Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]

By bloomstruck

429K 21.5K 15.6K

Everything happens for a reason - at least, that's what you'd like to believe. While playing Greed Island wit... More

[0] Departure
[1] Just Awake
[3] Explosive Babies
[4] Auras
[5] Close Calls
[6] Field Trip
[7] Bird Brain
[8] Rampaging Evil
[x.1] Special
[9] Spreading Anxiety
[10] Declaration of War
[11] The Magician's Baile
[12] Go Go Go! U.A's Sport's Festival!
[13] Always Reaching For the Top
[14] Go Seize It!
[1-5] Anthology Chapter
[15] Bright and Cheerful
[16] Chuunibyou
[x.2] Special
[17] Budding Suspicions
[18] Foreigner VS. Sparking Killing Boy!
[6-10] Anthology Chapter
[19] Realized Capacity
[20] Consequences
[21] Underlying Threat
[22] Unwind
[23] The Big Three
[24] Code Names and Internships
[11-15] Anthology Chapter
[25] Scarlet-Eyed Lament
[26] Admonishment
[x.3] Crack Chapter
[27] Playing Detective
[28] Hero Killer
[29] S.O.S
[30] Higher Ground
[31] Two Sides of the Same Coin
[32] Secrets
[33] Specialist
[34] Study Hard!
[35] Back to the Basics
[36] Practicals
[37] Advantages
[38] Friends
[x.4] Crack Chapter Pt. 2
[39] Never a Moment of Rest
[40] Revelations
[41] Bloodlust
[42] Homesickness
[43] Fanfare
[44] Reinforcements
[45] Unease
[46] Touch and Go
[47] Remedial Hell
[48] Hysteria
[x.5] Crack Chapter Pt. 3
[x.6] Crack - Denki's Misfortune
[49] Intruders
[50] Budding Chaos
[51] York New City
[52] Tourists
[53] An Informant's Infamy
[54] [Y/n]: Origin
[55] Hero Support
[56] A Little Help
[57] Reality Shift
[58] Reason
[59] Diminuendo
[60] Departure
[16-20] Anthology
[21-25] Anthology
[26-30] Anthology
END 1: Midoriya Izuku
END 2: Bakugou Katsuki
END 3: Todoroki Shouto
END 4: Iida Tenya
END 5: Ashido Mina
END 6: Kirishima Eijirou
END 7: Kaminari Denki
END 8: Sero Hanta
END 9: Uraraka Ochaco
END 10: Yaoyorozu Momo
END 11: Shinsou Hitoshi
END 12: Toga Himiko
END 13: Kurapika
END 14: Leorio Paladiknight
[alternate realities]
5K Special: What If?

[2] Solution

21.7K 815 739
By bloomstruck

You didn't think that your situation could get any more complicated. If what Eraserhead and Detective Tsukauchi were saying was true, then you really were stranded in another world. Back in your world, that thought would be near impossible - the Dark Continent hasn't even been properly explored yet, so how would you all have been able to visit alternate universes and other worlds? Judging by the two's faces, it seemed to be the same here. This was unheard of, which only signaled bad news for you. If this had never happened before, then how would you know how to get back to your own world?

To put it simple - this was a hot mess.

Despite your injuries having healed for the most part, you were restricted to bed rest as the detective made a call on his cell phone, leaving you alone with Eraserhead as he went outside of the room. The black-haired male looked absolutely exhausted. If he found you at night, and the sun is already up (the digital bedside clock blinking at 07:47), he's probably been up for a while, so it made sense.

Neither of you said anything as you fiddled with your blankets anxiously. Panic subsiding, you were drawing blanks on what your options could be. You were in an unknown world (to you) with no money, no way to contact your friends, no place to stay, and where you apparently didn't even exist. You had been through some pretty tough situations, but this most certainly took the cake.

A few minutes later of awkward silence, the detective came back in, scratching the back of his neck as he looked over at Eraserhead. "There's somebody else coming, but we have a bit of a problem..."

He didn't need to say the problem, as Eraserhead's face darkened. "The media."

It wasn't a question. He seemed to already know, and you tilted your head in confusion. What did the media have to do with this? You asked as much, wondering how that could be a problem, and Eraserhead let out a long-suffering sigh, putting a hand to his head as if he were fighting off an oncoming migraine.

"When you fell from the sky, you attracted a lot of attention. It's no wonder there are reporters waiting outside of the hospital to get a scoop on what happened and who you are."

You didn't really find a problem with this, honestly. You've had your fair share of attention, so why would reporters scare you? Apparently they were a real nuisance, though, for the two to seem so exhausted at the prospect of dealing with the onslaught of people. You found it kind of funny - Detective Tsukauchi had said that Eraserhead was a hero, so shouldn't he be used to dealing with the media if he's out there saving people and such? You weren't going to question it though, having much bigger problems at the moment.

Like how I'm going to get out of this stupid hospital.

You hated being cooped up, so being confined to your bed was a literal nightmare! You knew if you tried anything the two men would stop you, and you honestly had no clue on how to gauge their power if nen apparently didn't exist here. What was it they had again? Quirks? Whatever that was, you weren't going to risk it.

Right on time (at least to your bored self) somebody else walked in, a tiny little rat-man wearing a suit and a permanent smile on his face.

Okay, then.

"Where's All Might?"

Detective Tsukauchi was the first to speak, and the little rat-person-thing laughed, going to sit in the chair. "He got caught up by the press, unfortunately."

You didn't know who All Might was, but the other two adults nodded in understanding, as if it was something common. Maybe he was a popular person?

The rat-person turned to you, still smiling. "Miss [Y/n], correct? I'm Nezu, the principal of U.A. High School. I know you're probably wondering what I am, but I assure you that nobody else is sure either. Detective Tsukauchi filled me in a bit about your current situation. If what you're saying is true, you have no place to stay or go, right?"

Hesitantly, you nodded, a frown tugging downwards at your lips. "And I don't really know how to get back to my, um, world either." It hurt even worse to say that part out loud, but you couldn't lie. That wouldn't help you get back at all, and wouldn't improve your situation. Nezu nodded as if he expected it, and he nodded once, looking certain of his next words.

And boy, did they throw you for a loop.

"Well, the school year just started, but until we can get you back to your world, I'd like you to consider joining the hero course at our school. If you're there, you will be provided with a place to stay and will have your secret kept safe with a few of the pro-heroes." You mulled over his words, and he continued to speak, seeing the interest on your face. "Did they tell you about quirks?"

You hesitated. Technically it was mentioned, but you had no idea on what one was still, and so you shook your head, and Nezu nodded again as if he had expected that response all along. "A quirk is... a super power, of sorts. Detective Tsukauchi said that you had a healing ability - here, that would be called a quirk."

You finally decided to speak up again, cutting him off. There was something personable about Nezu that made you feel more at ease. Maybe it was his matter-of-fact speaking and his way of explaining things to you, or maybe it was the fact that he believed you wholeheartedly and wasn't treating you like a ticking time bomb from a different world. Whatever the reason was, it made you feel more comfortable and relaxed, and so you had no problem explaining to him (however briefly) about your nen and your abilities outside of healing.

"Sort of. I mean, I can heal, but I'm not, like, limited to that." Your voice came out unsure and almost rushed as you tried to think of how to explain nen to somebody who had never heard of it before. "There're five categories of nen, and I fall under the enhancer category. Nen can be used to maybe run faster, or punch harder. Special nen abilities are called hatsu - mine allows me to heal myself when I go into a state of meditation, and it also allows me to boost my other capabilities? So I can, like, enhance my senses or strength or speed. So it's not just healing."

You really sucked at explaining things.

Thankfully, it seemed Nezu understood - or at least had an idea of what nen could be, because he nodded again, glancing over at the two. "This is quite the predicament you're in. I understand that it might be overwhelming here, Miss [Y/n], but I do believe it's in your best interest for you to stay at U.A. under the eyes of heroes for the time being."

Damn, this talking rat (no offense to Nezu, as he had been nothing but kind to you) talked better than you. However, you couldn't help but catch the tone in his voice, signaling there might be something more, or maybe it was his wording. Under the eyes of pro-heroes. While it was under the guise to keep you safe, you felt like they might also find you suspicious still. It sucked to be treated like a criminal of sorts, but at the same time...

I can't say I really blame them, you mused. Besides, despite the nice words and offers, you had a feeling this wasn't really a choice you could make, and so you nodded, determination setting across your face. Don't get it wrong - you were still afraid. Afraid that you wouldn't ever see your friends or home world again, afraid you were stranded for good, but you couldn't let that deter you. You were 16 years old! No longer a child, which meant that you needed to suck it up and play with the cards you have been dealt. This could be a fun experience anyways, right?

"I'll do it, Mr. Nezu. Sign me up for that hero course!"

Over the next few hours, the group had all discussed what was going to happen. For now, for your "protection" (and also so they could probably keep you under surveillance), you would be staying at a pro-hero's house - specifically, the one who found you. Eraserhead wasn't too keen on taking somebody under his wing, but had begrudgingly accepted. His real name was actually Shouta Aizawa, although he didn't seem to appreciate you calling him Shouta, making you switch to Aizawa immediately.

This world was so weird. Why did people insist on going by last names here?

Once your living situation was determined, you had to make up paperwork for your "transfer" to U.A. It was extremely boring, and as Aizawa had left to go prepare for the day's class, you found yourself wanting to go with him, not wanting to do anything with paperwork. All Might had never appeared, and you assumed he had been taken away by the rabid reporters.

Rest in peace, All Might.

"You've never been to school?!"

Being brought back to reality, you stared at the detective, unperturbed by his outburst. Even Nezu seemed a bit surprised, tilting his head to the side to wait for your explanation on your lack of education.

Flushing, you quickly explained it wasn't a big problem in your world. "I mean, Aunt Mito taught Gon and I partially, but we left to go take the Hunter Exam and find Gon's dad so we never enrolled in actual school," you told them. It didn't mean you were stupid! You just had different strengths. Growing up partially in the wild and home-schooled taught you things that no regular school could ever teach you. You had survival skills, which was way more important than learning about the history of your world or finding the area to weird shapes.

Nezu and Detective Tsukauchi did not share your sentiment, apparently, and it only grew worse as you took a peek at what Nezu was writing and scrunched up your nose in confusion.

"What the hell are you writing?"

You didn't mean to blurt it out so rudely, and Detective Tsukauchi looked about ready to have an aneurysm; from your words or tone, you weren't sure. Probably both.

Taking a deep breath before exhaling, the detective asked, "Can you not read?"

Wait, what?

You were unimpressed, crossing your arms the best you could what with the IV still sticking into one of them. "Of course I can read! I assumed since we speak the same language, it would be written the same, but... I don't recognize any of those characters at all."

Nezu nodded again. He didn't seem too disturbed by your lack of knowledge when it came to reading and writing this language. "We'll have to put you in extra classes, but I know you'll be able to keep up," he reassured you with confidence, and while you weren't entirely sure you shared his confidence you nodded anyways. Man, if you were going to be forced to learn 24/7, you wouldn't have agreed to going to this guy's school right away...

Eventually, your paperwork for "transferring" was done. After some consideration, you had decided on your "quirk". It kind of sucked - quirks were pretty limited here, meaning you could only use your nen if it fit under the pretense of your quirk. Unfortunately, this meant you couldn't practice that cool emitter ability you had been working on on Greed Island, because it wouldn't make sense under your quirk description (at least, not around others - you planned on practicing it by yourself, to be honest). The rules and laws of this world were lame as fuck.

By the time you all had finished, it was late afternoon, and you sighed, rolling your shoulders back. "So I can go now, right? I want outta this dreary place!"

You were raring to go! The soreness now gone, you wanted nothing more than to explore the new world around you, but just as you had said that, the nurse from earlier came in, shaking her head at you.

"We want to keep you here for another day before turning you loose to the world to make sure there aren't any repercussions you're facing. You took a pretty nasty fall, miss."

Nezu and the detective didn't bother to argue, instead nodding in understanding. "I agree, Miss [Y/n]. You should use this time to get some rest so you can get out tomorrow and start coming to U.A."

With that said, Nezu stood up, bowing politely before leaving. Detective Tsukauchi lingered behind long enough to give you his information in case you had any problems, before leaving himself. You didn't even have the chance to point out that your cell phone was smashed and that you didn't really have a way to get a hold of him. Not that it mattered - you doubted HunterX was a cell service here, anyways.

After the nurse had checked your vitals and asked you the stereotypical questions of 'how are you feeling?' and 'anything concerning?', she had left too, leaving you alone to deal with your thoughts and to mull over everything that had happened within the past 24 hours.

Gon, Killua, Bisky... I hope you three are doing well, because I doubt I'm gonna be back anytime soon.

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