Punch, Cut, Kiss

By kdwood

488K 11.5K 1.9K

His fist came down hard on my cheek. I knew there was going to be a large bruise there in a few minutes. It... More

Punch, Cut, Kiss Chapter 1...
PCK Chapter 2
PCK 3...
PCK 4! :DD
PCK 5 ;)))
PCK Chapter 6 Part 1
PCK Chapter 6 Part 3! :D
PCK Chapter 7!!! :P
PCK Chapter 8 :P
PCK Chapter 9! ^.^
PCK Chapter 10
PCK Chapter 11
Chapter 12
PCK Chapter 13. :)
PCK Chapter 14!
PCK Chapter 15
PCK Chapter 16
PCK Chapter 16 Part II
PCK Chapter 17
PCK Chapter 18
PCK Chapter 19
PCK Chapter 20
PCK Chapter 21
PCK Chapter 22
PCK Chapter 23
PCK Chapter 24
PCK Chapter 25
PCK Chapter 26, yo!
PCK Chapter 27
PCK Chapter 28 Part I
Chapter 28 Part II
PCK Chapter 29
PCK Chapter 30!!!!
PCK Chap 31. c:
PCK Epilogue
Author's Note.
Update: Some of Your Questions Answered

PCK Chapter Six Part II

13.1K 370 47
By kdwood

Part dos! I hope you like it because I dont. D:  A/N at the end...

I walked around aimlessly for a couple hours.  It was now 6:30, and I was sitting on a park bench five miles from my house.  I was licking chocolate ice cream that was dripping down the cone, watching the little kids play with their mommies.


"Kyler, smile so momma can take a picture," my mother said smiling brightly.  Her white teeth were shining like pearls in the Saturday afternoon sun.

"CHEESE!" I giggled, looking at the camera and flashing an overdramatic smile.

I ran to the swing when the flash went off.  I sat down and started swinging.  The wind rushed through my hair.  I giggled and took in all the beauty around me.  The sun was shining high in the sky.  The green grass had been soft when my mother and I sat on it for our little picnic.  The sky was so blue that it looked like the ocean was floating above me.  There wasn't a single cloud in the sky. 

I decided I wanted to be tough and jump off the swing.  When I did, I landed on my feet, but the impact knocked me to my knees.  They started to bleed a little where they had been scratched.  A tear formed in my eye and I called out to my mom in a shaky voice.  She was at my side in seconds.

"Oh, my poor baby.  Are you okay?  Let mommy see."

She caressed my knee and then picked me up.  She placed me on a little bench and hugged me close.  She let me cry and calmed me down.  After I was finished whining, she placed her lips to my knee and kissed it.  "Does it feel better now?" she asked with a smile.

I sobered instantly.  My crying stopped and I was amazed by her beauty.  Her eyes were full of love.

"Yes, thanks momma," I said and gave her a hug and kiss.

"You know he was lying. You know she loved you," I whispered to myself.

I smiled to myself for a moment.  It was so easy being five.  I looked down at my cone.  It was dripping everywhere and it was a little soggy.  I threw it in the trash can beside the bench.  I got my phone out to check the time.  7:00.

I still couldn't shake the kiss from my mind.  I overreacted with Max.  I sighed and decided to text him.

I'm really sorry.  I was scared and sad and was bamboozled with 234569 different feelings. I didn't mean to take it out on you.

I reread it over and over.  He deserved a way better apology, but I pressed send anyway.

"This seat taken?"

Without looking up, I nodded.  Someone sat down a little too close to me.  I scooted over a bit and waited for Max to text me back.

"Kyler Cast, right?" the person beside me asked.  Without looking I could tell it was a guy.

I looked up a little shocked.  "Mhm," I said.  I took in all the features.  Dark brown hair, lovely tan, and those deep, dark, brown eyes wrapped in a white t-shirt and loose jeans.  "Nick, right?"

"Yup.  Do you remember the last name?" he asked.

I thought for a second.  Someone famous had his last name.  It was the guy in The Notebook.  Ryan, Ryan.  "Gosling," I finally said.

"Better remember it a bit better.  You're going to start using it more." He laughed like he'd just made a joke.

I looked at him in confusion.  "Okay?"

My phone dinged.  No, it's my fault.  Tell me where you're at and I'll come get you.  I love you Kye.

"Having a fight with Mr. Loverboy?" Nick asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Do you have a habit of reading people's texts behind their back?" I asked.

Nick laughed.  It was a sweet sound.  It was full of happiness and pure joy.  It was the most carefree thing I'd ever heard.  "Nope," he popped the p. "I just read yours.  You interest me, kid."

I made a face.  "First of all, don't call me kid.  You can't be that much older than me.  Second, you've only seen me, like, twice."

"Three times actually."

"Are you counting?"

He laughed again.  "In fact, I am.  We will get to see each other a whole lot more, though."

"I figured when I saw you in the office.  Are you a senior?" I asked.  I couldn't tell if I liked him or not.  He was really cocky, and he was kind of creepy, but on the other hand, he was cute.  The fact that he was cocky made him that much more desirable, and he wasn't creepy in a 'Run, here comes the creep' way.  It was more the flirty way because he knew stuff about you.  You make no sense.  I sighed to myself.

"Um, sure.  Whatever you want to think, kid.  Obviously you want me to drive you home or you would texted Loverboy back."

I looked at my phone.  I'm at the park.  Meet me at the s

Before I could finish my text, Nick grabbed my phone and stuffed it in his pocket.  "Are you really that childish?" I asked, sticking my hand out for him to give me back my phone.

Instead of a phone, I received Nick's hand.  "It's just a ride.  Like I said, I won't bite."  He smiled and his teeth sparkled in the light.

I rolled my eyes.  Stupid boy.  "Fine, actually, you will be dropping me off at Max's," I stated.  His face fell a quarter of an inch, but then he quickly regained his sloppy, cocky smile.  It was crooked and cute.  He had little dimples.  And your calling him a creep.

I realized he still had hold of my hand, and jerked away.  "Is Loverboy going to be jealous?" he asked, looking unfazed.

I laughed.  "Yeah, but not because I'm with you."  I got up and Nick followed behind me.

He looked confused, but shrugged it off.  He casually slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Remove that," I said without looking at him.

He chuckled, but did as I said.  "I'm over there."  He pointed to a nice looking truck.  It was a slivery blue 4-door Silverado.  It was very clean.  Someone was a bit obsessive.

"Did you just wash it?" I teased.

"I just bought it," he flashed me that stupid, beautiful crooked grin.

My breath caught in my throat.  He was definitely going to be a hit with the ladies.

I went to reach for the door just as Nick did.  Our hands brushed and a shock of electricity shot through me.  My heart leaped and I had to struggle to control my breathing.  I looked up at Nick.  He looked a bit stunned, but when he noticed my gaze, threw on the grin and opened the door for me.  I smiled at him then climbed in.  "Watch your fingers," he teased in a parental voice.  I smiled, but his statement made my chest hurt.  Not so much hurt, but ache for my mother.  I needed her magic healing kiss right now.

We drove in silence.  The only time we spoke was when I told him what street to turn up.  It wasn't an awkward silence.  It was comfortable, and it gave me time to think about what I was going to say to Max.

I was pulled out of my mock conversation when Nick put the truck in park and the doors unlocked.  I looked at him and he was staring at me expectantly.

"Thanks for the ride, creeper," I said, tipping my invisible hat.

He giggled.  "Any time,"

I was about to reach for the door, but an electric shock to the elbow stopped me.  I turned back to Nick.

"What?" I knitted my brows in confusion.

He ran a hand through his hair.  "Kyler, I want to ask you something, and you're going to think I'm weird, but just say yes okay?" he said in one breath.

"Um, sure.  What is it?"  Don't say you want hooked up with Max.

"Can I kiss you?"  He asked it in a way that made you think he was a little kid telling their mom that they colored the walls.  He smiled sheepishly at me after a few seconds of no response.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Don't make me ask again.  It was embarrassing and I would just do it, but I feel like I need your permission."  He was practically begging now.

"I don't even know you.  I was just kidding when I called you a creep, but now I mean it."  What in the world is going on here?

"Look, we won't get this chance for a really long time, so please, just one."  He reached over and grabbed my hand.  "Please."

"What are you talking about 'for a really long time'?  I have a boyfriend you know."

"I know.  Just trust me Kyler.  One kiss, that's it."  He was squeezing my hand now.  If he didn't let go now, I was going to have a heart attack soon.

Do it.  You know you wanna!  I really need to get these voices checked out.  I sighed.  "Fine."

Without another word, Nick released my hand and put it on the side of my neck.  This kiss is going to electrocute me!  He slowly, agonizingly slow might I add, pulled my face to his.  He paused and I waited.  We just sat there, our noses barely touching for a moment.  I tilted my head to the side a little and went for the kill.

He was a bit surprised that I pressed my lips to his, and at first I could feel him smiling on my lips.  Soon, he was moving his lips against mine.  Someone has done this before.  I pulled away right when Nick really started kissing back.  He looked surprised.

"Hey, I'm supposed to pull away first." he said.

I laughed.  Who knows how long it would have lasted then.  I blushed at my own thoughts.  "I started it, I finished it.  Goodnight."  With that, I jumped out of the truck.  Nick protested, but I didn't stop.

I walked up to Max's door and knocked.  It opened immediately, and he wrapped me in a hug.  He pulled back after he looked at his driveway.  "Who is that, and why do you smell like Old Spice?"


There you have it folks.  Three kisses in one chapter.  Will there be more in part three.  Yes, that is right, there will be one more part, but I'll wirte/post it tomorrow.  I have practice at 1. D:  To be honest, I just wanna write for you guys.  I really enjoy writing/reading this story. I honestly have never written any story better than this.  I just got a new fan! Thanks for fanning :D  I literally just got one while typing this.  It was pretty cool.  That should be inspiration to all you nonfanners who like it, but wont fan.  Actually, I dont care if you fan, just vote and comment.


It would make me smile. This is me with no votes or comments. :l Now me with them. :D

Look at how happy I could be! Now I'm just rambling.  I bet I added a whole other page.  Oh well.


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