The Darker One// Once Upon A...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

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Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 25

860 26 7
By ilikewarmhugs1235

And they had knocked her out. They took out her IV and started running out of the hospital. It took the nurses a full minute to realize that Reese had been taken, and they had immediately called Rumpelstiltskin.

"She was what?" Rumple questioned, he quickly grabbed all of his stuff and Belle was standing there confused. "Someone took Reese. I can't lose her again, Belle."

"And you won't." Belle reassured her boyfriend.


"Relax, kid. We won't hurt you." Tamara stated to Henry. She looked to Greg who was carrying Reese. "And we won't hurt Reese."

"You're trying to hurt everyone I love. You tried to blow up Storybrooke." Henry responded, while being pulled by Tamara.

"True, but that was never the point."

"It wasn't?"

"We came here to destroy magic, Henry, but then we found something more important," Greg cut himself off to look at Henry and Reese, "Something that changed everything," they stopped walking and Greg stared at Henry and then switched to Reese, "You and Reese."

Tamara then continued pulling Henry, and Reese was still knocked out at this point, so she really couldn't give her opinion on this matter.


Tamara and Greg brought them to the docks and headed towards the ocean- with the Charmings, Regina, Rumpelstiltskin and Belle quickly following.

Greg took a magic bean out of his pocket and, without dropping Reese, threw the magic bean into the ocean.

"The last magic bean." Regina stated.

"Reese!" Rumple screamed.

"Henry!" Emma followed. They all started running towards the people who stole their loved ones, but Greg and Tamara quickly jumped into the portal. "NO!"

Emma charged towards the portal and tried jumping into the portal after them, but David held her back.

"We have to follow them! There has to be a way." Emma stated.

"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean!" Regina exclaimed.

"I don't care!"

"Without it, there's no way to follow."

"There has to be! We can't just let them take Henry and Reese!" Emma said, trying to get out of her father's grip.

They all looked at Rumple, who has been silent. He was staring off into the sea, heartbroken that his sister is gone, again.

"You're the dark one. Do something." David stated to the dark one. "Can't you make a portal?"

"Gold, help us. Please. Your sister has been taken, too." Emma responded.

"Don't you think I know that? I spent years looking for a way back to my son. There's no other way" Rumple stated.

"I refuse to believe that." Regina said.

Belle pushed passed the Charmings and asked, "What is that?"

She was looking at a ship that was sailing towards the docks.

"Hook." Emma commented.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Emma questioned the pirate as he got off of the Jolly Roger- his ship.

"Helping." Killian responded.

"Well, you're too late."

"Am I?"

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself?"

"I care about Reese, and I want our relationship to go somewhere, so..." Killian responded. He gave Emma a bag and she dumped what was in it out; it was a bean.

"Enough waiting around. Let's go." Regina stated.

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town." Killian commented.

"We already did." David replied.

"We need to get Henry and Reese." Emma said, as soon as he heard Reese's voice, he tensed up. "Greg and Tamara took them through a portal."

"Well, I offer my ship and my services." Killian stated. He felt stupid for leaving Reese all by herself. She needed saving and he wasn't there for her. "To help follow them."

"Well, that's great, Hook, but how will we track them?" Regina questioned.

"Reese said something that Greg and Tamara were working for Peter Pan. "Killian responded. "But I can't tell you for sure that, that's where they took them."

"Leave that to me." Rumple stated. "I can get us to where we need to go."

"Then let's do it.' Mary Margaret said.

Killian sighed and walked up his ship, and everyone followed him except for Rumple and Belle.

"Belle, I-I-I have to go." Rumple stated to his girlfriend. "You have to stay here."

"No, why? I want to help." Belle responded.

"The town is no longer safe."

"What?" Belle and David asked at the same time.

"As my sister said, Greg and Tamara weren't working alone. Others will follow." Rumple stated.

"No, we can't leave people in danger." David replied.

"After we've gone, follow these instructions," Rumple held up a tied up piece of paper and handed it to Belle. "It's a cloaking spell It'll shield the town, making it impossible for anyone to find."

"Well, then how will you find your way back to me?" Belle questioned. Rumple looked over at David, and for once got the message, and left them alone. After a few seconds of silence, Belle asked, "You aren't coming back, are you?"

"The prophecy. The boy is my undoing, but he's also my grandson and. I must save him and my sister. I must do this to honor Baelfire. He's gone, and I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye."

"I understand, but I also know," she paused to put her hands on his shoulders, "that the future isn't always what it seems. I will see you again."

She leaned up and kissed him passionately, and as they got deeper, she put her arms around his neck . She cried as she put her forehead on his, and eventually let go, and slowly walked away.

"Baelfire would be... very proud of you." Belle said before walking away, leaving Rumple standing there barely keeping it together.

He turned around and walked onto the Jolly Roger. He walked over to where Killian was standing and asked, "So... Are you done trying to kill me?"

"I believe so." Killian responded. "I want to try and be good for Reese. You know how much I care for her."

"Excellent." Rumple smiled. "Because I don't think Reese would appreciate us fighting all the time."

He moved his hand back and forth, and a globe appeared in front of them. He put pricked his finger and flicked the blood onto the blank globe, and something appeared that made everyone confused; except for Rumple and Killian.

"Where is that?" Regina asked. "Where did they take Henry?"

Killian sighed, "Reese was right. Looks like we're going to Neverland."


Tamara, Greg, Henry and Reese dropped down from the portal on a beach, and that seemed to wake Reese up. She got up and looked around and she was confused until she saw Skull Rock, and she moaned.

"Bloody hell." Reese stated but what got her was the fact was she was feeling completely fine now.

~The Past~

Reese, still shaken up about getting burned by her boyfriend, ran to her brother's house in fear of her life. Rumpelstiltskin lives with his son Baelfire. He also lived with his wife, Milah, but she left him for some dumb pirate.

"Rumple!" Reese screamed as she ran into her twin's house. She saw her nephew, Baelfire, sitting on his bed, and Rumple spinning gold. A skill that she also likes to do but not as much as her brother.

"What happened?" He looked down and saw her arm blistering. "Oh my god. Who did this to you?" She looked at him and his eyes started to darken, "You need to leave him now! Reese he is physically hurting you. This isn't good for you!"

"I can't." She cried. "He will burn me alive if I ever threaten to leave him again." She hugged her brother. He pushed her back and looked over to Baelfire. They both had the same look in their eye that scared Reese. "Why are you guys looking at each other like that?"

"I think I have an idea on how you can leave Cade."


"The dark one." Rumple smiled.


"And how in the world are we going to get the dark one to do what we want?" Reese questioned. "I mean-" She stopped questioning her twin when he lifted up the dark one dagger. "How did you get that?"

"Baelfire and I got it yesterday." Rumpelstiltskin stated.

"You brought Baelfire on your quest to finding the dagger. Why in the world did you want to do that?"

"Because he will be taken from me tomorrow, so we have to do this now." Rumple responded. "And look at you.. Cade has gotten worse. You were BURNED. You can't break up with him unless you have some kind of power."

"I don't know Rumple. I've seen what the dark one can do, and it doesn't seem like something we should be getting tied up in." Reese stated.

But there was nothing stopping him now, he put up the dagger in the light, and started saying his name.

"Zoso." Rumple kept on repeating. "I summon thee."

"Nothing happened." Reese commented. They looked behind them and a guy was standing there, which scared the twins, and they both stumbled backwards.

Rumple had dropped the torch that he was using when he had lost his balance.

"You were asking for me." Zoso stated, in a very creep voice.

"Submit! Oh, dark one!" Rumple responded, pointing the dagger at the dark one. "I control you!"

"Yes, you do. Wield the power wisely." Zoso said, neither Reese nor Rumple said anything, which confused the dark one. "You can wield at any time now. It's almost dawn. That means it's your son's birthday. I bet Hordor and his men are already on their way to your house."

Zoso started getting closer and closer to Rumple- Reese was too scared to say anything.

"No, they can't take him."

"You don't control them – you control me. Have you ever wondered – was he really your child at all? Unlike you, he's not a coward and yearns to fight and die in glory."


"What a poor bargain that would be – to lay down your soul to save your bastard son. So, I ask you – what would you have me do?" Zoso asked, he looked at Reese. "And what would you have me do about your dick of a boyfriend. How does it feel to have to be with him for eternity?"

Reese looked over at Rumple, and they both took a hold of the dagger and screamed, "DIE!" As they plunged the dagger into the old man.

They fall to the ground and the Dark One's face morphs into the face of the beggar. He laughs.

"It's you. You're the beggar." Rumple said. He looks over at Reese, face pale.

"Looks like you made a deal you didn't understand. I don't think you're going to do that again." Zoso responded.

"You told me to kill you."

"My life was such a burden. You'll see. Magic always comes with a price and now, it's yours to pay." Zoso looked over at Reese and said, "And it's yours to pay as well. I don't know how two dark ones will work, but I guess we'll see."

"Why me? Why us?"

"I know how to recognize a desperate soul." Zoso responded. "And I knew that you would tell your sister about this too."

The Dark One stops talking and appears to be dead.

"No! No! Stay! You have to tell me what to do! Tell me what to do!" Rumple stated. He looks over at Reese who was just as afraid. They both looked down at their hands and saw that their skin started to change colors. He pulls out the dagger and sees that the name has changed to 'Rumplestiltskin'.

Reese looked over to other of the beggar and saw that their was another dagger. She picked it up, and the name 'Reese' was on it.

"Look's like we are both dark ones." Reese responded. She had no expression on her face, which broke Rumple's heart. It was like she was mad that this happened.

"I'm so sorry for doing this to you, Rae. I didn't realize that we would both consume the power-" Rumple was shut up by Reese using her magic. She realized her hand and Rumple could talk again.

"So anytime I would want you to be quiet..." She used it again and laughed. "I could definitely get used to this. I was originally pissed that you got me into this, but hey... I could go break up with Cade."

"Do you need assistance?" Rumple questioned.

"I think I can do this on my own." Reese responded by putting her dagger inside her boot. "Plus I now how powers to help me out."


Reese arrived back at her and Cade's place, and sat down on a couch waiting for his return. He had told her that he was going out that night, and she could only go see her family.

Cade had the tendency of getting mad everytime Reese was with someone other than me, which she knew was toxic, but she never had the guts to break up with him. Well, she had tried in the past, but it didn't exactly work.

Reese heard the door open and watched as her boyfriend walked through the door. He looked very drunk and angry.

"I heard you went out tonight. Who were you with, Rae?" Cade questioned, slurring his words.

"I was with my brother." Reese responded. "You said I could only go out if I was going to my brother's house."

"I take that back. I don't want you talking to anyone other than me. I love having you all to myself."

He had made his way over to Reese, and started to forcefully take off her clothes, which she hated.

"Cade, we need to talk." Reese stated, but it didn't seem like Cade heard her, so she pushed him off of her, and repeated herself.

"You know I hate you pushing me off of you." Cade responded, running full force into Reese. She looked at him in a 'come on' manner, and he sighed and pushed himself over onto the couch. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to break up." Reese stated. Cade looked at Reese in a very angry manner, and slapped her across the face. She sighed and used her magic to throw him into a wall, and used her other hand to get vines to make him stay there. "This could have been a very easy conversation but you just had to make it difficult."


Reese opened her hand and her dagger appeared, which made Cade's eyes widen. Reese put the blade up against his neck, and started dragging it down; making him cry in pain.

"Huh, this does make me feel better." Reese stated to herself. "So, now you know how I've felt these last few years."

Cade started full on crying because of the pain, which only made Reese laugh harder, and made Cade angrier.

"Why couldn't you just allow me to leave you? Why couldn't you just allow me to be happy? Why did you have to make my life so FUCKING MISERABLE, HUH?"

All the anger and abuse just all came back to Reese as she connected her fist to his face; over and over again.

It wasn't until Rumple came into the house, and pulled her off of Cade. She screamed for him to let her go, but he didn't.

"Rae, you know you can't do this." Rumple stated. "This isn't the way to handle it, right now."

"Fine." Reese sighed. She walked up to Cade, and untied him to the wall, and healed most of his injuries, but not all, because where's the fun in that.


Reese couldn't face her nephew after almost killing her ex. He kind of deserves it, but Rumple was right: that wasn't the way to handle it, and there is many other ways to handle anger.

She lit every tree in any sort of distance from her on fire, and screamed. She fell to the ground and just started crying.

"Miss?" Someone asked. "Are you alright?"

"I just lit a bunch of trees on fire.." Reese responded, she looked up and saw a tall, brown haired male, who was wearing a hat, standing there. "So how do you think I'm doing?"

The man laughed and helped Reese off of the ground, "Do you have a name? Or will I have to call you 'tree girl'?"

"I'm Reese." She stated.

"I'm Jefferson. Nice to meet you, Reese." He smiled. "Is there a reason why you almost set the entire forest on fire?"

Reese sat there for hours telling Jefferson her story, and nothing seemed to have scared him, which was amazing to her.

"So you're the new dark one?" Jefferson asked.

"My brother and I are the new dark ones." She responded. "I don't know exactly how that works, but it's definitely going to be an interesting time."

"Well, Reese, if there's anything I can do for you just let me know." Jefferson smiled. "And I'm sorry about your ex. You deserve a lot better."

"I'm glad someone thinks so." She laughed. "For the longest time, I thought I did something wrong, and I deserved to be treated that way."

"No one deserves to have scars all over their body because of their boyfriend. That just isn't right."

"I know that now." Reese stated. "I have to go but it was nice talking to you, Jefferson. I hope I can see you again soon."

"Same to you." He responded. "But next time I don't want to be catching you setting things on fire. I don't like that side of you."

"I don't either." Reese laughed. "I hope I will be able to get past this."

"You will, because you have your family and now you have me." He commented. "And plus I have a hat that can take you places, so I will gladly take you out one night."

"I would like that." She smiled.

~ Present time ~

Reese looked over and saw that Henry was trying to run away, and Greg and Tamara kept him from running.

Reese, now having strength and her magic back, ran up and put her hand through Greg's chest, but she looked over and saw Henry wide eyed, and she sighed.

"There's nowhere to run to." Greg stated to the both of them.

"No shit, Greg. This is Neverland." Reese responded.


AN: I can't believe I'm finally getting to Neverland! Oh my gosh!! This is exciting! I hope you all are liking this story so far... 

Question: Why do you think all of Reese's pain went away when she went to Neverland? 

Another Question: Do you think Reese and Killian will end up together? 

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