Town Witch

De Tasergirl

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Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... Mais

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Find Me

2.8K 98 84
De Tasergirl

"Hello" she answers softly as she picks up the call from the hybrid. On the other end of the line Klaus thanks every deity he can think of that she actually answered his call.

"Hello love" he says as he walks the length of his room. Zoe was in the next room sleeping, he had a feeling she was the kind of girl that slept until late afternoon, she did yesterday.

"What is it Klaus?" She asks tiredly as she sits on her Grams bed, feeling the soft fabric of the blanket against her hand. He sighs as he sits down on his own bed.

"Let me see you" he asks making her close her eyes tightly. She felt like caving at the sound of his voice. "If you don't let me I'll be forced to kidnap you once more" he threatened, both of them knowing full well that he would.

"You are going to see me soon, I'm gonna go see Zoe later" she says making Klaus sigh. In all honesty he knew he should take it, if it meant seeing her getting a chance to speak to her, he'd never admit to it though. His pride was too great.

"Will you be speaking to me then?" He asks making her sigh. She shrugged, though she knew he couldn't see it.

"Won't it be weird for her if I don't?" She asks causing him to nearly groan in frustration. The last thing they wanted was to make Zoe uncomfortable, she was just beginning to trust them.

"Bonnie just let me speak with you, 5 minutes, after you're done with Zoe" he asks making her sigh. Looking at the embroidered pillow, she squeezes her eyes shut once more.

"Fine, 5 minutes that's all Klaus, if I don't like what you say I walk" she tells him strongly, he could imagine her now. Head held high as she made the demand.

"Of course love, for you, anyways it seems our dear Zoe favors waking after noon" he tells her causing her to breathe out a soft chuckle.

"Alright I'll see you soon" she says hanging up. He looked at the phone but couldn't help the smile that graced his face. 5 minutes to plead his case. Where to start? Blonde hair and blue eyes filled his mind, making him smirk.
After hanging up the phone Bonnie walked over to her old room to grab her nearly forgotten cup of coffee. In all honesty she still felt exhaustion in her bones but she'd have to fight it today, especially if she wanted to check in on Zoe. She grabbed the cup, jumping when a hand landed on her wrist.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" Dean says with a smirk. Bonnie fixed him with a fierce glare, she was never a morning person. The sight of her angry face caused the hunter to pout.

"Manly" she teases, making him wink at her flirtatiously.

"Oh I'm all man and you know it baby" he says making her chuckle at him. She wouldn't admit it but he actually made her feel a lot better, simply joking with her. She appreciated that he didn't try to treat her like she would break.

"I have to go check on Zoe, need to ask if she wants to stay with me or at the Mikaelson's" she says softly when he finally lets go of her wrist, allowing her to bring her coffee to her lips.

It was strange to think about, taking the girl from there. She'd probably barely begun to explore it, but Bonnie knew she had to keep her close. She wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want though, she'd give the girl a choice. Both of them knew what it was like to have your choices taken from you.

"How's your boyfriend gonna feel about that?" He asks sitting up in bed, making Bonnie roll her eyes at him exasperated.

"Klaus is not my boyfriend" she says making him roll his eyes at her. He was sure even a blind person could see how much they cared about each other. Not to mention whatever was going on with her and Elijah. Even Finn and Kol looked at her like she was a freaking angel, though he suspected, for different reasons.

"Either way it's not his choice, she's making it, she still doesn't feel comfortable around anyone and I'm not gonna mess it up by forcing her into anything" she says taking a sip of her coffee. She almost moans into the cup, it was the first thing that made her feel human all day.

"Good choice, but what if she decides to stay at the mansion?" He asks making her sigh sadly into her coffee cup. Both of them knew that it was a very real possibility.

"Well that's just something I'll have to deal with, I know they'd all protect her when I can't and Esther did raise some kids already" she said trying to convince herself that she'd be okay with it. Dean looked at her intently, wondering how someone so young had so much to do.

"Come on, I'm starving" she says getting up and heading downstairs. The small witch never realizing that Dean watched her as she went.
Klaus swaggered up to the Forbes house, his jacket blowing in the wind behind him. He could have went to Rebekah for this, he knew, but the newly turned vampire had known Bonnie since infancy. If he could get her on his side he'd have the best advantage.

Knocking on the door he heard the blonde shuffling about inside. She seemed to be upstairs since he heard her rushing down the stairs to answer. He tried not to give her a wolffish smile when she opened the door in shock, settling on a satisfied smirk.

"Hello" he greets happily as her mouth opens slightly. She shuts it quickly, trying to regain her dignity.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks making him sigh softly at her question.

"I am in need of your assistance with an issue to which you have a unique perspective" he tells her simply as he leans against the doorway to her home. Her mouth falls open once more before she smirks at him, disbelief flowing through her.

"You want me to help you get Bonnie back" she says crossing her arms over her chest. The girl narrowed her eyes at him, as if assessing the hybrid in front of her.

In all honesty she didn't know what to do with him. She would have never expected Klaus Mikaelson to be on her porch asking her how to get back in Bonnie's good graces.

"In a matter of speaking yes" he begrudgingly admits to her. She chuckles a moment before shaking her head.

"And why should I help you, why not Elijah, or Dean? They never tried to kill her why the hell should I help you" she asks raising an eyebrow at the hybrid. Looking at her like this he can't help but notice the similarities between her and his sister. It was very disconcerting.

"Because you know as well as I do that I would protect her with every fiber of my being" he tells her making her shake her head at him before flipping her hair over her shoulder in a very Rebekah like way.

"So would Elijah" she counters narrowing her eyes at him. "Feeling Klaus, I need you to explain them so I can decide if your worthy of my best friend" she says moving closer to him so she could poke him in the chest.

"Bonnie is my sister in everything but blood so you need to show me that you, the homicidal hybrid of Mystic Falls is worthy of her love because love like hers doesn't come very fucking often" she says before crossing her arms over her chest.

Looking down at her Klaus couldn't help look at the girl in a new light. He always saw her as Bonnie's annoying, bubbly friend. Now he could see that she was obviously very protective of his little witch.

With that thought he decided to put his pride to the side. He realized he wanted it, he wanted to be worthy of Bonnie's love. The blonde was right, Bonnie's love didn't come around very often and when you found anything close to it you held on for dear life.

"I feel for Bonnie" he begins wondering what his life had come to that he was confessing this sentiment to a child. "Something I hadn't felt for anyone in ages, near a millennia. I would do anything for her, I have given up my homicidal ways, I have given up making any more hybrids I've gotten along with you lot just so I could have her near me. Bonnie is a beacon of light in an otherwise long and grey existence, I would do anything if I could just get her to forgive me" he admits to her.

The blondes blue eyes study him for a moment. Her gaze burning a hole into his head. She couldn't say she was surprised to hear it coming from him. It was obvious he cared about her.

"Do you love her?" She asks making his eyes snap to hers.

"What?" He asks making her sigh as she looks at him. Her warrior demeanor melting away to something much softer.

"I know you care about her, it's obvious. I want to know if you love her" she asks raising an eyebrow at him once more.

"I fancy her" he says softly making her breathe out a small laugh at him.

"That's probably the closest you'll come to admitting it to anyone but her huh?" She asks before turning and walking inside the house.
"Come on in Klaus, time to show you how to get Bonnie Bennett back" she says with a sweeping gesture.
Bonnie walked out of her home, ready to go to the Mikaelsons home. Stopping, she noticed a figure walking up to her. Her eyebrows knit together when she realized it was Elena.

She wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with any questions, but knew the doppelgänger would only come if she was really worried. In all honesty she was expecting Caroline to come before Elena did but she pushed that thought aside. Sighing she pulled her leather jacket tighter around her, giving the taller girl a smile.

"Bonnie" Elena says softly immediately wrapping her arms around the small witch. Bonnie melted in her arms for a moment, taking comfort in her presence. It was true, and more than obvious, their friendship wasn't what it once was but through everything she stayed. She was here and that was enough.

"Can we talk?" Elena says. She needed to know what the girl was feeling, how she was, if she was hurt. After getting back to the boarding house Stefan went straight to his room, it made her worry about them both. Instead of hounding Stefan like she wanted, she decided to go to Bonnie, who needed her more.

"Not here, too many people" Bonnie explains making Elena nod. Bonnie had already told them the Winchester's were staying here and so was their witch friend, Maria.

"Okay we can go to the boarding house" Elena offers. The doppelgänger had been staying at the boarding house the past couple days, along with Alaric, considering who they were going up against this time. Bonnie nodded figuring since she'd never specified a time she could take a little while to get there.

When they get there Bonnie's relieved to see Damon nor Stefan's car is there and let out a sigh. She didn't need anyone hearing their conversation. She knew Elena was one of the few people who could get her truest feelings out of her.

They walk into the boarding house, Alaric giving Bonnie a small smile and a hug when they meet him inside. Whispering how he was glad she was okay before he left them alone. She felt grateful in that moment to have them both.

Walking into the room Elena was staying in she smiled. It looked like she completely made herself at home. The bed was made up in white and pink pastel while the dark curtains that were everywhere else were replaced with flowers. Bonnie was surprised to see a picture of Elena, Caroline and herself on the bedside table.

Picking it up she sighed. She wasn't that girl anymore. The one who smiled and made weird faces just to make other people laugh. She wasn't the girl who made jokes in class when she didn't know the answer to a question. That girl seemed like a completely different person.

"How did we get to this?" Bonnie asked making Elena shrug silently. The doppelgänger wasn't sure. "You remember the day we took this? How happy we were? When we didn't know about vampires and witches and hybrids. When all we had to worry about was midterms and wonder if the guy who said he'd wait for me actually would" she asked making Elena's eyes soften.

Elena remembered that promise. She remembered the nights Bonnie would be on the phone with Brody. She remembered how they hit it off from the moment they met. Once Bonnie found out she was a witch the calls stopped and she no longer talked to him but she would sometimes mention Brody in passing. He was her last normal thing.

Brody was the one part of her world that hadn't been touched by the supernatural. The one person she thought she could save. Bonnie felt naive when she thought about it. Mostly though, she felt guilt.

"Bonnie" Elena sighed bringing the witch into her arms. Bonnie stood there for a moment, no tears, no sobs. She just sat in her friends arms while Elena smoothed down her hair.

"It wasn't your fault Bon" Elena says softly knowing exactly what the small girl was thinking. Bonnie shook her head softly.

"But it was, we decided to go to that party, I put him in their path" Bonnie says before widening her eyes and looking at Elena.

"Elena you have to go" Bonnie said suddenly, frantically, as she took the doppelgängers hands in hers. Elena's eyes widened as she looked at the witch.

"What?" She asked in surprise. Shock coursing through her as she looked at her friend. Bonnie nodded erratically.

"You have to go, I can put a cloaking spell on you so they don't find you but you can't be here, they'll use you against me" Bonnie said making Elena shake her head.

"What? No" Elena says stopping Bonnie, looking at her with knit eyebrows.

"There's no way that I'm going to leave you" she says softly making Bonnie shake her head at her. She felt like she was spiraling out of control.

"Elena you have to, I don't know what I'd do if they got to you" Bonnie says desperation in her voice. She replayed the vision the spirits gave her. Elena dead, with a stake in her heart.

Elena has to stop for a moment. She knew that she could leave. She'd be lying if she said a small part of her didn't want to. She had been scared when she spoke to Caroline before, terrified of losing her life and the life of the people she loved. She knew now though her life wouldn't be complete without Bonnie. She was more than ready to die for her friend, fighting tooth and nail the whole way.

"Bonnie there is no way I'm leaving you" Elena says strongly, cutting off the girls desperate plea. Bonnie shook her head, ready to argue, ready to remind her of the vision but Elena shushed her.

"I know the risks, I know what's at stake here, you already told me everything, I'm going to be there with you. I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified but I swear we are going to be fighting side by side the whole way" Elena says making a tear go down Bonnie's cheek as she looked at the doppelgänger.

"Bonnie Bennett you have spent your entire life making sacrifices for me, let me do this for you" Elena says as a tear begins to run down her own face. Bonnie threw her arms around the girl and they stood there, hugging each other strongly. They felt more like sisters than they have in years.
After leaving Elena's room Bonnie wasn't ready to leave but she knew she had to. As they walked out they were surprised to see Caroline walking up to the door.

"Hi Care" Bonnie says before immediately becoming engulfed in the tall girls arms. The blonde hugging her tightly.

She just spent the better of 2 hours talking to Klaus Mikaelson and as much as she understood his decision she knew Bonnie was still hurting. She also knew that some of Bonnie's points had merit and told him as such.

"I looked for you at your Grams and the angel told me you were here" Caroline says softly making Bonnie smile softly.

"Castiel" Bonnie says as they part. Caroline waves a hand at her, that wasn't the important part.

"I'm sure you want to talk to her too" Elena says softly. Caroline nodded softly as she looked at them. Elena kisses Bonnie's head softly before going back inside.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked, though she already knew what the blonde wanted. Bonnie sighed as she looked at Caroline's raised eyebrow.

"Bonnie talk to me" Caroline says softly making her shake her head softly. She felt like she'd been talking all day already and she still had to talk to Klaus himself.

"Please come on, you can talk to me I know you, I know how you feel" Caroline says making Bonnie scoff before she could stop herself. At Caroline's hurt look she sighs.

She knew Caroline was only trying to help but she wasn't ready for that kind of help and in all honesty she was more than a bit annoyed. She wasn't made of glass and everyone here damn well knew that.

"No Caroline you don't, I am tired all the damn time, I have lost just about everything, my mother left again, my Grams is dead, Brody's dead, I was cheated on with a damn ghost and the guy that I was beginning to fall for betrayed me, I found out I'm a goddess and my past life's husband is living in my Grams house with his brother and an angel so no Caroline I'm sorry I know that you have been through so much but you don't understand this" Bonnie asks feeling herself becoming hysterical. Breathing Bonnie tried to calm down.

"I let myself be blinded by what I felt that I forgot who these people were, who he was! I got him killed Caroline just like I got my Grams killed and I'm going to get everyone I love killed and then it won't just feel like I'm alone I will be" she says softly.

Caroline's eyes wide as she looked at Bonnie. She knew the witch went through so much. She knew everything that Bonnie felt was completely valid but how could she think she was alone?

"Bonnie you are not alone" Caroline says softly making Bonnie sigh. Caroline pulled Bonnie into a hug. "I know that this is too much and it hurts but you have us, all of us" Caroline says softly as they pull away. "You have me and Elena, you even have the Salvatore's and the Mikaelsons going to bat for you, you have an entire army behind you Bonnie Bennett I swear you will never be alone" Caroline says her voice full of conviction.

"Bonnie, Klaus, I think he loves you" Caroline says making Bonnie look up at her in shock. The blonde sighed as she looked at her friend.

"If he loved me he wouldn't have killed Brody" Bonnie says shaking her head. She almost didn't want to believe it. If she believed it that means she hurt the man she was falling for, the man who loved her.

"It's because he loves you that he had to Bonnie, he had no other choice" Caroline says softly making Bonnie shake her head.

"There's always a choice" she says with conviction. Caroline nods at her in agreement, conceding the point.

"No you're right there is, it was either kill Brody or let you be killed and along with losing the woman he loved he'd have condemned the world to hell on earth" Caroline says with a raised eyebrow towards the witch.

"Klaus is many things, and any time I'd call him a monster but the choice he made saved your life, my life and his sisters life and I completely agree with it" Caroline told her strongly.

"I know" Bonnie replied softly as she looked down. She knew Caroline was right, she knew Klaus was put in an impossible situation since she thought about it this morning. How did Dean put it last night.

"He was put under some spell, there was no time to make a real game plan and he made a call"

"I just- I don't want to hurt anymore" she told the blonde. Bonnie felt her throat constrict as she thought of all the pain she'd felt, but refused to let it show.

Before Caroline could respond they heard a slight flapping behind them. Turning they see Castiel walking up to them, the urgent expression making Bonnie pause. She looked at Caroline as they turned towards the angel, she looked just as worried as Bonnie.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked making Castiel sigh. He stood in front of them with his hands on his trench coat, looking absolutely nothing like an angel.

"We may have a problem" Castiel says in his deep voice. Bonnie knits her eyebrows together as she looked at him in confusion.

"What is it?" She asks making Castiel sigh once more, looking around.

"It's Crowley" he says making Bonnie's eyebrows raise in surprise.

"The king of hell?" She asked making Caroline look at her in complete shock, her mouth dropping open.

"King of Hell?" The blonde asks in surprise making Castiel nod at her softly.

"Yes, he requests an audience with Hathor" Castiel says making Bonnie clench her jaw. She shook her head at him.

"Hathor died a long time ago, I'm Bonnie" She says strongly making Castiel smile. The angel nods softly at her.

"That's what Dean said, so he changed it, he requested an audience with the goddess" he says with a small smile. Bonnie sighed but nodded slowly.

"When? Where?" She asks making Caroline look at her affronted. Her eyebrows raised as she took the small witch in.

"New Orleans, in 2 days" Castiel says as Caroline shakes her head vehemently, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, no Bonnie you are not going to meet with the King of Hell" Caroline says making Bonnie sigh. She shook her head at the vampire and sighed.

"I have to" Bonnie says looking back to Castiel who nods at her. Caroline looks at her incredulously.

"Says who?" Caroline asks with a tilt of her head, waiting for Bonnie to say something she didn't agree with.

"Hathor" Bonnie said simply making Caroline's jaw drop. Bonnie smiled at the blonde gently. "I'll be fine Care, he won't hurt me, go tell Elena and the Salvatore's, I need you to have them to go to my house later, I need to ask them something" Bonnie says making Caroline sigh.

"Is this Bonnie or Hathor speaking?" Caroline asks with a raised eyebrow. Bonnie smiles at her softly.

"Both" she says before leaving with Castiel.
As Bonnie made it to the Mikaelson mansion she sighed. How the hell was she going to explain to Zoe she was leaving for a few days to go and meet with the King of Hell? Groaning she hit her head with her hand.

"Well the truth is always the best" Bonnie mutters to herself as she lets herself into the mansion.

As soon as she enters she's hit with the smell of blueberry pancakes, and bacon. Following the scent she sees Elijah and Zoe in the kitchen. The small girl sitting on the counter while Elijah made pancakes.

"Isn't it a little late for breakfast?" Bonnie asks putting her purse on the table as she walked in. Zoe smiled as she jumped off the counter to greet her.

"Bonnie" she greets happily. The young girl had been worried about her, they said Bonnie lost a friend last night and that she was going through a rough time. Zoe knew about that. Luckily she had Elijah and the twins to keep her company. Erica and Derek thought they could all hang out for a while.

"How are you feeling?" Bonnie asks the girl who rolls her eyes in response. At the raised eyebrow she sighs.

"I'm fine, still got a bump on my head but other than that I'm good" Zoe told her as Elijah walked up to them.

"And as for the late pancakes, she apparently has a love of all things breakfast" Elijah says with a small smile, bending to kiss Bonnie's cheek. "I'm glad you're back" he says softly making Bonnie smile.

"You won't be in a minute" Bonnie says with a sigh as she looked at them, both wearing matching faces of worry. She takes a hold of Zoe's hand her mouth in a thin line as they walk to the table, Elijah walking behind them.

"I have to go" Bonnie says softly making Zoe look at her in a mixture Bonnie never wanted to see. The small girl looked hurt and confused.

"Go? Go where?" Elijah asks in confusion making Bonnie sigh. The witch runs a hand through her wavy locks as she looks at them.

"I need to meet with Crowley, the King of Hell, I'll be back in a few days" Bonnie says softly making Zoe knit her eyebrows on confusion.

"What?" Is all the girl can ask. Sighing again Bonnie sits back.

"Apparently Crowley heard of me and 'requested an audience'" Bonnie says making air quotes. Elijah stands straight as he looks at her.

"I'll go with you" he says making Zoe look up at him wide eyed, her hand on Bonnie's tightens. Bonnie shakes her head at him, having already expected it.

"No, I need you to take care of Zoe, I need you to make sure she's safe they could try to come after her" Bonnie says firmly as she puts another hand on Zoe's. The small girl looked at Bonnie in surprise. Bonnie was worried about her safety? Even when she was the one going to meet with the literal King of Hell?

"But Bonnie-" Elijah starts making Bonnie shake her head at him.

"No buts Elijah, you, Rebekah and Klaus are the only ones I trust with her I need you here please" Bonnie pleads, her eyes begging him to do this. Elijah sighs, knowing her green eyes would do him in.

"Fine, but I expect you to take someone" he says softly making Bonnie nod at him.

"Dean, Sam and Castiel are coming with me" Bonnie says making Elijah shake his head and even Zoe look at her like she had two heads.

"What are those guys gonna do? They could barely protect you last night" Zoe says making Bonnie sigh. Elijah nods in agreement.

"They've gone up against him before" Bonnie says but Elijah shakes his head at her, his worry growing.

"I agree with Zoe as talented hunters as they are what would they do against the King of Hell? Even if it weren't him I wouldn't trust them" Elijah says making Bonnie sigh. Before she can answer someone else walks in.

"I'll go" they hear and turn to see Finn walking in. Bonnie looks at him in surprise as he does so. The man was quiet, he could sneak up on anyone.

"I will too" they hear and turn to see Kol walk on as well. Bonnie sighs at them both making Elijah smile.

"I can't ask you both to do that" Bonnie says ready to defend herself against them all of need be. Kol rolled his eyes at the witch affectionately.

"You're not, we volunteer" Kol says as his brother nods beside him. Bonnie smiled at them softly.

"Are you sure?" Bonnie asks them softly. Finn smiles at her gently as he steps towards her a bit.

"We wouldn't have volunteered if we weren't" he says softly making her nod at him. The small witch didn't know what to say. So instead she just nodded.

"Thank you" she says softly before looking at Zoe. "You should go pack a bag, we're going to have a girls night at my house before I leave in the morning" she says making Zoe smile widely at her, happy that she remembered her promise. The girl ran upstairs to gather her things making all the other occupants in the room smile.

"I suppose I'll start packing as well" Kol says with Finn nodding in agreement. Leaving Elijah and Bonnie alone. The vampire sits in the chair beside her as she smiles at him softly.

"Are you alright?" He asks making Bonnie sigh. She was tired of people asking her that like she was about to break.

"We can talk about that later" she says turning towards him fully. He sees the desperation in her request and nods, knowing she'd probably been bombarded with questions all day.

"Alright, I will not push you" he says making Bonnie smile at him. She felt a rush of affection towards him as he took her hand in his.

"I'm so grateful to have you" Bonnie whispers as she kisses his hand softly, surprising the vampire. He smiled at her lightly once the shock wears off.

"You always will" he says giving her a soft kiss. Bonnie melts into it, happy to finally be feeling something other than grief today. She felt safe and comforted in a way that she hadn't felt all day. Klaus wasn't the only one she had been beginning to fall for.

As they part Bonnie sighs happily, still holding onto his hand. Elijah smiled at her softly, bringing a hand to her cheek. As he caressed it she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes.

While Klaus made her feel powerful and protected, Elijah made her feel so safe and cared for. Both were things she'd been missing in her life and even if this didn't last forever she would be grateful that they made her feel like this at least once in her life.

"Bonnie Bennett you will never be alone again" he promises making Bonnie chuckle at his words.

"That seems to be the running theme today" she says making him raise an eyebrow at her in question. "Something Caroline said and Elena, even Stefan" she says with a small shrug. Elijah nods at her before kissing her hand.

"Then you should know that it's true" he says softly making her nod.

"Well when you say it, I believe it" she says softly as she kisses him chastely. The soft touches and kisses a far cry from their last time alone. Thinking of it makes Bonnie blush. Before he can ask about it though, he tilts his head.

"Niklaus is coming" Elijah says looking at Bonnie. Understanding his silent question she smiles at him reassuringly.

"It's okay, I agreed to talk to him" she says making Elijah nod. He gives her another soft kiss before standing.

"I'll leave you to it" he says softly. With another soft squeeze on her hands he leaves the room. Just in time for Klaus to enter.

As the hybrid walked in he can't help but stop and admire her. Her dark hair was over a shoulder and the sweater dress she wore rose a bit making her thigh show a bit more. She sighed as she looked at him.

"Is there a reason Zoe is packing a bag? Are you taking her?" He asks worry filling his gut at the thought of her taking the child. Bonnie sighed.

"Just for the night, we should talk" she says as he moves to sit down. He nods at her, noting something different about her.

"You must have news" he says when it dawned on him that she seemed a bit nervous. Bonnie nodded at him softly, her mouth in a thin line.

"I have to leave Mystic Falls for a few days" she says making him look at her in shock. Before he can say anything she shakes her head. "Not because of last night, I have a meeting" she says making him shut up. Confusion fills him as he looks at her.

"A meeting?" He asks making her not at him softly. "With whom?" He asks making her sigh, knowing this is the part he could very well blow up at.

"Crowley, the King Of Hell" She says making his eyes widen at her. "Before you say anything Dean, Sam and Castiel are coming not to mention Kol and Finn" she says making him sit back as he thought it over.

He remembered Caroline's words from this morning in his head as he looked at the small witch before her.

"Don't pressure her, if anything say what you have to and give her some space, she does her best thinking when people aren't hounding her and if you're doing something productive and good in that time it'll work in your favor" the blonde says as she puts some tea to make.

"Wouldn't that give my brother an advantage" he says making Caroline roll her eyes. She looked at the hybrid with a raised eyebrow as she set two mugs down.

"You should have thought about that before killing her friend" she says with a pointed look at him before shrugging. "Besides you were in the lead anyways you'll always be able to catch up and you have more than one advantage" she says making him look at her.

"Zoe and me, I know Bonnie better than anyone so listen to me when I tell you to let her do what she feels like she needs to do"

Looking at the witch he sighs knowing that the blondes words from this morning were true. He wanted so badly to knock over the table and demand she stay put. He wanted to throw her in the dungeons he put below the house and lock her away until he dealt with all the things that could hurt her. Instead he sighed.

"And this is what you feel you need to do?" He asks catching Bonnie by surprise. She wasn't expecting him to be calm about it.

"I know it is, she told me" Bonnie says tapping her temple lightly. Klaus sighs for a moment before nodding.

"I understand" he says making her knit her eyebrows together. Bonnie looks at him softly as she takes him in. He looked tired, like he hadn't gotten sleep last night, though considering she barely did either she couldn't say she was surprised.

"What did you want to say Klaus" she asks instead of asking him why he was so calm. He sighs once more before looking at her.

"I want you to know, I am sorry, I need you to know that I did what I did to protect you, I made a choice Bonnie and if it meant protecting you I'd do it again but I am sorry that it hurt you" he tells her genuinely.

Bonnie raises her eyebrows at him. She's so surprised to see him like that she has to stop for a moment. He apologized. It felt like she was in another universe.

"I understand Klaus, I just- I need some time, to mourn, to think" she says softly making him nod. Klaus nods at her softly.

"I know, which is why I am going to my fathers pack, I am going to ask them for their help in this time" he says making Bonnie look up at him in surprise.

"What?" She asks in confusion. He almost smiles at her face but stops himself.

"I knew you'd need some time to think so I made arrangements to meet with their current alpha, Derek and Erica will be coming with me. I did think you'd be here to look after Zoe but maybe she'd like to come with me" he says beginning to think out loud.

"If she does, take Elijah and Rebekah with you, their coven could still be after her" Bonnie says softly as she tries to take it all in. Klaus smiles at her gently.

"Of course love" he says making her look up at him. She sighs, opening her mouth but closing it again, unsure what to say.

"It's alright love, we can talk again when we get back" he says softly as he stands, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "We'll figure it out then" he says softly before walking out. Bonnie didn't have time to question anything before Zoe came back in, saying she was ready to go.
Zoe was in the shower when Elena, Caroline and the Salvatore brothers arrived at her house. It was strange that this was the first time she'd been here since her father left, yet there she was.

As they walked in Damon raised an eyebrow at what he saw. There were collection of sleeping bags and movies littered across the floor, waiting to be selected while candy and popcorn filled the coffee table she had pushed to the side to make room for them all. Seeing his raised eyebrow Bonnie rolled her eyes at him.

"It's her first sleepover, which means Zoe's first girls night, I wanted to make it special" she says making Caroline smile.

"Is Rebekah coming?" Elena asks making Bonnie nod.

"Later" Bonnie says as the Salvatore's looked at her. Damon looked her up and down for a moment, wondering how she was holding up but knowing better than to ask. She'd probably been being hounded about it all day.

"I have to ask you for something" Bonnie says looking at the brothers. Both of them stood straighter as they look at her, knowing if Bonnie asked them to do it, it was important.

"What is it?" Stefan asked making Bonnie sigh. The witch sat down, gesturing for them to do the same. Elena and Caroline say beside Bonnie while Damon and Stefan sat across from them.

"There's a vampire, Dean knows him, his names Benny. I need you to find him and bring him here" Bonnie asks them making Damon frown.

"Why should we trust him?" He asks making Bonnie sigh.

"We don't have a choice, I'd go with you but I have to meet with Crowley" Bonnie says earning stares for the comment.

"Yea Caroline mentioned that, want to explain why you're going to go have tea with the King of Hell?" Damon asks making Bonnie roll her eyes.

"It's a meeting Damon we're not going to sit around and braid each other's hair, wether it goes good or bad, it'll be something" Bonnie says making Damon roll his eyes. Stefan cuts in before they can start arguing, knowing Damon's only a second away from being set on fire. Again.

"We're just worried Bonnie" Stefan says making Elena nod at his comment. She'd been worried sick since Caroline told them.

"Don't worry, he can't kill me, not considering what I am besides I'll have people with me" she says making Damon scoff. She was probably taking the hunters with her while she sent them after some random vampire.

"I'll have Castiel, Sam and Dean not to mention Kol and Finn" she says with a roll of her eyes in Damon's direction. The vampire does the mature thing and pokes his tongue out at her. Stefan looks at his brother, exasperation clear on his face.

"We should send someone with you" Stefan says instead of scolding Damon. Bonnie shook her head at him adamantly, already knowing one of them would say it.

"No, I already have enough people" Bonnie says. Caroline presses her lips together as she looks at Bonnie, worry in her eyes.

"You really trust them?" She asks. At the question Bonnie pauses. Even after everything she knew now, she does.

"I really do" she says with a nod. Elena sighs before taking her hand gently.

"Then we'll trust you" the doppelgänger says her doe eyes looking into Bonnie's green. Smiling she gives the girl a grateful nod.

"Anything that'll give us a lead?" Stefan asks going back to the matter at hand. Bonnie nods as she pulls a map from her back pocket, leading them to the kitchen where she put the map on the table. Caroline and Elena stayed back while Damon and Stefan flanked her on either side.

"Dean gave me something of his and I tracked him down here" she says pointing to a spot on the map. Damon knit his eyebrows together as he looked at the spot I pointed to.

"This guy going straight?" He asked Bonnie who shrugged at the question. Dean said he was but Bonnie knew people lied, especially to someone who they looked up to. Especially to someone who could kill you.

"Dean said so, we'll see I guess, why do you ask?" She asks the vampire who frowns. Tapping the map he looked at Bonnie.

"This is a blood bank, so it'd be a good place for him to stop and load up but this" he says pointing to a place that looked about a town away from the blood bank. "There's a nest there, they adopted the Stefan diet, instead of just animals though they mix it up every once in a while" he explains making Bonnie nod.

"You think he might be part of the nest?"she asks making Damon shrug. Stefan looks at the map with a raised eyebrow.

"Well if he is, that could be more players on our team" Stefan says making Damon look at Stefan than Bonnie.

"Or it could be an obstacle, and with our luck, that's probably what they'll be" Damon says making Bonnie frown. She sighed as she hands Damon the map, having already circled where she found Benny.

"Well either way we won't find out until we go, maybe take someone else with you to be safe though" Bonnie tells them making Damon smirk at her.

"Ah be careful judgey, might start to think you care" Damon says mimicking Bonnie's words from the decade dance the night she 'died'. Bonnie smirked back at the vampire.

"Wouldn't want that now would we" she says throwing his own words back at him. The vampires smirk grew as he took in the witch. Bonnie was always confident, it's one of the things he liked about her, but there was always something that held her back. Made her question herself. He didn't see it anymore. A part of him couldn't help but feel proud.

"Alright we'll get on it then" Stefan says knocking on the table lightly. Bonnie smiled up at him in thanks, happy that he was returning to his normal self.

"Thank you" she said softly making him nod at her. The small smile on his face genuine.

As Bonnie walked the brothers to the door, Caroline and Elena stayed in the kitchen. Caroline complained about the lack of chocolate chip cookies and decided to remedy that.

Stefan gave Bonnie a small smile and a nod as he walked to his car but Damon stayed behind for a moment. When Stefan looked back in question Damon gave him the go ahead. Stefan of course looked to Bonnie to make sure it was okay. Bonnie realized Damon must have something to say so she nodded at Stefan, closing the door a behind her.

As Stefan pulled off Bonnie looked up at Damon who just stood there for a moment. He stared at her, his expression not soft but not harsh either. It was more contemplative. Bonnie sighed as she looked at him, moving to sit on one of the chairs.

Damon walked over to her, his eyes assessing her every move. He hadn't seen her last night but knew enough about what happened to know she couldn't have been all okay.

"If you of all people ask me how I'm holding up I'm going to give you an aneurism" Bonnie says with a raised eyebrow. Damon smirks at her, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Well we can't have our fearless leader crumbling on us now can we?" He asks making Bonnie laugh lightly at him.

"Fearless leader?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. Bonnie's smile stayed on her lips as she looked up at him with amusement. Damon shrugs as he leans against the pillar across from her.

"Well what else would you have us call you?" He asks making Bonnie frown slightly. She shrugs, bringing her knees up to rest her chin on as she looks into the distance.

"A girl in way over her head" she mutters softly as her eyes look off somewhere even he can't see. Sighing he shakes his head.

"You don't even see it do you?" He asks making Bonnie look at him in confusion. He'd never admit but the small pout she does when trying to figure someone out was more than a bit endearing.

"See what?" She asks making him sigh as if he was being put through some great torture. Bonnie rolled her eyes at his antics but had to bite back a small smile. This, this was familiar.

"You, the way you're handling everything. Anyone else would have ran for the hills but you stayed, you're ready to fight" Damon says softly making Bonnie look at him in shock.

"I have no choice" she says with a small shrug, trying to brush off his praise. His eyes narrow for a moment before he looks at her seriously.

"Everyone has a choice" he says not knowing he was mimicking her own words. The very words she'd spoken earlier that day.

"Bonnie Bennett you're brave witch and one of the most amazing women I've met in my entire life" he says making Bonnie look up at him in shock. Her eyes wet at his praise. Looking down she sighs.

"I didn't know you thought so highly of me" she said trying to laugh. Instead it came out a bit watery.

"Yea well don't go blabbing about it, I do have a reputation to uphold" he says looking away as he adjusts his jacket. Bonnie smiled as she looked up at him.

"I never thanked you" Bonnie says softly, making him look at her in confusion. "For helping me that day" she explains as she gets up. Thinking of the day the spirits gave her the vision. He held her while she cried, took her home and didn't leave her alone even though he didn't know what was going on. It was more than she expected from him.

"Yea well I haven't thanked you for a lot of things" he says brushing it off. He wasn't sure how to deal with anyone, especially Bonnie, thinking of him in such good light. Bonnie shakes her head at him softly.

"You were there, you let me go through what I had to go through and you did it without asking questions" she says softly. "I needed that" she says making him sigh.

"Yea well you're welcome" he says as she stops in front of him. She raises an eyebrow before pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you Damon" she says softly, her voice muffled slightly by having her face in his chest. Damon's eyes widen for a moment before he wraps his arms around her softly.

"Any time witchy" he says kissing the top of her head softly. He realized, he meant it too.

Bamon was my brotp I loved their relationship I will admit to shipping them in the beginning and even now but I ship Bonnie with everybody
Elena is no longer gonna be a shitty friend I've always had so many mixed feelings about her sometimes I hate her sometimes I feel bad for her mostly I think she's just annoying but I want to change that in this fic I actually love Nina Dobrev ever since her Degrassi days it's just the writers on TVD that made me hate Elena
Also Klaroline friendship I'm excited for that one
Everyone's trips are gonna take a few chapters but omg a lot of crap happens during them
This chapter is mostly filler and set up for the next few chapters which introduce new characters but there will be more action coming soon
For my Bonlijah shippers there will be way more love coming that way I know I've been slacking on it
And Klonnie will also return soon this is just plot
We'll see more Dean/Bonnie and more importantly more Hathor and Horus and when I say that's important it's really freaking important we'll be learning a lot more about them and what happened soon
I'll have another chapter up soon because I feel bad that this was mostly filler and feelings but I had to show that everyone was really behind her I hope you guys liked it
I'll also be updating Released and The Chosen soon
Be back soon as always please be safe and kind❤️

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