Multiple Mates (Complete)

By ArdenTownsend

52.5K 1.5K 334

On the night of Meredith 16th birthday she shifted. When she came back from her birthday pack run and shifted... More

Reviews and Comments
Part 1 โœ”๏ธ
Chapter Two- Double Mark โœ”๏ธ
Chapter Three- The Doctor โœ”๏ธ
Chapter Four- the mating โœ”๏ธ
CHATER FIVE- the gift โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER SIX- pampering and celebration โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER EIGHT- legend story โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER NINE- The mole โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TEN- the trial โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER ELEVEN- Fighting werebears โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TWELVE- the final goodbye โœ”๏ธ
Author's note after chapter 12 โœ”๏ธ
Part Two โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER THIRTEEN- the journals โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER FOURTEEN- the battle begins โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER FIFTEEN- saving the injured โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER SIXTEEN the fallen memorial โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- their arrivalsโœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN- the pups debutโœ”๏ธ
Part 3 โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER NINETEEN- the elemental returns โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TWENTY Fighting the Fire โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE- house arrangements โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO royalty returns โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE the ghost โœ”๏ธ
Part 4 โœ”๏ธ
Part 5 โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTTER TWENTY-EIGHT- the taking โœ”๏ธ
Author's note after chapter 30 โœ”๏ธ
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE- the trial โœ”๏ธ
Chapter Thirty-two: votings โœ”๏ธ
THIRTY-THREE- the honeymoon โœ”๏ธ
Author's note โœ”๏ธ
The Pupsโœ”๏ธ
Characters and Cast โœ”๏ธ
Fyi โœ”๏ธ

CHAPTER SEVEN- Rogue and Travel โœ”๏ธ

1.5K 47 1
By ArdenTownsend

It is a few months later and Christmas morning.  Our pack has a special way we celebrate Christmas. As a pack we get up at 6am and we do a pack run. The pups who cannot turn all dress up warm and they climb into a sleigh. Then the sleighs are pulled through the woods.  We have special bars that we bite into to pull them. The rest of the pack runs along with them.  When we get to the meadow we gather wood and light a bonfire.  Then we all pull out our thermoses and drink various warm drinks. We hand out a bag of food to each wolf.   We sing various songs and dance to it.  Then we turn and run back to the pack house. At lunch time we all meet in the dining hall. Each child and mate carries in one present. On the table outside are wrapped gifts for all the wolves without family. They pick up their gift and go to the table in the dining room. We all open up our gifts. Selena and Serena each got a doll. I got a bracelet with 4 charms. Then Brett and Bryan got baby rattled and they looked at my stomach and then me. I nodded and they howled. My brother joined in on their howl and he yelled, "I'm gonna be a daddy."

The Beta's yelled "we are too." Then they stopped and turned and looked at Elder Alpha. They remember his dream prediction. After we ate lunch we went outside. I was walking toward the hill where families were sledding. I saw my siblings going up the hill to go back down. I put Serena and Selena on my sibling's sled and was helping them pull it up the hill when I hear growling. We turned around and Brett and Bryan had their arms crossed, "what do you think your doing?"

"I am getting ready to take our daughters on their first sled ride."

"What if you get hurt or they get hurt?"

"Stop it. You know we have done this every year since we were their age. Come with us and let us have some family fun."

They look over and see Doc, "doc is it safe for our mate to go sledding in her condition."

"She is early enough that it is ok. Go have fun with her and your pups. Your mom was going sledding when she was pregnant with you two. Well on second thought that might be what is wrong with you two."

They glare at doc while everyone who heard laughs. Then they turn and take the sled from her. "We will pull them up the hill so you don't over exert yourself."

She just smiles and they spent the afternoon sledding. Then came in and helped prepare a community supper. Then after supper brought the pups home and put them to bed. They snuggled in front of the fireplace and celebrated privately their upcoming new family member.

The next day Brett and Bryan got up early. It was their turn for early patrols They were running patrol and found two young male rogue wolves there. "What are you rouges doing in our territory? SHIFT!"

They cowered by the tree They had been sleeping and were scared awake and shifted. "What are two young pups like you doing here?" They asked when they realized the looked about 14 or 15 years old, but knew they must be older since they had shifted.

One of them spoke up, "I am Zachary. I am 16 from Bloodmoon pack. Well I was Bloodmoon until yesterday and was chased off. This is Wyatt from Bluemoon. The past 5 years our packs come together for the 8 day of Yuletide celebrations. When we arrived I smelled a wonderful smell and discovered Wyatt was my mate. Our fathers put us in the dungeon, but our moms release us. Given each of us bags. They ran with us to the border and turned back. We kept running. We stumbled into a group of rouges. Last night those rouges were chasing us and now we know why they stopped. We did not realize we ran into a pack territory."

More warriors arrived with the alpha. He heard their story. Then he stepped out from behind the tree so they saw him before he transformed to human. He looked at 4 warriors, "take them to the dungeon. Give them something to eat. No silver chains or whips unless they misbehave. I will checkout their story. Brett and Bryan take the trackers and another group of warriors and check out the rouges. Since it is fact finding only complete silence."

"Can we link our mate?"

"No. Dad and I think we have a mole." I link to them. "I will go tell her. If anyone ask I sent you guys to check out a summer retreat spot."

"Yes Alpha," and they turn and take off.

I woke up the next morning and realize Brett and Bryan did not come back that night. I was worried. I link Issac, "where are my mates? Have you heard from them?"

"Shit!!! I got sidetrack last night. I forgot to tell you. I sent them to  track a group of rouges who chased some new shifts from another pack into our territory. They will be gone a few days. I am sorry I did not link you like I told them I would. Also if anyone ask they are checking out a place for our summer retreat. Dad and I think we got a mole in our pack feeding the rogues information."

"Well I already suspect someone. Your own warriors gossip when they drink and the pack sluts keep them talking. I mentioned that in the past to our dad and he claimed I was jealous because they could possibly be screwing my future mate. He did not take me serious. You should plant some cameras and mics in the bar and pack gym. Then pass on some false information. Watch how quick it spreads. But what do I know I am just a jealous girl." I scoffed. "Oh and brother, if you ever forget to tell me about my mates again or don't let them message me to tell me. I promise I will have you singing soprano and this pup your gonna have will me your last. Capeesh?"

"Is that a way to talk to your alpha?"

"I am not talking to my alpha. I am talking to my older brother. The pups are awake. Time for me to feed them." Then I block his link.

I go grab the girls and change their diapers. Then put one in pink and one in a purple romper. Then head over to the pack house to eat breakfast. After breakfast I drop the girls off at pack play center. Then head over to the training room to do some exercises. I start kicking the bag and pretend it is my brother.

I smell my mates have returned so I go take a quick shower and follow their scents to the alpha office. I knock and enter. I go over and sit between them and give each a kiss on the cheek while they continue a very serious conversation with Issac about the rouges.

"The rouges have taken some old abandon human cave homes and adapted them.  We used some scent remover and snuck inside. We got a few photos but when they started getting active about 8am we left. It was amazing the doors looked had huge windows around them. The few rooms we saw were set up great. Then we went outside and turned around about 20 feet away and we could not see the doors. They have access to some high tech camouflage.

We went out and observed coming and going. We left the trackers there. It took us 10-1/2 hours of steady running to get back.  Those that came back with us gave our scent removers to the trackers. We estimated they had enough for a week. We told them return by day 6. We should have more information by then."

"If anyone ask we will be going to a resort about 25 miles away from New Orleans. The resort will have shuttles that can take members down to the beach, over to New Orleans for shopping, trips on the bayou, plus a day with the local pack.  You thought it sounded promising so you came back to get your mate. You will be there 4 days and 3 nights. I had the mom's pack your bags. The girls are staying here with grandparents and favorite uncle- me. Enjoy your second honeymoon before your third child gets here."

He looked at his sister and says, "this is my way of saying sorry. I had my secretary book the reservation as soon as they reported your mates crossed back into the territory. Your bags as I mentioned are already packed and in the limo. You need to depart in 1-1/2 hours so go spend time with the girls and get ready to fly."

We went to spend that time playing with the girls. We took them to the park. It was watching my mates go down the curly slide with them. I took a photo of them doing it. Mom and Dad came over to get the girls. Then we went to get ready to depart. The girls turn one next month so decided while in New Orleans would shop for their birthday gifts. We already planned to have a family party.

We caught the plane and landed at the the airport in New Orleans. We each grabbed our carryon suitcase that had been packed for us.  We walked outside and  found the Blakesley Resort shuttle.  We got the top floor looking over the balcony that lead to the pool area. We were surprised how warm it was until the bellhop informed us, "you passed through a barrier that some friends of the Blakesley pack put up years ago.  This resort is only for supernatural beings. Only humans that can come through the barrier are ones marked as a mate or a child of a supernatural. So anytime you are outside your room you can be in either form. This place is a neutral zone- no fights between packs or other beings. Yes, that includes vampires.  We were told you wanted to check out our group accommodations and your alpha arranged that for your final day here. The rest of the time your stay is set up for a romantic getaway." He lays a schedule on the table. "You check which activities you wish to partake in and return this to the concierge by 6:00pm tonight. You do have 8:00pm dinner reservations in the show room. Which will include a show followed by dancing. If you have any questions let me know and in about 15 minutes a mid afternoon snack will be delivered. Enjoy your stay."

We had a great stay. I even commission a drawing of me with my mates. We set up a 2 week stay for our whole pack for last two full weeks of November.

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