The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully.

By xLadyBirdx

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Ben has never got bullied before in his entire life but as soon as he reaches the 8th grade his life becomes... More

The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully
Chapter 2 (Two)
Chapter 3 (Three)
Chapter 4 (Four)
Chapter 5 (Five)
Chapter 6 (Six)
Chapter 7 (Seven)
Chapter 8 (Eight)
Chapter 9 (Nine)
Chapter 10 (Ten)
Chapter 11 (Eleven)
Chapter 12 (Twelve)
Chapter 13 (Thirteen)
Chapter 15 (Fifthteen)
Chapter 16 (Sixteen)

Chapter 14 (Fourteen)

158 3 4
By xLadyBirdx

What do you think Ben is thinking ?

Chapter 14 (Fourteen)

Hmm maybe boxing was my answer. But then again it wasn't since I am horrible at any type of sports. I could barely throw a punch at Drake how else would I be able to throw a punch at the person I might face. But at least on the bright side the summer holiday's had started. I really didn't want to stay In London I wanted to travel the world, far far away from Drake, Steven & Garry and my so called best friend Alice. I went upstairs to my mums room and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Mum, can I use your phone?"

"What for?"

"Um, to call Alice, and ask her something about our homework."

"You can call her tomorrow, beside's your on vacation."

" I know, but she's going on holiday and today's her last day."

"Wouldn't she even be sleeping by now?"

"Maybe, but it doesn't hurt to try" I smirked.

She rolled her eyelid's and handed over her mobile phone to me.

I didn't want to call "Alice" In her bedroom so  I went back downstairs to my room and locked the door. Then I call up "Alice." Dialing the number's with my oily fingers from the cookies, but still managed to type the correct number.

"Hello, hello?"




"Hellooo !"

"Are we done yet?" said the person on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, um i'd like to sign up to Jt's boxing centre?"

"Oh right, well your speaking to Jt now, but for a faster process I insist you register online, our website is or for any other information feel free to email us at or any personal questions feel free to email me at henrold_ Thank you."


I hung up, as I didn't have the faintest clue on what was going on ! All I heard was him saying I should go sign up to their website. So, I clicked on my google tab and typed what was asked. My laptop was running slow so I tried clicking everywhere but it just froze. I guess that was a bad idea. It later started to go a bit faster and didn't freeze as often. I signed onto my email and emailed then. Now all I had to do was register, typing 'jt boxing centre' in the google search bar, only to click on the official website to scroll down the bottom of the page for it to only say "If under 16 please get parental guidance.

                   Oh crap. I certainly didn't want mum to know about this, she would probably tell her friends about this, just like what she did when I was forced to start ballet ! She told my friend Mark's mum whilst Mark himself was there. I just pretended as if he were invisible but he certainly wasn't when the whole school soon new about it. So I guess I'm just going to have to find another solution to get strong and show those bullies at school who's boss.

It was already 7:00am according to my laptop, time flew by so quickly, I didn't really bother to have a shower. Since it was summer holiday's so I could bath at any time I wanted to between 7:00am to 8:00am. My alarm clock soon began to ring, as it made a loud screech echoing through the walls of my bedroom. I switched of my laptop and stepped out of bed. Stretching my body back and forth, insuring my whole body was stretched out. 

I took a look in my dirty mirror, it wasn't quite clear so I went to the one in the bathroom. I might aswell take my towel since it'll soon be time for me to bath. Pulling my blue towel off of the door I dragged it along the floors of the corridor into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror only to find my lump had healed.

"Yes Finally!" I praised.

It had all healed except for the little scratches and so that were on my other parts of my body. No need to tell the school nurse about it when school re-opens, for who knows what other fish product's she has for me! Jumping into the shower, as I closed the shower doors behind me. The warm water from the shower holes trickled upon my shoulders like tear drops. The water didn't seem to be flowing properly due to low pressure in the pipes.

  Therefore I switched on the pump, that we got free, when we moved in. The water slowly rushed out of the shower holes, slowly building up its pace. Finally it began to function well. For some reason this shower felt like one of my best shower's ever, maybe it was because I didn't stink of fish.

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