By xshivxngi

1.1K 104 18

Can a word decides a person's future? In the country of Askia, it can. Or it is believed it can. Every child... More



17 4 2
By xshivxngi

I woke up earlier the next day due to the long sleep I had yesterday. I wore a pink checkered shirt along with black jeans and pink unisex checkered vans. I packed my bag that day due to the reason I was tired the last day. Walking down the stairs quietly, knowing I should be leaving to school in 5 minutes time, I took an apple and munch it down walking towards Ruby's house. "Hey" I was greeted by Damon "Hi, how you doin'?" I greeted back. "I am good how's you?" "Alright." I replied back as I ate the apple. Soon I was joined by Ruby who was in pink tank top, white shrug and blue skin fit jeans. Her hair was in French braid and she was wearing a pink Kipling bag. We walked to the school and soon was joined by Mathew. "Bonjour" he greeted us and we greeted back "Salut!" in the best French accent we can. We followed him into the English class waiting for Akshay to turn in, leaving a space between one of us. The first bell rang. He hasn't came yet. We became impatient in our seats. He always came before the first bell. Our hopes went away when the second bell rang. We all have decided we will check up on him once the school is finished. "Sorry ma'am" a well known voice interrupted our thoughts and we all looked at the door. There stood Akshay, gleaming like a tube light. We smiled as he made his way towards our table. We waited till Lunch to ask him why was he late and when the bell rang for lunch we rushed to the canteen. "Why were you late?" Ruby asked. "Mom thought it would be better if I take rest today too. But I knew if I din't showed up you may barge into my house after beating up Monica." He said with a giggle. "Believe me we would have." Mathew replied. We all smiled and laughed telling each other stupid things. I can't believe that I am friends with Mathew. I never thought I would have friends other than Ruby at the first place. Mathew was a quiet kid who sits in the corner of the class room who does well in every tests he attends. But never thought a quiet kid like him could be so nosy and funny. And Akshay, I never knew him being honest. I just knew about the Indian kid who is living here but he never have broke the news he is Monica's step brother. Everyone came to know about it on that day when Monica shoved me into the locker. I hissed at the name. I could feel her and her minions gazes on us. I looked towards their table and they quickly looked away, except Monica. We stared. For I don't know how long. Until...

"Jan?" Mathew's voice put me off the staring contest. I looked at him in an angry mode. "There is no point in having a staring contest. Tout repose sur le travail" Seriously? Is he talking to me in French when he clearly knows I know nothing else than few words like Bonjour? "What does that mean?" clearly acting annoyed, I asked. But believe me, his French accent is too good. He just smiled. Is this boy for real? I frowned, going back to whatever we were talking. Soon the bell rang and we dismissed to our own classes. My mind still wandered along his words. What does it mean? Tulu riposa? How does he even speak that language? My mind was still on whatever he said, frustrated not knowing what it was. "Hey? You in this world?" Ruby asked me. I replied with honest. "I was wondering what Mathew said." "Was it je t'aime?" She asked with a smirked. I looked at her clearly annoyed. "I know the meaning of that phrase Ruby" I told her which made her laugh. "What was it then?" She asked, now becoming more serious. "I don't remember it correctly. Some thing like riposa tra... Something" I said giving up on remembering what he told. We went to the class when we heard a loud shriek from the hallway. We all ran to the place we heard the sound and everyone, who were there, were already laughing. Me and Ruby made our way and looked what was happening and what we saw made us burst out in laughter. It was Monica's locker. Full of slimes. Bruh. Whoever did this, I have a huge respect to that person. Monica's eyes searched through the crowd and stopped when it reached mine. "You" She said in a dangerous voice as she stomped towards me. Everyone looked at me, even Ruby. "You did this" She said as our face were inches away. "If it was me I would have done it a long time ago." I said and added politely as soon as I saw a teacher nearing us, "I don't know your lock Monica and I hope whoever done this, let them know I am with you" Ruby did noted the sarcasm as she was trying hard not to laugh out loud. "You are go...." Before she could complete the sentence Mr. Robins interrupted her in a calm voice. "That's it Monica. As your books haven't been damaged I don't think it is a major problem to you but to the school for cleaning this away." He looked at the slime filled locker and sighed. "But there were important thi.." "The most important things right now is your studies and books. And as the prankster, whoever might it be, hasn't harmed anyone brutally, will only have a detention for a week because of the cleaning the school has to do." Mr. Robins cut her off again and being honest he is one of my favorite teachers here. "I am sure that if the detention is with you, Mr. Robins, the prankster would turn himself or herself in" Mathew said with confidence, well yes Mathew you are right. But sometimes watch your mouth.

"All of you are dismissed to go to your own classes. Except you" He said pointing towards Mathew. His stupid mouth. We began to turn around when, "You two too, young ladies" Mr. Robins stopped us. Great. Just because we are his friends. "And you too, Akshay" He told folding his arms on his chest. "Yes sir?" Akshay asked. "Why does my mind tells it has to do something with you four?" Mr. Robins questioned. "Minds can play tricks sir." Mathew suggested casually. One more time he opens his mouth for back answers like these, I am going to punch him on his face and that's final. "Sir?" Ruby called him, most probably not letting him to punch him. "You two. I really don't think you both are physically involved in this prank but I am sure you both might know something about this. I promise no detentions for you two if you both are going tell the truth right now" It was more like a demand. A demand we have nothing to do with. "Swear to God, we know nothing about this slime thing." I said giving a disgusted look towards the locker. "Hmm okay. What about you two?" He said but I was sure that he hasn't yet believed us. "oh sir. I won't do it even if I want to as she is my step sister" He said completely annoyed with her. "And what about you Mathew?" "I won't do something to her just because she has bu- behaved bad to my friends" He told, clearly annoyance attired in his words when I gave him a look before him giving me away. "Hmm" That was all Mr. Robins said before leaving us. We, Ruby and me, turned towards the boys and Akshay put his hands up in defense, "No. I have nothing to do with the slimes" As much as we know, he may not have any business with the slimes but he is clearly involved in this. I looked at Mathew. He smiled. "Tout repose sur le travail"  He said before walking away. I scowled in disbelief as I followed him back to the class. Why is he like this? Oh yes. He is Mathew Claire. After all he likes to have a name of his own.

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