By Amnarhhhh

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Asmau's life takes a huge turn when her father arranges her marriage to Abubakar Sadeeq Saleem, a doting fath... More



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By Amnarhhhh

a week later

I was in my office going through some files when my phone began ringing. A smile crept onto my lips when I saw Asmau's name on the screen.

"Assalamu'alykum, Wifey," I answered.

"Wa'alykusalam, Habiby. How's work?" She asked.

"Stressful, but Alhamdulillah, we are coping. How are you? And hope you feel much better now?" I inquired, knowing she had been unwell for the past few days.

"I feel much better now, so don't worry."

"You should have allowed me to stay at home with you, Hayatie, but you're too stubborn," I complained.

She laughed. "Come on, Habiby, you stayed at home with me yesterday. Besides it would be so unfair to stop you from going to work again today, you know."

"You know I can sacrifice anything just for you, right?"

"Yes, Habiby I know, and I love you for that. By the way, Ibteesam invited me to go shopping with her because of Mimi's wedding, so I wanted to ask you if I had your permission to go?"

"Yes, sure. But aren't the kids returning from Mami's place today?" I asked.

"Mami called to inform me that they won't be returning today because Maryam wants to take them out to have some fun."

"Oh well, then you can go. But, Asmau, please don't take too long on the shopping because I might return early from work today, and seeing you helps to relieve my stress."

"Habiby In shaa Allah, I won't stay out late."

"Good to hear. Well, bye. I love you, and take care."

"I love you more," she replied before ending the call.

Getting married to Asmau is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. To be very honest, I'm glad Allah blessed me with Asmau. I know that Salma is not capable of showering love on my kids like how Asmau does. Besides, Asmau possesses all the good and beautiful characteristics that make her so easy to love. She's one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and I don't want to disappoint her. I want to try my best to be the best husband and dedicate myself to her because I know she sacrificed her happiness to make her own family happy. Not all women would do what she did. She's an amazing woman.

Moments later, I heard loud noises from outside my office. I was wondering what was happening when a lady stormed into my office, with my secretary trying to hold her back.

"Ma'am, please stop. Sir, I'm sorry, I tried to stop her," my secretary said.

Looking at the lady standing before me, everything from the time she left came rushing back, fresh and painful. Safeeya almost falling into misery, despair, loneliness, raising the kids all by myself, people blaming me for her leaving, and the more pain and suffering she brought to our lives. This woman before me had broken my heart into pieces.

I never thought I would see her again.

"Iman, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Come on, Abubakar. Don't tell me you aren't happy at all to see me," she said, giving a sympathetic smile.

"Happy?" I let out a dry laugh. "Iman, you're seriously asking me if I'm happy to see you? Why don't you answer that yourself? You're unbelievable, honestly."

"Look, Abubakar, I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just want to see my kids and be with them. I want to make up for all the time I haven't been with them if you will give me a chance."

"Are you kidding me right now, Iman? Your kids? Where is your lover that you left us for?" I asked, with raised brow.

"Things didn't work out between us. We were clearly not a match with each other, even though I thought we would be happy together. I thought he would take care of me, but instead, he got tired of me and then, he left me for another woman, Abubakar. I'm so sorry for leaving you guys; I really regret it with all my heart and soul."

"Wow! You see? That's what we call karma. You left us, and he left you. At least now, the kids and I have moved on and we are happier without you. You may go because you are not needed here."

"Please don't say that. By the way, I heard you got married again?"

"Yeah I did, and I'm very happy with my wife, Iman. So, a bit of a warning, stay away from my family, or else you wouldn't like what I will do to you."

"But Abubakar, I miss my kids. I want to see Noorie, I want to see them. Don't deprive me of that, please; I'm their mother."

"Come on, Iman. You left Noorie when she was just 7 months old; she doesn't even know you. Don't confuse her more and force her to accept you as her mother while clearly you're just a mere stranger to her."

"Don't you understand that I made a mistake and I regret it with all my heart? I have changed, and that's why I came back for you guys. Please stop trying to push me away, Abubakar."

"Iman, you're the one who doesn't want to understand. Which family are you talking about? You don't have a family here, so it's better you just leave before I do something that we will both regret!"

"Alright, I will leave. But I am sure you will change your mind. You will accept me once again. I know my Abubakar. I know that I will always be first in your heart, and I know that you still feel something strong for me in your heart."

"You can think whatever you want to think, because I don't give a damn. Just get out!" I snapped.

I sent her one last glare before she grabbed her purse and walked out of the room.


After our mini shopping with Ibteesam and Amirah. We were about to leave when Ibteesam led me to the unisex baby section. She had been pestering me for days, convinced that I might be pregnant due to few signs I was showcasing.

"Ibteesam! I've already told you I'm not pregnant," I protested.

"Lies!!! You've been sick for the past few days, you get angry easily, and just look at your body; you're glowing. I'm pretty sure you're pregnant, you just don't want to admit it."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Well done Doctor Ibteesam, since you know everything. Look, I'm tired, so let's just buy the baby clothes you insist on buying so we can leave. I'm hungry already, and I told Abubakar I'm not going to stay out late."

"Bingo! You see?! You're tired and hungry. That's another sign of pregnancy. By the way, how do you like this?" She asked, holding up a purple infant gown with the words 'Momma's Angel' beautifully embroidered on it.

"It's nice; I like it. But I'd prefer that little shirt and trousers with the 'Mummy's Love' design on them."

"Alright, we can get both, can't we?" She asked, and I nodded in agreement. "Who knows, maybe you're even going to give birth to twins," she teased, and I widened my eyes in surprise.

"What?!!" I laughed.

"Yes!" She grinned, and we continued our shopping. Suddenly, Ya Aminah called and asked if I could pick up something from the mall for her. After we left, I delivered her item and then treated myself and Ibteesam to some ice-cream before finally heading home.

As soon as I stepped into the living room, I spotted Abubakar sitting on one of the sofas, his head buried in his palms. This was unusual because he didn't usually return from work this early. I said my salam before placing the shopping bags on another sofa. He looked up, and his intense glare immediately caught my attention.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, puzzled.

He arched an eyebrow. "Seriously, Asmau? Look at the time."

I didn't need to check the time to know it was a bit late. So, I fell silent, nervously playing with my fingers, awaiting his response.

"I thought I told you not to stay out late?" he asked, his voice calm.

I struggled to find an excuse because, I didn't have a good one. "After shopping, Ya Aminah called me to help her with something, and then Ibty suggested we grab some ice cream."

"And you didn't think to inform me?"

My gaze fell to the floor; I knew I couldn't find a reasonable excuse. "I'm really sorry. In shaa Allah, it won't happen again," I promised.

He looked at me for a moment before rising from his seat. "I was just worried about you because it's not safe out there. Next time, please just inform me about your whereabouts. So, I wouldn't get worried."

"In shaa Allah," I replied with a smile, and he approached, enveloping me in his arms.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too,"

After our embrace, I headed upstairs to take a shower and changed into something more comfortable.


Next Day

I found myself in front of the mirror, holding a pregnancy test kit in my hand. Ibty being Ibty had bought it for me to test, just to be sure. Abubakar was out picking up the kids from their grandparents' place, and he had no idea that I suspected I might be pregnant.

"Well, it's now or never," I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath. "Just take the test and find out." I added.

"Just keep shut and move to the toilet please," Ibty urged with impatience, as she stood beside me.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "How do I use it?" I asked, nervously.

"You will put it up your nose and wait for it to beep," She said, with pure sarcasm dripping from her tone.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Ibty, you're not helping me here," I whined.

"Werey, read the instructions then."

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time, went into the bathroom, carefully followed the instructions on the pregnancy test kit, and then came out to wait for the results.

After what felt like an eternity, I looked down at the kit, and my heart skipped a beat. It showed two lines! I couldn't believe it.

"Ibty, it's positive!" I exclaimed, rushing to wash my hands before showing her the kit.

"Really?!" Ibty looked at the kit in my hand, her eyes widening with excitement.

"Yes! Look!" I showed her the kit, and she squealed with joy.

"Congratulations, Asmau Muhammad, you're going to be a mother! Alhamdulillah!" she exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

I couldn't help but smile through my tears. "Alhamdulillah, this is the best day ever," I said, feeling overwhelmed with excitement.

"When will you tell Abubakar?" Ibty asked.

"I have a plan," I said, grinning mischievously. "I'll surprise him tonight when he gets back with the kids."

. "That's perfect! He's going to be over the moon."

"I know right?!!"

I feel so excited, I was going to bring a child into this world. My own child with Abubakar!


"Mummyyyy!! We're home!" I heard the kids calling out from downstairs. I slowly made my way downstairs, as they engulfed me in a big hug.

"My babies, I missed you!!" I tightened the hug, feeling their warmth.

"We missed you too, Mummy," they chorused in unison.

"Mummy, we got you some chocolates." Ansar handed me two bundles of chocolate.

"Awwn my Footballer! Thank you so much, my love..." I hugged him tightly, ruffling his soft, curly hair.

"Mummy, you're gonna mess up my hair," he whined, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sorry, my handsome boy," I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

I turned to Safeeya, who was bickering with Noorie about something else entirely.

"My feeyah baby, give me a hug mana," she hugged me tightly, and I kissed her cheeks.

"I missed you, Mummy," she said.

"I missed you too, baby," I replied, placing kisses on her cheeks.

"I bought chocolates for you, Mummy, but these bigheads Ansar and Noorie finished them," she eyed them playfully, and they started arguing, defending themselves.

"Mummy, she's lying. She gave Amal almost all the chocolates," Ansar protested.

"Yes she did!" Noorie agreed, and they began bickering once again.

Ma shaa kids are back.

"Alright, enough of the argument kids." Abubakar scolded, stepping into the living room.

"Sorry, Daddy," they apologized in unison, and I gave them a stern look.

"Kids, let's go eat dinner," I announced, and led the way to the dining table.

As we sat down and I started eating, I suddenly felt nauseous. I quickly excused myself and rushed to the bathroom, where I threw up.

Abubakar followed me, concern etched on his face. He helped me wash my face and we stepped out of the bathroom.

"That's it, we're going to the hospital tomorrow, no excuses," he stated firmly, knowing that something was definitely wrong.

"Okay," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, as I knew deep down what was wrong.

After dinner, I went to my room to sort out the baby clothes. When I returned back to our room, Abubakar didn't take long in coming out of the bathroom, so I hid the infant outfit behind me and walked over to him with a mischievous grin.

"Close your eyes," I said.

He raised an eyebrow but complied, closing his eyes with a skeptical expression.

"Don't open your eyes," I warned him, and then led him to the bed. I carefully placed the baby clothes in his hands.

"You can open your eyes now," I said, smiling.

Abubakar looked down at the clothes in his hands, and then back at me with a puzzled expression.

"You should guess maana," I rolled my eyes playfully.

He looked at the clothes again and then his face lit up with realization.

"You're--" he started, and I nodded my head.

"Yes, habiby, you're going to be a father again," I squealed with excitement.

"Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!" Abubakar exclaimed happily.

He swept me up in his arms and twirled me around the room, making me giggle like a little kid.

"Hubby, I feel dizzy, let me down," I said, ecstatic.

"I'm sorry, hayatie, I'm just so excited. How many weeks?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, I don't know, gaskia," I shrugged.

"We're going for a checkup tomorrow, and it's an order. We need to be sure if our baby is fine and healthy," he stated firmly.

"Okay, fine," I sighed, knowing he was right.

We cuddled up on the bed, and before we knew it, we had fallen asleep.


"The baby is perfectly fine and healthy so you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I will prescribe some vitamins which would come of great support to the baby and you, so please do take them." The female doctor said, with a smile while prescribing some medications. She gave explanation more on how taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy was important for the baby's development and for my own health as well.

I nodded and smiled gratefully. "Alright Dr. Thank you." Abubakar, collected the prescription from the doctor, and we made our way out of the hospital. We drove back home in a satisfied silence, lost in our own thoughts.

As soon as we entered the house, Noor rushed to me and engulfed me in a hug. Abubakar quickly took her from my arms. "Noor, you shouldn't be climbing on mummy like that, you're getting too heavy," Abubakar scolded gently.

"Why, Daddy?" Noor pouted.

Abubakar called over her siblings, and they arrived.

"Mummy, Daddy, Noor said you're looking for us?" Safiya asked.

"Yes kids, sit down," I said with a smile.

"Ugh, don't tell me we did something wrong again?" Ansar groaned.

"No, babu, abun da kukayi," I laughed.

"Kids, your mum is expecting a new sibling for you In shaa Allah, and I hope you will all be supportive and loving towards him or her," Abubakar announced with a proud smile.

"Daddy, are you serious?" The kids asked in awe, their eyes wide with excitement.

Abubakar nodded, and the kids burst into cheers and hugs.

"I'm so happy! I hope it's a girl, so I can teach her all about fashion and everything," Safiya exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"I hope it's a boy so we can play football together," Ansar said, enthusiastically.

"I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, I just want to be the best big sister ever," Noor said with a grin.

"Group hug!" Feeyah, yelled, and we all joined in, feeling ecstatic.

The kids continued to chatter excitedly about their future sibling, making plans on what they would teach and play with the new addition to our family. I silently thanked Allah with a contented smile because I'm sure my baby would indeed have the best family ever.

Edited Version
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I love you all❤️❤️❤️

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