The Lines of Society (A vigil...

Galing kay SCLERIGO

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What if, after he and his mother found his state of being born quirkless, were caught between a battle and Iz... Higit pa

The Beginning
Orphaned (For real this time)
Time Flies
Gifts from the Past
Recap- Shortened version
First Patrol
Extra! Extra!
Woah?! Eraserhead?!
Away with Trash bags
Looking for Robin?
Easy Peasy
New member?
He's what?!
Meeting the "Rat God"
Time off
A new Thing!
Joint Training
Joint Training: Take 2
First Jump, First World
Another Attack?
Bastards don't take breaks apparently
That Night

Damned Exams

199 7 7
Galing kay SCLERIGO

Yes, we're doing this. We're finally doing this... We're actually doing this now... Oof. Should I do it in Izuku's point of view? ... But I can't let you see how he did... Ugh, make up your mind! Okay, we're doing this. (Please don't hate me! >m<)

Katsuki's P.O.V.

After De- I mean... Midoriya's suicide, I found a few things he'd left for me on that rooftop. Hidden inside was a suit of sorts. I didn't fucking dare take it out yet since I wanted to check it out in my room where I had privacy. I did open the fucking letter there though. It almost brought shitty tears to my fucking eyes actually. Keyword: almost. I had a fucking reputation to uphold shitty extras! Who the fuck do you extras think I am?! Any-fucking-way, I made another promise to Midoriya on that fucking rooftop. The fucking note on the shitty briefcase reminded me of another fucking promise I'd made to him in the fucking past, when Auntie was still alive. I blushed furiously at the shitty memory. Barely managing to fucking school my face into a shitty flat expression, I made my fucking way back home.

By the fucking time I got to my shitty room, the old hag had fucking screamed at me for coming back late and running out. I didn't fucking care. I didn't give a flying fuck 'cause I fucking saw Midoriya fucking jump to what I presume was his suicide death. I won't fucking call him Deku anymore because he wasn't useless. I don't fucking deserve to call him Izuku either 'cause I fucking hurt him before. So I'll fucking call him Midoriya from now on and as I had fucking promised him fucking twice before in my shitty life, I will be the fucking best hero I can fucking be for us.

I didn't fucking bother to go to that shitty school for the next three fucking days. While I was away, the entire fucking shitty school seemed to fucking rejoice or were ignorant about Midoriya's death. That damn reaction fucking scared me. No, that's wrong. It didn't scare me. It fucking terrified me to my shitty core! I found my shitty phone blowing up from the shitty class fucking chat that I was fucking invited into without Midoriya. They were fucking celebrating! My old, shitty, fake fucking friends even expected a fucking answer from me. To say that it fucking shocked me would be a shitty understatement because I was shaken to my fucking core. Then I fucking realized that there were people who got this exact same shitty treatment simply because they were either fucking quirkless or just had a "weak"  or shitty  "villain's" quirk. 

I fucking reread Midoriya's letter twice that shitty night. The last few fucking words that he'd fucking left on it wasn't related to any of the horrible, shitty treatment that he fucking got. No. They fucking asked me what I wanted to fucking inspire the next generations to fucking be. What kind of hero I wanted to fucking be. And the shitty letter also opened my eyes. Ever since Midoriya had fucking jumped, I fucking felt like something had been fucking removed from me. Something so very fucking heavy. I realized that it fucking removed a shitty screen. A shitty filter. Before, I used to fucking think shitty heroes were fucking cool and it would be the greatest fucking thing to be. After the scarring incident, I began to notice shitty faults in the fucking society. Faults of shitty heroes, villains, and the fucking public in general. Newspapers fucking printed either fake, fillers, or blew up shitty problems more than what they were actually fucking worth. Vigilantes gained more of my fucking attention. 

I began to see the fucking differences in every-fucking-thing important. I turned to fucking history and found that the Old Heroes would definitely fall under the shitty vigilante label immediately in todays shitty society. Upon finding more and more brutal fucking truths about the world by looking to the past, I realized that most shitty pro heroes today were shit. Most didn't give a fuck about minimizing the fucking casualties and the shitty property damages and nearly all of them were fucking reliant on their shitty quirks. Just like I fucking am. I then decided that I would be fucking better. That's what Midoriya told me to be through the shitty letter after-fucking-all. Remembering his fucking last words before jumping, I thought it over and over and over again. "It's just a trick. A magic trick." I nearly drove myself fucking crazy over it but he had fucking told me to prioritize the UA shitty entrance exams. Midoriya had also fucking told me to pass a fucking message to a fucking caterpillar that I will meet at UA when I make it into class fucking 1-A. Midoriya trusted me to make the shitty cut and to be in the fucking highest class too. I won't fucking disappoint him. Losing isn't in my shitty nature. And Midoriya had fucking known it like the shitty fact it that was.

--- Time skip (because no one wants to read Bakugou's thoughts too much) ---

So this is fucking it. I aced the shitty written portion- I fucking knew that. I fucking knew I did, but why? Why was I so fucking nervous?! Katsuki fucking Bakugou was never nervous! I'm not some damn extra! My shitty anxiety if going through the fucking roof and it's gotten so fucking bad that when I fucking walked in this morning, I tripped on a shitty tile and nearly ate dirt if it wasn't for some round faced extra! I managed to grunt out a shitty thanks and walked off inside to get to the damn exam.

Hope I'll see him here. I thought to myself. Then I shook the shitty idea out of my head. No. He told me to pass a message to a shitty caterpillar. Midoriya said that the  fucking caterpillar would be able to find him. Just focus on getting into UA and finding that damned bug.

Time passed by agonizingly slow. The pro hero Present Mic was explaining the shitty exam when he'd gotten interrupted by a fucking extra. Then the shitty extra proceeded to complain and even fucking pointed out another shitty extra. I quietly groaned. "Shut the fuck up! He was getting to that!" I yelled at him. "So sit your ass down and be fucking patient! Everyone's already wired enough because of the exam. Stop bothering people! No one cares if someone's fidgeting 'cause they're nervous! So sit the fuck down!"

"That is very-" I cut him off.

"No one gives a fuck! Sit your fucking ass down!" He clammed up (finally!) and sat down. Though he seemed unhappy about how I'd told him to sit down. Not that I cared what he thought. Damn extra wiring everyone else. Tch. The rest was explained so blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Then we finally were given the time to prepare for our practicals. After ten minutes of waiting and loosening myself up to get ready, the gates opened up. I shot out like a bullet and got started on destroying bots. I controlled my firepower so no one would get hit by flying shit that I left behind in my wake and made sure to keep my eyes peeled for fucking trouble. Good heroes put people above the shitty villains in their damn priorities. 

Roughly five minutes before the test ended, a wailing alarm was sounded and the ground shook. I cursed. It was the fucking zero pointer. Since I didn't think there was anyone in front of damn thing, I followed the other shitty examinees before my ears picked up a familiar shitty sound. "Help!" It was that fucking round faced girl who'd caught me earlier. She was stuck under some rubble and couldn't get the fuck out of her situation. Figuring that I wouldn't be able to fucking take down the gigantic shitty robot and save her, I yelled at some random extra to help her while I dealt with the fucking zero pointer.

"Fuck off shitty robot!" I screamed, launching myself at it and blasting its fucking face to hell. "Die!" And with that, the damn exam finished. 

My fucking wrists were fucking killing me! Why? Because I had to fucking make a huge ass fucking explosion to blast that fucker to hell! Where the hell did UA get the damn funds for a fucking robot that damn big?!

I walked home. I wasn't pissed or anything. I was just... calm. I knew that with my points, I'd make it past the exam without the rescue points but since Midoriya had told me to put others before myself when it comes to heroism, I most likely also have rescue points for pulling and pushing others out of harm. I did try to be gentle about the pushing and pulling but how the fuck is anyone supposed to be gentle with pushing and pulling? A lot of other did yell at me because they "didn't need help" or "I made them look bad". I didn't care because I was too focused on killing the faux villains and saving more examinees too. 

It was fucking hard. The damned exam was more fucking difficult than I'd expected it to be. It was fucking hard being a damn hero but only because a great hero serves others not the other fucking way 'round. When a hero works for their own damn shitty gain and not this shitty society, then they're not a true hero. They're a fucking fake and are only heroes by the fucking legal title. Sitting in that damn stadium and seeing hero hopefuls thinking of their own gains, the greed in their eyes, I saw a glimpse of what would happen to them. If they get into the hero course, graduate, and make it out to the field, those extras would be fucking crushed. And if they don't fucking cave in like the shitty extras they were, when they get a shitty "family" and when they get taken the fuck down by someone, they wouldn't be the only ones dragged the fuck down to hell. People around them would be dragged along for the un-fucking-pleasant ride on a one-way trip to Tartarus.

--- Time skip (because no one needs to know Bakugou's daily routine) ---

It's been a full, shitty week since I took the damn fucking entrance exam into the hero course in UA. "Brat! You've got a fucking letter from UA! Get your shitty ass the fuck down here!"

"Hah!?! What'd you fucking call me old hag?!" I screamed, running down the stairs and snatching my letter from her hands. "I already fucking know that I'm in!" I stormed back into my room and ripped it open. A disk fell out and I noticed a small button. Pressing it, I jumped and threw the damn device away from me when a hologram of All fucking Might suddenly popped out in front of me. I only half listened to him as he fucking praised me for shit. 

Out of the corner of the recording, I noticed a large yellow thing in the background. It looked like a huge ass caterpillar and I fucking knew what exactly I was looking for. I was going to be hunting down a hero in a sleeping bag. A pro hero in a bright, fucking, shitty yellow, sleeping bag. At least Midoriya gave me an easy task to do I guess. Huh. 

--- Timeskip (because I wanna see the chaos already and this chapter's been slow) ---

I found my class and got into my seat. With my feet propped up on my desk. Then this uptight fuck comes in five minutes after I did and started berating the fuck on me. I fucking ignored the extra, of course, but damn! I'd be lying if I said he wasn't annoying the shit outta me. "Oh hey!" Shit. Another shitty extra! They sound familiar though. "It's you! You're the guy who got others to save me while you destroyed that zero pointer! Thanks! You really saved me!" It was Round Face (Uraraka)

"It was nothing. Damn, all you of need to calm the fuck down." I muttered, keeping my eyes at the doors. A minute later, while Round Face was yapping at me and Glasses (Iida) was telling me to take my feet off of my desk, something came crawling in. It was brightly colored, yellow, and definitely looked like a bug. And it was the teacher-shit! It was the teacher! "Oi! Shut the fuck up and get to your damn seats extras! The teacher's here already!" I yelled.

"Huh? Where?" Round Face wondered, scanning the room herself. I jabbed a finger towards the yellow thing and everyone stared at it.

"If you're here to make friends, you might as well get out." It said. Chaos was unleashed and nearly everyone screamed. Roughly seven seconds later, everyone finally calmed down. "It took you seven seconds to calm down. That's too long. Drop it to three by next month." It ordered. Then the sound of zippers reached my ears. The thing opened up and out came a hobo- no, it was a pro hero that looked like a hobo. 

Having done my research- yes, I picked up the habit of analyzing shit from Midoriya- I searched through my head and came up with a short profile. He was the Erasure Hero: Eraserhead and according to a single blurry video that was old, he could erase quirks. His own quirk has a tell and that's when his hair flies up. Eraserhead was and still is an underground hero which meant that he didn't get covered by the news. I cursed. "You're the underground Erasure Hero: Eraserhead! An old friend of mine who disappeared told me to tell you to hurry the fuck up and find him already! Said that the Robin- yes, capital "R"- and the number are both getting restless. He also said you'd know what that meant."

"When you say 'old friend', you mean you know his true identity?" Eraserhead glared at me. I nodded. "Everyone get a uniform that fits you and get changed. We're doing something outside. Bakugou, stay back. I need to talk to you." Again, I nodded and watched as everyone else picked up a gym uniform. Eraserhead tossed mine at me and I let out a muffled curse when the clothes hit my face. "What do you know about Robin? Or Zero?"

"Robin's an Old Hero- well, the original Robin at least. The one from Pre-Quirked times. The newer Robin is a vigilante and so is Zero. Since you know both and so did my old friend, I'm gonna guess that both of them have a connection. I'm also gonna guess that Midoriya knows exactly who Robin and Zero are." I squeezed out in one breath. Eraserhead nodded.

"That's what I thought so too. Your old friend knows who Robin and Zero are. This is supposed to be confidential but Zero and Robin are one and the same. Midoriya is the name of your old friend, right? What did your friend look like?" Eraserhead asked. "And call me Aizawa-sensei. I'm your teacher from now on."

"His full name is Izuku Midoriya but after what I'd done to him, I don't deserve to call him by his first name until I've changed myself for the better." I determinedly told him. "He's about a head shorter than me, looks like a broccoli because of his green and messy hair that sometimes looks like black, and his eyes have a fire in them. Like he'd fucking fought before. A war by the haunted look I got a glimpse of once." Eraser-uh, Aizawa-sensei sucked in a breath through his teeth. I took off my shirt and quickly changed into my gym top. I grimaced. 

Looking my teacher in the eye, I tried to show him how haunted I'd become just by seeing it on his face. The pro hero paled and I flinched. "That bad?" He whispered, shaken. I shook my head and he relaxed a bit.

"His eyes were worse. Way fucking worse." I said darkly. His breath hitched and became as white as paper. "Like he'd seen death. Felt death. Aizawa-sensei, please, find him. If you hear or see a vigilante running around with signs of being either Zero, Robin, or a fucking fan of either at night, run for him. Don't stop. Follow him without any fucking hesitation."

"Is that it? Is that all of what you know Bakugou?"

"No. Before he," I paused. "Jumped off that shitty rooftop, I found out that he'd either fucking adopted or had been fucking adopted as a brother to someone. And now has a sister or two. I already know that his mother is gone and his shitty father's an asshole who didn't even fucking bother to visit them from whatever shitty rat hole he hid himself in. I've checked and to the system, Midoriya doesn't have a dad and is dead. I don't know the real name of his new brother since he called him 'Dabi' which would most likely be his nickname." I changed my pants for the gym clothes. Folding my clothes neatly, I continued to talk. "They own a cat cafe and a lot of the time, Dabi's workers get sick. Midoriya whined about his brother not driving his employees to the hospital for a health check and their vaccines and shit. A blonde girl was regularly there too but Midoriya usually sent her back to their home since she scared off a lot of the customers, has a fetish on blood or something. Everyone is welcome there, even known vigilantes and small time villains. One of their rules is: Come into the shop but don't start a fight. We don't care who you are or why you started it, disrupt our business and you're dead. You will never be accepted into our establishment and we will hunt you down for a civilian arrest and will throw you into a police cell ourselves. Another rule was: Never anger the owners. Not Dabi. Not Toga. And especially not Deku. That's what they all called him because they said that it sounded like 'Dekiru' and it sounded cute. It's also another way of reading his name too. To be honest with you, I gave him that name when we were younger as an insult. I regret that now." I followed Aizawa out of the classroom and we walked to the changing rooms to pick up the extras.

"We'll talk more after school. You're bringing me to the cafe you say they own." Aizawa-sensei said firmly. I nodded in agreement.

We performed a Quirk Apprehension test and with the shitty threat of expelling the most useless extra, everyone did their damn best other than that fucking Half-and-Half guy (Todoroki). Half-n-Half used half of his power but all of his effort. He was mediocre, I guess. He's fucking quiet, doesn't talk much but that's fucking fine to me. Everyone else is too fucking loud.

After the shitty test, Aizawa-sensei sent everyone home. Well, everyone but me. I waited for him as I put away my gym uniform into my locker and together, we walked to the cafe.

Walking in, I was greeted by Dabi with yell to get started. "Oi blonde brat! Hurry up and get to the backroom! The worker's sick again!" 

"You haven't gotten them a doctor's appointment yet Burnt toast?! What the flying fuck! No wonder you're having trouble!" I growled at him. Flipping Dabi off, I dragged myself into the backroom and got changed into my work uniform. Under five minutes, I was standing at the counter taking orders and calling names.

"You work here? I'll take a cup of black coffee." Aizawa-sensei said, surprised. I nodded and got him a cup. "No sugar. Just black coffee." Grabbing a muffin, I gave Aizawa-sensei his order with the addition of the baked treat. "I didn't order the muffin."

"Just take the damn thing. A fucking juice pouch every day isn't healthy. Besides, we give out a free muffin with coffee every single damn time anyway." I shoved the treat into his hands and punched in numbers. "Take a fucking seat somewhere. The cat room doesn't fucking allow food inside and you pay 547.74 yen per hour. Enjoy your time here I guess." He nodded and sat in one of the empty booths closer to the cat roof.

--- Time skip (because no one needs to know what Bakugou's daily shift at the cafe is like) ---

I walked into the cat room and sat near my teacher who was laying on the ground with five of the cats on him. "Okay, so you saw Dabi. Toga wasn't here today. Do you think you can find Burnt Toast? Like his files, I mean. If I could, I would want a spot in Midoriya's case but I'm not a pro hero or a police officer so I probably can't. I'll tell you everything I know about Midoriya whenever you want me too and I guess you know one spot where you can probably find him if you're lucky." I perked up, remembering another rule of the cafe. "Oh, and you can't put a 24/7 watch on the cafe either since it's written in the cafe's ten rules."

"Problem Child really knows how to make things difficult, eh?" Aizawa-sensei groaned. I leapt up and dodged a wooden dowel.

"Oh, of course he does!" Dabi laughed. "Your reflexes are getting better Kat!"

"I told you not to call me that Burnt Toast!" I growled, tackling him. Dabi sidestepped and the next thing I knew, pain was flaring from my back and I was kissing the floor. "Fuck." I groaned.

"Oi, I'm technically your boss. I can take away the free treats privilege from you as easily as I can fire you. Literally and actually fire you from your job here." I rolled my eyes as Dabi closed the cat door. "But then I'd have to run that decision through someone before I actually fire you. I can still take your sweets privilege from you though." I glared at him.

"You wouldn't fucking dare."

"I would." He smirked. "I totally would and you know it Kat."

"Why do you even call me that? I told you to just call me Katsuki!" I whined. Yes, I fucking whined. I'm still a teen so I can fucking whine whenever the fuck I want!

"Because you're an explosive cat and this is a cat cafe." Dabi snickered. "Don't think I never heard you purr while Deku was asleep under you! Hell, you even nuzzled into his chest and cuddled with him! While you PURRED!" He cackled. I felt my face burn as I curled up into myself. I sensed Aizawa-sensei roll over to me and felt his eyes on me. I looked up at him and froze when his hand suddenly shot out from the sleeping bag. I tilted my head in confusion and the next thing I knew, his hand started moved through my head and massaged my skull. I started to purr by impulse and a minute passed by before I noticed myself purring and I backpedaled away from him. "See?! I told you! A cat!"

"Fuck off!" I screeched.

Then next morning, when Aizawa-sensei appeared, I internally groaned. Aizawa-sensei seemed to eye me curiously from the floor after he'd called attendance. Again, I tilted my head curiously at him. (It's a habit I picked up from Midoriya. I still don't know when I first started doing it.) "Bakugou." I flinched. "You're not in trouble Bakugou. Just come over here for a few minutes. I need to talk to you. It's about your old friend." He said. I snapped into attention and went over to him so fast, you'd have though I had Glasses (Iida) quirk.

"Okay, is it something you wanna know? Or is it something you wanna tell me?" I blurted out.

"Calm down Bakugou." He gently rubbed my arm in an attempt to comfort me. "I'll find him. I promise. I'm just gonna talk to you about what we're gonna do after we get him back."

"Oh. It's about his new, adopted siblings right?" Aizawa-sensei nodded. I sighed. "Well, you saw Dabi at the cafe. Uh, they've got a younger sister who I've never met but through a site that Midoriya made, she's called 'Order' by the Greek and Roman councils. There's twelve, twenty four technically, who're part of the admin to an extent that they answer to the creator of the site. They're called the twelve Greek and Roman gods, like the ones from old myths."

"What's this site you're talking about?" Aizawa-sensei asked. I averted my eyes and murmured out an answer. "What?"

"It's a site that Midoriya made for the socially labelled 'rejects' of society, namely the quirkless and the quirked individuals who are disrespected and hurt by others around them because of the sole reason that they have a so called 'villainous' quirk or don't even have one at all." I explained. "At first, according to Midoriya himself, it was supposed to be a virtual place where people could group themselves however they liked and make friends with others who receive the relatively same treatment as themselves. However, he felt like it wasn't enough to have the site be like that so, with the first twelve users of his website, he turned it into an app. He changed almost everything and gave it a gaming feel."

"So it's a website for people who're hurting and he turned into a game-like app to lift their spirits while letting them make new connections and friends?" Aizawa-sensei summarized. I nodded.

"The thing turned into a big deal and he apparently had to turn a nearby warehouse into a processing unit because of how many people were entering the site. Hell, he dragged me into that very same warehouse with a blindfold on my face until we went into the building!" I stared off out the window. "Everywhere I looked, there was black units and tiny, little flashing lights. It looked like we'd broken into a company's processing place. Then in the very back of the warehouse, there was a small room. It had gray walls and round slots. There were robots there sensei. Robots!" His eyes widened in surprise. "On every wall where there was a round slot, a robot rested there! According to Midoriya, since he couldn't hire anyone to keep an eye on the machinery and he couldn't stay in that warehouse all day and night, he had made the robots himself and even programmed them to keep the units running as well as to protect it.

He told me that if I entered the warehouse without him, I would've been shot by those very same robots with bullets and lasers. They also had encrypted code that randomizes itself every twelve hours. He added me into the code as a 'friend' status. That meant that if Dabi or his older sister Toga dragged me to that warehouse and threw me in, I would be allowed into the maze and a couple robots would escort me to wherever he was within the maze. He manages the entire warehouse of processing units by himself Aizawa. All. By. Himself. Alone. Of course, he isn't always there but he goes there when there's a problem that the robots can't fix. The place is virus proof and virtually unnoticeable. I checked my phone's GPS and it looked like I was at the cafe. If that wasn't bad enough, the camera of my phone registered the warehouse as the interior of the cafe. It recorded everything, noise and video, as if I was still in the cafe."

"So his app is a big deal?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's so big that in less than a year, it blew up into the ten thousands of players! I checked the news and everywhere else and remember that huge dip in the suicide rate of the quirkless and just the people in general?" He raised a brow at me. "I looked into it myself. I'm guessing that so did the police and some hero companies. It turns out that his app saved them from themselves. Seeing that there were people just like them, hearing their pain and sharing it with each other plus the fact that the app let them release their frustrations on games and challenges, it helped their mental states. The app itself looks nothing special but if you looked it up, it received nothing but good reviews. Parents who heard about the site and introducing it to others even said that when their family started being in the game, their quirkless kid who had been depressed and had been in therapy got better just because of the website. The therapist themselves recommend it and in every session, all the kid had to do was play and be in the game for a half hour before the therapist does another evaluation check at their mental health. I talked to everyone I knew or could reach, all they talked about the game was that it was really positive. I even have it saved on my phone and according to 'Chaos', the cover name of the creator, he has plans to expand it and there's three 'creators' or so they call it."

"I'm gonna guess that two of their aliases are 'Chaos' and 'Order'? And show me the app later, it might help with the investigation." I nodded in confirmation. "Alright, continue." He ordered.

"The final 'creator' as the council calls them are actually two people and an AI. Together, they go by the name 'End' because anything that those three manage in the app, like their namesake, ends. Whether it be a monster or a location, anything they end gets wiped and to the annoyance of 'Chaos', he has to remake whatever was ended. Even the current 'gods' can be ended by End but anything that the gods decide should be passed onto Chaos goes through both End and Order before Chaos himself reviews the issue. Most of the time, it doesn't even reach him because either End or Order already resolved it." I scratched the back of my head. (I had an itch, okay?! Fuck off!) "Anyway, when I first asked him about his reasons for creating the app, he told me, 'Why not? Every other country has a support system for the quirkless and the discriminated and their rejects of society. Why can't Japan, the country who has quirk discrimination the worst, have a similar system for its forgotten and rejected people?' I looked up the statistics myself and to no surprise, he was right." I chuckled sadly before shaking bad thoughts out of my head. "Anyway, he created the app to mentally and emotionally support the ones people forgot were even people like themselves. Hell, even I used to do that too."

"So what made you change?" Aizawa inquired curiously.

"The way they treated me after they saw the true dangers of my power. Left and right, they called me a 'villain'. The kids who used to follow me everywhere avoided me like the plague and would beat me up saying that they were being 'heroes' because they were beating a 'villain'. That was after Midoriya jumped off that roof and disappeared." I hugged myself. I was shaking but it was nearly unnoticeable so I deemed it alright. I was still okay. I could continue telling what I knew. "When he jumped off, it seemed like my world was crashing. My world, which I had just fixed after seeing him again after years and years of having to suffer with insignificant brats surrounding me. It was ending again. Then he called it a magic trick. Midoriya left me a message to pass onto you. He most likely knew that I would get into UA and that there was a very high chance of me entering your classroom. He's brilliant like that. I never knew when he suddenly got smart or even where he got his hands on that intelligence."

"He was hit with a quirk when he was only six, y'know?" I continued. "Midoriya disappeared for a month before he was found in the exact same spot he would've landed in if he hadn't vanished for a month. When he came back from wherever he went to, he looked bored in every class. It was like he already knew it all. Midoriya even spoke fluently in English, though he did that when he was mumbling and wasn't paying attention. He always did mumble but never in English before so you could probably imagine the surprise and rage I felt when I found out that he was fluent in another language before I was. I was a huge asshole when I was a kid." I snickered at the memory of my old self. "Anyway, after some time in school where he was bullied, pitied, and scorned at every opportunity, he dropped out. Some days after he dropped out, my mom dragged me over to their apartment so she could hangout with Auntie while she dumped me on Midoriya's hands. Surprisingly, Auntie had been using her quirk all over the place. She was cleaning, washing the dishes, going through her phone, floating objects left and right, she was doing all the chores with her quirk. Yes, all of the chores were being done by her quirk. She had apparently broke through her limits with the help of Midoriya and some training which also got her old body back. She used to be slimmer before she started stress eating because she was always worried for her son due to his status of being quirkless." I added. "When we got into the house, the door had been opened by her quirk, both my mom and I were surprised at how much activity was going on all around the room. Midoriya himself was sitting on a desk which he apparently modified to have robotic legs. He even had college degrees which had been printed and framed on the walls! All five of his college degrees that were earned in roughly a week or two! Not only that, but according to his mother which I learned from my own mom, Midoriya had started a business, taught her how to manage it, and they earned a ton of money just by being entrepreneurs. They had to make multiple credit card accounts because of how much money they held but even with all that money, they still chose to live simple. Midoriya himself had a couple to his name but most were under his mother's."

Aizawa's jaw dropped. "That much money? From having an entrepreneur business?" I nodded in confirmation. (Damn, I've been nodding a lot during this conversation, haven't I?) "And they lived in a simple apartment? Was there anything extravagant?"

"No." I shook my head. "But his room had been totally revamped. What used to look like a fanboy's room turned out to have a similar feel to that of an inventor and a punk kid. His room door even had a digital lock! His open shelves were cased and nearly everything was fireproof."

"Wait, if his room was mostly fireproofed, why didn't his mother just go into his room for safety? She could've survived the fire long enough that she'd been rescued." Another negative. "What? Why not?"

"It was apparently programmed to shut down in case of emergency. No one in, no one out. All his digital and paper files would be on lockdown. His shelves to be shut, anything that might've been holding valuables would go into lockdown mode. His robots would all deactivate and would only ever reawaken should someone attempt to steal from him or if Midoriya himself returned to his room to retrieve it. From what I gathered after visiting his former home, he did go back there. His room door which had been reported to be shut was wide open. The robots were no longer there and what used to be messily filled with papers was empty. No blueprints, no notes, no paper, not a single piece of clothing, and no bags. All of his hero merch was sold before the fire incident. His painting were burnt at the edges. He had raided his room before falling completely off the grid."

"So before he disappeared when he got hit with a quirk, he was a fanboy. When he came back, he acted strange before dropping out of school. The next time you and your mother visited the Midoriyas, you find new and sudden changes like an increase in his intelligence and Ms Midoriya's quirk control and power. After the fire incident, you find out that he raided his room before disappearing completely. Izuku Midoriya got himself at least five college degrees in the time span of just roughly one or two weeks. They're rich due to the fact that they have an entrepreneur business. Midoriya himself is fluent in English." Aizawa-sensei looked like a fish. An expressionless fish but a fish all the same. He gaped at me disbelievingly.

"It's true. I really don't know how, why, or when he learnt all that he suddenly knew but according to his mother acting as if it was natural, we're missing a big chunk of his life. The only time that we would be missing from his life would be when he disappeared due to that quirk accident that he got caught up in or when he ran and stayed missing for more than just a couple hours." I shrugged.

"Hmm. It's more likely his disappearance." Aizawa-sensei stated. "While being in his Robin- or was it Zero? I don't remember. Anyway, while he worked with me as a vigilante, he told me that he was part of the past, the present, and the future. He also emphasized on past so I don't think he means that when-he-was-born-past but before-he-was-born-past kind of past was what he was talking about. His face is familiar but I don't remember where I've seen it before. I know I've seen him before but I just can't place my finger on it."

"I saw him with some kind of device once. Made him tell me what it was. Apparently, it was some Arc reactor. He said that regular ones were bigger than the one he held. Like, could-fill-a-UA-classroom big. It's a good energy source apparently because it produced green energy while causing no harm to the environment like our regular electricity generators do."

"Is that so?" Aizawa-sensei raised an eyebrow to the new piece of information. "Alright. I think that's all I can take right now. I'll let the other people in my investigation team know. Nezu might get interested in him too if he heard about this and he'd probably hunt Midoriya down himself so he could get him as a private student." He shivered at the thought. "Anyway, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing. Class is going to end soon." I nodded and walked back to my seat.

For the rest of the day, things went by smoothly. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for the next day. Oh how much trouble was gonna occur was absolutely unexpected. But I guess someone already knew what would or what could happen.

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