Unrequited Circumstances-Resi...

By ArchangelLady

71.6K 2.4K 571

(Read 'Under Devil's Blood' before reading this.) You are now a married woman, to a man that you couldn't se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19


4.8K 146 57
By ArchangelLady

Usually, when a man or a woman come home from a long day at the office, at the police station, or even from their job at the grocery store, the number one thing they expect to do once they get home is greet their spouse, their family, their pets, enjoy a good dinner, and relax before heading towards a much needed rest.

But what do you do coming home after a stressful day and a half of being brainwashed, forced into yet another marriage, fight off a massive B.O.W and save many civilians from being flesh eating beasts?


Sleep was all you wanted to do once you headed home. After flying back towards the landing dock where you had first arrived with Chris and Rebecca for your search for Leon, you spent a couple of hours being gawked at by many questionable BSAA field medics on why a woman with a massive wound on her chest appeared to have survived a bloody massacre out of her own wedding. You couldn't really blame them for thinking that, you just wished they could've not said it while cleaning your burns with a stinging medicated gel.

As much as you wanted to lash out to the medics assisting you in cleaning you for asking so many questions, they were immediately shut up by the death glares of their captain and your husband.

Chris himself, irritated by the lack of respect towards you from his men, immediately told them about you, which caused their demeanor to change entirely.

You didn't blame them for not knowing your true identity, you weren't expecting every man and woman to recognize you on the streets, even when your DNA was used to create a cure for a disease their family member may have had.

You were stripped away from your wedding dress, requesting the article of clothing to be burned immediately after being given a black pair of pants and dark army green t-shirt to wear. While you really wanted to get rid of every piece of evidence that symbolized anything with Arias, you at least wanted to keep the ring.

You survived being in the clutches of a grieving monster, you felt like you highly deserved the chunk of change you received after pawning off the jewelry.

After an hour or so of simple conversation with Chris and Rebecca for your future plans, you and Leon finally went home. But not before you asked Leon to stop somewhere to pick up burgers, which he didn't refuse.

Another downside of saving the world is you're robbed of basic needs, like food, for many many hours.
You were guilty for feeling hungry while you shot zombies in the head or stabbed glass into a mutated beast, you're sure it was a normal thing for anyone else in your position.

It started to rain by the time Leon came back to the vehicle with a paper bag in hand, distracting you from staring at the windows as rain drops rippled along the surface. For a moment, you had considered heading inside and eating there, only you weren't wearing shoes.
Although you could've easily pulled it off Mia Wallace style if the burger place looked like the one in Pulp Fiction.

The night skies were dark as the rain grew heavier, but thankfully the streets were scarce with traffic, giving Leon an easy drive home while you munched on a few fries.

"Sherry's waiting at home," Leon spoke, keeping his attention on the road, "She said Jack's doing well, he loved the morning run she did with him. Oh, and she liked the soup you made."

You let out a small chuckle, chewing on a fry while recalling the soup you had made for a dinner you had never gotten to eat. At least it didn't go to waste, you could take Sherry's word for it.

"We should pay her."

"I got her a burger. She said that's all she wanted."

Walking through the front door had been more of a relief than anything else. The familiar furniture, the distinctive smell, the warm comforting lights. It was your home, and it was the safest place you could ever be.

A loud laugh escaped your lips as some large strong paws jammed into your rib cage, Jack's nose loudly sniffing as he whined in excitement at seeing you home.

Easy Jack. I'm home now.

Your hands brushed his ears back, your ring and pinky fingers gently scratching behind both of them with pure love and adoration.

Jack's attention went towards Leon, his lip raising slightly at the sight of the slightly unfamiliar man standing next to you. It had been a few months after all, and Jack's tendency to protect his female owner was a common sight to see.

Leon stared down at the large dog, bringing his hand on top of Jack's head fast, giving him a massive ruffle that caused Jack's tail to wag, knowing only one man who would ever give him such rough, yet loving touches.

"(Y/N)!" Sherry called your name with excitement, standing from the couch the moment you two had walked through the door, smiling brightly at the sight of you. Her smile was contagious, your lips curling immediately as she approached you, her arms extended outwards.

You hugged the woman gently at first, mindful of her head touching the tender wound on your chest. It was only seconds later when you found herself melting into the hug even more, missing her more than you realized you did.

Sherry proceeded to give Leon the same treatment, the man cradling her head while giving her a simple, close embrace. While in this interaction, he couldn't help but looked over to you as you sat down at the table, your face completely rid of any emotion.

"Did you bring my burger?" Sherry asked, looking up at Leon. "I haven't eaten since lunch time."

"Oh. Yeah, it's in the bag." Leon pointed over towards the table, watching as your head turned over to acknowledge Sherry approaching, a smile stretching across your face as you reached over towards the bag.

Leon tried to not think much of it as the three of you enjoyed your semi-late dinner, even when your smile dropped the moment Sherry walked out the door.

You went straight to the bedroom, Leon not minding when he cleaned up the kitchen.

He walked towards the bedroom door, seeing Jack laying on his side of the bed, his head resting on top of your hip as you were passed out completely, laying on your left side. With one look, he could predict that a nuclear bomb wouldn't even be enough to wake you. He couldn't blame you for it, his own mind wandering towards his own sleepless nights, remembering all his thoughts on how you were sleeping when you were alone.

He changed into some more suitable sleeping attire after a quick shower, snapping his fingers towards Jack to move away from his spot. Jack moved away, only to rest against the foot of the bed, his body spreading out by your feet.

He laid next to you, slowly getting closer and gently wrapping his arm around you, holding you close in a spooning position. He couldn't help but bury his face into your hair, his body tingling at the familiarity of your scent and your warmth. He could never be able to say it enough when he says that he truly, deeply, missed you.

Even with a silencer, the gunshot was enough to cause his body to jolt upwards, hearing the faint whistling sound inches away from his head. His head lifted, his open mouth emitting a horrified cry at the deep rich blood spewing out of his wife's head, staining deep into the pillow.
His head turned, his eyes managing to catch a glimpse of the culprit who had killed his wife in her sleep.

He was bewildered at the sight of the blonde haired man, sporting black sunglasses and a black trench coat, standing straight as a board with stiff shoulders, his hands kept behind his back.
Beside him stood a young girl, with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Your mother's eyes, years of fear and torment were replaced with a stone cold rage, unwavering as you pointed towards your terrified father.

You didn't hesitate to pull the trigger again, managing to catch a glimpse of his hand reaching out as you did so. You had no time or slight interest in any pathetic excuse he had to give you, you didn't ever want to hear his voice again.

His body fell back against the bed, his bullet hole marked head collapsing against the dirty pillow, now stained with its own unique red liquid.

You exhaled slowly, an unhealthy amount of adrenaline pumping through your veins as you lowered the gun, seeing the mess you had made.

Wesker's hand rested onto your shoulder, the sudden touch not causing you to jump like it had done in the past. Wesker gazed at the bodies, his chest swelling in pride at the clean, perfect kills his little guinea pig had achieved. Your first victims, he knew their would be many more to come.

"We're done here."  He turned and left the room, leaving you to follow without a second glance towards the bed.

Wesker walked outside, where the night rain continued to downpour. You closed the front door behind you, looking over to find the man standing on the porch, watching the copious amounts of water drip off the roof's edge.

"How does it feel? To make your own choices in the quickest way possible, knowing you'll always come out on top?" His question rang through your mind, leaving you quite unsure how to respond.

"Different." You replied, looking up towards the man as you handed him back the gun slowly. He didn't take it, leaving you frowning as you looked down at it in your small hand.

"What's gonna happen now?"

"Now," He stepped off the porch, merely inches away from the shelter that kept that water from touching him, "The world is ours. What you've done here is only a taste of what's to come in your future. People will want to challenge you for it, they'll beat you, they'll stab you, they'll break you down until you're nothing but the scum that refused to nurture you. However, what you have in your hand will change how you react to it. Only way you fail can be depicted by the way you die."

Jack's paws scraped against the bathroom door, but your head was telling you not to open it no matter how many times Jack whined.

You were staring at yourself in the mirror, your shirt off and draped against the sink, leaving you in your black bra. You weren't staring at your own face, nor the old scar on your lower side. You were staring at the medical patches taped to your chest, sealing away the horrid wound you were left with to dwell upon for many years to come, even after it were to heal and form a scar.

Just seeing the patch alone was enough to make your grip almost break off the marble edge of your sink, your heartbeat irritating the tender wound. You tore your gaze away from it, closing your eyes to prevent you from staring at it any moment longer.

Hot tears streamed down your cheeks, dripping off the edge of your chin onto the marble. You felt no desire to wipe them away, feeling your emotions beginning to corrupt your entire body, and their seemed to be no stopping it.

A faint creaking sound from behind you caused your eyes to open, your head flicking upwards as you met the tired, worried eyes of Leon. He stood at the doorway, seeing your reflection without saying a word.

You stared at him as if you were a child getting caught doing something you weren't supposed to do, it left you staring at him feeling guilty for looking like this.
He stepped closer, bringing one of his hands behind your neck gently, his fingers gently rubbing against your skin in circular motions to soothe the tense muscles. His other hand gently reached over, placing the bag of medical supplies given to take care of your wound.

"Come here."

You turned around slowly, immediately being enveloped in his arms, hugging you close in a secure embrace. The warmth of his body mixed with the faint scent of his body wash caused you to emit a small sob against his chest, immediately having his hold tightly against you.
He held you without saying a word, completely understanding in his own way why he found you here crumbling apart. Many years of stress, of pain and torture on your life all while you're trying to fight for it can put a breaking point on a person. It seemed fair that your breaking point was now, but he wasn't gonna let you deal with it alone.

He remained there, listening as your sobs died down after a short while. In the silence shared between the two of you, he brought you to sit down on the edge of the toilet seat, returning over towards the medical supplies.

You sat there with Jack's head resting on your lap, watching Leon appear calm and collected as he worked on gently removing the patches, moving with caution as the gauze stuck to your skin.
You grabbed onto his forearm, your fingers squeezing as he took it off slowly. As wonderful as the idea of ripping it off like a bandaid sounded when it came across your mind, you weren't in a position to experience any further pain.

Leon had to tell you in a soft, yet firm tone various times to not look down at your chest while he worked, despite how much you wanted to. He got to the point where he told you to just stare at the ceiling, not wanting you to linger on your wound for a second as he worked on applying a fresh bandage. It was healing really well, and that's all he told you.

He brought you back to bed shortly after he finished slipping your t-shirt back on, Jack following in tow. Leon tucked you in before getting in himself, the Doberman feeling more than content to rest his upper body against your legs.
You laid facing Leon this time, his arms keeping a warm secure hold on you. The silence was almost comforting, your body feeling warm and lazy while Leon drew small circles on your back.

Then, you spoke.

"I'm thinking of quitting."

Leon didn't answer at first, his eyes looking towards you as your eyes were staring off somewhere, appearing lost in thought.

"You sure that's what you want?"

You nodded slowly, looking up slightly to meet his gaze. "It is, but then... it also isn't."

"How so?"

"I don't know," you sighed slowly, "I just feel like... Well, we were forced to join, and we've both done it for so long. We've fought so much, risked our lives over and over. I can't help but feel like I've done more than enough for this world, but theirs always more."

Leon remained quiet, gently combing his fingers through your hair as you explained to him.

"I don't blame you for what you think, I've thought of it many times before." You stared at him, nodding slowly while feeling a bit of relief knowing he understood.

"Whatever you choose to do, I won't judge you for it."

You nodded again, bringing your head closer to his chest. His hand rested against your head, keeping you enveloped with his warmth and security.

You closed your eyes, feeling the remnants of your uneasy sleep from before proceed to flood your body again. Only this time, you felt prepared to rest, knowing this time your husband was finally home, and keeping you safe with his embrace. It took you this long to realize that your home wasn't the only safe place you could be in.

"I'll think about it."

((Well, I literally had so much trouble typing out this epilogue guys. It's insane lol. Honestly though, if another RE game or movie comes out with Leon in it, just spam me with it lol.

I'd love to thank every one of you angels for your support in reading this Resident Evil series. It's insane how I first started this in freshman year, and now I'm a graduate going into a career soon. The road has been a crazy one for sure lol.
I'd especially love to give thanks to you guys again, from those who stuck along for the ride ever since it started, to the ones who binged it all in a few days, and even those who reread it over and over and over. Leon Kennedy is always gonna be one of my favorite RE characters.

One of them. Lol. Guess who's the second? Yep, Chris Redfield.

I'm gonna be resuming the Chris Redfield series I started on not too long ago, I would really love and appreciate it if you stuck around with your funny ass comments and wonderful support along for that ride, I intend to make it as great as this series. If you guys got anyone in your life who fancy Leon Kennedy or Chris Redfield, and like to read fan fiction, send them by to my Wattpad.

Once again, thank you so much for reading!! <3))

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