She Prays

By She_Flourishes

5.7K 577 87

In this book, you'll find prayers with scripture references that can help and encourage you to continue livin... More

Faith in the Midst of Chaos
Prayer for The Suicidal Girl
Good company
Boldness And The Gospel
Help Me To Love Praying
Help Me Not To Comform
Help Me To Be More Humble
I Have Power Over The Kingdom Of Darkness
Let Not The Voice Of The Enemy Overwhelm My Heart
Learning and Avoiding the Snares of Sin
Light and Hope
Rooted faith
I give myself away so you can use me Lord
Lord, grant us the gift of discernment
Lord, help me to be led by your spirit
Help me not to take short cuts in life
Keep Our Thoughts In Obedience
Come From Love
The Battle In Her Mind
Open Doors Prayer
Prayer For Before You Go To Sleep
Shape And Mold Me
Peace Over Our Hearts
Enduring Out Of Love For Him
Pslam 51:10 And A Pure Heart Prayer
Prayer Your Gifts And Talents
Lord Give Me A Willing Spirit
The Grace To Resist The devil
Help Me To Remain In Your Presence
Let The Agenda To Me Fall Into Sin Be Destroyed
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Lord Remain My First Love
A Prayer For Our Homes
Flame Of Fire Upon People's Heart
You Increase
Help Me To Walk With You
Help Me Not To Fall
Give Me Revelation
The Grace To Dwell
Prayer Over You
Teach Me Wisdon
Ability To Know You've Called Me
Destory Before It Grows Into Tree
Correct Me Where Im Wrong
First Priority
Bad Influences
New Season
I Don't Want To Deny You Before People
Lord I consercrate


386 34 8
By She_Flourishes

Lord give me a heart of obedience. A heart that is fully submitted to you. A heart that desires to do your will. Just as your son obeyed you even till the point of death, so I want to obey you. I want your word and your commands to be my food, conviction and desire. Allow me to live with the conscience of Your presence and increase my love for you.

Lord, you mentioned in your word how if we love you, we will obey you. Help me to love you. To love your character and who you are. When I recognise your greatness and holiness, it makes obedience easier. May I desire to listen to your voice above anything else? Help me to care only about your approval. Help me to obey you in the little things and be faithful over little. Help me not compromise or walk in disobedience. Help me not to grieve you Holy Spirit but enable me to walk according to Your will. Let my heart change into a heart of obedience, a heart that is submissive to you. A heart that surrenders who I am to pick up my cross and follow you.

Lord when it can be my flesh's desiring to follow its own will and go my own path, give me a heart that is sensitive to your Spirit and longs for your will above my own.

Thank you, Jesus, for your grace.

In Jesus' name. Amen.


Scripture References:

Philippians 2:8
8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

John 4:34
34 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.

John 14:15
15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments

Ephesians 4:30
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Matthew 26:39
39 And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will."

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