Idiot one, and idiot two

By pretzl_you

28.1K 1.1K 1.3K

It's their starting for a new world! Ink with his childish personality, and Error with his destructive tensio... More

Recking the first day
Heads up!
Child's play
A bad boy
Closed eyes, closed doors
The cold
New house
Lossing and learning
Crossing a new line
A bit of a set bcak...
The closet
Shut up!
One Step Up
Dirty secrets
4 Way Street

Long night ahead

1.5K 77 47
By pretzl_you

Error yawned, walking through the isles at a fast pace. Not too far behind fresh trying to catch up by speed walking, and geno who wasn't as fast as erroR after his... incident.

Error finally slowed to a stopped, placing his finger on his chin as he stared up at the different noodles. He was a picky eater with about almost everything he came in contact with. Fresh caught up quickly while geno was still a little behind.

Geno walked up to the noodles stretching his back a little from the hissing pain. "That one." Error nodded finally finding the perfect one for his taste, but before he could grab it geno took one right below it. "Hey-" "it's cheaper," Geno responded placing the noodles in the half empty chart.

Error sulked quietly while geno grabbed the charts handles and started pushing at his slow pace. Error and fresh without effort passed him now looking at the sauce that they liked. Fresh reached for one but his hand quickly got slapped away by error, who wanted the slightly tastier and more expensive brand. Geno quickly pushed away errors hand too, always wanting to save money with the cheep things.

The little group of brothers huddled into the next isle to grab their basic needs for the cabinets. It didn't take long for geno to go right to the off brand cereals, getting only an annoyed groan from the two younger brothers. "Well we can get off brand stuff and have a place to live in or get the good stuff and live under a bridge." Geno chuckled in an unsettling way that made the boy's keep quiet.

At the other end of the isle was mister idiotic himself, but we call him ink to be formal. Geno quickly took notice that error was shifting uncomfortably, so he looked up and down the isle.

"Hey isn't that-" a hand cupped over genos eyes as he felt a hovering hand over his shoulder as if whoever it was was trying to drag him to a different isle. Geno gently pushed erroRs hand off his face sending shivers down Error's spine from the sudden touch.

Error was all to worked up about the simple touch that he couldn't save himself in time for Geno to have made his way over to ink himself. By time error had notice it it was to late- Geno already started talking with ink.

His cheeks flushed up in a dark blue blush from embarrassment as his tension grown into short of a toddler fit.

"Hello, my name's Geno. not to be a bother or anything but I believe you and my little brother are friends?" Ink perked up from the sudden voice, shifting his eyes over to Geno how had eased his way into a simple conversation. "Oh we're not really friends... I just kinda bumped into him on accident and stuff."

Ink said with a nervous chuck rubbing the back of his skull. "Oh, well I think you two would make great friends. He's just a bit lonely, but is nice by heart." Geno himself haven't seen errors good side in a long time but still keeps his hopes up that it's in there somewhere.

Ink had now a settled smile knowing that error wasn't being an asshole to him just because. "Well I'm glad to hear, heh." Geno was quick to make an simple plan in his head of how this would turn out, sure it would but the house on the line but this was good for error, wether he liked it or not. "How would you like to come to our house tonight and get some din with us hmm?" Geno spoke in a almost motherly way, getting it from taking over the house and two brothers for sure.

Ink was almost about to say no to the offer but stopped himself realizing that this offer was like a jackpot to him. Maybe even more then that. He would take anything to get out of his house for as long as possible. He was only at the store for his "dad's" beers and whisky's, but was stalling at the store for as long as he could.

"Oh, of course it sounds lovely!" Ink chirped with an overly excited grin on his face. Geno was pleased by the answer, but not the questioning look on inks face. "Sometime wring?"

Ink shifted his eyes up realizing he was spacing out again. "Oh yeah...." he looked to the side before taking a deep breath. "How old are you?" Geno was taken back from the question regretting to answer truthfully as he knew that he was held back a year or two to make money for his brothers. "21..why?"

Geno raised an skelebrow at the smaller with his hands on his hips. "Great!" Inks tension went away as he pulled out a 50 dollar bill handing it to Geno. "Can you get me some beer and whisky?"

Genos demurred changed quickly from motherly to shook and confuse to a face of disappointment. "Hun I'm not getting you-" "it's for my dad" Ink cringed international from calling his "care taker" his "dad". "Hmm... fine but if I find out your lying.." he didn't finish his threat leaving it linger in the air for a moment or two before Ink quickly nodded for geno's reinsurance.

"Okay. You gotta look around the store or follow us?" Geno looked up at ink who was already starting to walk towards the chart. "With you." Geno nodded following slowly behind.

Error was obviously uncomfortable with ink walking up to his chart and started to silently have a panic attack as he got closer. He gave a death glare to his elder brother who smiled innocently at him.

"Who's that yo?" Fresh said with a tilt of his head pointing at the inky skeleton. Geno was quick to introduce one another. "Ink, this Is fresh." "Yo!" Geno made an gesture pointing at fresh. "Fresh this is ink." Fresh held his hand out and ink quickly took it shaking one another's hand. "Nice to meet you." Ink smiled, causing Error to roll his eyes.

they walked around the store getting their basic needs. Error staying at least 6 feet from ink at all times and if he came to close Error would jolt away. The last thing they needed to get was inks "dad's" booze. Geno casually places the liquor in the basket making error scoff. "Finally something good!"

Geno shot a glare at Error before speaking. "Don't get your hopes up its for ink's dad. I really hope you haven't been drinking Error." He started in a rough tone of voice the last sentence as a threat.

Ink perk looked up at Error who meet his gaze only for a second before turning away. "Hey didn't you get in t-" error shot him a glare that said if he had finished that sentence he wouldn't make it out alive. Ink stopped on the "t" dragging it out till it slowly got softer till it was no more, shifting his eyes down with the sound.

"Hm?" Geno hummed as if asking what he was going to say. "Nothing." Ink replied shortly fumbling his hands together.

"Chill bruh, he's fetch" fresh spoke which only made errors little temper worse. "No you." Fresh sighed not pushing it any farther then that.


"Shootgun!" Ink shouted, having little to no manners. "No I get sho-" Error was about to protest but quickly got cut off by Geno who pushed his arm lightly.

Ink got in the side passenger seat followed by Geno in driver seat, fresh behind ink in the back seat, and error behind Geno. Error obviously skulling in his seat with his arms crossed and everything. Though stopped the sulking after genos news.

"Okay So were having spaghetti tonight, is that okay?" He turned to Ink who smiled back and nodded. It seemed like spaghetti was every ones favorite.

Once home, ink was the last one to walk in. He was almost memorized by home clean the house was, compared to the house he didn't live in with his "father". So this was basically perfect to him. Much smaller then his house sure but damn did he think the place was beautiful. "Sorry it's not much but make yourself at home." Geno smirked unloading all the bags of food and what not.

And ink did just that exploring across the house within seconds he explored down stairs racing up the stairs to where the boy's rooms were.

The first door he opened had an obvious 70s-90s style room with posters and funk stuff that you would definitely see in the 90s. It almost surprised him how neon the room was almost blinding him at the sight, but none the less very colorful, which ranked it high on inks like list.

The second door he opened was just a plan old bathroom.. shower.. skeletons even need toilets?

Third door was at the end of the hallway giving off bad vibes just waking to it. The door was ajar a bit so he thought he was free to go in, but as soon as he was about to push it open the door slammed shut almost knocking him in his "nose". He likely missed it by an inch, but still.

"Well, looks like that room is occupied..." he mumbled under his breath knowing that it was probably Error who had just done it.

Ink made his way back down stairs after adventuring the house a bit. "You need help cooking?" Ink asked with a tilt of his head. Geno was getting pots out and all the ingredients for the spaghetti they were gotta be making. "No I'm good, but could you turn on the cooking show on tv hun?" Geno spoke softly in that motherly vibe.

Ink did as told picking up the remote that was on the table and turned on the tv. Switching the channel to 148 the only channel he could remember happened to be the cooking channel.

This show memorized ink in pure bliss as he was attracted to it like a moth attracted to light. The way they thrown the meal in the air but caught it back in the pan made his eyes glued to the screen. "Is Geno watching old lady stuff again?" A shout from up stairs could me heard making ink a little embarrassed to be watching it with glee.

A scoffed came from genos direction as he protested at erroRs insulting question. "Cooking is not an old lady thing everyone does it!....AND IM NOT OLD!!" Geno yelled back up stairs only to receive silence.

Up stairs laying in his bed was the old willow himself, almost looking half dead as he scrolled through twity. He mumbled under his breath "old" but wasn't in the mood to have a yelling fight with his brother all the way across the house.


"Dinner!" Geno called to the younger brothers. The first one down was fresh who was obviously overexcited about it. "Din din!" He chirped pulling out a chair and sat in it. Ink strolled over sitting right next to fresh without a word.

Geno placed down the plates full of spaghetti. He set them around the table in each seat with an fork and napkin, normally he wouldn't do this but he was just trying to show Ink that they weren't pigs or anything.

After a moment of waiting for error to come down Geno called again "Error your food is ready!" No response.

He sighed walking up the stairs knocking lightly on erroRs door. "Hey, can I come in?" A few seconds went by with nothing. Geno was about to go in himself when the door opened a crack. "What do you want?" Error said an obvious frown on his face from the tone, even if he couldn't see his face.

"Dinners ready." Geno responded softly through the crack of the door. "Good. Just bring the plate up-" "your sitting with us like a family. Just for this night..." Geno spoke with his arms crossed having a stern voice.

Error was silent for a moments bout to close the door again but Geno pushed it fully open. "Fine I won't eat." Error walked to his bed trying to ignore Geno but with no use. "Come on you love spaghetti!" Error stuffed his head in the pillow and shook his head. "Not with that freak here." His voice was muffled by the pillow, but still loud enough for Geno to hear, and disapprove of.

Dragging, teleporting? No one knew, but ether way by the matter of seconds Error was sat his sorry little ass right across the table from ink. 

Ink was obviously confused by the look of doubt and sorrow in the black skeletons eyes but quickly looked away when he noticed that error caught him starring.

"So ink, how have your classes been?" Geno started after chewing a bite of his meal. "Uh, they been good for the most part I guess? Only one F but all the others are C's and B's." Ink mumbled knowing his grades weren't the best. Fresh continued the questions though. "So what class are you getting a F in?" Ink was obviously upset he couldn't do math to save his life but not everyone can do math right? "Math." He answered shortly.

Hearing a snicker across the table mad ink light a fire somewhere inside of him, he suddenly felt the need to be cocky and snap back at the black glitched skeleton. "Heh, so error, how have your classes been?" Ink said in a innocent mocking voice, his chin laid on his intertwined fingers. "Well, for your information, they been all A's."

Fresh lifted his head up a little to shake it 'no'. "Not true bruh, you've been getting F's in history and English because you never wear your din dog glasses bro!" Error shot a glare at fresh who shrugged.

"WELL, besides classes, ink did you join any clubs or activities?" Geno cut in making sure to stop the fight that was uprising. "Uh, Yeah I actually joined the theater club yesterday. I've been waiting on it forever!" Ink chirp.

Geno returned a smile upon remembering it and nodded, while in the background Error groaned loudly. "Do you have to remind me?" He banged his head on the table like an child. Ink gave a questioning glance towards geno who had a slim look on his face. "I made him join the theater club because you were in it, I think you would be a good role model for him."

Ink obviously got nervous again not knowing how this connubial of nonsense was gotta work out between the two. "Oh, heh wow." That all ink could squeak out as he started playing with his food.

"So what time are you getting out of here?" Error groaned resting his cheek on the palm of his hand at he stared at Ink with his normal judgmental gaze. "I wish I could stay longer but I should go at about 10?" His sentence ended off in kind of an questioning answer.

"Should I drive you home?" Geno suggested. While ink would love to do so, he knew he couldn't. If he showed up at the house with an car and different people "papa" would lick him for sure. "Nah I'll just walk. It's not to far away anyways." He lied. His house was across the small town, so he would have to take an bus or something.

"Isn't it raining?" Fresh cut in. In fact, it had been raining for a while now, they could see it out the window. "Yup that's the top of the iceberg, I'm driving you home." Geno stated with his stubbornness. "What's the other stuff then?"

Ink raised an skelebrow at Geno and he simply responded back. "Well, late hours like this creepy men and pedos are on the street... and it's not like our house is in the safest place ether. There's probably while animals that are hungry like.. raccoons." Ink took a double take on the last statement. "What's wrong with raccoons?" Ink tilted his head confused.

"Once I saw them kill and eat a duck." Error said with a mouth full. "Good thing I'm not a duck" ink sighed stabbing his food "hm... you may want to double check on that one." Error commented making eye contact. Ink scoffed and continued. "What's that supposed to mean?" Error mumbled before chewing having to say his statement over again. "Well you... it's exactly what it sounds like. Your like a duck." Ink didn't know how to take that but responded anyways with a wave of his hand. "Oh- yeah? Well your like an... a ... a goose!" Error snicker placing down his fork and leaned back in his chair. "Thank you. Goose and intelligent creatures." Ink puffed up placing his fork down as well. "And their assholes!" Error seemed upset at first but shrugged it off. "At least assholes know how to do math. Bitches, on the other hand, do not~"

Ink stood up so quickly he almost made the chair behind him fall over onto the ground as he shot a playful glare to the other while gasping. "You did not!" Error, who was now looking up at ink, only smirked as he responded shortly. "Oh yes I did~"

Ink scoffed. "Well I should have expected that from an assholes like you." Ink sat back down with his arms crossed. "Oh ho looks like the bitch strikes again!" He jokes putting a mouth full of spaghetti in his mouth. "Yes. Yes I do." Ink response was the same by putting a fork full in his mouth.

Geno although not really liking the cussing all that much, was overwhelming happy for his younger brother Error to have found a friend or at least get along with him. "So Geno, what's your job?" Geno perked up not expecting that question all to much but responded shortly shrugging oof the... activities he had to do time to time to get some money. "Well I work as a taco bell worker right now, but I'm planning to go to college to become a orthopedic. What about you?"

Ink had to think for a second knowing that he hasn't really thought about it all to much. "Uh... well I want to work in the art industry, I just don't know what job yet actually." Geno nodded shortly.


Ink was in the back seat hunched over his tucked in knees regretting dearly that he had let Geno drive him home. He knows that his "pa" was gotta be there waiting for his booze, this alone would have gotten him beat but now that he was also with strangers made his worries for this night ten times worse.

"You sure your okay? You seem scared and overwhelmed..." Geno commented moving his review mirror to see the shriveled up scared duck. "Just fine." Ink answered shortly not wanting to go into detail about the whole ordeal. "Well if you say so..."

It wasn't long before they arrived at the house. Ink hesitate to open the door and walk into the house but knew it would draw suspicion in the other if he had waited, so he stepped out with the whisky and beer in his hands.

He walked up to the front door and jiggled the knob... it didn't turn. He knocked and waited... but nobody came. The inky one glanced over his shoulder at the now gone car.

"Ah... god damnit." Setting down the booze on the front door he started to walk around the house towards the backyards fence which he easily jumped. He found the little latter which was hidden in the tall windy grass, setting it up next to his window that was slightly ajar just in case this did happen. He crawled up and throw his tight window falling in and onto his floor with a loud thud. "Damn it.."

He mumbled under his breath getting up and shutting the window, never forgetting to lock it after wards. It took quick and quiet foot steps down the stairs and into the living room where the front door was. He unlocked and opened it grabbing the bottles of liquor before closing and locking it back up.

"Hey brat... you were hours late... what the hell gives?" By his slurred voice and pausing in the sentence he could tell that his "pa" was already drunk. The little white skeleton slowly turned around seeing his "caretaker" stabs feet away from him. He didn't respond though. "So... I saw that boy bring you here to me. Are you seriously valuing your friends more then you are me? How disappointed I am..." he had an empty bottle of beer in his hands supposedly to hit ink with.

"Pa I brought you some-" "I know. I have to eyes runt." Ink didn't say another word, just brought the booze and sat it on the corner of the table. "I want you to stop hanging out with whoever that was... their not good for you."

Ink had no other choice then to obey his caretaker, nodding to his demand. "Now go to sleep, before a make a use out of this bottle that has your name written al-l over it." Ink hummed in agreement almost rushing upstairs into his room, lucky that his pa wasn't in a mood that night.

Hopefully things get better soon... if they don't he may have no other choice then to just run away.

The only reason why Ink was with him instead of the orphanage, was because his "pa" was just broad and lonely when his wife died. So all ink was, was an pet. A toy that was only treated with care for a while, then thrown around like a rag doll. Never cared for again.

At least he still has school to go to.


Woah! AnOthEr cHapTeR! Hope it wasn't to cringe for you, didn't really have to much of a plan for this chapter but I think it worked out well.

And oof, sad boi :c

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