Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]

By bloomstruck

431K 21.5K 15.6K

Everything happens for a reason - at least, that's what you'd like to believe. While playing Greed Island wit... More

[0] Departure
[1] Just Awake
[2] Solution
[3] Explosive Babies
[4] Auras
[5] Close Calls
[6] Field Trip
[7] Bird Brain
[8] Rampaging Evil
[x.1] Special
[9] Spreading Anxiety
[10] Declaration of War
[11] The Magician's Baile
[12] Go Go Go! U.A's Sport's Festival!
[13] Always Reaching For the Top
[14] Go Seize It!
[15] Bright and Cheerful
[16] Chuunibyou
[x.2] Special
[17] Budding Suspicions
[18] Foreigner VS. Sparking Killing Boy!
[6-10] Anthology Chapter
[19] Realized Capacity
[20] Consequences
[21] Underlying Threat
[22] Unwind
[23] The Big Three
[24] Code Names and Internships
[11-15] Anthology Chapter
[25] Scarlet-Eyed Lament
[26] Admonishment
[x.3] Crack Chapter
[27] Playing Detective
[28] Hero Killer
[29] S.O.S
[30] Higher Ground
[31] Two Sides of the Same Coin
[32] Secrets
[33] Specialist
[34] Study Hard!
[35] Back to the Basics
[36] Practicals
[37] Advantages
[38] Friends
[x.4] Crack Chapter Pt. 2
[39] Never a Moment of Rest
[40] Revelations
[41] Bloodlust
[42] Homesickness
[43] Fanfare
[44] Reinforcements
[45] Unease
[46] Touch and Go
[47] Remedial Hell
[48] Hysteria
[x.5] Crack Chapter Pt. 3
[x.6] Crack - Denki's Misfortune
[49] Intruders
[50] Budding Chaos
[51] York New City
[52] Tourists
[53] An Informant's Infamy
[54] [Y/n]: Origin
[55] Hero Support
[56] A Little Help
[57] Reality Shift
[58] Reason
[59] Diminuendo
[60] Departure
[16-20] Anthology
[21-25] Anthology
[26-30] Anthology
END 1: Midoriya Izuku
END 2: Bakugou Katsuki
END 3: Todoroki Shouto
END 4: Iida Tenya
END 5: Ashido Mina
END 6: Kirishima Eijirou
END 7: Kaminari Denki
END 8: Sero Hanta
END 9: Uraraka Ochaco
END 10: Yaoyorozu Momo
END 11: Shinsou Hitoshi
END 12: Toga Himiko
END 13: Kurapika
END 14: Leorio Paladiknight
[alternate realities]
5K Special: What If?

[1-5] Anthology Chapter

6K 307 693
By bloomstruck

[1] Dadzawa

You were late. Aizawa Shouta wasn't one to worry by all means, but it was way past curfew, and with your circumstances and the USJ incident he was, well... worried.

Sitting at the messy dining room table, papers from class scattered everywhere, Aizawa glanced over at the time in irritation. Five more minutes. He'd give you five more minutes before he took action. You weren't punctual in general, but this was late, even for you, and he worried that the League had -

Cut off from the slew of thoughts that raced in his head, the door slammed open, revealing your frazzled form. [H/c] hair was sticking out everywhere, and you were panting. Clearly you had gotten some exercise in.

"You're late."

His voice came out flat, his eyes narrowed. It was easy to tell he was mad, and you immediately bowed, shutting the door behind you.

"I'm sorry!" you quickly apologized. "I got carried away while training for the sport's festival."

Your explanation made him sigh, and he ran a hand through messy locks. "At least let me know if you're going to be late next time. I thought..."

His voice trailed off, and you tilted your head out of confusion. Why was he worried? It wasn't like he was your family, so you were a bit baffled at why he worried for you. He was like a dad. It didn't bother you, though - in fact, you were touched. Growing up with only Gon's aunt as your parental figure, it was nice to have a dad-like figure in your life. You giggled slightly, adding onto his annoyance with you, and asked, "Is this what a dad acts like?"

Your question confused him. "I... suppose. What do you mean?"

You shrugged, sitting down at the table with him. "I don't know my parents. I grew up with Gon's aunt as the closest thing to a parent. It's... nice," you finished lamely, before stretching your arms up above your head.

While it didn't seem like you cared about your childhood circumstances, Aizawa frowned slightly, annoyance ebbing into pity. From what you had told him, you had a rough life. Going to school and being here was probably the most routine and normalcy you had gotten in your life.

Before he could say anything in response, you were talking again. "Is it fine if I just call you 'dad'?"

The question threw Aizawa completely off guard, taking him aback as he looked over at you with widened eyes. You weren't bothered, instead staring at him curiously. You only grew a bit flustered when Aizawa didn't answer right away, with your hands flailing around as you spoke up. "I mean, it's fine if you don't want me to! It's just - I mean, I just see you as a dad! I think! I don't know, I, well, I've never had a dad before..." Trailing off, you looked down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt and refusing to meet his eyes.


Upon hearing your name, you still didn't look up, and you heard Aizawa sigh before you heard movement. It was only when you felt a hand on your shoulder that you looked up, seeing Aizawa kneeling down to your height. You still didn't say anything, pressing your lips together in a thin line and preparing yourself for him to tell you that he wasn't your actual dad.

"It's fine."

[E/c] eyes widened in shock. "What?" you asked, and Aizawa let out yet another sigh at your in-eloquence.

"Look," he started, rubbing the back of his head as he grumbled, "I'm not the best at this stuff, but I'm glad you trust me enough. If you want to call me 'dad'... Then go ahead. I don't mind."

A grin appeared on your face, and in an instant you enveloped him in a tight hug, your eyes tearing up. After a moment, you pulled away.

"Does this mean that my other dad is Present--"

"[Y/n], shut up."

"Yes, dad!"


[2] Super Horribly Intense Training Schedule

It was raining outside, a cloudy drizzle that could easily make people feel gloomy - but not you. You were currently sitting in a cafe, Izuku opposite of you as the two of you (quietly) discussed your nen and how it works. Izuku seemed to pick up pretty fast, and you were thankful that he was a fast learner. You had made the right choice in trusting him with your secret, and he was proving to be extremely helpful so far!

"S-so, just to make sure I've got this right," he said, looking down at his notes that he took, "Nen is a sort of energy-"

"Aura," you corrected.

"Aura," Izuku repeated, "that surrounds all living beings in your world, but only few can utilize it." You nodded, and he continued. "With nen you have different subcategories. There's ten, which means you cover your body in this aura to strengthen and train it. Zetsu, which means you cut off your aura completely and conceal your presence. Ren, which is like ten but in a larger amount for exercise in training. Hatsu, which is your special ability?"

You nodded at his question, humming as you stared down at the warm drink in your hands. "Sort of? Explaining hatsu is hard, especially since I haven't really developed mine yet," you apologized. "But continue! If you don't understand everything, then you won't be of any help."

Your bluntness seemed to fluster Izuku, but his head bobbed up and down nonetheless, his curls bouncing along as he began to read along with his notes again. "Then there's gyo... That's used to see nen?"

"I can also enhance my hearing with it, but yes! It's mostly used for nen to focus in the eyes and see other nen clearly."

Another nod from Izuku. "In, which is a more advanced form of zetsu to conceal... shu, which can be used to shroud an object with your aura and make it more efficient... En, which is like a nen radar and helps you detect living beings... Ko, which is where you focus all of your nen on one body part to defend or strengthen... Ken, which is like ko but all over your body... and then ryu, which is the technique of constantly switching from ko and ken for the perfect defense and offense."

Finally finished, you gave him an appreciative grin, taking a sip from your drink. "Correct! Good job, Izu!"

Your nickname made the freckled boy blush, and he stirred the ice in his water, contemplative. "[Y/n], how did you remember all of this?"

Your reply came quickly and earnestly. "My teacher beat it into me. Literally."


Your nonchalant response made him wonder just how different your worlds were again, but he didn't question it, instead looking down at his notes once again. "And then there are nen types... And you're an enhancer?"

"Yep!" you agreed. "So basically, I just enhance my nen super well. It's probably the most basic type, but I feel like it's also the most, well, flexible. It makes my punches and kicks extremely strong, kind of like your quirk without the destructive rebound!" Izuku winced at you mentioning his quirk which still had a habit of backfiring on him, but knew you well enough by now to know you didn't mean any harm or offense with your words. You were just an extremely blunt person.

With the recap out of the way, Izuku tilted his head, seeming to think over your nen and the countless ways you could use it. "You use it for offense a lot, right?"

You nodded as it that was the dumbest question ever. "Well, of course!"

"Could you enhance your healing with it?"

His question threw you off guard, and you rested your chin on your hands. "I mean, I have before... I've tried some simple stuff, but haven't really branched into it much," you admitted bashfully. "I think the most I've done was when I first got here, and I was unconscious for that to begin with."

Izuku leaned forward, eyes sparkling. You could tell he had a few ideas for you, and you waited impatiently, wanting to hear his take on your abilities. "If you spent these two weeks trying out defensive and healing techniques, you could really improve your overall strength! Like making protective shields with your aura, or an ability that automatically protects from attacks in your blind spots...!"

Catching on to his idea, you nodded excitedly, your own mind starting to race. "I never really considered working on my defense, but you're right! I could become a tank! Can I have a piece of paper from your notebook?"

Your question threw Izuku off guard, but he handed you a piece of paper anyways, watching as you messily scribbled on the paper in Japanese.

"'Super Horribly Intense Training Schedule'...?" Izuku read the title out loud as you continued to write down ideas and what you'd need to do.

You finished quickly, nodding. "Yes! The Super Horrible Intense Training Schedule, or the SHIT schedule for short!"

Your vulgarity made Izuku flush.


Standing up, you pulled Izuku from his seat and hugged him tightly, before planting a quick kiss on his cheek. "You're perfect, thank you so much! I can't wait to train!"

Without further ado you had thrown a couple yen coins on the table for your drink before racing out of the café, leaving Izuku an overheated, blushing mess. Slowly, his hand touched the cheek where your lips had been, his entire face tingling and warm.

You were certainly interesting, that was for sure.


[3] It's A Date!


Packing up your stuff for the day, you looked up to see your pink-skinned classmate bounding up to you. Immediately, she grasped your hands and you leaned forward, confused as to what she wanted.

"Go out with me!"

Her blunt wording caused everybody nearby to swivel their heads in your guys' direction, but neither you nor Mina were abashed at the attention the two of you received. Mina was intently focused on you, and you were trying to discern her words. Go out with her where? Why you? You had questions.

Your classmates were also confused. "Hey, no fair, I want to go on a date with [Y/n]!" you heard the voice of Denki complain in the background as a couple others chimed in with either wanting to go on a date or just the fact that both you and Mina were girls.

Without any more hesitation, you nodded. "Okay!"


Ignoring the uproar around both of you, Mina cheered, raising her hands in the air (and, consequently, yours since you two were still holding hands). You joined her in cheering, still a bit confused but happy nonetheless. Mina's excitement was infectious, after all, so you two just jumped around for a moment until Katsuki decided to ruin the mood.

"Can you two be fucking idiots somewhere else?"

You and Mina broke a part, and you hummed, not missing a beat with your comeback. "Are you jealous that we're being more of an idiot than how you normally are?"

This definitely set Katsuki off. "What did you say, you fucking bitch?!"

At Katsuki's insult, Tenya immediately began to reprimand him, and you turned to Mina. "So why are we going out?" you asked her, and she started to whine, slumping dramatically.

"I want to go shopping, but everybody else is training for the festivalllll!"

You nodded sympathetically. You were always down for a shopping trip! With your afternoon tutoring sessions with Nejire put on hold in lieu of the sport's festival, it gave you a bit more free time, so you grabbed up your stuff and grabbed Mina's hand cheerily, leading her out of the classroom.

"Okay, let's go now! It's a date!"

Both of you skipped out of the room, leaving the rest of your classmates behind in shock at what just happened, and at the thought of you and Mina going on a date.

Not having realized that you and Mina had left until it was too late, Katsuki kicked over a desk (earning more ignored scolding from Tenya) before stalking out of the classroom.

The silence was broken by Minoru, who immediately said, "Man, I bet it's going to be hot, those two going on a - guh!" He was cut off by a quick chop to the head by Eijirou, and finally everybody began to act normal again, ignoring their now in-pain and very perverse classmate. All except for Shouto, who seemed more moody than usual as he sat at his desk.

Damn it... Aishido beat me to the punch.


[4] Blending In

Living in a new world was an adjustment. You had to learn a new language, get used to the vast change in technology, and the whole culture shock. It was extremely difficult, but you could now say proudly that you were getting the hang of everything. You could read and write in Japanese (with some struggle, sure, but you were doing so much better now!), seeing airplanes and the more modern vehicles didn't scare the shit out of you, and while you still stayed on a first-name basis with everybody, you became more respectful of other customs and people's boundaries here.

There was just one thing that you struggled with.

"So, uh, what's a meme?"

You were sitting with the self-proclaimed Bakusquad at lunch today - Mina, Denki, Hanta, Eijirou, and, of course, Katsuki. Your sudden question had made everybody, even Katsuki, stare at you as if you had grown a second head. It wasn't your fault, though! Somebody had mentioned it earlier, but when you tried to look it up, all you got was a bunch of weird pictures with captions!

"Are you fucking stupid?"

The first to get over the shock was, understandably, Katsuki, and Hanta was next to talk, looking extremely confused by your extremely off-topic question.

"Are you... serious?"

Your face showed no signs of joking as you nodded, and everybody sighed. How did you explain the concept of a meme? They were all at a loss at answering your question, the table going silent as you continued to eat, not realizing how at a loss your friends were.

Eijirou was the first to try to explain, his words slow as if he was unsure himself. "It's like... An internet sensation that is turned into a joke. There're too many ways to really describe a meme," he tried, and you nodded slowly. Clearly, you didn't understand.

Denki was next. "How about you give me your number and I can text you examples?"

It was a smooth way to get your phone number, but it worked as you readily exchanged numbers and put Denki's contact in your phone.

"Wait wait wait, I want [Y/n]'s number, too!" Mina whined, and soon enough you had exchanged numbers with everybody at the table, even Katsuki, who shoved his phone at you begrudgingly. Soon enough, Denki was texting you images.

To: [Y/n]
From: Denki-chu

[12:25 pm]: [image attached]

[12:25 pm]: [image attached]
[12:25 pm]: [image attached]

[12:26 pm]: [image attached]

You viewed each image, some causing you to actually chuckle. "So, they're like jokes?"

You weren't completely on target, but close enough as the others agreed. "And they can be of anything?" you asked, and Mina nodded, a big spoonful of rice in her mouth as she agreed with you out loud.

Hitting your fist in your hand, you seemed revitalized as you began to eat again, clearly perking up. "I think I get it now! Next up, I need to learn the slang of this place!"

Your words caused your friends to either face palm or groan in exasperation at your cluelessness. While blending in clearly wasn't your forte, at the very least it made for some interesting stories! Besides, you were probably with the best group of people to help you out on all things involving internet culture, so at the very least, you would become knowledgeable.

You just had a long way to go.


[5] Geeking Out

Running into the classroom at top speed - having gotten out of your tutoring session with Nejire early this morning - you bolted right up to Denki, interrupting his conversation with Hanta and somebody else whose name you couldn't remember as you leaned on his desk. Immediately, all three of them ceased talking.


The poor male looked a bit nervous, but you brushed that aside, your mind on much more important things. "Did you see last night's episode of Yu Yu Hakusho?!"

Immediately, Denki shot up, slamming his hands on his desk in outrage. "Yes! That's what Sato and Sero and I were just talking about!"

Assuming the male with big lips was 'Sato', you nodded vigorously, matching his outrage. Hanta and Sato both looked more than amused than anything else, but jumped in on the conversation nonetheless.

"You watch anime?" Hanta asked, and you nodded once again.

"Yes! I just found out about it a couple of weeks ago, and Denki got me into Yu Yu Hakusho! I think my favorite is definitely [favorite] though, it's so cool!"

Shaking your head, you realized quickly that you were getting off topic. You were here to discuss the newest Yu Yu Hakusho episode, not gush about your favorite anime!

"No, wait, I'm here to talk about last night's episode! I can't believe Yusuke freaking lost! He lost!"

Your ranting grabbed the attention of one other classmate - Midoriya Izuku. Looking up from his notebook, he slowly raised a hand, trying to gather your guys' attention. "U-um, isn't Yu Yu Hakusho already finished?"

Hanta shook his head. "Technically, but they're remaking the anime since it's been so long. The remake is currently in the Dark Tournament arc."

Izuku slowly nodded, before going back to his notes. As much as he wanted to join you all in your geekfest, he had some studying to do before today's math quiz.

Your group of four, though, clearly ranked anime above school as you all discussed the battles and who you all thought would win the Dark Tournament. You hadn't seen the original, but your bets were on Hiei and you voiced as much as Hanta rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course you'd like Hiei."

You stuck your tongue out at him. "He's so cool! He'll definitely win, you'll see!"

Denki was in agreement with you on this one.

Before you all could rant anymore, Katsuki grew annoyed at your incessant jabbering, slamming his hand down on his own desk. "Will you fucking nerds be quiet and do something useful instead of talking about some shitty anime?!"

You huffed through your nose, shooting a glare at him before turning to the others. "We can talk more about this at lunch!"

"Yeah!" Your friends agreed, and you went to your desk. Sure, it may be nerdy, but it was fun to watch and gave you common ground with your friends! Besides - for some odd reason, Yu Yu Hakusho reminded you of home.

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