away until she turned the corner. I put my hands in my pocket and then made my way back to the lounge. As I got closer I could hear people yelling, which was probably Hope and Christine. I walked in and saw Sweetpea and Fangs holding Hope, while Heather and Veronica were holding Christine. Betty and Jughead, weren't there, so I guess they went to class. Archie just stood there not knowing what to do as usual.

I rolled my eyes at the scene in front of me and then yelled "ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW". Everyone quieted down and looked at me. I sat down in a chair and said "What's the issue here with everyone yelling down each other's throats". Hope spoke up and said "Fangs and Sweetpea filled me in on who this chick right here is and what she did to you and I think she deserves an ass whopping".

I turned my attention to Christine meaning it was her turn to speak. "This delusional bitch just started arguing with me for no reason and insulting me and shit. I wasn't about to let her bitch ass just talk to me like that without yelling back. If it's a fight she wants I'll give it to her". Then Hope yelled "Toni let me at this Chloe bitch she-" "It's actually Christi-" "I actually don't give a shit what your actual name is dumb bitch, I just know your ass is going to get destroyed by me".

I got up and then said "Well you two can do this fight later after school. If I hear that either of you fight during school, both of you will be getting so called "destroyed" by me and I'm not playing". They both looked at me and nodded. I picked up my bag and said "Well if you don't mind, I'm going to my class before I'm late than I already am. All of you can let them go. Oh and Christine don't even bother talking to me or anything. I don't even want to see your face during the whole school day, and don't even bother doing anything to my girlfriend".

With that being said, I left he lounge and went to my class. As I got inside the English classroom, the teacher Mrs.Pete started to say "Ms.Topaz would you-" "There was a fight about to happen but I broke it up. Now I will go and take a seat so you can continue your lesson Ms.Pete". She just nodded and turned to the board. I went to an empty desk, sat down and looked out the window wondering how I will get Cheryl to let me talk.

I was sitting in a never used classroom on a desk swinging my legs. I was in here because I did a little something for Cheryl . I had texted her a few minutes before my previous class ended to come and meet me here. I hope she actually comes or else I'll be really sad. I sat there waiting, looking at the floor, and a few minutes later I heard the door open. I looked up from the floor and saw Cheryl standing at the door.

"What is this" she asked looking at what's in front of me. "Well I know that you felt betrayed about what happened earlier so I got us some food and stuff so we could talk about what happened". In front of me was Donuts, Tacos, Fanta, Chocolate covered strawberries, and Pizza. Some of Cheryl's favorite foods. Cheryl looked at everything with her eyes gleaming but then turned to me and made her way towards me.

She stood between my legs and then hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her neck while she wrapped her arms around my waist . "I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier. I should have let you speak so you could explain yourself but I didn't. Even though I was in the wrong you still did this for me cause you felt that it was your fault. Thank you baby even though I don't deserve to get all this". She pulled away from my embrace and pecked my lips multiple times.

We both giggled and then I jumped off the table and sat on the blanket that was on the floor. Cheryl flopped on top of me and I pretended I was in so much pain. Cheryl punched me in my arm saying "TT stoppp I didn't jump on you that hard". I cried out in more pain then I started laughing and she joined in and we started eating. "So before I told you to let me go, what were you trying to tell me" Cheryl said.

I swallowed my donut and said "Well I was trying to tell you that I really do think that Christine is indeed a natural redhead because when I went through her baby pics she had red hair in basically all of them. She doesn't know that I saw her baby pics, so I thought maybe she just dyed her hair to the blonde hair that she had when she was with me. I do remember one time she told me that blonde wasn't actually her hair color, but she changed it, because kids used to bully her about her natural color".

Cheryl nodded her head with a strawberry in her mouth and said "So in a way she lied about you knowing that she's a natural redhead but you kinda put the pieces together on whether or not she was". I nodded my head drinking some Fanta and then put down my cup. "So if she really is a redhead your still the first redhead I ever dated, because while me and her were together, she was a blonde so that doesn't count".

Cheryl smiled and looked up at me and then kissed me on my lips. I kissed her back and when I added tongue she pulled back saying "No no, if you do that we'll end up doing much more". I whined am said "What's wrong with thatt". She shook her head and then stuffed a strawberry in my mouth. I moaned at the taste and said "Sweet just like you" with a wink. She blushed and hid her face in my chest.

I brought her face out of my chest and then brought her face to mine and gave her a quick kiss. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her and then looked at the time on my phone. "Okay babes we have like 20 more minutes left so let's just eat and relax". She nodded and then we ate and told each other jokes until the end of lunch.

End of school day

Cheryl's P.O.V
I just finished my last class of the day and headed to my locker to find Toni already there. I pretended I didn't see her and then opened my locker putting and taking stuff out of it. I felt Toni's arms slither around my waist and she whispered in my ear "I know you saw me babygirl". *I'm sorry I have to. ArE yOu LoSt BaByGuRLl* "Oh sorry TT I actually didn't see you there" I said continuing with the act.

She turned me around and looked me deep into my eyes. "Come onn I know you at least saw a glimpse of me" she said. I shook my head no and then she looked both ways of the hallway. Then out of nowhere, she used one hand to grip my ass and then the other hand went inside my pants. She started rubbing my clit with my panties still covering it and I started squirming trying not to moan.

"Do you remember seeing me now princess" she asked rubbing faster. I quickly nodded my head and she pulled her hand out my pants making me whimper. She then opened her mouth meaning I do the same and then she stuck her fingers in my mouth. "Suck" she demanded, and I did exactly that, my eyes not leaving from hers. I could see the lust in her eyes right now, but we would deal with that later.

We both just stared at each other for a while and then I cleared my throat closing my locker and then throwing an arm across Toni's shoulder. Toni of course moved her hand to my ass and when I moved it to my waist she put it back to my ass, so I let her do whatever. When I got outside I saw Hope and Crusty , or whatever her name was yelling at each other while Archie and Veronica were making out and Fangs and Kevin were laughing with each other at Fangs' motorcycle.

Everyone else was watching closely at Hope and Crabs as if they were making sure they wouldn't rip each other's heads off. Toni and I walked closer to then and Toni yelled "Enough!!". They stopped yelling but still had mean mugs on their faces. "We can go to the Southside at the abandoned football field alright? And then you two can fight or do whatever the fuck you wanna do, but no weapons can be in the fight I repeat NO weapons at all or there will be consequences".

Hope and Clitoris both said okay while I turned to Toni with a confused look on my face. "Babe what are you talking about" I asked her. "Oh yeah remember earlier when Heather said that Hope and Christine were yelling at each other in the lounge?" I nodded my head and she continued "So I went in there, let them tell me why they're yelling and told them they can settle their differences after school and here we are".

I just shrugged my shoulders and said "Hope better win" while looking at Hopes angry facial expression. Toni said "Oh I have a good feeling she's gonna win". I looked at her and she had a smirk on her face while looking at Hope. I took Toni's hand from my ass and said "Well let's go to the Southside TT". We headed to my car got in and Toni yelled to the others "Follow us guys!". Everyone either nodded their head or gave a thumbs up and got in their cars or on their motorcycles. As everyone was ready, Toni drove off and made her way to the Southside.

Technically this was supposed to come out yesterday but I still count it as yesterday right now soooo😗

Hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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