The Only One That Cared

By Say_what

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Ivy Walker is the school's enemy. She has a reputation for being... different. Her contrasting features earne... More

Chapter 1- Don't Cry!
Chapter 2- The not-so Soulmate
Chapter 3- The Aftershock
Chapter 4- Just Friends?
Chapter 5- Owen's POV- Don't Be Mad, But...
Chapter 6- Unexpected Outcome
Chapter 7- Emotions (Ivy's And Owen's POVs)
Chapter 8- Too Far
Chapter 9- Eating Lunch Inside
Chapter 10- Confused
Chapter 11- Words Cannot Describe
Chapter 12- Asleep
Chapter 13- Careless
Chapter 14- Last Day of Junior Year
Chapter 15- The Beginning of Endless Days
Chapter 17- Encounters at the Park
Chapter 18- First Day of Senior Year
Chapter 19- Kiss and Tell
Chapter 20- He Changed His Mind
Author's Note:
Chapter 21- Not As It Appears
Chapter 22- Prisoner
Chapter 23- And So He Knows
Chapter 24- Today I Learned...
Chapter 25- Coming Home
Author's Note

Chapter 16- So This Is What I get?

247 8 2
By Say_what

Chapter 16


I need someone to punch me. I need someone to stab me until I can't feel anything anymore. I don't want to feel anymore.

Saying that I was hurt when Ivy kissed that Mallory guy would be an understatement. I was... crushed. She kissed him to get back at me. And she enjoyed it. Enjoyed it. I need something to punch. Maybe I'll punch Mallory. After all, he's the one that is causing this whole mess. It's his fault Ivy doesn't want me. It's his fault I'm feeling this way. His fault that I can't kiss Ivy senselessly like I want to.

Hell, I want to do more than just kiss her!

He deserves the pain that he is feeling and he deserves so much more. Who is he to separate the two people that were made for each other? Ivy is mine and I can't accept that she loves him. I will not. I have to break them up! He isn't good enough for her, anyway.

"What the hell, man?" The Ginger said. "You've been staring at the ground for twenty minutes. I may have fallen asleep at some point... What is wrong with you?"

I wanted to rip his face out. Make him feel pain- more pain. "I have some bad news... I overheard Ivy talking and I wanted to come and tell you, but she was here." I almost couldn't hide my smirk. "Ivy..."

"What? Tell me!" The Ginger asked impatiently.

"She doesn't like you. At least not the way that you think she does."

"What are you talking about? Of course she likes me!" His tone was angry, but I could feel panic behind it. "She is my girlfriend. We kissed. You saw"- Fuck, don't remind me! - "she told me she loved me. Don't go around saying stuff that isn't true!"

Calm down. He's being irrational. If you beat him, he'll die. Don't hurt the human no matter how much that ass deserves it. Try thinking about Ivy: She will be pissed if she found out then she'll never trust us again!

"I told you that I overheard her talking!" I yelled. "She knows that I know. That's why there was so much tension when I came here. This isn't gossip, and she doesn't like you. End of story."

"Get out before I call Security!"

"Oh, I'm so scared," I said sarcastically.

"Fuck. You," He muttered.

"I can knock you out faster than you can call security. Try me." I stepped closer to the bed. With my height, I towered over him. As much as he tried not to, he flinched. He's probably cursing himself for it. Ha.

"Is there a problem here?" A plump black lady in scrubs, probably a nurse, asked.

"Nope," The Prick replied. "He was just leaving."

"No I wasn't," I said defiantly. "When I want you to speak for me, I'll let you know, dickhead."

"Oh, but I can call Security with a push of a button," He said with a wry smile.

The nurse looked at me impatiently. "I can call Security too, honey. I'd suggest you leave. Actually, I do remember seein' an officer just down the hallway..."

I ran through the woods as fast as I could. The feel of Earth beneath my paws felt so right. If only I could feel this good all the time. Soon enough, I reached the little clearing that Ivy claimed as the Spot. I was expecting to see ivy there, but she was nowhere in sight. I caught the smell of her when the wind picked up and I ran to where it was coming from.

I found her sitting on the back porch of her small house. Josh was with her. Angling my body to where it was hidden amongst the tress, I listened in on their conversation. "...and Asia and I will be in my room," Josh said. I had a pretty good idea of what they might be doing. Apparently so did Ivy. "So I take it that I shouldn't come in for what, half an hour?" She asked. Josh remained quiet for a moment. He was embarrassed.

"Uh, yeah. We're going to be talking're birthday present. We don't want you to hear about it," He said in a low voice. When is Ivy's birthday? Soon? I'll have to look into that.

"Uh-huh," Ivy said sarcastically. "My birthday present...sure."

After he left, she walked my way lazily. I guess she could sense me around because she called my "name". I still don't really like having to act like a dog, it's insulting really, but it's the only time that I ever get to see Ivy happy. I trotted from behind the tree with my tongue hanging out, casually.

"Hey, Sir Barksalot!" She said with a beautiful smile. "I missed you."

I made a sound from the back of my throat to let her know that I missed her, too. She patted me, affectionately, sending waves of pleasure throughout me. Suddenly I got a call from Chris, through mind-link. I growled in frustration and started running back to the pack house. "You're leaving?" She asked with disappointment. "How will I entertain myself while my brother tries not to reproduce?"

I stopped and turned back to her. I wish I could stay and stop that cute little pout on her face. It's times like these that I wish she wasn't a rogue so she could come to the pack house with me. I made a whining noise. "Go," She said. "It's already bad enough that you run away all the time. See ya."

A couple of minutes later, I arrived on property and put the clothes, that I leave lying around, on. Chris was at my side in a matter of seconds. "We've got a huge fight going on between the boys. They're just preteens,but twenty of them is a little much. I tried getting Henry to help, but they won't let us to the middle of their crowd."

"Fine," I said. "Where are my parents?"

"Pack meeting with all the other council members," He replied. "They left Henry and I in charge. They would of left you in charge, but you weren't here..."

"Fine." I don't like the idea of leaving Ivy for this. I walked up to the crowd of boys. Most of them were huddled around a few in the middle of the make-shift ring. I wove through the crowd and one playfully. They were more than surprised to see me. After they settled down i put on my serous face. "What's going on here?"

"He wants to play seven minutes in heaven with my girlfriend!" one yelled. the others interjected about how they all wanted to play seven minutes in heaven with each others' girlfriends. "Okay. Where are said girlfriends?" I asked.

"Right here," a timid voice called out. The group of girls weaved their way through the crowd.

"Do you girls want to play seven minutes in heaven with them?" I asked. Even to my own ears, it sounded extremely lame. they all said they din't want to. "Well, then it seems like you boys aren't being very loyal to your partners, " I reprehended.

"Sorry, Alpha," They all murmured. Then they ran away.

My job here is done, I thought to myself.

I turned to walk away when I saw the girls still looking at me. It was cute how they didn't meet my eyes. I might want a kid someday...that is, if Ivy and I are ever together. "Alpha," One of then called out.

"Yes?" Her next words took me by surprise. She asked if we were mates because she always felt really happy around me. "Maybe, " I lied. "One touch and we should know." I reached out and took her small hand. Her cheeks grew pink, but then she frowned in disappointment when she didn't feel any sparks.

"Maybe I need to shift first..."

I nodded.

In my room, Henry, Chris, Luis and I were all sprawled out. "I'm surprised you haven't found your mate yet," Henry said. "Don't Alphas find their mates faster than most others?"

"Yeah, " I said. "I guess this is how it's meant to be..." Chris shot me a look. He's never understood the point of lying about Ivy. The way he sees it, hiding your mate is is like hiding a part of yourself. He announces Halley as his mate so that other males will not try to after her and so that other females won't go after him. And don't even get him started on rejection. There's no point, and I guess I can see his point. He actually understands my prob;ems, though, but others aren't even aware of them.

"I don't understand the point of mates," Henry said. He traced his chin, philosophically. "I mean, I should at least be able to choose my mate! But hey, being attached-by-the-hip isn't for me. To each is own, right?"

"I would like to find my mate at some point," Luis said. "Just not right now. Maybe after college. I want to live a little. Go to a couple Girls Gone Wild parties or something." Henry and Luis shared a Yeah, Bro! high five. Chris looked more than annoyed.

A quiet knock on the door brought them back to reality. Halley walked in shyly. She smiled and found her way to Chris' lap. They cuddled together, happily, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. After a few kisses Henry was fed up and said, "Get a room!" Hally blushed like crazy and apologized profusely. Chris, on the other hand, didn't look sorry at all. In fact, he looked proud.

"I meant to come up here and tell you all that the barbecue is ready. I saved some seats," She said as she stood up.

"FOOD!" Henry and Luis yelled at the same time. They were out of the room within seconds. Chris took his time to get up because he knew there was always more than enough food.

"How are things between you and Ivy coming along?" Halley asked.

"Not so great," I replied honestly. "I must have scared her off or something because she kissed her boyfriend in front of me. She was trying to make me jealous. I don't know why. We said we were going to be friends! I guess she forgot." My voice turned gruff by the end because I was trying to hold back angry tears. I hated how Halley looked at me sympathetically, but I was grateful for the hug she gave me. She told me she was sorry in shoulder as I held onto her. I really need this hug. A low and very possessive growl erupted from beside us. I guess I held onto her for a little too long because Chris pulled her away from me and snarled, "Mine!"

"Sorry," I muttered as warmth spread over my cheeks.

"Don't apologize," She said sweetly. "You needed that hug, but Chris over here can't seem to control himself." Chris wrapped his arms around her. "Nope." He agreed. he planted several kisses on her neck.

Another pang of jealously shot through me, but this time I could tell that Chris noticed as well.



I waited for Josh to finish and went inside once time was up. Josh was sitting in the living room, watching TV. He told me that my birthday present was all thought out.

"Sure," I said sarcastically. He blushed. "Aww! Is someone embarrassed about his love life?"

"Shut up!" He mumbled and stalked off.

I made a sandwich and headed outside again. I layed on the ground in the Spot and closed my eyes. I'm starving! And now I'm starting to imagine the smell of barbecue. Wait, that really is barbecue! Lucky, lucky people....

"Ivy, I'm in love with you," Mallory whispered. His shaggy hair was all over his face. I laughed and messed his auburn hair even more. He playfully threatened to kill me if I don't stop. I laughed again and told him that I loved him too.

Everything changed and we were now in my room, kissing and naked. His blanket was covering him, though, but I still knew he was naked. My bedroom door flew open and in walked a very angry Owen. "How could you do this to me?" He roared. I ran to him, sobbing. "I'm sorry," I cried, but he ignored me.

Time seemed to slow as he pulled out a blade and held it to his throat. This isn't supposed to happen! He held my gaze as he moved the blade in a quick, jerky manner. I wasn't able to stop him.

"NO!" I cried as his lifeless body fell at my feet. I tried to scoop the crimson liquid back into his body, but I knew it was no use. The trapped knot in my throat escaped and I heard screaming. Screams filled with raw agony and despair. I didn't realize it was my screaming until I couldn't scream anymore.

Everything was spinning and I saw Mallory standing Owen in a taunting manner. I wanted to yell at him, but no sound came out. The spinning faster and faster until I pleaded with myself to end it by passing out. I seemed to have fallen on something sharp, but I was okay with it because it meant that the darkness would come faster. I saw it in the distance and welcomed it.

I wanted to die.

i opened my eyed and cried in relief after realizing it was only a dream. Sir Barksalot was sitting in front of me, whining. When he saw that I was awake, he licked me. I sat up and realized that the sun was setting, leaving the woods darker. Then he bended over and ate my uneaten sandwich.

"No! Ugh, Sir Barksalot! I'm starving!"

The dog's eyes widened and he raced off.



I ran back to the pack house faster than I ever have before. I shifted into human and made a break for the grill. The barbecue was just wrapping so my mother was putting away some food in containers. I grabbed the biggest one that was filled with chicken, steak, hot dogs, coleslaw, and a burger. "Those were for the neighbors!" She yelled.

Dad took one look at me and ordered me to put on some clothes on. I told him I couldn't because there was no time. Mothers saw me and covered their childrens' eyes.

I threw the container in the air and shifted quickly, catching it in my mouth. Halfway to Ivy's Spot, I realized I had a follower.

Where are you going? Chris asked through mind-link. He was having trouble keeping up.

To Ivy, I replied.

Oh. He stopped, I could tell, but then he chased me again.  What? She's in the woods at this hour?

I didn't reply. Instead, I pounded forward. Ahead, I could see Ivy walking away. Bark, I ordered.


I said: Bark! I used my Alpha tone.

Chris barked, catching Ivy's attention. She turned turned around and i see relief written on her face, but she also had tears rolling down her cheeks. "I thought you left me," She said quietly.

She know what you are? Chris asked.

Ivy noticed Chris behind. "You brought your doggy friend?" She asked excitedly. She wiped her tears.

So I guess not...

I set the container at her feet. I hope I didn't mix everything up... She opened it and saw all the food. "Oh my gosh!" Her beautiful eyes lit up. "This is a lot of food! I'm so hungry, I might be able to eat it all. Thanks, Sir Barksalot, but I really hope you didn't steal this from your owners."

She really thinks we're dogs? Chris asked.

"You guys can have the hot dogs, "She said as she held them out for us. I slowly approached her and ate one in one gulp. Chris seemed a little hesitant, but did the same. I couldn't help but notice that Ivy seemed a little scared of Chris. Maybe our sizes are really intimidating her...

"You know," She began with a mouthful of burger. "Everyone always says that I need to eat more." She lifted her shirt to reveal her flat stomach with bones poking through it. I could see every single rib she has and I found it scary. "And I do," She continued. "But I lose my appetite very easily. I can only seem to eat when I'm around Owen. Owen is this guy that you guys don't know. And he is just undeniably hot. He has gorgeous green eyes, like grass with the right amount of sunlight. And I like it when he's angry and well, I don't know what it is. Aggravated, irritated..."

Aroused, My wolf finished. I forgot that Chris could hear my thoughts. He edged away from me, not wanting to know.

"Determined," She finally settled. "I love it when he's determined because his eyes on a whole knew color. They look dark and dangerous. Well, not exactly dangerous, but wild.  They look like your eyes, Sir Barksalot. Oh, and your doggy-friend's eyes look like a darkened version of Rocky's eyes. Rocky is this senior- actually, a grad student- that is devilishly handsome. He has pale blue eyes and incredible abs, if I do say so myself." I didn't like her talking about him because I knew it would only make his ego get bigger. "He's hot, but not as hot as Owen. Rocky used to be insanely arrogant and he was a player by all definitions. He flirted with so many girls in the same day. Ugh, let's just say that he's not a virgin at all. He has a girlfriend now, shocker, and he looks like he really cares about her, but I hope he won't break her heart.  Halley, she's such a nice girl. She's the only female in the whole group of populars, or 'pack', as Owen call it, that I'd see myself becoming friends with. Pack. Of course the populars would call themselves that. Only the elite get in."

It became quiet, other than her chewing and in this silence I wish I could tell her that she is welcome in my pack. Not only as my pack of friends, but the entire pack! I want to tell her that she shouldn't care about my friends.

"Unfortunately, I am not a popular. I will never become one of those people. I will never get invited to all the parties that they throw. I only went last time time because Owen told me he liked me. I have a really hard time believing that. Why now? Why after all his friends have been torturing me for so many years? It doesn't make sense! And yet I've found myself to be attracted to him! It's like someone has pointed out all his great features. He's always been handsome, but now he's just completely mouthwatering. And I can't help but think dirty things when I'm near him. I want to kiss him...But I will not- not anymore. I will not let myself like him even more. First, because I have Mallory. And second, because a freak like me shouldn't be a jock like him."

I contained me scream. I contained my cry and I contained telling Ivy that she shouldn't feel that way. I wished Chris wasn't here so he wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes. I wished I wasn't here so I could so that I've never heard this, but I am here... And I can't unhear this.  

Owen, are you crying? Chris asked. Dude, I'm sorry. I wish things were different for you.

Yeah, you and me both. I blinked rapidly. If I could blush, I would.

I felt Ivy's arms wrap around me, but I don't think she realized she was doing it. I think her inner wolf was aware of how I was feeling. She buried head in my shoulder and sighed. "Speaking of Owen and Mallory, I've been having these really weird dreams..." She then told me all her dreams about us and how Mallory and I always ended up dying. She was sobbing hysterically by the end and it made my heart squeeze in pain. I wanted to make all her hurt and anger go away.

It was completely dark out when Ivy decided to go inside. She had long since stopped crying, but her eyes were still red. "There might be wolves out here," she said. Chris and I chuckled.

No kidding, he said.

We escorted her to her backyard where she hugged Chris. I growled  in anger of her holding onto him too long. As if she could sense, she came running at me and Hugged me. then, without warning, she planted a kiss on my forehead. I got hard immediately at the touch of her lips. I wish I could take off all her clothes and kiss here.


But sadly, she left before I could.

As we were leaving, Chris kept complaining about how it was so unfair that Ivy thought he was still a player. He was hurt that she had so little trust in him, but she doesn't understand the whole Mates thing. Chris really changed.

Well one thing did come out of this, Chris said.

What was that?

We now know that Ivy recognizes the pull towards you. That's one step closer to her knowing you're her mate. And step closer to you guys getting together.



Well how was it?

Question= Is summer going to slowly? I feel like this story is going too slow. Have I said that before? Oh well.

I'll start school soon.

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