Catching Fire | Natsu x Reader

By l33knowracha

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It was another year of the Grand Magic Games again. Of course, Master Jiemma chose you and the others to comp... More

Chapter 1: Preparations
Chapter 2: Natsu Dragneel
Chapter 3: Let the GMG begin
Chapter 4: Chariots & Bikinis
Chapter 5: Disappointment
Chapter 6: Rumors, Rumors, Rumors
Chapter 7: Realizations
Chapter 8: The Fire Dragon
Chapter 9: Last day of the GMG
Chapter 10: Natsu vs (y/n)
Chapter 11: Just a Dream
Chapter 12: Reckless
Chapter 13: A Day Out
Chapter 14: Lies
Chapter 15: Christmas Party
Chapter 16: Home, Sweet, Fairytail?
Chapter 17: Getting Settled
Chapter 18: SOS
Chapter 19: Godslayers
Chapter 20: Solar Eclipse
Chapter 21: Hope
Chapter 22: Lesson
Chapter 23: Just trust me
Chapter 25: Not Enough
Chapter 26: Forbidden Negotiation
Chapter 27: Too long

Chapter 24: Tired

545 13 1
By l33knowracha

Hi everyone ^-^ Thank you for the 6.3k reads 🥺 I appreciate you all. If you're interested, please check out my Robin x reader fanfic too. Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy the story.



6 Hours Earlier

" Ugh, it's been raining all day," Summer complained. You along with Sting, Rogue and the exceeds were on your way to Lucy's apartment so you could apologize for yesterday's... incident.

" Even though it's a little ironic, I like rainy days. Besides, it seems to fit the mood." You shrugged as all of you were entering the apartment complex.

Your comment seemed to make everyone quiet. There was nothing but the sound of multiple footsteps climbing the stairs. Sting broke the silence as all of you were now on the floor that Lucy's apartment was in, "Are you sure about this? Technically, you weren't at fault for what happened yesterday."

You stopped walking, causing everyone to do the same. Letting out a long sigh, your head dropped, " Wasn't it though? What Natsu said last night was true. I could've just pushed her away when she kissed Natsu or I could've just pulled him away, but I let my jealousy get the best of me. To be honest, I wished I stayed asleep. I just mess everything up."

Rogue walked in front of you and grabbed you from the shoulders as he looked at your eyes that welled up. You were holding back tears. " Don't say things like that. You have every right to get jealous and besides, we all know the reason you went to extreme measures yesterday was that she had Minerva's scent."

" Yeah, even though that wasn't Minerva transformed as you originally thought then that means she must've been around her. Either way, something isn't right." Sting stated as he began walking to Lucy's apartment again.

The rest of you followed as Summer frowned from the conversation, " I swear Natsu is going to get a piece of my mind the next time I see him."

" Believe me, I wanted to punch him too" Rogue deadpanned as you just rolled your eyes, " He said he didn't mean it and I know he didn't. I just need to talk to him once I see him."

All of you made your way to Lucy's apartment door. You knocked on the door and realized the door slightly moved back with the knock.

" That's weird. She didn't close her door correctly." When you twisted the doorknob, everyone realized it was open.

" Knock some more. It'd be rude to just walk in." Rogue stated and so you did just that, "Lucy? Can we talk? Lucy?"

" Oh c'mon if she wanted to ignore you then she should've at least closed the do-" Before Sting could finish, you interrupted him, " Shh. Hold on. I think I hear mumbling."

Sting slightly groaned, "She's probably talking crap about you or something. Let's just go."

You somewhat put your ear against the door to try to listen better as you tried to figure out what you were hearing. " No. Not that type of mumbling. More like... restrained mumbling!"

Immediately opening the door in an alarmed manner, you quickly scanned the room and no one was there. The others followed behind you. No one made a noise to hear where the mumbling was coming from.

You followed the noise to Lucy's room, but it was also empty. The sound was closer though and as you followed the noise, the closer it brought you to Lucy's closet.

With a slide to open the closet, everyone gasped in unison. Lucy was on the floor, her mouth was covered by a piece of tape as her arms were pulled back and her wrists taped to the other door so she wouldn't be able to move.  Her ankles were also wrapped in heavy-duty tape.

"Lucy?! What happened?!" You kneeled down and quickly ripped off the tape around her mouth so she would be able to explain what happened.

" OW!" She shouted, her mouth now uncovered and free.

" Sorry... Summer, Frosch, Lector. Go look for something to cut this tape off please." You commanded as the three exceeds nodded their head and made their way out of the room.

" I'm so glad to see you guys. I thought I was going to be trapped in there forever. I was asleep until I heard you knocking on the door."

You raised an eyebrow at the realization that she had no injuries, something was off, " You slept here? I thought you'd be in the infirmary since last night?"

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, " What? Why would I be in the infirmary?"

Sting, Rogue, and you all looked at each other confused and then back at Lucy, " Don't you remember what happened at the party last night?" Sting asked.

Lucy didn't reply, her face was filled with confusion and that's when you realized what was going on, " Lucy, how long have you've been here? Tell us what happened to you."

" WE FOUND SCISSORS!" Frosch yelled, with the other two exceeds flying into the room, clearly proud of himself. You normally would've smiled at his adorableness but this was getting too serious.

" Thank you." You told the exceeds as they handed you the scissors and you kneeled next to Lucy to cut off the duct tape that restrained her.

She was slowly peeling off the tape that you were cutting so she wouldn't hurt herself while explaining, " I never got to go to the party. Right before I was about to leave someone knocked on my door and then they did this to me, so I've been here since yesterday in the late afternoon."

" Who did this to you? It was Minerva wasn't it?" Sting questioned abruptly.

Lucy shook her head while peeling off the final piece of duct tape from her wrists, " To be honest, I'm not sure who it was. They were wearing a cloak so I wasn't able to see much, but I was able to spot two things. When they pushed me to the ground, I realized they were wearing Minerva's shoes."

Summer interrupted Lucy, she had her paws crossed with a frown on her face, " So that's it. It was Minerva."

Shaking her head once again, Lucy finally stood up as she rubbed her non-restrained wrists and gave all of you a stern look, " No, I was able to see a little bit of their hair and it was yellow, almost like your's (y/n)"

" Maybe it was Minerva and she just dyed her hair or something," Rogue suggested, looking at you for your opinion.

" Whoever it was, this isn't good. If Lucy is here that means that..." Sting cut you off mid-sentence, finally understanding what was going on, " Whoever was impersonating Lucy last night is in Fairytail right now."

You gave him a nod, " Let's go. Everyone in Fairytail is in danger right now with this imposter on the loose."

As you all started heading out of Lucy's room and into her living room, she was right behind you, " I'll come with you."

" Lucy, no offense, but I think you should freshen up first. You have a morning breath..." Sting nervously chuckled as Lucy's cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

She covered her mouth, causing her words to muffle along with another nervous laugh coming from her, " Oh right! How could I forget? You guys should get along now. I'll just meet you guys there later. Thank you for saving me and sorry for my morning breath. Bye!"

The six of you said your goodbyes and ran out of there as fast as you could. All that you could think of is the danger everyone in Fairytail is in and who this imposter could be. You weren't paying much attention to what was going on around you due to your thoughts flooding your mind, but you did notice that there were not many people out, it was probably due to the rain.

Luckily, Lucy lives pretty close to Fairytail so it didn't take you and the others long to get there.

" If we find the imposter, let me deal with her alone. She's my problem and I don't want you guys getting into my mess."  You informed. Sting and Rogue looked at each other then looked at you. They were hesitant at first but they both gave you a nod at the end.

You all walked in shortly after and you could feel the atmosphere in the room immediately tense up with your entrance. There were a few people who stared at you and another few who just minded their own business.

You scanned the guildhall and made your way to the bar, where you recognized the most people, Erza and Gray. Before you could reach them, 'Lucy' stopped you in your tracks, Sting, Rogue and the exceeds all glared at her.

" Hey (y/n). Come with me, I need to talk to you!" Without allowing you to respond, 'Lucy' grabbed you from the wrist and dragged you outside of the guild. It wasn't raining as heavily as before, just light showers, but luckily the roof outside of the guild kept you dry.

When she let go of your wrist, you immediately slammed her into the wall and held her in place with one hand on her neck, " Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I-I wouldn't do t-that if I were you." She struggled to say. She lifted her hand and you realized that she was holding a small bomb detonator.

You let her go and she coughed a little from the suffocation. Glaring at her, she laughed a little and slowly walked around you, " I shouldn't be surprised that you found out so quickly. Here's the deal. You be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself or else this entire place, as well as your friends, will be nothing but rubble and burning flesh."

Unsure of what to do, you were clenching your fists when she was in front of you again, she checked you out with a smirk on her face, " You're a feisty one, aren't you? No wonder Natsu has the hots for you." She got close to your face, " I had a really good time with him last night. He's a great kisser."

With every word she said, your heart broke piece by piece and your anger was over the roof. You took a deep breath and smirked back, this time she backed up and you were the one who got close to her face, " Trust me, I'm the only one who would know that. You on the other hand..." you looked at her up and down and snickered, " You're too desperate to even get a guy to look at you."

She glared at you for a split second but she dismissed what you said after, " Not quite. You asked me who I was earlier. Meet me at South Gate park when you're done dealing with your boyfriend and I'll show you."

"(Y/n)!" You quickly turned at the sound of the voice that you missed the most, Natsu. He was walking over to you and Lucy, which meant it was time Lucy left.

"Oh and keep your lips sealed, or else the death of your friends is on you. And remember keep your hands to yourself." She whispered into your ear. Natsu was now standing next to you, you thought that he probably wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. As she was leaving, Lucy quickly wrapped her arms around Natsu's neck and kissed him on the lips.

Furrowing his eyebrows and scrunching his nose, He immediately pushed her to the ground, "Enough! What's wrong with you?!" Lucy just giggled, stood up, and walked away.

Taking a deep breath, you felt frustrated since you couldn't do anything but watch as this imposter messed with you. Your emotions were like a rollercoaster at the moment. Anger reached its peak but immediately dropped as pain and sadness took over. Your sight dropped to the ground, you zoned out to what Lucy said earlier, "What did she mean by she had a good time with him last night? Ugh shut up (y/n), Natsu wouldn't cheat on me. I have bigger problems to worry about anyway."

Natsu grabbed your hand, breaking your train of thought, " (Y/n), can we talk about last night?"

You just gave a long sigh, " Yeah... wait but before we talk about what happened yesterday, I have a question. Where were you last night?"

Natsu gave you a puzzled look, " I was at home until I went to the guild to check on Lucy and I ran into you. Remember?"

" What?" You whispered to yourself, also confused.

" Yeah, you were coming up from the guild's basement. After that, we talked a little while and some other things happened but you suddenly left remember?" Natsu noticed your confused expression turn into an angry one.

" Hey, are you okay?" He asked, slightly tilting his head since your eyes were glued to the ground trying to put all the pieces together, " Oh that little scumbag." You whispered to yourself again as you were about to walk away, but were held back by Natsu.

" (Y/n) what's wrong? There's something you're not telling me." Natsu looked into your eyes, trying to read you.

You stayed like that for a couple of seconds, wanting all this drama to end. Letting out a sigh, " Listen Natsu. What I'm dealing with is not your problem. Let's talk later, I have something to take care of."

You pulled your hand away from Natsu's grip, leaving him behind as you walked towards the gate. Even though the meeting was in some hours, you wanted to get to the park as soon as you could and think of a plan.

" (Y/n)!?" Sting called out as he, Rogue, and the exceeds ran outside to you.

Summer flew around you, checking if there were any injuries on your body,  " We know you told us to stay inside, but we started worrying. You were taking a long time with the-"

You immediately grabbed her from the air and covered her mouth. Sting and Rogue looked at you confused for a second, but they looked to the side where Natsu was just quietly watching.

"Oh hey Natsu." Sting said glancing to the side at Natsu, then immediately double-taking, " OH shi-! Hey Natsu!"

You mentally face palmed yourself due to Sting's inability to being discreet. Summer tapped you on your hand and you instantly let her go, whispering, " Sorry."

" What's going on here?" Natsu asked with his arms crossed, raising an eyebrow. There was silence for a second until a voice behind you came in, " Hey guys, I'm here!"

It was Lucy. The real one. The scents were very different between the imposter and the real Lucy so you would know. She stood at the gateway, next to you as she scanned the scene, everyone was frozen just looking at each other.

" Did you all fill in Natsu already?" Lucy asked.

Natsu stepped somewhat closer to the two of you, " How'd you change so fast and why do you smell different?"

She looked at you, realizing that he didn't know anything, " Ohhh. Last night someone broke into my apartment and stuffed me in my closet so I wasn't able to make it to the party yesterday. I don't know who it was so don't ask, but all I saw was a few of Minerva's clothes and yellow hair. Anyway, (Y/n), Sting, Rogue, and all the exceeds found me in my apartment this morning."

" Ugh, you gotta be kidding me." You thought to yourself as Natsu looked at you, with a serious expression, " Why didn't you tell me any of this?" 

" It's something I'm taking care of myself. Besides, you didn't believe me last night so why would you believe me now? I just want to be alone right now, so if you all excuse me." You said quietly but loud enough for him to hear with your glance glued to the ground. You turned to walk out, but Natsu got in front of you. There was both anger and sadness mixed in your tone when talking to him.

" You were right all along... (Y/n)... I'm so-"

" Natsu. Not right now, please. I don't want to have this conversation in front of everyone. Besides I have somewhere to be." Cutting off Natsu, you walked around him and left the scene as your eyes started to swell up. You were so frustrated with everything that was happening right now. All you wanted to do was talk to Natsu and solve everything so you could hug him, kiss him and just be with him.

Not only that, but you had to take care of this imposter who has you wrapped around their finger and you can't ask for help or else, everyone could die and it'll be your fault.

So many thoughts were running through your head. By the time you got to the park, you were soaking wet from the rain so you decided to go under the tree which kept you somewhat dry but not entirely. Even though it was raining outside and you were soaking wet, you found tranquility in the park. The multiple raindrops falling simultaneously with no one else around brought you peace.

Slowly inhaling and slowly exhaling, you closed your eyes and decided to take just let your thoughts roam. The imposter was still not in the park like they said they would be and besides, if they decide to surprise you, you're sure that you can take them on.

Natsu's POV

I decided not to follow (y/n) since I could tell she needed space. I just let out a sigh as Lucy broke the silence outside, " Um... What did I miss?"

" A lot," Sting replied. When I looked at Sting, he was giving me a bit of a glare. I can't blame him either. I was wrong in the entire argument yesterday.

"So when are you going to apologize to (y/n)?" Rogue deadpanned, he just looked at me in his usual serious expression.

" I was planning to right now, but she was talking to Lucy... Hold on. That Lucy wasn't actually Lucy! Wait so everything that happened last night and today was just an imposter." It took me a while to connect everything that has happened together.

" What do you mean everything that happened today?" Sting raised an eyebrow at me.

I walked to the other side of the gate and leaned on the wall, next to the guild entrance doors, " When I came to the guild today, I saw Lucy- I mean the imposter whispering something in her ear and the imposter kissed me in front of (y/n) when I stood next to her. I immediately pushed her away of course but (y/n) just watched her. She didn't do anything."

" That doesn't sound like her at all." Sting suspected.

" Oh, and last night I did find her in the guild." I mentioned which caused Rogue, Sting and the exceeds's face to be covered with shock, Rogue noticeably began to worry, " That's impossible. I was with (y/n) the entire night, so if they can transform as different people that means that the imposter has transformation magic."

" Oh no..." I mumbled to myself, but Lucy managed to hear me.

Lucy looked the most scared and confused out of everyone, " Oh no is never good. Oh no, what?"

" Last night. I couldn't sleep so I went out on a walk and when I realized that the guild's doors were open, I went inside thinking that Mirajane was still cleaning up. When I went inside, (y/n)- I mean the imposter was coming up from the basement. I thought it was (y/n) so I asked if we could talk and she said yes. I apologized but she just kissed me and since I thought it was (y/n) of course I kissed back, but something just felt off. (Y/n)- Ugh sorry, the imposter kept on kissing me and she wanted to sleep with me so I pushed her away since I just wanted to talk to her, but then she left. (Y/n) asked me today and I told her, but-"

" Hold on, she knows all of this and she didn't do anything?!" Sting was shocked and after a few seconds of thinking, I was just as shocked as him. Summer flew in between us, frustrated, and blurted out, " Are you all idiots?! She would've probably fought the imposter immediately when they went outside together. If she didn't do anything then clearly the imposter has (y/n) blackmailed! Does anyone know where she went? We have to go find her!"

" Where'd she go?!" I immediately stood up straight, asking Sting and Rogue.

Everyone began panicking, Sting and Rogue just looked at each other then at me, " We don't know. She didn't tell us. We just knew that she came outside of the guild to talk to the imposter."

"Can't you guys track her scent?" Lucy was the calmest between all of us, but she still had a concerned look on her face.

The three of us shook our head, " The rain messes with our scent. The second (y/n) wasn't close to us anymore, we couldn't pick up her scent, so we have no way of tracking her." Rogue explained.

"Oh, I know! Let's tell the guild and form a search party." Lucy suggested which made Summer facepalm herself, " Didn't you hear a word I said? If (y/n) is blackmailed then it's better if we all keep our mouths shut. Natsu. You said you saw the imposter come up from Fairytail's basement when she was disguised as (y/n) correct?"

I nodded my head. Summer was really taking charge here. I can tell she gets it from (y/n), "She must've been doing something in the basement. Hmm... okay here's the plan everyone."


Your POV

" Look who's here early." The voice made your eyes shot open as you stood up. The imposter was standing in front of you, not that close though. She was still transformed as Lucy, but she still covered her body in a black robe

You simply rolled your eyes, " Took you a while to show up."

" Oh I'm sorry, unlike you, I'm civilized and went for an umbrella. I don't know why you'd allow yourself to get wet like this." The imposter snickered as you took a step towards her, " Enough. I know you didn't want to meet up to make small talk. Tell me who you really are and what do you want?!"

" How demanding. I suggest you be more respectful to the person who can blow up your friends any second I feel like it." She raised her hand a little so you'd be able to see the detonator in her hand.  You clenched your fists and glared at her, hating yourself for not being able to do anything.

" Since I'm about to destroy your life, I suppose I owe you this much," She took off her robe and threw it aside. She transformed back causing you to get a heavy feeling in your stomach. Whispering to yourself, your eyes widened, "What? How?"

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