The Darker One// Once Upon A...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

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Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

850 21 0
By ilikewarmhugs1235

Reese was almost to the store, when someone pulled her into an alleyway. Her first defense was to put her hand into the person's chest, but when she felt the same pain, she stopped.

"What the hell are you doing?" Reese questioned her very friendly pirate. "And what's your obsession with alleyways?"

"You don't look so good, love." Killian responded, adding a smirk to the end of his sentence, which to Reese's defense, made her smile. "What's wrong? Why does it look like you got into a fist fight and lost."

"First of all; I don't lose in a fist fight, and second of all; you are the reason why I look like this."

"How is it my fault that you look like that? I wasn't the one who punched you in the face." Killian responded innocently.

"I just can't take this whole thing anymore.." Reese stated, barely able to get her words out. "I have to go, I'll see you around."

Killian held on tightly to Reese's arm and she yanked her arm out of his grip, and started to walk away, but he wasn't giving up, so he chased after her.

"Please, just wait until after I see Regina. Then we can talk more." Killian said, making puppy eyes at Reese. Reese nodded her head and pointed at the store. "I'll meet you back here in ten minutes, got it?"

"Yeah." Reese responded.


Reese has been standing there for way more than ten minutes, and she was starting to get pissed, and tired.

She had been thinking about Killian nonstop for those tens minutes, and it was like she could hear his voice in her head. She looked around to see where the voice was coming from; Reese started getting scared when the world around her started going dark, and like that: she collapsed.

"You're the distraction." Regina stated and pushed Killian off of a cliff, making him- and Reese- groan in pain.

He's laying on the ground moving back and forth in pain, and Reese is doing the same thing but unconscious and not knowing that it's happening.

Killian looks over and sees something start to form from the ground, and he quickly got up from the ground while holding onto his side.

It turned into a more interesting version of Maleficent.But Reese's weird dream was stopped when her brother was calling her name, which also Killian heard which got him cut in the side from Maleficent.

Reese slowly opened her eyes and saw that most of the heroes were there staring at her- it freaked her out.

"Reese, what happened?" Everyone seemed to ask her as they helped her off of the ground.

Reese, losing her voice even more, said, "Killian."

"Killian?" David repeated.

"Hook." Rumple stated to the heroes- who were all confused. "You had another one of those dreams?"

Reese nodded her head, and that seemed to anger Rumple even more. He was going to try and hunt the guy down, but Reese shook her head.

"He.. He isn't worth it." Reese whispered as she put her head into the nook of Charming's neck.


"Help! Help!" Rumpelstiltskin screamed as they entered the hospital. Dr. Whale came running to Rumple. "Can you please help my sister."

"Put her on the stretcher." Dr. Whale responded. He pointed to the bed that the nurses were rolling towards him. "I will do my best to help her. Now, can you tell me what happened?"

"Hey, Mr. Gold." David whispered. "Can Mary Margaret and I go? We have something to do. Fill us in later about Reese."

"I will." Rumple responded. "Thank you for helping, David." Rumple turned back to Dr. Whale, "She has been having these dreams and it seems to be draining her out, and making her sick. The Charming's and I found her unconscious in an alley. I'm worried about her."

"We will do some tests, but I can't be certain that we will find anything. Especially if it is magic related, but we will try and keep her comfortable and awake."

"Thank you, Doctor." Rumpelstiltskin stated. He turned away and walked over to one of the chairs, and sat down.


Hours passed and he still hadn't heard a thing about Reese. He was starting to get very worried. His attention was then pulled over to the pirate who walked into the hospital. Rumple heard Killian ask where Reese was, but they just pointed to the dark one.

"Crocodile." Killian huffed. "What are you doing here?"

"My twin is in a great deal of pain because of you." Rumple responded. "And don't go all 'I didn't do anything' on me, because she gave your name up."

"I didn't mean to hurt her." Killian whispered, hurt was very much noticeable in his voice. "I don't like you whatsoever, but I do really like your sister, and I would like to see her."

"Considering that I can't even see her.. Why in the world would I allow you too." The dark one stated. "What do you even need to say to her? She's pissed at you and she looked heartbroken. Do you realize how much she has to love you for her to be that broken?"

"She loves me?"

"Of course she does, you idiot." Rumple responded. "If you can promise me that you won't hurt her intentionally.. Then I see no problem in seeing, but know that I still hate your guts."

"Oh, trust me the feelings mutual." Killian stated. "But still note that I want to kill you because of what you did to Milah."

"I give no shits about what you do to me; it's what you do to Reese that I have a problem with." Rumple replied. "But then again.... If you do something to me, well, you're pretty much digging your own grave with Reese. It doesn't matter how much she loves you; she will destroy you if you hurt me."

"Noted." Killian said to himself. They both saw the doctor walking over the two of them, and Whale nodded his head and smiled. Killian looked over at Rumple and he gestured for him to go talk to Reese.

"If she tells you to leave, you leave, pirate." Rumple screamed to his enemy. Killian lifted up his arm and started to move it around, telling Rumple, "alright, alright."


Killian walked into Reese's room, and saw how she was just lying there. She had an oxygen in her nose, and an IV was in her arm. His heart broke for her and he really hoped that this wasn't his fault.

"I'm sorry." Killian whispered to her. He pulled a chair up and sat down, right next to her. "The doctor said that you won't be able to talk.. I really hope this wasn't my fault, love. I never wanted to hurt you."

"You're a shitty liar." Reese whispered. She turned her head to face him. "I- tr-trusted you."

"And you still can. Come on, Rae, I told you I loved you. Don't you think that was hard for me to say? I haven't loved anyone since Milah, and that was three hundred years ago."

Reese extended her arm and put her fingers through his hair, and she slowly dragged her hand down his face.

"I have to go." Killian stated. "I will visit you again soon."

"Killian." Reese whispered.


"Tell Tamara and Greg I say fuck you." Reese stated before looking away from him. He sighed and walked out of the room.

It took a few minutes for her to get herself together before her brother came into the room. She didn't want him to see the effect Killian had on her, but nothing gets past him.

"Rae." Rumple said as he walked into the room. "I'm sorry about Hook. He kind of just came here."

"It's okay." Reese responded. She looked down at her hand and just stared at the piece of hair she got from Killian's head. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

Reese nodded her head and took her hand and yanked a piece of her own hair, and gave Rumple her hair and Killian's.

"Can you test these two hairs?" Reese questioned.

"Will you be able to handle the truth?" Rumple asked. Reese nodded in response. Rumple opened his hand and a jar appeared. He put both strands of hair in the jar, and they both intersected and started glowing yellow and red. "Is that what you wanted to know? That you and the pirate love each other?"

"I wanted it to say that it was all a lie." Reese responded. "I didn't want us to actually be in love."


"Because being in love means that I can get hurt all over again, and I know that he can hurt me; well, emotionally."

"How are you going to tell him?" Rumple asked.

She was about to respond but someone screaming in her head told her that she believes that he already knew.


"Look, I have to go and-" Rumple stopped when he saw Reese raise her eyebrows. "Lacey and I are really good, right now, and I have to get to her."

"I'll be alright. I can even get up and go to the bathroom all alone now." Reese joked. "I seriously am feeling better, Rumple. You can stop worrying about me."

"I'm your brother. I will always worry about you." Rumple replied. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I will be back soon."

"You better." She smiled.


"I love you." Emma said to a injured Neal- She was holding onto Neal for dear life, so that he wouldn't fall into a portal.

"I love you, too." Neal responded as he let go of Emma's hand and fell into a portal.

Reese screamed as she woke up. She started bailing her eyes out and all of the nurses came rushing into the room.

"He's gone. He's gone." Reese screamed.

"Who's gone?" One of the nurses asked.

"My nephew." Reese responded, still crying hysterically. She hugged one of the nuses, making sure to drench this girls scrub with tears. "I can't believe he's gone."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Another nurse stated to Reese. She released herself and just started to stare at a wall.


"Hey, Rae." Killian smiled as he walked into the hospital room. He saw Reese just staring at wall, her eyes were bloodshot. "Are you okay, love?" Reese grabbed the jar with her and his hairs, and gave it to him. "It's a jar with sparkling hair. Is this meant to mean something to me?"

"Those are our hairs," Reese responded, "And I was going to tell you that what we had was true love, but then I just discovered that my nephew is dead, and it's all because of your partners." She looked over at him and he just looked speechless, "Do you even know who you're working with? Do they even know who they're working for?"

"How do you know who they're working for?"

"Please, loverboy, I can connect dots." Reese stated. "Considering that everything started happening when Greg Mendell came to town, and they got worse when Tamara arrived.."


"Peter fucking Pan is involved with this, love." Reese stated. "And you're just getting deeper and deeper into the hole. Now, they're going to try and destroy the magic in this town, and it's all because of him."

"How do you know so much about this?"

"A dream." Reese said. "These dreams are coming in stronger and stronger, and now they aren't even about you. That's how I know that Emma's in love with Neal, and how he went through a portal, shot, so there's a zero percent chance that he's still alive. I always seem to pick the bad ones. Why do you think I do that?"

"I don't think you picked a bad one this time." Killian responded, he put the jar down, and held onto her hand. "You can't seriously believe that I would hurt you on purpose now. Definitely early on in our relationship, but not now. Come on, Rae. You're making my head hurt, and I don't have any rum."

"You seriously didn't have anything to do with the shooting of my nephew?" Reese questioned.

"I wasn't even there when it happened. I actually don't even know when it even happened, or where."

"Well, the Charmings found where they were hiding Regina, and yeah." Reese responded. "Having this weird super power can come in handy."

"It was definitely weird." Killian said. "It was like you were the person, and it definitely can be very trippy."

"You can do it too?"

"Aye, I was in your head when you found out that what we have is true love." Killian stated. "I just pretended to not know what the sparkling hair was. I just wanted to hear you say it."

"Sure." Reese laughed. "Now, you probably should go back to your team before they think that you're on the other side."

"Why are you acting so nice about this? I thought you'd have my head for being on the wrong team."

"Oh, I definitely dreamed about ripping your head off your body, but then I realized that I would be feeling that same pain, so I disregarded that idea."

"You actually thought about taking my head off?" Killian questioned, Reese nodded in response. "I shouldn't find that sexy, but I do.. I'm confused."

"Join the club, loverboy."

"I'll see you later, okay?"



Reese heard a ringing sound and looked around her whole room until she saw a flip phone sitting on a table. She used the little magic she had left, and brought the phone to her. Reese flipped it open and put it to her ear.

"Hello?" Reese asked.

"I killed him." She heard her brother mumble on the other side. "I brought magic back to help get him back, but now he's dead. It's all my fault, Rae."

"No, it isn't your fault." Reese responded. "Tamara killed him. You should be going after Tamara and not beating yourself up for bringing back magic. Just please just promise me that you'll come back to my room? I'm mourning too, you know."

"I know you are, Rae."

They were both interrupted by a rumbling of the ground. Reese held onto the bed and quickly brought the phone back to her ear.

"Was that?"

"Yeah.." Rumple responded. "Looks like Storybrooke is going to be gone sooner than we thought. I love you, Rae."

"Rumple. Rumple, don't you dare hang up that-" Reese was cut off by Rumple hanging up. Reese screamed and chucked the phone at the wall. Nurses came rushing in and Reese just put her hand up and said, "I'm fine."

"You have to stop screaming, Reese." One nurse stated. "You keep on scaring us and we have other patients-"

"I'm sorry that my life is so shitty that I just have to scream once in a while, but I will make sure to consider your feelings next time."


Reese felt abandoned, everyone left her. Rumple didn't come to see her and her lover is on the other team.

What? Did everyone just want her to be alone. She had spent years alone and all she wanted was to be loved.

Looks like it's going to be a disappointing time for her.

She had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and she heard the door open she turned to tell the nurse that she was about to go to the bathroom, but the person wasn't who she was expecting.

And they had knocked her out.

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