An Alien In Alola

By cookiemuncher4

212K 3.8K 1.7K

The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death... More

Alien Voice
The story begins
Alien VS Alien
Melemele Island
Pokemon VS Alien
A new day
Another day
Under the sea
A new alien
New friends
Pokemon School
Pikachu VS Scorpiblow
Meeting the parents
Tapu Guardians
A haunted Pokemon school
First Z-Crystal
Water Crystal
A day at the city
Alola, Alola!
Heart of Fire, Heart of Stone
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 1
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 2
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 3
A Wild Yungoos Chase part 4 finale
Memories in the Mist!
Secrets out
Tapu Fini VS Alien
A grand debut
Floors on lava
Show me the metal!
Got Meltan?
UB-02 Beauty
The dealer of destruction!
Fist punch part 1
Fist punch part 2
Fist punch part 3 final
Drawn with the wind!
Aiming for the top floor!
The nightmare challenge
Run while you still can
Survive the night
In a nightmare
Tapu Bulu VS Alien
🎄A Christmas Special🎄
The one that didn't get away!
Alien VS Pokemon friends
Living on the cutting edge!
Pokemon Battle Royale
Finding out the truth
Save me
Underground city
Drill battle
Night at the club
Cuban Pete
In control
Dragon battle
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
Sled race battle
Bug fight
Fly racing
Hard as steel
Fashion competition part 1
Fashion competition part 2
Fashion competition part 3 final
Important News
Tapu Lele VS Alien
Beach fun
🦇💀Tales of the Pokecrypt💀🦇
Freaky Thursday
Freaky fight
Who was I?
The truth
I wanna party
Mating Season part 1
Mating Season part 2
🍋Mating Season part 3 final🍋
Christmas video and pictures
❄🎄Christmas Tales🎄❄
Ice, ice, baby's
10,000 In Alola part 1
10,00 In Alola part 2
10,000 In Alola part 3 (short)
10,000 In Alola part 4 final
Electric cat and Electric mouse
Surfs up
The ice pack
Pancake time
The mall
Kids day out
Under the rag
In the shadows
Running with the Lycanroc's
🍋Hot night~🍋
Evil Shiny arrived at Alola
Brother vs Brother
Friends with benefits
More friends with benefits [WARNING]
Final stand
A heart
Shiny (short)
Full alien house

A game of golf

1.4K 27 7
By cookiemuncher4

It was another beautiful day in Alola on Melemele Island, the Pokemon bird's are chirping, the air is nice and the ocean is blue and everyone was in a good mood. EXCEPT FOR ME! Why I'm not in a good mood you ask? Well you see right now I'm at home and it's a no school day and I'm doing research on my computer. What kind of research? Research on what the people say in this dimension they call Regions and all of them and they have many different types of Pokemon, even the ones that looks kind of the same but different color and sizes. So, why I'm in a bad mood? Because while I was doing the research I checked the news on Alola to see what's going on and suprice, suprice, their still talking about me and they keep saying I'm a Pokemon. Which I'm not! And they made up name's for each of my aliens I turned into, for example Upgrade as Techno-Bubble, Big Chill as Freeze Ghost, Cannonbolt as Rollaway. I mean come on what kind of names are those? Only an idiot can come up with those horrible names.

Meanwhile in Dimension 23

Ben 23: achoo! Huh, that's weird. I couldn't swore someone was talking about me.

Back to the Pokemon dimension

I have enough of this, so I turned off my computer went to the door and kicked it open with my right leg and let out a sigh.

ChamAlien: *heavy angry sigh*

Pop: ChamAlien, what's wrong?

ChamAlien: oh nothing just another day of people who wont stop talking about me and they keep saying I'm a Pokemon and all that stuff.

Pop: oh.

ChamAlien: and with that I am not in a good mood.

Pop: I can cheer you up.

ChamAlien: how?

Pop: like this.

She then made a balloon bubble and put it on the floor and started jumping on it like a trampoline while doing some neat tricks.

(Note: ignore Rowlet and Litten and picture ChamAlien is their.)

Then she did her last jump and the the bubble popped and she landed on my arms and gave me a smlie on her face.

Pop: do you feel better now?

ChamAlien: you know what Pop that does make me feel better.

But then I heard something on the t.v. that Greninja, Pichu and Tom are watching and it's the news and they are talking about me.

???: today's news story is about these sightings of these mysterious Pokemon that has been appearing on Melemele Island, many people say it's a threat so if you see one of these strange and mysterious Pokemons be careful.

ChamAlien: and I'm in a bad mood again thanks to that.

I said while putting Pop gently on my head.

ChamAlien: hey where is Eevee and Braxian?

Pichu: they went outside after getting into a fight.

ChamAlien: what happened this time?

Greninja: we'll you see Braxian told Eevee that if she could be more nicer and stop saying bad words, but Eevee said she could whatever she wants and eventually they started arguing, then they started fighting and we quickly took them outside so they won't burn and destroy the house.

Tom: do they always fight like this?

Pichu: sadly yes.

ChamAlien: while you guys are talking about I am in a bad mood.

Tom: why is that?

ChamAlien: mainly because the people's think I'm a threat and a Pokemon, even giving me terrible names.

Pichu: is there anything to make you happy?

ChamAlien: we'll, back in my home dimension whenever I'm in a bad mood my mom always cheer me up by baking me some of my mom's best home made cookies. (I really miss my family.)

Pop: so we just need to bake some cookies so you could be happy.

Greninja: but we don't have any ingredients to make cookies, all we have is fruits.

Tom: anything else to make you feel better?

ChamAlien: why yes there is golfing makes me better and it's my favorite sports. By the way is there golf in this dimension?

Pichu: yes there is.

ChamAlien: really, how do you know that?

Pichu: I was born here and before I met Eevee and you, I saw a Pokemon golf course.

ChamAlien: Pokemon golf cours? What's that?

Pichu: it's where Pokemon run wild around while the trainers and Pokemons play golf together.

ChamAlien: really? Well that sounds like fun, let's go!

I grabbed Pop and pute her on the floor and ee all head outside to go to the golf course but once we got outside we saw Braxian covered in bite marks and scratches while Eevee was covered in ashed from fire's.

ChamAlien: umm, hey guys how was you're um-

Eevee: not. A. F*cking. Word!

ChamAlien: ok then, so if you guys are done arguing we are going somewhere.

Braxian: where were going?

ChamAlien: we are going golfing, Pichu knows the place so come on.

I turned into the flying alien turtle name Terraspin.

And got on my belly so they can get on my back.

Terraspin: all right hope on.

Braxian: but wouldn't be best if you pute us in the Pokeball.

Oh right the Pokeballs I really don't like putting them in there but I did label them so I know the difference. Pop Pokeball has a bubble logo, Greninja has a ninja star logo, Braxian has a fire logo, Pichu has a lighing logo and Eevee... well I don't know what to pute it on so I decided to leave it blank till she evolved, but any who.

Terraspin: I know that but I really don't like putting you guys in there.

Pichu: but what if there's danger and if we need a nap or something?

Terraspin: hmmm, you're probably right.

I got up and went inside the house and grabbed the bag where the Pokeballs are and went back outside.

Terraspin: but not yet, I'm taking this bag that has the Pokeballs in it. And can one of you carry it please?

Greninja volunteer to carry the bag, once that they all got on my back except for Tom since he can fly and fly fast, I took to the sky.

Terraspin: all right Pichu lead the way.

Pichu started telling me where to go and which way. After minutes of flying above the trees so nobody can see me we made it to the golf course once I landed down there I saw that nobody was here, just Pokemon.

Pop: this looks fun.

Tom: and by the looks of it there no one here but Pokemons.

Once they got off my back I started walking and looking around until I stumbled upon a small red shuffle that was good for making a sand castle.

Terraspin: (hmmm, I could use that.)

I started reaching the shuffle but as I was getting closer to it the shuffle started shaking and it rose up and on it was a Pokemon with short arms and a opened mouth.

???: hey! What do think you're doing!? Taking away my shuffle!?

The sand-like Pokemon thing yelled in a female voice and I'm guessing this Pokemon is a female.

Terraspin: look I'm sorry I didn't know.

Pichu: wait a minute that voice. Sam?

Sam: Pichu?

Pichu/Sam: it's you!

They both ran straight to each other and hugged. I'm guessing that they know each other.

Terraspin: Tom can you explained to me what kind of Pokemon is that?

Tom: can do. Sandygast the ghost and ground type Pokemon, Sandygast uses it's power to manipulate children into gathering sand to increase the size of it's body.

Terraspin: ah, I see... wait did you say manipulate children?

Sam: where have you been man? It's been like forever since I saw you here.

Pichu: we'll if you must know I've been with my trainer.

Sam: you mean that alien thing is you're trainer? Lucky.

Pichu: I know right? And also I made new friends.

Pichu started introducing us to Sam and soon we all gotton along.

Sam: so what you brings you here?

Terraspin: if you must know Pichu said this a Pokemon golf cours. Is that correct?

San: yep. A place where trainers and Pokemons can play golf together. And but right now it's close for a while.

Terraspin: that means we have the field to ourselves. Oh by the way, do you know where I can get a golf club and a golf ball around here?

Sam: it's over their at the the gift shop.

Terraspin: thanks.

I walked over to the gift shop and it close, and it doesn't have any security cameras. Probably because nobody whould rob a gift shop but as for me I'm just borrowing something and I'll returned it back. I look around to see where I can get until I spotted a pipe that leads the entrance, so I turned into Goop.

And started squeezing my way into the pipe luckily it was big enough for the Omnitrix to fit in. Once I got out of the pipe I was in the gift shop and there was no security cameras. I grab a golf club and a golf ball and went outside by unlocking the door and locked it back.

Goop: all right got the stuff time to play.

Before I can get to the first course and play I saw Pichu pulling a red wagon for Sam so she could hang out with us. Then we started walking to the first course and the the first hole was far away.

Goop: all then here I go.

I placed the ball down and hold the club tight so it wont slip off my hands even though my body is made out of goo.

Sam: you know Pokemons could help you with this.

I started thinking whether or not I need help with this but it is a far away so why not.

Goop: all right then. Pop I need your help with this.

Pop got over here and getting ready to use an attack. I lift the club up and getting ready to swing.

Goop: fore!

I swing the club and hit the ball and it was going far but not far enough.

Goop: all right Pop use water gun!

She then used water gun to hit the ball and now it was going far and to our suprice it made it in the cup and it was a hole in one.

Tom: it's a hole in one!

Sam: wow first try.

Wow, just wow first try and it was a hole in one. I turned into XLR8.

And ran to retrieve the ball back and on to the next course. The next course looks pretty easy so I swing the club and hit the ball lightly and the ball started rolling and into the cup. The third course was far to hit I could use some help but...

XLR8: hey Sam is there's any rules of using abilities to help?

Sam: no I believe there's no rules of that.

XLR8: sweet, which means I can do this.

I turned into Water Hazard.

Once I turned into him I swing the club and hit the ball, then I shoot water out of my hands and hit the ball and it was another hole in one. The next course was a bit tricky because there was three Exeggutor but that didn't stop me so I asked Braxian to help, I swing the club and hit the ball.

Water Hazard: Braixen use flamethrower!

She shoot fire from her stick and hit tge ball making a fire ball, the three Exeggutor quickly moved out of the way dodging ir and the ball made it in the cup. I walked to the hoke to get the ball and to my suprice it didn't turned to ashes. Must be ine durable golf ball huh? The next one was three Digletts going up and down and one greeb spider Pokemon called a Spinarak.

Water Hazard: all right how do I do this?

I try thinking about how to do this until I turned into Brainstorm.

And started thinking how to get the ball in the hole.

Sam: you know Pokemons could help you with this one.

Brainstorm: how?

Sam: if you hit the ball one of your team Pokemons will follow it and get it in the ball.

Brainstorm: hmmm. You know that's not a bad idea. Evee would you plea-

I didn't finished my sentence when Eevee ran to the Spinarak and started growling at it like a dangerous wild dog. The spider Pokemon ran away in fear while the Digletts dig down and ran.

Eevee: there problem solved.

I rather not questioned her why she did that because sometimes she scares me, so I just hit the ball and it made it in the cup. Then next course was far I swing  the club and hit the ball, I quickly turned into Scorpiblow.

And shoot a powerful tornado wind out of my claws and hit the ball. The ball made it in the cup and on to the next course. The next one was tricky because there was a bunch of Exeggutor in a way. So I asked Greninja for help, I swing the club and hit the ball.

Scorpiblow: Greninja use water shuriken!

He fired a water star at the ball and it flew over the Exeggutors, I ran to see if the ball made it in the cup. When I got there I looked into the hole and see the ball made it in there.

Scorpiblow: ¡si! On to the next course.

The next course has two water ponds I checked to see if there wasn't any Pokemons swimming in there, and it looks like there's non. I turned into Arctiguana.

Took a deep breath and fired my freezing breath out of my mouth to create a straight ice floof that leads to the cup. I stood up on two's and swing the club and hit the ball gently, the ball move straight on the ice floor and it made it in the hole.

Arctiguana: man I'm in a winning streak today.

I turned into Swampfire.

And shoot fire out of my hands to melt the ice. The next course had three wooden holes I asked Pichu for some help, I swing the club and hit the ball.

Swampfire: Pichu use thunder shock!

Bolts of electricity came out of his body and it hit the ball and ball made it in the cup. After that we started walking to the the last course and I'm in a winning streat.

Sam: wow nine wins in a row. Must be a new record?

Swampfire: I know right? And this was fun.

So fun in fact that I'm feeling better, I'm no longer m in a bad mood but in a happy mood.

Swampfire: and there's one course left.

Sam: we'll good luck with that.

Swampfire: what do you mean?

Sam: the next one is so hard thst it's called the tenth hole of doom.

Swampfire: tenth hole of doom?

Sam: yep! That's what it's called. Anywho.

She hopped out of the wagon and made it in the sand.

Sam: it was nice hanging out with you guys but I can't go in there, see yeah and I hope we see each other again someday.

Then she disappear in the sand.

Swampfire: tenth hole of doom. How bad can it be?

And it was bad. Why? Because it's located at in a windy canyon.

Pichu: it's so windy in here!

Swampfire: where's the platform?

Tom: it's up there!

We looked up to see it's standing above us on a small platform.

Eevee: how the hell are you gonna make that shot?

Swampfire: I'll give it try. Tom do you think you can go up there and check if the ball make it in?

Tom: can do.

Once he flew up to the course I placed the ball down lift the club and getting ready to swing. As I was about to swing there was a strong wind that caught me off guard that I let go of the club and down into the

Eevee: welp there's no returning that to the gift shop.

After what happened I got to my knees and yelled out no.

Just like that. Then Pop came up to me and hugged me.

Pop: please don't be sad again, you were in a happy mood.

Pichu: yeah. And besides don't you have that alien that can shape shift into anything?

Swampfire: yeah, why?

Pichu: because Sam said there's no rules of using your aliens forms to help.

Swampfire: your right!

I got up on my feet and turned into Echo Echo.

And made a second duplicate, Echo Echo#2 pressed the Omnitrix and turned into Lamput.

And he molded into a golf club. I grabbed him and getting ready to swing.

Echo Echo: ready?

Lamput: yes.

I then swing him and hit the ball, the ball went flying up and it looks like it's going to make it in but a strong wind pushed back the ball. I then unleashed a sonic scream at it but it wasn't powerful enough because the wind is to strong. Then Pop came in to help by using water gun, Eevee using shadow ball, Greninja using water shuriken, Braxian using flamethrower, Pichu using thunder shock and Lamput who molded into a fan and started blowing. Once all the abilities hit the ball it flew forward and into the platform that I hope it made it in the cup.

Echo Echo: Tom, did it make it in the cup?

Tom: let me show you.

Turns out he was recording the whole thing, and once he flew down he showed us the video. We saw the video and saw the ball made it in the cup.

Echo Echo: yes another win, we did it guys.

Lamput: now I'll just molde into a bird and retrieve the ball.

Tom: that's not gonna happened.

Lamput: why?

Tom: just watch the rest of the recording.

We continued watching the rest of the recording and once the ball got in the cup it turned to ashes.

Lamput: well there's no returning that to the gift shop.

Lamput then press the Omnitrix and turning back to Echo Echo and then become one again when he got in me.

Echo Echo: game over, let's go home you guy's.

Pichu: can you at least put me in the Pokeball? I'm tired.

Braxian: yeah me too.

Greninja and Eevee also want that and if that's what they want then why not. Greninja gave me the bag and one by one I put them in the Pokeball, except for Pop she was not tired. Then I turned into Big Chill.

And Pop got in the bag and I started flying while carrying the bag that Pop and Tom was in while I was invisible and luckily anything I touch can also be invisible. Pop and Tom was suprice whey they turned invincible. As I was flying straight home I looked down to see my fellow class mate's along with Kukui playing golf along with a man wherein pink clothes and a woman with light bluish-white hair and next to her was a toucan like Pokemon.

Big Chill: hey Tom, what kind of Pokemon it that?

Tom: which one?

Big Chill: that bird like Pokemon.

Tom: that's a Tuocannon a normal and flying type Pokemon, they smack beaks with others of their kind to communicate.

Big Chill: they smack beaks with others of their kind to communicate? (Pokemon are really weird sometimes.)

After that we all made it home and I let everyone out of their Pokeball and I was now resting on the couch, in a good mood after a nice game of golf.

To Be Continued...

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